Barnabas Nwoye hails from Olo, in Ezeagu LGA, Enugu State, Nigeria.
He gave a short description of how his call started, as recorded by
Lawrence Maria Ezeuko of the Order of the Holy Wounds of Jesus
(OHWJ). Br. Lawrence published a 2 volume account of the initial
Messages of our Lord to Banabas, with some of the prayers.
Unfortunately, the 2nd volume which I have has no date of publication.
Nevertheless, it has an account of the initial encounter of the boy
Banrnabas with the Agonising Jesus Christ (page 2). In words of
“In my early life, I felt the Agonising life of Jesus Christ. Whenever my
elder sisters and brothers taught us during our Block Rosary about the
Crucified Jesus Christ; about His tortures and death, because of the
love I have for Him, I felt great pain in my heart. This stimulated a deep
love of Christ in my life”.
The Block Rosary to which he refers to, is a popular devotion in Nigeria
which started after the civil war of 1967 to 1970, whereby little children
are gathered together in front of a house within a Block of buildings in
the city. An adult organiser would pray the Rosary with them and
thereafter teach them the Catechism. The devotion was called the
Block Rosary Crusade derived from its formation in the city from
where it started. But in the rural areas, the gathering is in a designated
family. Each Rosary group is called a Block Rosary Center. This is
important to understand why our Lord addressed some of the
messages, either to Barnabas, calling him, My son; or to My children, as
a group.
According to Barnabas, “I carried out the work in my Block Rosary
Center, and in 1994, I tried to see if I could revive the fallen centres in
my town. I was made the leader of the Block Rosary Crusade in my
parish, St. Joseph, Olo”. This will help anyone reading the messages
understand why most of the initial messages were received at St
Joseph’s parish Chapel, Olo.
It was not until July 1995 did the call of the Devotion commenced. In his
words: “I was preparing for my class examination when I heard a voice
calling me: Banabas, Barnabas. I turned to see who was calling me, but
could not find anyone. I looked at my watch, it was a minute after 3.00
pm. As I was puzzling over the call, I started hearing a song: "Blood of
Jesus”, the Chaplet of the Precious Blood was also said. At the end of
the prayer, the song was repeated. After the song, I heard the second
call, ‘Barnabas, Console Me, Adore my Precious Blood. I am the
Agonising Jesus Christ’. Immediately the whole episode passed and I
recovered myself and wondered what this might be. This incident
repeated several times with the same statement. I cannot say the
appropriate dates because I did not understand what this meant at first.
Later I informed my sister, Irene Magbo during our prayer gathering.
She advised me to write down whatever I heard. I agreed and did as she
told me. Immediately the first encounter stopped … until July 1996.
This short introduction is meant to help the reader of the Messages
given to the teenage boy Barnabas, from July 5, 1995 to July 22, 21, 2000
(Vol. 1); and from July 22, 2003 (Vol. 2), which we have the privilege to
According to the two volumes of the Messages which we are
presenting, Barnabas had a total of 475 visions in which he received
Messages given to him, by our Lord Himself and His Most Blessed
Mother. At other times St. Michael the Archangel or a Saint would be
sent by our Lord to give some messages on Spirituality. They would
appear to him and introduce themselves to him, and then give their
message or lessons. In context and content, the visions can only be
compared to the Visions of St. Mary Margaret Alacoque of France,
through whom the Lord the world devotion to His Most Sacred Heart;
St. Faustina Kowalska of Poland, through He gave the Devotion to His
Divine Mercy.
In several apparitions, Barnabas was shown live incidents of the
Passions of our Lord. Many of the messages came with the prayers and
devotions which were compiled into the Prayer Book of the Precious
Blood which is in use by devotees, with an Imprimatur by His
Excellency, Bishop Ayo Maria Ayotebi, Emeritus Bishop of Ilorin,
Nigeria. However, the messages that came with the prayers; which
explains their purposes, were left out.
In many of His Apparitions, the Agonising Lord repeatedly requested;
and sometimes commanded Barnabas, to edit His messages and make
them known to the world. This is the primary duty of the Spiritual
director assigned to him. We shall mention just a few.
On the Apparition of March 9, 1997, by 3.00 pm, our Lord asked
Barnabas, “My son, why are you delaying my yourself and My
messages? The devotion will continue prolonging until you and your
people obey all My Messages, those Commands I gave you”.
On July 31st, 1999, by 10.00 am, our Lord addressed a message to the
parish priest of Barnabas saying:
My priest, the bearer of My Agony, fear not to carry out this
devotion…. Go and make My will known to all men”. He told him to
spread the prayers fast but added, “You should not send this devotion
to your Bishop again, until you edit and compile all the Messages I
gave you”. This clearly shows that the prayers should go hand in hand
with the Messages.
On July 30th, 1999, by 10.00 pm, at their Novena Center, Olo, our Lord
addressed Barnabas and prayer group:
“Children, gather all the messages I gave to you, from 1st January,
1997 to the last day of this Novena. Edit the messages and prayers as
well. Then make My will known to the whole world. I promise I will
let you know the remaining of the Reparation Prayers. Furthermore
our Lord, He continued on the same message: “Children, if you obey
Me by compiling Me Messages, I assure you, the Church will hear you.
Whatever you then ask of Me, that will be done. Be at peace always.
Never contradict the will of Heaven in your lives even if it does not
please you”.
The following day, on July 31st 1999, by 10.00 pm, at the same venue,
the Lord addressed the priest who is the Spiritual director of Barnabas:
“My priest, edit and compile all the Messages and prayers I have for
this devotion as soon as possible. The evil one is about to attack.
During that time, you will not be balanced to do this work”.
In a very passionate way, He asked them:
“Today, I have given you everything I planned for this devotion.
Children, do you love Me? Make My Will known to the whole world”.
Then to Barnabas, He said: “Barnabas, do you love Me?” He replied,
“Lord, Lord I love You and I promise to console You by adoring Your
Precious Blood”. He did not respond to the plea to Make His will
known to all men.
On Jan. 8th, 1998, by 11.00 pm, Barnabas asked Him a question about
apparitions that are regarded as false. Our Lord responded and said:
“Many Spiritual directors of My Visionaries do not know the need of
editing My Messages. The Divine Message is pure but the heart of
man is full of iniquity. I say, edit all My Messages. Many apparitions
suffer and will be closed due to lack of proper collation of My
The above few references, show the numerous occasions where our
Lord persistently requested Barnabas, his parish priest; whom He
referred to as the bearer of His Agony, to edit the messages with the
prayers, of the devotion to His Precious Blood. Thus he is by
designation the Spiritual Director of Barnabas.
In the history of Apparitions of the Lord or the Blessed Mother, It has
not happened that the Lord or His Blessed Mother, would be appealing
to the visionary; or his spiritual director, to make His messages public,
as in the case of Barnabas. The reason for the persistent appeal is
because of the importance of the Messages, and their urgency. In a way
of brief summary we shall give a breakdown of the main themes
covered by the Messages as follows:
1. Initial call of Barnabas:
2. Messages from July, 5th 1995 to July 7th, 1995
3. Gift of the Chaplet of the Precious Blood, its importance and
promises: Messages from July 5th, 1996 to January 17th, 1997.
4. About the kingdom of the beast:
Messages from January 18th, 1997 to February 3rd, 1997
5. Mandate to present the Devotion to the Bishop and spread it.
Messages from February 4th, 1997 to May 22nd, 1997
6. Greatness of the Month of July and the Novenas: Messages from
June 25th 1997, to July 27th, 1997.
7. About Gethsemane Hour Devotion: July 28th toJuly 3rd, 1998.
8. Mystery of the Precious Blood of Christ and His Mystical
Prayers during His Passion: Messages from July 4th 1998 to July
20th, 1998.
9. The Third Friday Reparation: Messages from July 21st, 1998 to July
1998 to July 31st 1998.
10. About the Seal, Gethsemane and the soul as God’s Tabernacle:
Messages from November 12 1998 to November 8th, 1999
11. The Anguish Appeals of our Lord Jesus Christ: Messages from
November 22nd 1999 to January 3rd, 2000.
12. About Obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Church:
Messages from January 5th, 2000 to July 21st. 2000.
THE BOOK OF MESSAGES IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN VOLUME ONE AND TWO @https://www.chrisnettv.com/product-page/revelations-messages-of-the-precious-blood-booklet-volum-1