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    DATE: 15TH JULY, 2002 TIME: 8.00 PM VENUE: MY ALTAR OF REPARATION, AWKA TOPIC: THE MARK OF MY CHILDREN IS SHOWN IN THEIR SIMPLICITY AND HUMILITY Today being the last day of the three-day prayer in the month of July, I saw a vision of the Holy Mother of God with numerous Cherubim around her. She said: “Come nearer, my son and hear my motherly advice. I am the Rosa Mystica, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Peace from Heaven be with you. The mark of my children is shown in their simplicity and humility. So you are called to be humble and simple. See, much has been given to you. Do not discriminate amongst your brothers and call them “sinners.” I say, do not lift yourselves up, or else you fall. See yourselves always as the worst sinners who need conversion. Struggle always, for perfection. Children, your Mother is calling you to listen. Never let any form of pride rule your life at any time. The enemy will get you if you allow pride to come into your life. The Spirit of God has no place in the house of pride. Children, whoever you think you are and whatever you have is a gift of love from the Father. He can take it at anytime or bless you more. Since all you have is a gift, why can’t you be humble?  I appeal to you, be humble! May the world see your humility and your simplicity as you carry the message of peace to them.  Leaders, let your people see your humility. Do not scare them away by your pride. O my Little Lilies; be little as I call you little. Let your leaders see your humility and grow in love. Children, manifest your humility to all men. May the world know you by your simplicity of life.  Jesus will be happy. Children, see how my people will be trained to receive the Rose of Perfect Purity.  Jesus wants them to learn all these messages given by Heaven and live by them. These messages will be given to them in stages as they were given to you. So I am giving you this order as follows: There will be two stages of retreat for those who are preparing to receive the Rose of Perfect Purity. One will be at the beginning of the year, the other at the end of the year. Only those who are preparing for the reception of the Rose of Perfect Purity will come for the retreats. They will have these retreats in the year before the year they will receive the Perfect Rose. Anyone who misses any of the retreats will not receive the Perfect Rose in the other year. At the beginning of the year, my people will learn of the Cross of Perfection, the Rose of Perfect Purity, the Great Seal and other messages. The second retreat will be the Silence Training. I will draw the programme for you before the time comes but you are to choose the date of the retreats. Remember the words of Jesus to you. He said, “Children, train up the holy nation little by little.” I am reminding you again that you are free to attend the retreat but only those who are willing to live by the virtues of the Rose of Perfect Purity shall receive the Rose. Your willingness and your effort are what Jesus demands of you. If you are willing to be made willing, He will help you to grow and overcome the world. If you are not willing to change your evil ways, if you make no effort to comply, how can the help of God come? Even if the grace is poured on you, your life will not change. Children, the Rose of Purity is for the poor sinners who are willing to change their evil ways. Their little effort to change through the Rose of Perfect Purity will perfect them. I, through my motherly care will obtain for them all the graces they need. I am calling you all to be humble and simple. Remain in peace from Heaven. So I leave you.” Immediately, the vision passed. ****************************************************** Meditation: I Peter 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as words of God. If any Minister let him do it, as of the power which God administereth that in all things God may be honoured through Jesus Christ to whom is glory and empire for ever and ever. Amen EXTRA MESSAGE FOR THE DAY 3 NOVENA IN THE HONOR OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY:- SECOND MESSAGE OF THE SIXTH HOUR DATE: 24TH JUNE, 2002 TIME: 11:30 PM VENUE: MY ALTAR OF REPARATION, AWKA TOPIC: THE THEOLOGY OF TRUE FREEDOM In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lord hanging alive on the Cross, bleeding. This vision remained for some time, but no word was said.  In the end, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Michael the Archangel.  As I was watching, St. Anthony said: Rejoice, my friend, for you have a Mother who cares for you.  She is the Woman who crushed the head of Satan.  She conquered the world and the ancient Serpent by her humility and purity. Friend of the Living God, humility and purity are the two secrets of her victory.  O, her humility, which made her, forgives easily. True Forgiveness terrorizes the kingdom of darkness. O, her humility, which made her lower herself down and live the simplest life.  Holy Simplicity torments the Beast. O, her humility, which made her, be a cross-bearer.  On the Cross is victory.  O, her humility which made her to be modest and prudent. With modesty and prudence Satan is put to shame. O, what of her purity, which radiates fire that, torments Satan? O, her purity, which made her, be kind; kindness gives out the fire of purity. O her purity, which made her, be good.  Goodness gives out the fire of purity. O, her purity, which made her, be chaste; chastity gives out the fire of purity. O, her purity, which made her love much; love, gives out the fire of purity. Little friend of God, learn from her.  Imitate her purity and humility.  No weapon is greater than these two: humility and purity.  She conquered by them; you too will conquer with them. We are giving you these teachings which I call the Theology of True Freedom, because you are living in the days of woe.  Darkness has filled the world.  Faith is dying out in the land of the earth.  False teachings, false miracles, are deceiving the children of God.  You are in the days of apostasy. Look at Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ and ours. Imitate her!  She is the Light of the world in these days of darkness. She is the hope of True Freedom. I am Anthony of Padua.  The little that is given you is how Our Queen wants it.  Prepare for the month of July, much will be given to you. At this word, St. Michael said, “Thank you, my friend.” They waved and disappeared in the cloud.


    DATE: 14TH JULY, 2002 TIME: 9.00 PM VENUE: MY ALTAR OF REPARATION, AWKA TOPIC: THERE IS NO EASY LIFE AMIDST DANGERS AND WAR In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint of God who came down with a rose flower and crucifix in her hand. She came closer and gently said: “Friend of the Beloved, I come to share with you and with all the children of God a message of love. Jesus sent me to you to throw more light on all the messages given to you in this month. Friends, I have come to stem the tide of confusion that will occur in taking steps towards the road of perfection. Listen, my friends, all men are called to follow the road of perfection. This is the only way to the Land of Happiness. Those who miss it miss the way and tend towards Hell.  Be wise to follow the road of perfection. Listen again, the road of perfection is so rough that only men of great faith and giant lovers shall reach the end. Those who give up on the way have no share in the land of happiness and of joy. On the way, there are many wicked and sinful nations you must conquer before you inherit the Land of Peace. Those whom the nations will defeat have no share in the land of happiness and of joy.  See, many will surrender to these nations; some will join them in their sinful ways and worship their gods. But happy are all who fight to the end; they shall enjoy the greatest happiness. Friends, the collection of these nations is this world you are living in, those who follow the world in their sinful ways have no share in the Kingdom of Peace.  There is no easy life for the children of God who are marching home amidst dangers and war. There is no rest or pleasure on the way since the journey is a desert one. Those who are longing for pleasure as the journey is on will soon give up and join the iniquitous world. Friends, I say, all who are attached to life will find it difficult to follow. All who are attached to wealth will find it hard to follow. All the miracle worshippers will hardly follow. Remember this is a desert journey. The journey of life is warfare. Remember what happened to the Israelites of old in the desert and understand this lesson. As you saw from the Scriptures, none of those pleasure seekers, those who worshipped their lives and were attached to them and those miracle worshippers among the Israelites, entered the land of Canaan; I mean the land of their promise. O, see, only two out of thousands of thousands of these people of God who set out from Egypt entered Canaan, the land of their promise. These were Joshua and Caleb. They were men of great courage and determination, self-crucified and of faith, of fear of the Lord, and giant lovers of God’s law. These were the men who merited the land of their promise. In this last age, that darkness and error of modernism have filled the world, Jesus Christ has chosen to send His saints to you in order to call you back and direct you towards the road of perfection. He has given you the Rose of Perfect Purity through His saints. Not only that, He has given you the lessons of the Golden Peace through His saints. He has more to give you through His saints, if only you can abide in His love. The lessons of the Golden Peace are made up of prayer life and life of separation from the world. In your prayer life, you are called to have a perfect union with your God.This union is a loving relationship between a soul and her God. Learn the lessons of the saints and grow. Your life of separation is your total detachment from the world. Remember the words of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who said, “You are in the world; but not of the world.” You are not told to leave the world and enter the desert and live; but you are told to live monastically in this sinful world. I say, live among men of the world and influence them with your holy life. Attract all men to God with the sweetness of purity. This is the life of separation you are called to live. The life of prayer and the separation from the world of sin have one common goal to achieve. The goal is the Great Seal, the mark of ownership. This is the Living Tabernacle in the souls of men that God desires greatly to make all souls. The Living Tabernacle of God in the soul of men is the Glorious Reign you are waiting for.  At that timemen will enjoy a loving relationship with their God. Detach yourselves from the world of sin and grow in your prayer life. You will grow to be a saint of God. I am your daughter, Cecilia. I pray for you all always. May the grace of Christ Jesus remain with you all. So I leave you.  Bye!” Immediately, the whole vision passed. ****************************************************** Meditation/ Prayer: We must not leave goodness up to others if each person waits for the next to take a step the World may die while we stand in line. **Dear Lord help us to keep Thee the Lord in every area of our life. May our every thought, words and deeds glorify You.**

  • Day 9 Novena message in the Honor of the Nine Choirs of Angels. (Part I final Day)

    DATE: 9TH JULY, 2002 TIME: 8.00 PM VENUE: MY ALTAR OF REPARATION, AWKA TOPIC: O DESERT, YOU HAVE GIVEN MY SOUL THE SOLITUDE SHE DESIRES MOST In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lady who came with seven little Cherubim.  She had a rose flower in her left hand as she came nearer and quietly said: “Peace from Heaven be with you, my son. I am happy to see that my Son and my God, Jesus, sent many saints to you to give you the gift and lessons of the Golden Peace, which I spoke of in the past but you did not understand. You did not understand then because you had not been taught. Now you have been taught I hope you understood. For those who understand and are willing to grow, hear my motherly advice: “Run away from the world of noise. I mean the world of commotion, and enter the world of quietness, I mean silence, I mean peace. Put your ears off from those musical sounds of the world that disturb your true living being; I mean your soul. Do not yearn to be satisfied with the worldly music they call ‘high-life’. Begin now to derive true satisfaction and total peace that comes from the mysteries of silence. See, the world has converted this worldly music into the Church’s worship. This has come to lead many astray; to drive the Church from its perfect peace to the total emptiness where pride reigns. O, my son, it pains my soul greatly to see the Holy Church of my Son turning from its silent and peaceful worship to a noisy and empty worship. I see with great sorrow, the agony of my Son which high-life music and dancing in His Holy Temple are causing Him. This is not worship, my son, rather, a scourge. I say, this worldly act, in the Temple of God, throws a cruel spear to pierce the Heart that loves much. Do not be part of them. Learn to worship rather than to scourge. The self-exaltation and its glorification, which the world and the pagans and the Pentecostals gain in their empty music, are nothing but vainglory, the mother of pride. My children do not make your gatherings like theirs. Learn from the mysteries of silence. Be satisfied with the joy of the true peace that comes from the power of silence. O, my loving children, how happy I am today to inform you of my love for the desert, for the birds of the air, for the flowers of the garden, I mean for all the loving creatures of God. O, desert, you have given my soul the solitude she desires most. You have led her back to her loving Husband that she had abandoned when she, my soul, entered the world of sin, the world of commotion. O, quiet desert, I love to stay in you. O, happy solitude, through you, I have seen the Face of Him who loves me mostmy God and my Saviour. Blessed be the God of Solitude. My son, this is my love for the desert.  For all my loving children who wish to attain these levels of perfection, they must love the desert and its solitude. Your love for the desert and its solitude is the beginning of the silence of the mouth and of the soul. The silence of the soul weighs you before the Presence of the Lord. You then see your emptiness or your fullness in the Lord. Son, know that when I mean desert, I also mean all the quiet places that give the satisfaction, which the real desert gives. Detach yourselves from the world, I appeal to you my children. I say, detach you from the slavish chainof money, and of all kinds of wealth. Detachyourself from yourself. I mean your attachment to your life. Children, detach yourselves from these captive chains that hold you in the world. Know also, my children that your slavish attachment to your mother, your father, your brother, your sister and your friends will hold you captive in the world not to grow. As your Mother who knows the needs of your soul, Iappeal to you again to detach yourselves from the worldand its pleasures. May Jesus be everything to you. I say, may my Jesus occupy the emptiness of your very soul. When the souls of the worldly men suffer the pain of restlessness, due to their attachment to the things of the world, the souls of my children will enjoy the peace due to their attachment to their Divine Master. Children, when you have been composed as you offer yourselves wholly as a living sacrifice, learn to listen to the Voice of God in your very soul. If you do not hear anything, wait, be calm, and allow the commotion of your soul to clear. When your soul obtains the true silence from God, you will begin to hear the little Voice of Love. You are to listen to this voice as you pray, as you read the holy books, and as you go about your daily work. This is the realm of Contemplation that you have been taught. The last steps are mortification and perseverance in prayer.  Know that the lighter you are, the easier for the soul to communicate with the Divine Spirit. So gather the petal of mortification of the Perfect Rose. For perseverance in prayer, I mean your continued struggle to attain the highest level of perfection. Son, I pray you all to persevere. Gather the lessons of the saints and grow. I will teach you more in the days to come.  Peace from Heaven be with you. So I leave you.” Immediately, the vision passed and then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ who calmly said: “My children, you have heard my Glorious Reign announced. Indeed, my Reign has been born in your midst. Those who are spiritually blind will not see. The carnal-minded people will not understand. O, like the newborn baby, my Glorious Reign is fast growing. I see with joy the coming days of peace, which will come after the Purification. I see with joy the purity and perfection of my Little Lilies, who are scattered all over the world. My blessing remains for you all, my Little Lilies. My blessing remains for you. (At these words, He made the sign of blessing) O! Gather these lessons of perfection and grow to be my Saints. Children, see how I took you by the hand and led you through the level of emptiness to this level of perfection. Happy are all those who follow me to this level of perfection; they shall grow to be my Saints. Barnabas by now, you can understand how I used you many times when a serious matter is to be treated. Your true living being escaped the canopy of distraction to enter the realm of peace and of silence. You see that, at this level, you understand everything. Nothing is a mystery at this level. See, you hardly ask questions because everything is clear. You are in relationship with me. I choose this gift of relationship because the earth is full of noise. Distraction is everywhere. Again, my people have gone far into the errors of modernism. My Church has been modernized and made pagan. Many lessons are needed to bring everything back to its perfect order for the Glorious Reign. See, I am sending my Saints to help bring things to order. They are doing their best. I am seeing the fruit of their work. I will see to it that the devotion to my Precious Blood spreads all over the world as soon as possible, so as to gather my Little Lilies for my Glorious Reign. Children, learn all the lessons I have given you in this devotion. I say, learn my lessons of love, of the Seal, of the Cross of Perfection, of the Rose of Perfect Purity, and this Golden Peace. Answer all my calls: the Call of Gethsemane, of the Third Friday Devotion, and of the Seal Hour. Gather all the graces needed to meet the hour. The Beast is around. The final battle is about to reach its climax, then, the turning point. This turning point will reveal this Glorious Reign, that has been born in your midst and which you have celebrated. Struggle and pass through this perilous time to the Era of Peace. May I see my Little Lilies there; may I see those who wiped my Bloody Face, I say, may I see my Veronicas in the Era of Peace. I will console them; I will wipe away tears from their eyes. I will give them peace and rest; I will be their God, and they will be my sons and daughters. Children, may I see you there. (Silence) My Mother and Saint Cecilia will teach you much at the next novena. May the peace and blessings of the month of July remain with you. So, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.” Immediately, the whole vision passed. ************************************ Meditations/Prayer:- *Today, we pray for the actual Grace to know our Roman Catholic Church Catechism and the true doctrine of our Catholic Faith in other to know what God requires from each and everyone of us. Amen.


    DATE: 8TH JULY, 2002 TIME: 8.00 PM VENUE: DESERT OF MOUNT CARMEL, OLO TOPIC: THE LEVEL OF PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint who came with three little Cherubim. He appeared before my altar and calmly said: “My dear friend, peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I am your brother,Pio. I come to offer you the final Level of the Golden Peace of Silence. Jesus wishes that you should grow up to this level. The level is what He calls the Personal Relationship. In prayer, the souls of the great men of God leave the canopy of distraction through meditation, and enter the Zone of Grace. This is where the soul stays at rest with God in the highest meditation. The power of the senses is minimal there. The soul just stays with God and enjoys the loving Presence of the Divine Majesty. There, everything is clear;mysteries are unfolded. My dear friend, this is the level of Personal Relationship. As Saint Jerome used the marriage of the soul and the Divine Spirit to explain the level of meditation, so we shall see this level of relationship in the same light. The relationship of the soul with the Divine is the Golden Peace, which the soul longs for. Like a virgin who longs to meet her spouse and suffers the pains of restlessness, if, in the end, she meets him, her troubled heart will find peace and rest. In the same way, the soul of man that is longing to enjoy this relationship with God will not have the perfect peace or rest until she rests in the Lord, her loving Spouse. Dear friend, this is the level of Relationship. In prayer, the soul has nothing to do than to relate with the Lord. The soul relates to adore the Divine Majesty, to console the wounded Heart of Love, and to atone for the sins of the world. At this level, the soul understands the feelings of God as the wife understands the feelings of her husband. In the moment of sorrow due to the sins of the world, the soul remains a consoler. In the moment of joy due to the conversion of a sinner, the soul remains in adoration. This soul desires only to love and to make God happy. Dear friend, you are to attain this level through your total detachment from the things of the world. You must fight to see that nothing occupies your soul. Be free! Never be a burden to anyone or to your people. Let Jesus be everything. Pass through the first level, to the second, third, fourth, fifth and then the sixth level. Fill the emptiness of your true being by means ofsilence.Learn to pray in perfect meditation. Ascend higher in a vertical mediation; you will eventually escape the canopy of distraction to rest in God in Personal Relationship with Him. Dear friend, know that you are expected to reach this level here on earth, not after death; so struggle to ascend higher. This is the highest level of prayer and the greatest of all the gifts. It is a gift because a privileged soul finds it easy to reach this level. May Jesus, who sent me, bless you!So I leave you. Immediately, the vision passed, and then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said “All who offer me their souls will find rest. I will give them the true peace. The peace the world cannot give. I will live in him and him in me. In his soul, I will build my tabernacle. The soul will never suffer any dryness because the living water is gushing from the center of the tabernacle of his soul. So I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Immediately, the vision passed. ************************************* Meditation/Prayer: Psalm 89 v 17 in Douay Rheims Holy Bible. Let the brightness of the Lord Our God be upon us, and direct thou the works of our hands over us, yes the work of our hands do thou direct.


    DATE: 7TH JULY, 2002 TIME: 8.00 PM VENUE: MY ALTAR OF REPARATION, AWKA TOPIC:THE LEVEL OF MEDITATION In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint who came with three little Cherubim. He said: “I am happy to be sent to you, my friend.How fortunate are those who will embrace these great lessons of perfection that the Lord has granted to humanity. O, this is an era of commotion. The scientists have filled the air with noise by means of their electronics. How unfortunate that the people of this era do not enjoy the sweet peace of silence. O desert, how enjoyable you are! How loving to stay in you. In you O desert, I enjoy perfect solitude. In you, O desert, my soul enjoys peace. How beautiful is the creation of God. O loving solitude, you have lifted my soul to the Throne of God, where the loving Presence of the Divine dwells. My friends, I am your brother Jerome. I have come to teach you the Fifth Level of the Golden Peace.It is the Level of meditation. Meditation is the marriage of the soul to the Divine Spirit.The soul leaves the world of distraction, of commotion, and of confusion to stay with her Divine Spouse. In the home of Her Divine Spouse, she enjoys His love and care. She, the soul understands her Divine Spouse, and the Spouse understands her. Their communication is not much by words but by the Eyes of Love. The soul is now the consoler of her Divine Spouse. The companionship is nothing but adoration of God’s love, of His mercy and compassion. She the soul thinks of nothing other than to love and to show love. My friend, this is the level of faith and of trust. It is the level of the seekers of the wealth of the Kingdom not seekers of the wealth of the world. It is at this level that Jesus finds his consolers. This is the level of the cross-bearers. Dear friend, there is less power of reasoning at this level. The soul is controlled by the Spirit of Wisdom, and of Love. The greatest prayer is made when the soul gazes at her Divine Spouse. The Divine Spouse will respond with love and mercy. This is the action of the voice of silence. Dear friends, ascend to the first level, the second, the third, the fourth and then the fifth level. This fifth level starts where the fourth level ends. Avoid all kinds of distraction. Love all men.See them as friends; seek the love of God. Try and win His love. Marry Him and stay with Him. May He live in you and you in Him. Whatever He owns is yours. There is no need for you to worry about anything, since He who married you owns everything. O do not command your God, your spouse. Be faithful to Him like a wife to her husband. Enter the desert with him, where you will show Him love and serve Him. This is the mystery of meditation that I revealed to you with the knowledge of the things of the world. He who has the spirit will understand and grow. O, my Jesus, who sent me, bless your people whom you love. Dear friend, I leave you.” Immediately the vision passed, Jesus appeared and said: “I am longing for the day when my lovers will marry me and stay with me. I promise to show them love. So I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.” Immediately, the vision passed. *********************************** Meditation: John14v27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.


    Great Month of July Novena prayer Livestream. Novena In Honor Of the Nine Choirs of Angels-day 5

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