DATE: 3RD JULY, 1998
TIME: 2:00PM
On the third day of our nine-day novena in the month of July, I saw Our
Lord Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross. I saw also that there was a
chalice under His Hands, another at His Sacred Side and yet another
under His Feet, by which His Precious Blood was being collected.
There were also numerous minor wounds on His Sacred Body, apart from
the major wounds. There was constant oozing of blood from the wounds.
The Sacred Head crowned with thorns, gushed out blood that disfigured
the Holy Face. During this hour, Our Lord looked up to Heaven in prayer.
Within a short time, cloud shook and the first vision passed. Immediately, I
saw the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ crowned with thorns. The
Holy Face appeared bathed in blood and He was in anguish and grief.
Besides, there appeared the Two hearts of Love; a heart crowned with
thorns on the right hand, another heart pierced with a sword at the left. As
blood was constantly gushing out, Our Lord looked pitifully at me in deep
meditation but no words were said.
He finally broke the silence and said:
My children, I welcome you all to this great month of July dedicated to My
Precious Blood. Rejoice with the Heavenly apostles of My Precious Blood
in this great Pilgrimage. I bless you all; I bathe you all with My Blood.
Listen, My children, the hour has come when men shall
acknowledge the value of their redemption. I call you and all men, all
who love me and all who are ready for evangelization, to carry out
this devotion and make it known to all men.
My children, I say to you, offer your little effort, I will do the rest. Teach
men how to praise and adore My Precious Blood. Teach them also to
console the One who loves them. Do so to all that are crucifying me daily
through their sins. I will teach you the Reparation Prayer and meditation
soon. Prepare yourselves and be ready to make it known to all men. My
son, listen, I showed you two meditative visions. Describe them to your
people and make the statues and the pictures and frame them. Look at
each meditatively whenever you pray. Have them in your families and at a
sacred place. I promise to fill with My Precious Blood, anywhere this
statue is. There will be peace and serenity in the hearts and souls of all
who adore me with this statue. My son, I will perform numerous miracles
with this statue.
The first vision is for the adoration to My Precious Blood: You will write on
what you made, “Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; save us and the whole
world” only.
The second vision is of My Agonizing Life: “May the Most Precious Blood
that comes out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Temple of divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of divine Knowledge and Sunshine
of Heaven and Earth cover us and set us free. Agonizing and Sorrowful
hearts of Jesus and Mary, Be our salvation”, only. I will fill them with My
Spirit, all who will make this project and My divine will fulfilled.
Children, carry out this devotion now. Pray always and never give up. I will
visit you always during this month and make My plan known to you.
I am with you always. Peace be with you.”
Immediately the vision passed; I came back and recorded as the Spirit
helped me.
DATE: 4TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 9.00PM
During the first nine-day novena, I saw in the cloud, the vision of the
Sacred Right Hand of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Precious Blood of
Jesus Christ constantly mingled and flowed. The vision remained for
some time and passed. Then, appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ
bathed in blood. He calmly said:
“My Son, all who are living in the true love, who endure the insult
because of me, who forgive and bless all who offend them, shall be
blessed with My Right Hand.
My Precious Blood will be constantly dropping on their hearts. The love
they have for me will multiply and they will rejoice in My loving care.
Children, My right hand is for blessing and healing. Whenever you are in
need, call upon the healing power of the Precious Blood of My right hand,
you shall be well.
My children, when the world held My right hand and pierced it with a long
nail, I cried in great pain. With love, I remembered you and offered My
pains for your healing and salvation. Meditate on My agony for your
sake. Think how I love you.
When the first Blood dropped, I remembered the chain that held you and
offered My Precious Blood for your release. My love multiplies when I
see you rejoicing in this great salvation.
My children, do you know that My love multiplies when I remember you,
whom I saved? But today, you, whom I saved, are crucifying me day and
night. With coldness and neglect you practise the devotion of the price of
your salvation. Repent from your sin and turn to me, I still love you. I will
wash you; I will save you.
Listen children, anyone who neglects and takes cheaply the Blood of
his salvation, will greatly regret it in the abyss. It will be better that
he were not a human being. But since he is, it will be better that he
repents now.
I am the Agonizing Jesus who loves you. I bless you. Come with love and
willingness, Tomorrow, you will rejoice.”
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer in the month of July, I saw a vision of a Crown of
Thorns, three long nails, a spear and a cane with three prongs. The
vision remained. As Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared, He calmly raised His
Agonizing Face and said:
“My children, I drank these cups for your sake. What will you do to share
even one cup with me?”
He continued, “I come to teach you the Mystery of the sacred wound
on My left hand and the Precious Blood that comes from there. The
enemy of My Holy Cross is fighting his last battle with great wrath and is
determined to turn all My children away from me. My people, whom I
saved and bought with My Blood, have neglected me. Even the faithful
ones, those who consecrated themselves to me, are now coming to me
with coldness and mindlessness. This is the work of the enemy of My
Cross and Death.
But rejoice that you are called to this great devotion. When the Jews held
My left hand, I remembered the plan and attack of My enemy; I
remembered the pains, sorrow and slavery My children are living in. With
love for you, I was annoyed with the ene My and offered the pains, wound
and blood from My left hand for the downfall and destruction of the enemy
and his plans. When My Cross was lifted up, My Precious Blood
flowed from this hand to the kingdom of My ene My, which caused great
confusion and destruction. Rejoice, My children, because this has been
made known to you. There is no need for you to fear those numerous
populations of the ene My. Children, simply offer the wounds, pains and
blood of My left hand for their downfall; you will see them disappear like
ashes, say:
“All you great numbers of the enemy, the enemies of the holy death of
My Master, Jesus Christ, on the Cross of Calvary, the prince of darkness
and iniquity, the father of all liars, I stand on the death of My Master,
Jesus Christ, and offer his pains, wounds and the Precious Blood of his
left hand for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging.
Precious Blood of My Master Jesus Christ, reign in me and in the lives of
all men, Amen.”
“I assure you, many kingdoms of the ene My will disappear in a twinkle of
an eye. Pray it and teach it to all men. My Precious Blood will save”
“My children, when you wake up to evangelize with this devotion, make
pictures of the visions I showed you. They shall win many souls for me. I
will never forget all of you who suffer much; who offer their time and
wealth for this devotion. Your reward will be great in Heaven.
I bless you, children. My Precious Blood covers you. Rejoice, fight and
defeat the enemy”. He kept silent and vanished. I woke up and recorded
by the power of the Spirit of Wisdom.
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw in a vision the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus
Christ crowned with thorns. Blood was constantly oozing out from the
wounds of the Sacred Head. He raised His Head calmly in silence for
some time in deep meditation, and said:
“My children, today, I will reveal to you the Mysteries of My sacred
pierced feet and the mingled Precious Blood from there. My children,
as My Father loves me, so I love you too. I love you so much that I came
and died for you. For your sake I was naked in the sight of all men. But
you, My loving children, show these hateful attitudes to me.
When I was about to leave the world, the love I had for you made me to
suffer great pains. I love you. I love My Church. When I was leaving
them like sheep without a shepherd, the pains and sorrow continued
growing high until the world held My feet to nail them. As they were
nailing them, in great agony of love, I remembered My people who are in
the world, who are living like sheep in the midst of lions. I also
remembered My holy Church and the plan of the ene My to destroy it.
With love I offered to the Eternal Father, the wounds, pains and the
Precious Blood from My sacred feet, for strength and the protection of
My people in their ungodly and evil days and for the unity of My Church. I
mean all who call on My name. As the nail held My feet together, so it
held all My people to become one. Join me and say always.
“Eternal Father, I offer to you all the wounds, pains and Precious Blood of
the sacred feet of your Son, Our Lord and Master, for all your children who
are wandering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying forest.
Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that they (we)
might be one and united in the same way as nail held fast the feet of My
Master and Saviour Jesus Christ. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, reign
forever, Amen.
My children, whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of My
Kingdom on earth to come soon. Through this prayer, My Father will let it
come soon, the hour of the Second Pentecost when My prayer will be
fulfilled that all shall be one. Pray it and make it known to all men.
My children, all who carry out this devotion will rejoice greatly when My
kingdom comes. I will protect them always. My Precious Blood will cover
them and set them free.
Pray and understand this message and let others share in your wisdom.
I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed, the sacred feet appeared for some time
and then vanished.
DATE: 7TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer I saw in a vision, Our Lord Jesus Christ, hanging on
the Cross. Blood was constantly flowing out from the wounds of the
sacred body. Within a short time, the cloud shook; the sacred side
appeared boldly and vanished. Then there appeared the sacred head,
crowned with thorns, from which flowed out blood uniformly. Our Lord
calmly raised His Head and said:
“My children, this era is that of darkness. The prince of darkness is ruling
the earth. All who belong to the light will suffer great attacks from the enemy.
They will suffer dryness, which the enemy will send to them.
My children, this hour is exactly the mirror of the hour of the day I was
crucified. The power of darkness has reached its climax. Many will betray
me; many of My consecrated ones will deny that they know me. I say to
you, a large number of My people will give up their faith. Terror will be
everywhere; fear will not allow many of My children to carry out their
devotions. My people will be scattered everywhere. This is the hour, I say
to you all, run for your lives. Run for your lives because you do not know
how long it will last.
The love I have for My people made me to pray for them that they will not
fail in their faith, but My heart still throbbed in pain till death. When My
soul separated from My body, I saw the wicked plan of the enemy and
offered My holy death for the protection of My people on earth during this
hour of darkness. The prayer was answered when My sacred side was
pierced, blood and water mingled and flowed out; this saved and washed
away the sins of the world.
Through the water that flowed out, they were made clean and through the
blood, they were saved and strengthened, and a home of safety opened
for My children in My sacred side. Anyone who finds safety in My
sacred side finds peace and shall be renewed. Oh! My children, pray
“O loving Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who protected
the Israelites of old under your holy wings in the dryness of the cold
and hot desert. I offer you the holy death of My Master and Savior,
Jesus Christ, for the protection of your people who are scattered all
over the world. May the blood and water wash and strengthen, save
and cleanse us that we may find home in the sacred side of your Son,
which opened for all men. Sacred side of Jesus Christ, be our home
for safety, Amen”.
“My children, this evil day will swallow many souls. That is why I teach this
Mysterious prayer to you in order that you all might be saved. My sacred
side is open for all men. Pray it and make it known to all men. All who
teach this prayer to others will be protected.
I love you all. Run for your lives”.
He remained steadily gazing at me, and then He disappeared.
DATE: 8TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
During our prayer, I saw the vision of Our Lord’s scourging at the pillar. A
man was beating Him without mercy. Blood was constantly gushing out
from all the wounds made by the caning. Our Lord wept bitterly.
Immediately the vision passed, there appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ
standing bare-footed near a flower plant. He was crowned with thorns and
His hands were tied. Blood flowed out from the wounds, which covered
almost the whole body. He looked steadily at me and said:
“I suffered this for you. What have you done for me? I am looking for
someone to console me and I find none. Come to me, My children.
Come! Look and see what you have done to me. Your sins did all these to
me. Son, have mercy on me and console me. The weight of the curse due
to sin has weighed down My people. The curse on the sin of their
ancestors and the curse on the disobedience in breaking the covenant
they made with their God, which burdened My children, weighed on me
and pained My heart greatly during My ministry on earth, and more
greatly when I was about to leave My people.
This is why I told them that My heart was sorrowful even unto death.
When the world tied me to the pillar, I remembered My people who were
suffering the burden of the curse due to sin, the agony in My heart
increased. I offered all the pains, wounds and the Precious Blood from
My scourging for all My people, all who are suffering the curse due to
their sins. Join me and say always:
“Eternal Father, you are the only Immortal God, God who is love,
merciful and kind, look at your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and
have mercy. I offer you the pains of His scourging at the pillar, His
wounds and Blood, for all your people who are under the weight of
the curse due to the sins of their ancestors and their disobedience in
breaking the Covenant they made with you. May you set us free
through the scourging of your Son; heal us through His wounds and
save us through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Precious Blood
of Jesus Christ, release us from curse. Holy wounds of Jesus
heal our wounds. By your scourging, seal us, Amen”.
My children pray it and make it known to the whole world. All who
are under curse and constantly say this prayer shall be set free. Any
family that is suffering from the curse of sin committed by their
forefathers and makes 144 days novena with this prayer will be free.
All who break a covenant and who are supposed to die shall be
saved and also be released from their curse if they constantly say
this prayer and repent. My children, how terrible will it be to fall into
God’s anger! Turn from your sins and live.
I love you. Be healed!”
Immediately the vision passed.
TIME: 9.00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Crown of Thorns moving
around in the cloud. Within a short time the cloud covered the Crown of
Thorns. Then, there appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ crowned with
thorns. The Blood from the wounds of the sacred head bathed His face.
Our Lord gazed steadily at me and said:
“My children, the period you are about to enter will be more dangerous
than this period you are living in now. The faith of many will grow cold,
even the faithful ones will deny me. They will say openly to the whole
world that they do not know me. I say, even those who call me, Master
and follow me wherever I go, will swear that they do not know me.
Many will betray me. I mean those who eat with me from the same plate
and drink with me from one cup will hand me over to those that will crucify
Listen well My children and meditate on these words, for how terrible it
will be for those who will deny me who loves them. It will be better for
them to be tied and thrown into boiling oil than to live to see the day of
God’s anger.
When I was about to leave My people on earth, My agony grew worse
when I remembered their unfaithfulness. I also remembered that the
period that is coming will be terrible and fearful; that many will betray me
like Judas, while others will deny that they know me. All My people will be
scattered everywhere leaving me alone to suffer.
My children, the hour I am talking about is that which you are about to
enter. It will be terrible for all who are weak now, all who reject their
crosses now, and all who backslide now, to survive the period that is
coming, the period of Great Chastisement. Who will survive it?
I remembered this period when the world held me, tied My hands and
crowned My head with thorns. I wept when I knew that many would suffer
great tortures like mine. As the rod struck My head, I remembered those
that will abandon their faith and wept bitterly. When they started mocking
me, I looked up to Heaven and offered all the shame, pains, wounds and
the Precious Blood from My sacred head for My people who are living in
this Dark Age, that their faith will not fail. I prayed:
“Omnipotent and omniscient God, God of Elijah and the Prophets,
look at the sacred head of your only-begotten Son and have mercy.
Arise and save your people. I offer you all the shame, the pains, the
wounds and the Precious Blood of the sacred head of your Son, for
all your children who are living in this perilous time. Strengthen our
faith through the mockery of your Son and save us through the
Precious Blood from the sacred head of your Son, Jesus Christ. May
they through the sufferings of your Son Jesus Christ, learn to suffer in
you and die in you, Amen. Holy tortures of Jesus Christ increase our
faith, Amen”.
Children, say this prayer always for faith and make it known to the whole
world before the perilous era comes. If you have a little faith, even as
small as a mustard, seed you will overcome the period. This Mysterious
prayer is powerful. Teach it to the whole world.
I love you all.”
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 10TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 1.00 PM
Today is the last day of the first nine-day novena in the month of July. I
saw the vision of Our Lord in Gethsemane. He knelt in prayer in great
agony. The sweat of blood, which bathed his whole Body, made Him look
weak and helpless. This vision remained for some time and then passed.
There appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:
“My children, the battle between you and My adversary is coming to its
climax now. A large number of the armies of demons have come out to
the battlefield for war. With great determination, they have shot down a
large number of My children. Before I came down to the earth to save it,
My Father was worried about His Reign on earth. That is why He sent
many prophets to the earth to proclaim His words and make His laws
known to them. Through His servant, Moses, a covenant was made with
the blood of bulls and cows that they and their descendants would obey
the law the Lord gave to him; but these would not bring the Kingdom of
the Father down to the earth. One day, My Father was disturbed about
this and asked: “Whom shall I send and who will go and redeem My
people and bring My Kingdom down on earth?” I humbly rose and said:
“Father, send me.” When I came into the world, My food was to do the will
of Him who sent me; to make His Kingdom come on earth. Nothing
bothered me than doing the will of the One who sent me.
Children, I suffered great pains when I came to My people and they did
not know me. I, the Good Shepherd, called My flock and they refused to
hear me; instead, they ran into the forest of wild predators. The pain grew
worse when I was about to leave My people and return to My Father,
who sent me. I remembered the boast of My adversary who said; “I will
reign in the world”. My agony pained me much. The agony grew worse
and worse when I entered Gethsemane. I looked at My people and saw
that they were asleep while their enemy was fast approaching and
gaining ground. As I thought about it My Agonizing heart put these words
into My mouth: “Why are you sleeping; can’t you watch with me even
one hour? Pray that you will not fall into temptation”. When I knelt
again in prayer, the burden of My passion weighed me down. As I
thought about it, I said:
“Father, take this cup away from me, but not My will rather yours be
That hour was the hour of My greatest temptation, which could have
hindered me from fulfilling the will of My Father.
Finally, I looked up and prayed to My Father, and said:
“Eternal Father, you are the Creator and Author of life. You love the
world you made. That is why you sent your only-begotten Son to
come for its redemption, so that your Kingdom will come. Look upon
your Son and rise up on your throne. Raise your right hand and save
your people. I offer all the sufferings, pains and death of your only-
begotten Son, whom you love, for your triumph and your reign on
earth. May you, through the Precious Blood of your Son make a new
covenant and bring all your children back to your Holy Will, Amen”.
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, reign forever. Agonizing Jesus
Christ, thy kingdom come, Amen!
My children, pray it and make it known to the whole world for the reign of
My Father on earth. Let My priest edit all these messages of the month
of July before the month of September comes. Spread them and make
them known to all men. I say, these are Mysterious prayers. They are
very powerful.
My children, today being the last day of this novena, receive My blessing.
May My Holy wounds heal you all. Through My pain, be freed from all
burdens that hold you down. I renew your seal and call you sons of My
heart. May the ocean of My Precious Blood cover your families now and
for a year today. Archangel Raphael, I command you to guard them. I am
with you. Be blessed. This blessing extends to all who fulfill this nine-day
novena every year.
Come with zeal to the next novena.
I leave.”
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 13TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw in a vision the Agonizing Jesus Christ wearing
a red robe, and His Hands were tied. He had a Crown of Thorns on His
Head and His Face was covered with Blood, which gushed out from the
wounds made by the thorns. He stood in an inner room before a man who
was questioning Him. Within a short time, He was led out to face a large
number of people, whom I heard, saying: “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!!” As I
was looking, the cloud came down and covered everywhere. In the cloud
appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ Our Lord. He softly said:
“My children, pray that this period you are living in now will be shortened.
Pray also that your faith will not fail. Be on your guard. Be at alert and
watch always. The coming tribulation is very terrible and fearful. Who will
survive it? Many will give up their faith at the last minute when everything
is about to pass. A large number of My people will run away from
Jerusalem, looking for safety in the land of their enemies. The period will
suddenly catch up with many, because they are not prepared to meet the
evil days.
The world will reject you, as they rejected me. They will condemn you as
they condemned me to death. They will not remember all the good you
did for them. When the hour comes in its fullness, you will also know that
the era of peace and joy is very near. After all these struggles you shall
reign with me and My Father in Heaven.
Children, how many will remain faithful and healthy till the end? How many
of you will move and fight back against My adversary, conquer and bring
the captives home? When I was tortured during My journey for salvation,
My heart was in pain. I remembered that My children, those who received
My messages, who knew the Son and followed Him, would suffer the
same kind of tortures. The suffering of My torture pained me much when I
remembered that many would give up their faith at that time. The pain
grew when My people rejected me and condemned me and said: “Crucify
Him! Crucify Him!!” I looked up to Heaven and prayed to My Father and
(Prayer to withstand the ungodly and evil days)
“Merciful and loving Father, your wish is that all men should be
saved. Kindly look at your rejected and condemned Son, who
suffered many tortures and will suffer many tortures through the sins
of your people. Look and see what sin has done to your only-
begotten Son. I offer to you, for all your people who are living in these
ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejections and
shame of your Son, Jesus Christ, for the faith to withstand trials and
patience to withstand long torture. May they through the suffering of
your only Son fight to the end, Amen!
Our Lord’s torture, increase our faith. Precious Blood of Jesus
Christ, save us.
My children, learn this prayer and pray it always, especially during the
hour of trials. Make it known to all men. Children, remain faithful to me.
Come tomorrow in time, Mother will advise you. On the following day, My
angels will teach you much about this devotion. Don't displease Heaven
with weakness. I bless you.”
DATE: 14TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw Our Lady holding a great sword. She was
coming down from the cloud. A great dazzling light shone from Her
Immaculate heart and gave light to the darkness. She was ready for war
against her adversary. As she was coming down from the cloud, I saw
also a large number of the Heavenly Angels who were following her. They
moved with full force and zeal. Within a short time the cloud covered the
whole place, and then appeared Our Lady, holding a beautiful rose in her
left hand and a palm frond in her right hand. She humbly and smoothly
“My children, how are you all in this period of dryness? How are you
enjoying these ungodly and wicked days of yours? I come to commiserate
with you and share with you a message of love.
My children, you have been told to be on your guard because these are
evil days. Today, I come to inform you all that the period of the last hour
remains only a step to commence. The hour of the fulfillment of all the
messages that have been given for this era is fast approaching. I say
to you that the great darkness will suddenly catch up with a large
number of My people. Many have lost hope and courage to spread
the message I gave to the world. Many were in doubt whether My
messages were truly from God.
My children, how can a mother lie to her children? How can she tell
them to run for their lives when nothing is chasing them? Even if the
mothers of the world lie, I, your heavenly mother, will not lie to My
children. My message is true and must be fulfilled.
The Precious Blood of My Son is constantly flowing for His children in this
last era. Adore the Precious Blood and invoke it for protection
always. Through the Chaplet of the Precious Blood of My Son, the
Kingdom of God will come on earth. Pray it and make it known to all
men. Children, as you have spread My rosary, I urge you to spread
this devotion. I am with you. I fight for you.
My children a great war is coming. Through it comes the hour of darkness
and the fulfillment of My messages. The great wind of destruction will
blow. Many signs will take place in the atmosphere. The clarion call is
about to be made. The humble Pope of My heart will soon leave you. The
Antichrist is about to reign fully. I beg all My children not to deny the truth
you have known from the beginning. Seek peace and safety in My
heart, which has been made for your protection, The Ocean of the
Precious Blood of My Son is in My Immaculate heart. My
Immaculate heart will protect and the Precious Blood of My Son will
save. Make all the Mysterious prayers taught by My Son known to all
men. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, My priest will give the themes
of the prayers, which have been done in Heaven.
Receive My blessing! I pray that your faith will not fail. You must struggle
for life and help your brethren. I pray that you shall be one; you must love
one another. I cover you with My holy mantle. In My heart, I hide you all.
I love you all. Receive this, (she gave us a rose flower) for your sanctity
and holiness.
Remain in peace from Heaven”.
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 17TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 2:00 PM
In our devotional prayer, I saw the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the
Cross. As I was looking, cloud came down and covered the whole place,
and then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. Our Lord said:
“My children, all of you must prepare your hearts for My dwelling
and for My manifestation of this devotion.
Let all who welcome this devotion, and are practising it devotedly,
prepare their hearts and keep to me alone. I will enter and make them
tabernacles of mine. In their hearts, I will keep the Holy Eucharist of My
Body and Blood. I will live there in all My glory, and manifest My
My children, the hour has come when My Precious Blood shall be known
to all men. I will do a lot of miracles through your little faith and effort. I will
let the needy come to you and I will show My power. My children, when
you see, when you feel, I say when you witness the power of My Precious
Blood do not keep silent. Tell them what you know, what you hear, and
what you see. Tell them to tell it to their children. Children, soon the
Kingdom of My Father will come. Then, My Precious Blood will reign.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
I love you.”
Then, the vision passed.
And I came back.
DATE: 20TH JULY 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our devotional prayer, I saw in a vision the Holy Face of Jesus Christ
who had the Crown of Thorns on His Head. He calmly said:
“My children, I welcome all of you into this holy adoration. I ask My loving
children to wake up from their coldness, and turn away from their
unfaithfulness. The hour is at hand; the enemy is fast approaching.
Wake up! Watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation. My
children, come, follow me and enter Gethsemane for prayer, so that
you will not give up during the hour of trials.
My children, learn to make your Gethsemane Hour well. Observe it with all
your heart. Be brave to overcome your enemy. Teach it to the whole
world and let them learn all the prayers I taught you. My children, I gave
you the Gethsemane Hour. It is for you and for all men. Learn today
that the Hour is blessed. Any prayer made during the Hour will be
effective. Anyone who devotedly makes the Gethsemane Hour will
never fall during his own hour of dryness and trials. He will be filled
with power always and be courageous in these ungodly and wicked
days. He will die a glorious death. Soon, I will give you the complete
devotional prayers for the Gethsemane Hour.
The day when I was first in Gethsemane, I felt the presence of the Lord
and became courageous. The midnight of Thursday dawning into
Friday is the day and hour of Gethsemane prayer. During this Hour,
and on this day, the greatest enemy of the Cross and his agents are
having their meeting against you and all the faithful ones.
My children, watch with me always, you will get your soul at peace. I
am with you and all men who practice this Gethsemane Hour always.
I beg you, son, never give up. I bless you all.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 21ST JULY 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
During our novena with adoration prayer, I saw in a vision the sacred
heart of Jesus Christ tied with thorns. The sacred heart moved round in
the cloud and finally passed. Then there appeared the Agonizing Jesus
Christ in agony. At that time, He had no crown of thorns on his head, but
on the sacred heart, which radiated a dazzling light.
Our Lord calmly raised His Face up to us and said:
“My children, this heart suffered great pains for you. This heart is still
suffering much for you. Please, children, console me. Teach sinners the
Mystical love of My sacred heart, which led to the shedding of My Blood.
My children, Heaven has chosen the Third Friday of every month for
adoration of My Precious Blood. Make the day great. Teach men the
value of My Precious Blood, the Price of their redemption. Minister with
the power of My Precious Blood on that day; I say, you will see My
power. On that day, the sacred wounds on My body bled Precious Blood
for the love I have for My children. Anyone who can adore the Precious
Blood faithfully on that day will multiply in My love. The ocean of mercy is
open to all, who during their lifetime consoled and adored the Agonizing
Jesus Christ. They shall be free from the purification fire after death on
that day. Anyone who dies on that day, and who had devotedly adored
My Precious Blood, will be saved.
The land, which I bless, is holy; the place which I chose is My home.
Come to me on My holy mountain. Come and worship me. Let all men
worship me on My Sacred Hill; there the ocean of My Precious Blood
abounds to heal and save all. Respect what Heaven honours.
With reverence and awe you shall worship your God on this mountain.
Anyone who breaks the New Covenant made with the Blood of the
Spotless Lamb will bitterly pass into eternity and regretfully suffer
eternally. But children, think of how happy it will be for all who keep the
covenant they made with the Spotless Lamb. Run for your lives in order to
inherit the glorious joy. Never let anyone hinder you from possessing the
Land of Promise. The joy of your first step in that Promised Land is
greater than whatever you can enjoy in this earthly world. I say follow the
narrow gate. I bless you all. Come with zeal. I will teach you great things
tomorrow. I leave you”.
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 22ND JULY, 1998
TIME: 9:00 AM
In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ falling
under the Cross. He suffered the weight of the Cross. Blood gushed from
the wounds on His sacred head and all over the wounded body. As He
was struggling under the weight of the Cross, cloud came down and
covered the whole place. In the cloud, there appeared the Holy Face of
Jesus Christ. The Head was crowned with thorns and blood constantly
oozed out.
Our Lord said:
“My children, the journey of this devotion will be gradual and steady. Think
of how the roots of a plant develop during the seed germination stage.
Think of how small they are in the beginning and how they develop into
giant roots. Think of what contributes to the plant’s survival and its steady
growth. Do you know that living plants can die after some years? Do you
know that plants can have stunted growth? What are the causes?
Meditate on what I am saying and you will understand much about this
devotion. My Father is faithful in His promise. He supplies the plant with
the necessary things for its growth. Even though the plant is dying and the
root is decaying, my Father will continually supply all the necessary things
for the plant. It is not my Father’s concern whether the plant takes the
water, warmth and other nutrients He supplied. His concern is to supply
them. My children, I am constantly giving you all the necessary training so
that you will spiritually grow and mature but you still remain stunted while
some are decaying. Some, however, are healthy and are growing
normally. Do you know that all the roots are necessary for the fast growth
and health of the plant? I mean this devotion. Pray that weak and
unhealthy adventitious roots will not affect the taproot.
My children, all these things pained my heart greatly during my ministry
on earth. I envisaged constant abandonment of faith in my people and
how they would constantly reject their God and crucify me daily. The pain
grew worse when I saw how hard it would be for them to return back.
That was why I said during my teaching: When the Son of Man comes,
will He still find faith?”
I also saw the mountainous hills, and deep valleys through which my
people would carry their crosses. I envisaged how many they were, who
would stop on the way because they thought the Way was too hard and
too long; and how large the number of my people that will lose hope and
fall near the Mountain of Calvary, the Mountain of Salvation. I say to you,
my children, wake up and stand firm. Very soon, very soon I will come and
reward the faithful ones with blessings and happiness. All these things
were what I suffered till I carried my cross of salvation to Calvary. During
my falls, I remembered all these things and offered them to my Father
through this prayer, as I said:
“Eternal and Loving Father, look kindly on your only-begotten Son;
see the heavy Cross prepared for your only Son, and have mercy on
your people. I offer you all the Pains, Suffering and Precious Blood of
your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, for all your people, who have
abandoned their faith and will abandon their faith, in the mountainous
hills and deep valley of this world. May they through the fall of your
Son under the Cross have the strength to rise again and stand firm in
the True Faith. Through the ocean of His Precious Blood dumped
under the Cross and on the streets of Jerusalem, strengthen all who
are eager to do your Will. Amen.
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, strengthen our weakened souls,
My children, say this prayer always and make it known to the whole
world. Through this prayer, my Father will infuse in you all the needed
graces to endure till the end. All who pray it devotedly will possess the
fullness of the Holy Spirit and will learn to be obedient and humble.
My children, you shall not prevent anyone who comes late till the seventh
day of this novena, but anyone who sleeps in my presence will not
continue the novena, or you stop it. From the seventh day of this novena,
anyone who comes late or sleeps in my presence will not participate from
that time on. Very soon, very soon, the great hour will come. How many
will be faithfully devoted? I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, I bless you all.”
Immediately the Sacred Side appeared in the cloud. Precious Blood
dropped 12 times from the pierced Side on us and stopped. Then I came
back and recorded.
DATE: 23RD JULY, 1998
TIME: 11:00 AM
During our novena with Adoration Prayer, I saw a vision of the rising
power of the sun; the rays of the sun first shone radiantly. As the sun was
coming out, the reflection of the rays increased. Our Glorious Jesus Christ
stood above the top of the sun. He raised His Left Hand while holding a
Cross in His Right Hand. The vision developed until finally the cloud came
down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face
of Jesus Christ Who calmly said:
“A day is coming soon when my glory will shine like the rising sun. On that
day my Precious Blood will fall on every heart that is dry now. As the
rising sun gives joy and life to living things, so my Precious Blood will give
life and hope to all who are eagerly waiting for the Lord. On that day, all
who crucified the Son of God will see him rising like the sun in all glory. I
will console all who consoled me, and let them rejoice in my glory,
all who made constant reparation for all the sins committed against
my Precious Blood. All who are crying now will laugh. But you who
are laughing now, you will cry. All of you who reject their crosses,
who did not worship me the way Heaven wants, who join the world
in their attack against the Son of the Most High, you all will suffer
great shame. You will carry a heavy cross which the enemy, I mean
the demon, is preparing for you. When you see the One you
crucified, your burdens will multiply. Worse, you will lose Heaven,
lose your Saviour, Jesus Christ, and die forever. Today, I am calling
you all, my children, to return to me. Come and be my sons, and I will call
you sons. Offer all your lives to me. I say, this journey will be hard for
you, unless you give up everything you have and follow me.
Children, you must belong or you oppose. As I have chosen you, I
bless you with spiritual gifts and blessings. Your work is awaiting you or
you will suffer regrets when my glory is revealed. All who abandoned their
spiritual gifts, zeal and love, should pray hard to have them back. If you
continue following like sheep without destination till I come, it means that
your call was in vain. All who are spiritually unfilled follow their own will,
which displeases their God. But all who are spiritually filled, I mean with
the Holy Spirit, are on the road to holiness and Divine Will. The love of
their God will grow in them.
Children, overcome the world. I, your Master, have done so. I am with
you to help you. Ask and it shall be given to you.
I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 24TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 11:00 AM
In our novena prayer in the month of July, I saw in a vision a holy chalice
surrounded with a Crown of Thorns. On the mouth of the chalice was a
tongue of fire. The vision remained for some time and passed.
In the cloud was the Holy Face of Jesus Christ who came close and said:
“My children, see how wicked and callous you are. You fear the sound of
thunder more than the dreadful lightning. I told you not to wedge anyone
who comes late; then you decided to come whenever you liked. Israel,
see how worldly you are. You worship me only because of fear, not love.
Whenever I turn my back to you and let your enemy capture you, you then
remember that I am your God. Israel, you want me to treat you like a
slave not a son. You want me to let your enemy defeat you. Then, you will
remember me and call me merciful and Eternal God, God of your
ancestors. You will remember all my promises to you. Remember now all
my warnings and admonitions, and keep the laws I gave you. All who
keep on consoling me in this hour of my agony will be glorified when I, the
Agonizing Jesus, Am glorified.
My children, I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. This means that I Am
in great agony over these ungodly and wicked days. My Holy
wounds bleed whenever there is Sacrificial Consecration on the altar
during Mass, for the love I have for my people. In spite of that, my
people crucify me daily with their sins.
My children, do you know that iniquity is fast growing every minute of the
day? As the sins of the world grow, my agony increases. That is why I am
looking for someone who will console me. My children, my agony grows
worse whenever I come to you who consecrate yourselves to me and find
coldness and neglect. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is calling you
to return to me. The wounds of my sacred body hurt greatly, my children.
Look at me; see what your sins do to me.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who you receive always in the
Blessed Sacrament, who your sins chained and scourged, who your
sins crown with thorns; that your sins condemned to death and
crucified. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is suffering anguish
and grief for you, I am calling you to return to me.
My children, make your heart a home of rest for me. Visit me in spirit
in the tabernacle of my love, which I am about to make in your
hearts, if you are willing. Children, do you know that I visit you
always but only very few of you recognize me and console me? I am
the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is calling all of you to return to me.
Console me always. Teach all men how to console me always. Never
forget constant reparation for all the sins the world commit against
my Precious Blood. When the hour comes for my mother’s Immaculate
Heart to triumph, my Precious Blood will reign in all hearts. The Kingdom
of my Father will come. All of you, who are sorrowful with me now, will
rejoice with me forever.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who is calling all men to return.
I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed. The holy chalice appeared again,
surrounded with thorns. It remained for a while and vanished.
DATE: 25TH JULY 1998
TIME: 8:15 AM
In our novena prayer in the month of July, I saw in a vision the Lamb
standing in the midst of a large number of people in the cloud. On the
body of the Lamb was a label written, “BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB,
WE ARE SAVED”. I saw also that they were wounded, weak and tired.
But surprisingly, they that were wounded were all rejoicing and dancing in
front of the Spotless Lamb. As I was looking, cloud came down and
covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus Christ
in His agony. He looked at me steadily and asked: “Barnabas, do you
know these people and where they come from?” I replied, “Lord, I don’t
know; in your mercy and kindness, tell me”. Then Our Lord said:
“Run for your life to inherit the greatest joyful kingdom that is awaiting all
who suffer and die with me. Never let your weak faith and flesh make you
deny your God. These people are all my people who had gone through
this wicked and sinful world. They did not betray or deny the Son of God.
They were not ashamed of me and my gospel in this ungodly world. They
were mocked and disgraced in public only because they were my
followers. But they did not give up. Men told all kinds of lies against their
names. They bore it for my sake. Some were killed through terrible
persecution and torture. Before they died, they forgave and blessed their
persecutors. Through my own Blood I purified them from all their iniquities
and saved them. They will rejoice and reign with me forever.
My children hold firm your faith. The terrible hour of massacre and
persecution is coming. Who will survive it? Only those who are willing to
give up their lives for me will survive. Anyone who wants to save his own
life during that time will lose it. But anyone who gives up his life for me will
gain it. Anyone who is killed while holding to his faith will not be lost. I will
purify him with my Precious Blood and save him from eternal damnation.
My children stand firm on the truth you know. The hour will come soon.
When the hour comes, do not run helter-skelter, but be on your guard. Do
not fear the death of the flesh, for I will give you everlasting life. Children, I
tell you this now, for very soon, the hour will come, so that your heart will
not be troubled.
My children pray only that the hour will be shortened. Remain faithful in
your work of salvation. Continue doing the good things you have been
doing. Never reduce your effort towards your work of holiness, rather
increase it; these things will help your faith.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is calling you so that you will not all
die spiritually. When you rise again, you must strengthen your brothers.
The day that is coming, which will suddenly come like a thief in the night,
is fast approaching and will catch up with my people when they are not
My children spread this message so that my people will be ready to
welcome the great hour. I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 26TH JULY 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging
on the Cross. Blood oozed out from the wounds on the Sacred Body.
Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the
cloud, there appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in agony. He calmly
“My children, oh my children, the great day of darkness is coming. The
day, which many hearts anxiously await, is coming now; but many hearts
are cold. The day that is coming is too terrible and too fearful.
Children, think of how many that will be saved? Remember that no
unrepentant sinner will survive.
Wake up, my children, and move out for evangelization. I am
consoled whenever I see you preaching in my name. I will deliver anyone
who believes and repents of his sins.
Teach men much about my agony and my Precious Blood, which saved
them. Teach them the prayers I taught you. I will come nearer and touch
their lives. My Precious Blood will save them. Many of you will soon lose
your zeal and love for evangelization because of stubbornness, which the
enemy poured on the hearts of men. They will look and look, but will not
see; listen and listen, but will not hear. This is the handwork of the enemy.
Persist in your work of salvation now. Call my people back to me; tell them
that I say to them: “RETURN”. My children, if the flock continues
wandering in the desert till the wolf causes disorderliness, it will be hard to
find them.
I say to you, spread this devotion now. Labour much now for souls, so
that your hearts will not be troubled when the great hour comes. Very
soon, very soon, the fulfillment hour will come. Pray that you all will be on
your watch.
Run for your lives. I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 27TH JULY 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging dead on the
Cross. The vision remained for a while and passed. Then there appeared
the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in the cloud. He gently said:
“Children, live the life of your consecration now. You will learn much
from me. I am the Spotless Agonizing Lamb crucified for your sins.
My children, live the life of your consecration, so that you will go safely in
the hour that is coming, the hour of great persecution. I mean the hour of
the reign of the one who opposes the truth, the Antichrist and his power
source, the Red Dragon. Live the life of your consecration now, that you
may know when, how and what to do in order to capture the Promised
Land. Very soon, very soon, the reign of the evil man will commence in its
full force. Only those who are consecrated to me and live the life of their
consecration will pass through this horrific hour that is coming. The
manifestation of the Red Dragon and the Antichrist in this age pierced my
heart greatly during my ministry on earth and more greatly when I was
about to breathe my last on the Cross. As I hung on the Cross, I
envisaged the proud Dragon; it boasted to reign on earth forever. For that,
I silently offered to My Father this prayer for the downfall of the enemy of
the Cross.
“O loving and merciful Father, you are all knowledgeable and all
powerful. O, Alpha and Omega, Creator of all things, you are the
Eternal Father. Father, why are you forsaking me? Look kindly on
your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who came to save all your
people and bring your Kingdom down on earth. I offer you all the
agonies, tortures, pains and Precious Blood of your only Son, Jesus
Christ, for the defeat of all the enemies of the Holy Cross, of
salvation; the Antichrist and the Red Dragon, who are fighting against
the truth now and in the end of age. May they, through the Precious
Blood of our Redeemer and His last breath on earth, disappear like
foam exposed under the sun, so that your Kingdom will quickly come
on earth, Amen.
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Thy kingdom come”.
My children, through this prayer, the Antichrist and the Red Dragon and
their agents will have a short hour of reign on earth. The more you pray
the shorter the hour of their reign on earth. Pray it and make it known to
the world. Live the life of your consecration now that you have the
opportunity to do so. The hour, which is about to come, is so great and so
fearful! Live the life of your consecration. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Imitate me
I bless you all”
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 28TH JULY 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of Jesus Christ being stripped of His
clothes. The soldiers held him as they forcefully tore off His clothes. The
crowd mocked Him with all kinds of evil words. Our Lord stood naked in
the midst of a large crowd. He bore the shame and disgrace.
After a while, the vision vanished, and cloud came down and covered the
whole place. Then there appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in great
agony. He calmly said:
“My children, the weight of sin is paining my sacred heart greatly. I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ whom you constantly tear off His clothes and
expose to public shame. I call you, come and console me.
My children, pray much for my youth that they will return to me. Pray that
they will fear their Lord for their salvation. Look, many will be lost due to
the sins of the flesh. Fornication and adultery have ruined the Church.
Children, see how men are about to rename fornication and adultery.
Some of my people use this for their daily bread. They cannot live without
fornication and adultery. In the same vein, the number of innocent, unborn
babies multiplies and increases.
Children, all these pain my heart greatly and increase my agony. Do you
know that I was naked in the sight of all men so that you can defeat and
overcome the desire of the flesh, which leads to this sin of fornication and
adultery? Do you know, my son, that I suffered shame and disgrace for
you to stop sin? I lost all my clothes so that you will be made able to stop
the sins of the flesh but you reward me with immorality.
I come to save you. You are my sons and daughters. I love you. I protect
you against your enemy. Why are you doing all these things to me? For
your sake I offered this prayer to my Father:
“Holy and merciful Father, your only-begotten Son is standing naked
in the sight of all men, so that your people will know and fear your
holy law. Accept my humble prayer for all your people who are living
under iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame
and disgrace of your only-begotten Son, you will touch their lives for
repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of
your Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, get
repentance and be saved. Through my shame, make them bold for
repentance, Amen”.
Children my adversary uses this sin to claim all men to himself. I call on
you to work hard and save your people. Say this prayer and teach it to the
whole world. Any sinner, who constantly prays this prayer, will get true
repentance. Again, the more you pray it the more many will return to me
and forsake adultery and fornication. Many people are lost due to the sins
of the flesh. Work hard to save souls. I am the Agonizing Jesus. I love
I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 29TH JULY, 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ
hanging on the Cross. There were numerous innocent, unborn babies
lying beside the Cross and in the cloud above. They were of different
sizes according to their ages. They wept in bitter sorrow to the Agonizing
Jesus Christ. Their lamentations were deeply sorrowful and painful.
As the noise of their cries increased, cloud came down and covered the
whole place. Then the Holy Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said:
“My children, let your hearts be merciful to Him who loves you most. Have
pity on Him who came to save. Fear the ocean of love of the Creator.
Make His way known to the whole world. Be sorrowful with me. I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ.
My children, remember my agony during my birth on earth. Because the
King of Heaven and Earth was born on earth for your salvation and
healing, you men of the world chose to massacre innocent children.
My children, their blood disturbed Heaven at that time. But today, the
blood of innocent children has filled Heaven. Their number is too
great; so too great that the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to
befall mankind. The number of the daily aborted babies and innocent
children is too large to imagine. Their blood disturbs my Agonizing
heart and increases my agony. Console me through your preaching
and teaching of these messages. Baptize them with this prayer. Say
“Heavenly Father, your love is eternal. In your ocean of love, you
saved the world through your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now,
look at your only Son on the Cross who is constantly bleeding for love
of His people, and forgive your world. Purify and baptize aborted
children with the Precious Blood and Water from the Sacred Side of
your Son, Jesus Christ, who hung dead on the Cross for their
salvation, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy
May they through the holy death of Jesus Christ gain everlasting life,
through His wounds be healed and through His Precious Blood be
freed; there to rejoice with the Saints in Heaven, Amen”.
Through this prayer, a large number of innocent, unborn babies will be
saved. Pray it daily and make it known to the whole world. Anyone who
teaches it will not be lost. The innocent souls in Heaven will not let him
become lost. I, with my love and mercy, will protect him from falling into
mortal sin.
Console me who loves you. I am the Agonizing Jesus. I love you. I bless
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 30TH JULY 1998
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of Our Lord, Jesus Christ hanging
alive on the Cross. Blood flowed from His wounds. Cloud came down and
covered the whole place. Then there appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ
in the cloud. He said:
“My children, remember your Seal. This is a guarantee that you are
mine. Any sheep that loses the Seal will be lost in my sight. The
sheep will continue wandering in the wilderness until we meet, and he will
be sealed again. Children, many will be lost due to the fact that they lost
their Seal. Through your Seal, you possess the earnest of the Holy
Spirit. The Spirit differentiates you from the world. The Holy Spirit of my
Seal is not of the world. That is why the world hates you. The Seal makes
you sons of God through the Blood of the Spotless Lamb. The Blood
breaks the yoke of your captivity and saves you. Pray always. Be on your
guard and watch carefully that you will not lose your Seal.
Through your Seal, you have the right to possess the land of your
promise. Anyone who is not sealed has no share in the land of happiness
and joy. Be worthy of your Seal and save your lives. Your lives must be
different from those of the unconsecrated. Make my will known to the
whole world and do it yourself. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ; I seal you
with my wounds and my Precious Blood. Love your cross.
Very soon, very soon, the Chief Shepherd will come. Happy are you, O
sheep, whom the Lord knows through the Seal. They will rejoice with Him.
I bless you all.
I love you all. I leave.”
DATE: 31ST JULY 1998
TIME: 2:30 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw the Glorious Crucified Jesus Christ in the
cloud. He was surrounded by a large number of Angels of Heaven. Above
Him was the Holy Spirit who shone divine Light on us. The saints and the
heavenly angels adored the Glorious Agonizing Jesus Christ.
The vision remained for some time before passing. Then, I saw another
vision of flame and large smoke in the cloud. On the right side, I saw the
Lamb standing on a mantle, slightly above a mountain. There were
numerous people who adored the Spotless Lamb with their heads bowed
As I was looking, there was lightning. Immediately, I saw Our Lady
bearing the dead body of the Crucified Jesus Christ, beside the Cross of
Salvation. The Cherubim were there consoling her. After a while, cloud
came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Holy
Face of Jesus Christ in deep meditation. Later, He calmly raised his face
and said:
“My children, let my peace be with you today being the last day of this
novena of this year. I bless you all. Today, I bathe you with my Precious
Blood. Let the light of the Holy Spirit anoint your souls. All of you who
zealously adored my Precious Blood in this month have been blessed with
sanity of soul and peace of heart. I will pour water on the dry land and let
its suffering lessen. In a wild desert, the ocean of life-giving water shall
flow. I will make a desert a forest. All who suffered with me will reign with
me when my glory is revealed. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Be on your guard and pray always. Spend the rest of this year with me in
Gethsemane. Watch with me that you will not fall into temptation. Console
me and meditate on my agony, for I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Make
constant reparation for all the sins committed against my Precious Blood,
and have rest with me.
Children, make your little effort for the spread of this devotion, I will do my
work. The gate has been opened and no one has power to close it except
the Son. I say to you, be humble.
The end of this year will be fearful. Remain in me and you will know what
to do. I hide all who constantly adore my Precious Blood inside the
Wound on my sacred side. The evil man will not see you to harm you. I
will feed you there till this perilous time is over. I am the Agonizing Jesus
Christ. Happy are you all who suffer with me now. You will rejoice with me
when my glory is revealed.
I love you all.
Remain blessed.”
Immediately there appeared twelve stars in the cloud. They moved around
and vanished. Then, I came back.
DATE: 26TH JULY, 1997
TIME: 9:00 PM
During our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, in a vision, Heaven
opened; Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared, stood on the throne of His
Majesty and raised His right hand holding a Cross. Then I saw a great
number of Angels and Hosts of Heaven, who were worshipping Him. They
bowed down to Him and said:
“Glory, honour and praises be unto you, O Glorious Lord. You are
good to be honoured. Let all creatures adore Thee. Adoration to
Thee forever”
After, a great cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud
appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ with the Crown of Thorns on his
head. Blood was constantly flowing from the thorns on His sacred head.
Then, He said:
“My children, live in my peace. Be wise to make yourselves instruments of
peace. You will enjoy a happy life.
My son, why is it that only a few people among you show me love? Only
a few know me.
My children, love me, console me and adore me. I promise to protect
anyone who devotedly consoles me and adores me with this prayer
against evil attack. He will not die a sudden death. He will not be
burnt by fire.
Any soldier who says this prayer before he enters into a war field will not
be defeated. No bullet will have any effect on him.
Say this prayer over a woman in labour, the woman will have fewer pains.
Any woman who devotedly says this prayer will deliver safely without
much pain. Say this prayer over any child who is disturbed by evil spirits,
my Cherubim will protect him. I promise to protect any family who
devotedly says this prayer from the effects of lightning and thunder. Any
house where this prayer is kept will be protected against storm. If this
payer is said on the dying before his death, I promise that his soul will not
be lost. My children, anyone who does not pass through my Precious
Blood will be lost. Any sinner who consoles me and adores me through
this prayer will obtain conversion. I promise to protect them with my
Precious Blood and hide them in my holy wounds, all who console me and
adore me.
Poison will have no effect on you.
I will guard your five senses. Anyone who fights against you will lose. The
Archangel Michael will defend you.
I promise to baptize aborted children who are killed daily in the world, and
put a deep contrition in the hearts of their parents through the power of my
Precious Blood.
All who devotedly console me and adore me with this prayer till death will
join the heavenly armies and choirs. I will give them the Morning Star.
I say to you pray and let others join your adoration. Show me love, I love
Then I asked the Lord:
“Lord, our priest, your servant will move for retreat. What shall we
do? Please, my Lord; say something on this. Lord, Thy Kingdom
Our Lord then answered:
“The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed daily during the hour. My Angel
will protect him; no one will harm him. My Cherubim will be with him
always. My priest, make effort; I am with you. My children pray much for
him. The purification rain will fall in the hour and on the day Heaven
wants. All who join this novena will feel my agony and be purified.
Happy are you all who join this great month from the beginning to the end;
the Chastisement has no power over you.
I am looking for one to console me. I bless you all”
Immediately the vision passed. The great Beast appeared in the cloud,
fire came out from his mouth; I shivered and came back.
DATE: 27TH JULY, 1997
TIME: 9:00 PM
During our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, Our Lord appeared to
me in a vision holding a cross, and said:
“My children, peace be with you. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am the
One who loved and died for love: Show love to me and console me
always. Believe in the power of my Precious Blood and save your life
and that of the whole world.
My Precious Blood is an ocean of mercy and compassion. Through my
Precious Blood, the world will find peace. I say to you, any sinner who
says, “Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save me and the whole world, will
obtain conversion. My children, allow sinners to venerate my Precious
Blood. I promise to draw them nearer to me through the power of my
Precious Blood.
Offer all your problems to my Precious Blood and be at peace. Be at
peace always. Never let the world disturb you. Do this and offer me daily
My children happy are all who listen to these warnings and obey them.
They will rejoice at last. Happy are you who practise this devotion with
love and faith; you will conquer the world.
Great happiness awaits all who practise this devotion and make it known
to the whole world. I will be with them always to guard them. I will teach
them my ways, and welcome them with love on the Day of Judgment. My
Father will give them the Glorious Crown. They shall eat my sacred body
and drink my blood with my heavenly hosts.
My children, pray, pray, pray. I say, pray for those who hate this call.
Offer them to my Precious Blood. Show them love. I say to you, love
them. Believe; they will soon join in this holy adoration. I say, they will
adore my Precious Blood. My Precious Blood is healing blood. Call on
my Precious Blood for the sick; they shall be healed. I say to you, invoke
my blood upon them, and there will be testimonies.
On the last day of this novena, bring a few sick people to me. I will heal
them. My children, I say, few, not many, let them join in your adoration.
After the glorious and happy worship, anoint them with holy oil. Tell them
to go and give testimonies. My Precious Blood will cure them.
My children, the hour for great and numerous miracles is coming, I say,
pray that my Church will see the hidden favour in my Precious Blood. Pray
that my Church will welcome it. At that time, I will perform many miracles
through my Precious Blood. I will do this in your sight to make your faith
grow and become strong.
On the last day of this novena, adoration will start by 3:00 pm on the Holy
Land. Make the day great, console and adore my Precious Blood on the
Holy Land. Offer Holy Mass for the whole world and burn the petitions.
You will spend three hours on that land.
Return here and offer a great Rosary Procession to me. Meditate on your
crucifix and pray the Chaplet of my Precious Blood 3 times, holding your
cross. I say, consecrate yourself to my Precious Blood. Offer a Holy Mass
and give a testimony of my wonderful deeds. Before the day comes, you
will know what to do, the great trial will shake the foundations. Let my
Precious Blood hold firm the foundation. They will speak much against this
My children, have faith in what you know and what you believe in. This
hour is their hour. Soon their power will shrink. Many will meet hindrances
on the way and miss the devotion. I say pray. I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed, I saw stars falling from Heaven. Then I
came back.
DATE: 28TH JULY, 1997
TIME: 9:00 PM
During our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, I saw Our Lord Jesus
Christ in great agony in Gethsemane. As He prayed, bloody sweat flowed
continuously. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the
whole place. The Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared in the
cloud. He calmly said:
“My children, the love I have for my people is burning like a flame. But
they hate me, thereby crucifying me day and night with sin.
Come to me in Gethsemane and watch with me. Come and pray with
me for the renewal of the face of the earth. Come, my loving children,
the great suffering is coming. The suffering is great; who will survive it?
Who will endure till the end? That is why I ask you, my loving children,
come to me in Gethsemane. Come in, console and adore me. I say to
you, console me. I am in agony.
Children, my heart aches greatly because of the sins of the world. My
heart is in great sorrow because of many souls that will be lost forever. Oh
my children, I am looking for someone to console me, but your heart is far
from me. No one shows me love. You do not remember that I am always
in agony and in deep sorrow. I come to you for you to console me, but you
do not recognize me because your heart is far from me.
I cry in great anguish and grief. You leave me and go your way, because
you cannot meditate on my agony. Have mercy on me; I love you.
Meditate on my sufferings. I will reveal myself to you. Pray and watch
always in the midnight of Thursday to Friday; I call that hour’ ‘the
Gethsemane Hour’. Console me and adore me with the prayer I
taught you. Your prayer will be great during this hour. Any family or
individual who practises the Gethsemane Hour will be protected from
infernal powers. Constant sickness will flee from them. I will constantly
wash them with my Precious Blood. I will send St. Theresa, who will assist
them in their daily works. They will grow in love.
My children, hear these words and keep them. Show love to the One
who saved all men from sin. Console me and adore the Price of your
Salvation. Say always, Precious Blood and water from the sacred side
of Jesus Christ; refine the Church and wash us clean”. The water
from my sacred side will clean the wounds and my blood will heal her. I
love you all. I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed, I saw the sacred side. Precious Blood and
water dropped twelve times and stopped. Then I came back.
DATE: 13TH JULY, 1999
TIME: 10:00 PM
In our adoration-prayer, I saw a vision of Our Lady holding the Crown of
Thorns in her hands. As she was coming down, a chalice with a Host on
top of it appeared in the cloud. The Host radiated divine rays, which gave
out light in darkness.
Our Lady came closer and humbly said:
“My children remain in the peace from Heaven. I am the mother of the
Agonizing Jesus Christ. I come to share with you a message of love
and give you a gift very dear to the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Take
today this Crown of Thorns with which the world crowned the sacred
head of my Son, Jesus Christ. This is for you and all that
consecrated their lives to the Agonizing Jesus Christ and to His
Most Precious Blood. This is a sign of consolation and adoration to
my Son. Have it on your altars and let it be blessed.
My children, Jesus promises to sprinkle His Most Precious Blood
anywhere this crown is laid. He said; “I will show my sacred head,
crowned with thorns, to all who have this crown and devoutly venerate my
sacred head.” He said that He would be their light in the hour of darkness.
They shall be consoled; all who console and adore the sacred head
crowned with thorns, the head that still wears the thorns for the love He
has for His people.
He said, ‘I will crown all who have this Crown of Thorns as an act of
consolation and adoration to the Agonizing Jesus Christ with a victorious
crown adorned with twelve stars’.
Children, have it and console my Agonizing Son.
Pray, pray, pray harder my children. Pray harder and never give up.”
My Son called you to pray so as to wedge the wrath of the Eternal Father.
He called you, so that, through your prayers and reparation, my Father will
grant mercy to the whole world and renew the face of the earth but you
did not respond fully to the call. You are waiting to see what will befall
humanity. Wake up my children and change your ways. Heaven
warns you to pray and not to wait for destruction. It will be better that
the wrath of the Eternal Father is wedged than to allow the anger of
God to fall. If His anger descends, who shall be saved?
I say, who will survive? This motivated Jesus Christ to come and
give you this holy devotion, so that you may call His blood and calm
down the wrath of the Eternal Father. Pray always. Make known all
that you have heard and felt privately to the public.
Children, edit all the messages that Heaven gave to you and be happy.
Because you have not edited the messages, Heaven seized from you the
full Reparation Prayer. This is the cause of not writing it well. When you
edit the messages, the Spirit of Truth will be with you and fill you. You will
know the missing words and complete it.
Children, after the 31 st of this month of July, Jesus will no longer give you
any public messages for this devotion. He will give you the fullness of the
Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead you into the full knowledge of this devotion.
If He does not leave you, you will not spiritually mature. Heaven is with
you always.
Children, if you edit the messages your disappointments will be less.
Receive this crown. I am the mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Console Jesus.
I bless you all”.
Immediately, the vision passed.