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DATE: 21ST APRIL, 1997


On the second day of our novena, being the feast of St. Anselm, as we were praying, I saw in a vision the great number of people who were moving out from their nation to another country as exiles. They were carrying their belongings and their children. After some time, there was a great cry in the city. I saw fire coming down from heaven to the city. It burnt all men and all creatures; even walls of buildings fell. As I was looking I saw an Angel of the Lord standing in front of me. He asked me:

“Son of man did you understand what you saw”?

I answered, “No sir! Can you explain it to me?”

He said, “Son of man, warn the world to hear the warning from Heaven. So fearful and great the day of God’s anger will be. Who will survive?”

You saw the number of people who heard the warnings and ran for their lives. I say to you, only those who heed the warning of the Chief Shepherd will be saved. The hour is very short. Humanity, change your evil ways and turn to your God. Pray much, son of man so that Father will permit me to reveal much to you about the coming Purification. I leave you”.


Immediately, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in the cloud and He said to me;

“My children, your faith will make you to be glad. If you have faith, rejoice. I have done what you did not expect. I will do great things through your faith.

My children, doubt not but have faith in what you believe. Fear not to promote and give out what you have. My Precious Blood heals all sickness, believe and never lose hope.

My children, why do you fear to drink the cup you received from Me? This way of life is not easy, offer yourselves, as living sacrifices to Me. Submit to the Divine Will. I will not leave you alone. I am with you always. I do not change.

I bless you all.”

Immediately, I saw the vision, where all of us, gathered on the mountain, knelt in front of the Crucifix, where the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head was sprinkled on us. Then I woke up.



DATE: 22ND APRIL, 1997


During our novena prayer, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ in the cloud, holding a chalice. In the chalice, there was a tongue of fire burning with a dazzling light.

After some time, the vision passed, and then I saw the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He said:

“My children, offer Me a worthy worship. Make a real worship whenever you come for Mass. Respect My Presence and honour My Precious Blood, the Everlasting Sacrifice on the altar.

My children, know it now that your enemy is not asleep. He plans for your downfall and makes all effort to hinder the plan of Heaven. Watch, be at alert, your enemy is coming. He is near, Pray, pray, pray harder.

My children, speak on what you know and let your life prove what you teach.

Learn these words, when the hour comes you will understand why I have said this.

I am with you

I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed. Then, the holy chalice appeared again and I woke up and came back to myself.



DATE: 23RD APRIL, 1997


In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw the vision of the Sacred Host in the cloud. In the Sacred Host there was a dazzling light. The rays of the light spread all over the whole place. Half of the Sacred Host was human flesh while half was bread. As I was looking, I saw Blood dropping down from the middle of the Host. This remained till the cloud covered the whole place. Then the Holy Face appeared and Our Lord said:

“My children, because of the love I have for mankind; because of the love My Father has for the world, the love which drew Me from Heaven into this world, with the same love I look for My flock. That love led Me to give up My life for My flock. That love keeps Me constantly in the holy tabernacle now and till the end of the age. But My flock neglects Me and leaves Me alone. Only few show compassion to Me. Only few adore My Presence. I wait for them every day. They run away and follow their own ways. My people, I am here in the holy tabernacle, I am waiting for you. Come and console Me.

My children, all that you suffer for My sake is not in vain. The road of salvation is a desert way. My saving power is there. I protect all who trust in Me and follow My way with love and faith.

My children, a time is coming when you will not have the strength and heart to pray. Your hearts will be full of pains and worries. You will look for consolation and find sadness. Your friends will run away from you and your children will not obey you. But after, I will bring joy back and let your friends come back. Pray now that there is time. I am with you.

I bless you.”



DATE: 24TH APRIL, 1997


During our novena prayer with Mass, I saw the vision of Our Lord being scourged at the pillar. He kept silent as they were beating Him. He never said a word! After they had beaten Him, His whole body was full of wounds, while Blood was continuously oozing out. After sometime, the vision passed, then the Holy Face appeared. Our Lord Jesus Christ said:

“My children, learn from My sufferings. The road of salvation is full of suffering. I came to save My people who are under the bondage of slavery. When they saw Me, they planned evil against Me. When I came to them, as My own people they caught Me and treated Me like a thief. To save their lives I gave My life and brought them back with the power of My Precious Blood.

My children, if you suffer, know that your Father has gone through it and won. With prayers and humility you will win. My children, all you will suffer will not reach the level of shedding of blood now. Your suffering honours My Death and My Precious Blood. Follow this desert way with joy and humility. Accept all problems as a cross. Follow the right way without fear. I am with you to help you. Don’t lose hope.

I bless you all.”



DATE: 25TH APRIL, 1997


During our novena prayer with Mass, I saw the vision of the pierced Side of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Blood and water dropped and stopped immediately.

After some time, the Holy Face appeared and said:

“My children, pray this Chaplet always and ask the Father to reveal the power in My Most Precious Blood to you. Pray with faith; ask for anything, your prayer will be answered according to the Divine Will.

My children, honour the Wounds, Blood and Water that come out from My Sacred Side, in your daily prayers. Through this prayer I will teach My children, you will see what you didn’t expect. Be wise to follow the true way. Be at peace and hold firm to your faith.

I bless you all.”



DATE: 26TH APRIL, 1997


During our novena prayer with Mass, I saw the vision of Our Lord Jesus hanging on the Cross; Blood was oozing out from His Wounds. After some time, He raised up His Bloody Face and calmly said to us:

“My children, know the way you are going through. Have faith in the Leader who cannot lead you astray, meditate and listen to His advice, follow the Divine Truth of My Church. Wait with patience for the Divine Will, the hour of the fulfillment of My words.

My children, be ready to accept any kind of mockery for My sake. Men will call you demons and their agents. Have faith in what you know, work out your salvation through your endurance. My children, a time will come when I will keep silent for a long time. Edit all My messages and adore Me as much as you can, with love and faith. I am with you.

I bless you all.”



DATE: 27TH APRIL, 1997



During our novena prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ praying in Gethsemane. As He knelt down in deep prayer, sweat of blood bathed His whole Body, including His clothes. As He was praying, He fell on the ground three times before the vision passed.

Immediately, cloud covered the whole place; the Holy face with the Crown of Thorns (on His Head) appeared, and said:

“My children, this hour is the hour of sorrow. My Heart is in sorrow because of the great number of humanity who will be lost forever. The hour is at hand. My children, I am feeling the same agony of Gethsemane as when I was in the world. My Heart is sorrowful and fearful. Pray much now; pray much now. Pray every minute of the day. Console Me; make reparation for all the sins which men commit against Me. Tomorrow I will allow you to say a prayer which you had been taught and then teach more to you at any time.

My children, even now you have not understood this call. The hour is passing, and time is coming soon for the Chastisement. Then My Kingdom will come and My Heart will reign. At that time, all men will know the value of the Most Precious Blood of their salvation. All will know this prayer. All men will console Me and adore My Precious Blood forever. But who will have faith in Me and endure all the coming trials till the hour comes? Who will be prayerful till the glorious time comes. Read My messages; your faith will grow.

My children, anyone who lives in Me and holds firm his faith in Me, will conquer the world. Sickness or illness has no power over him. Be careful, Satan is roaring around and looking for a chance to strike you down. Gather all the gifts from Heaven and work out your salvation.

Be careful not to speak quickly in this hour of trial; be slow to speak. Think and wait for Divine direction. I am with you.

I bless you all.”



DATE: 28TH APRIL, 1997


During this hour in my reparation prayers, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross, bleeding. Above the Cross were the Angels and Saints adoring the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Then, I heard a voice which commanded me, thus: Barnabas, pick up your pen and write down whatever you hear”.

I obeyed, and the Consolation Prayers and Adoration Prayers below were dictated to me with songs for fifty minuets (50 mins)


Eternal Father, when you were about to send your only begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, into the world with the aim of saving us and bringing a New Paradise into the world through the Most Precious Blood, out of love You said, “Whom shall I send, who will go to redeem My people? The Heavenly Court was silent until Your Son answered. “Here I am, send Me Father”.

Honour and adoration be unto You, O Divine Love. Praise and worship be unto Your Name O loving Jesus Christ, Take consolation, O Agonizing Jesus Christ. The reward You got from Your people for Your benevolence was sin. They sinned and blasphemed day and night against Your Holy Name. They fought against You and disobeyed Your commandments, etc.”(see Prayer Book)

Immediately after the prayer, Precious Blood from the Sacred Head dropped on my head twelve times, I came back and recorded.

Though I cannot remember the tune of the songs, at a later date; we were instructed to use the inspired songs composed by our Spiritual Director to fill the gaps. Our Lord said “I am the One Who inspired those songs in him.”

(Note: For further details on the Consolation and Adoration Prayers, please see the Prayer Manual of this devotion.)



DATE: 28TH APRIL, 1997


During our novena prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision Our Lord hanging on the Cross. Heat from the sun was severe. Sweat of Blood was continuously coming out of Our Lord’s Face.

Our Lord wept bitterly, until the vision passed. Immediately, cloud covered the whole place, then appeared the Holy Face with the Crown of Thorns on His Head and He said:

“My children, remember My agony always, remember all My tortures, remember all My sufferings always. Let My agony be in your heart always. My children, let not your love in Me grow weak. Today I will bless you in a great way, and let you worship Me with all your heart.

My children, I will keep silent for a long time, I will not give you any message from now. But I will speak to you in times of need. I will advise you in times of confusion. Before the month of July, I will tell you what to do and the way you will do it.

My children, go back and study all My messages, I have spoken all I have to you. Live according to My advice; show constant love to Me. I will not leave you alone. I am with you. I will speak to the world in the month of July. Prepare for it.

My children, I allowed My heavenly Angels to teach you these prayers. The Reparation Prayer to My Precious Blood was taught to My Priest as a privilege to you and the whole world. Today, I sent the Angels to you in order to reveal the Consolation and Adoration Prayers to you. My children, these prayers are so dear to Me, I love the adoration much, console Me with it, and make it known to the world.

My children, remember all My orders. Pray with these prayers. Console Me at the hour of 12 noon. I suffered greatly during this hour. I suffered the pains of nails, mockery of men, anguish and grief. Adore My Precious Blood immediately after consolation. At 3.00 pm, pray this Chaplet, do consecration to My Precious Blood and offer reparation prayer for the sins of the world.

In your Gethsemane Hour, pray these prayers; pray always: say; “Precious Blood and Water from the Sacred Side of Jesus Christ; we adore Thee, save us and cleanse us. Amen.”

Whenever you pray this, I will comfort you and spare your lives from the enemy. Pray, pray, pray always. Never lose hope. I am with you. Let My blessing be with you.

Peace be with you, grow in love.

I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed. Then, I saw a multitude of stars in the cloud. After that I came back to myself.





In our adoration prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision Heaven opened. Our Lord Jesus Christ was holding a Cross on His Right Hand and Crown of Thorns in His Left Hand. He came down to me and said:

“Peace be with you, My loving children. Today My Church is remembering My Ascension into Heaven. Rejoice with Heaven and adore the Trinity. Blessed are those who worship the Creator of Heaven and Earth. They shall dwell in His House after the great struggle of this life.

Blessed are all who adore the Son who offered His Body as a living sacrifice. They will eat with Him at last in His Kingdom.

Blessed are all who adore the Most Precious Blood of man’s salvation; they shall be protected by the Most Precious Blood. My children, pray all the prayers I taught you. Pray and make solemn adoration always.

My children, separate yourselves fully from worldly life. Keep your minds towards the journey to Heaven. Follow the desert way. I am coming to welcome you into My Glorious Paradise. Fear not, have faith.

I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed, stars appeared. Then I woke up.



DATE: 22ND MAY, 1997


During our devotional prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision the great number of people who were chained to pillar. They were all lying down on the ground.

As I was looking, Heaven opened, I saw the Holy Face with the Crown of Thorns on His Head. Our Lord said:

“My children, the month of July is coming soon. What preparation have you made? How eagerly are you waiting for the month?

Listen, My children, you should not allow problems to lead your life. Learn from My advice to you, to follow the desert way according to the Divine Will. Do not give a chance to your enemy now you have little disturbance of life. The hour is coming when a great disturbance will not allow you even to call My name. I am repeating these words to you that they will regret the minutes, hours and days those who misused or failed in this holy worship. They will pray in sorrow to get back this opportunity but the time will be over. My children, who will stop you from the blessings you received free from your God? He, who loves his salvation and the salvation of the world, will come with joy to this holy worship. They will not suffer greatly, all who follow this call till the day of its universal evangelization. My Precious Blood will save them.

Swim across the ocean of temptation; never let the waves turn you over. With all your strength overcome the devil. I have told you before, that you are stepping into the hour of darkness. Now, you are in the dark world. The Chastisement at last will come. Nothing in the world will make you happy, except My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. When My children suffer the attack of the wicked man, there will be no Eucharist in many tabernacles of the world. At that hour, you will understand My words. Many of you will still feel weak because the hour is not the hour of receiving but the hour of giving out.

My children, don’t give up, overcome all your daily trials. Adore Me always with the prayers I taught you.

I bless you all.

Peace be with you”

Immediately, the vision passed.



DATE: 22ND JUNE, 1997


On the second day of our preparatory prayer with Mass, for the month of July, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ, hanging on the Cross. As Blood bathed Him, He wept bitterly in a low voice until He cried out in a loud voice. Immediately, cloud covered the whole place. The Holy Face with Crown of Thorns appeared and said:

My children the month of July is fast approaching. Heaven is ready. What preparation are you making? Are you ready? Today I am reminding you again to grow up to maturity. Grow so as to understand the words of wisdom; grow and overcome the power of the flesh.

Tomorrow, I will reveal everything about the month of July. Come in time with your preparatory prayer. I will speak to you with love; make Heaven happy with your obedience and zeal toward the Divine messages.

I love you all, My children. Love Me and show Me love.

I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed. The Sacred Heart appeared, from which three drops of the Precious Blood fell into the world.

Then, the vision passed, I came back.



DATE: 25TH JUNE, 1997


On the final day of our novena prayer with Mass, I saw the vision of the risen power of Jesus Christ. A great light flashed on the tomb of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The tomb broke open. Then Our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead and moved up towards Heaven with great power. As He was about to reach the cloud, there was a great noise. The cloud shook and the Holy Face appeared in the cloud and said:

“My children, as you see, the risen power will shine upon you on the glorious day of your Lord. On that day, you will win the battle by fighting to the end. On that day, you shall receive the glorious crown awaiting you there above. That is why I am telling you, My loving children, to follow this Calvary way with faith. I have overcome the world. My loving children, imitate Me and conquer the world.

The great month is coming soon, the month dedicated to My Precious Blood. In the years to come, My people will adore My Precious Blood in this month. This month is the month of salvation, the month of great sacrifice. Generations to come will offer a great sacrifice of adoration to the Spotless Lamb. I will open the gate of Heaven and let the ocean of My Blood rain on the world. The sick shall be healed, captives shall be freed and uncountable miracles will be performed on earth. Men will choose good as against evil and live holy lives.

My children, prepare for this month. Make it great. Listen to My instruction. There will be three great novenas in this Pilgrimage month, 9-day novena, 3-day novena, and 12-day novena. The 9-day novena will start from the 1st day of July to 9th day of the same month. This novena will be a worldwide Warning and Admonition, and a call to new life. In those days, I will visit you. The 3-day novena will start on the 13th day and end on the 15th day of the same month. My Holy Mother will visit you on the 1st and 3rd days of the 3-day novena with her Divine message to the world.

On the 2nd day, I will send the Archangel Michael who will speak to you with love as an Apostle of the Most Precious Blood. The last 12-day novena will be great. I will teach the world great things about the Most Precious Blood. The novena will be from the 20th to the 31st day of that month. The last day will be the most important day of the month. Spiritually, great things will happen and physically there will be great joy on earth. On that day, I will commission you and give you the earnest of My Spirit. My final Seal will be marked on your heart.

My children, now you are not free, but after the Pilgrimage month, if you win, you will be free. After the month, there is no power that will overcome this great devotion. The Church will welcome it when the right time comes for it. No power will stop it again; with obedience you can preach the devotion to My people. Listen, My children, prepare for this month, and make it great. All of you will be ready to resist the attack of the enemy in those days. I will stop anyone who sleeps in My Presence and does not join the adoration. Anyone who fails any of the novena will not join again until it is over. Anyone who comes late will not join the adoration. Welcome people who are willing to join you. Because My Church has not approved it, the devotion will be held in this Chapel. Come in time and be prepared. How happy they will be, all who participate fully in the novenas.

Start the novenas with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Invite the Holy Spirit with a song and console Me with the Consolation Prayers. Adore Me with the Adoration Prayers. Say the Reparation Prayer with songs. Pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of My Precious Blood as before. My children, pray with zeal. Then offer the Holy Mass. Many will sleep during the Mass. If they do I will not allow them to join the novena. After the Consecration, read and share My holy message. After Mass praise the Most Precious Blood of your salvation with songs.

My children, this month is great starting from the time of the death of your Master, make it great. Edit the prayers well and plan the devotion so as to please your Father. You will rejoice, if you do. I bless you all.”

Immediately, the cloud shook and Heaven opened. I saw Our Lord entering Heaven, amidst great songs of praise. They praised Him and crowned Him and welcomed Him as king. They waved palm fronds at Him as He sat on His Throne.

Then the vision passed.



DATE: 26TH JUNE, 1997


In our devotional prayer with Mass, I saw the vision of the Sacred Heart in the cloud. There was a tongue of flame on top of the Sacred Heart covered with the Crown of Thorns. After, the cloud shook and the vision passed. Then appeared the Holy Face in the cloud and He said:

“My children, prepare well for the month of July. Participate well in all the prayers. Never let sleep overcome you. My children, why is it that only very few people among you are following the devotion well? Only a few are trying to please the Eternal Father. Happiness and great graces are awaiting you all, who perform the work of this devotion well. My children, do you want to regret? Plan the devotion and do it well.

Listen, My children, I don’t like noise. Do this devotion well and in silence. You do not need to call the public, but any person who is willing to adore Me with love and zeal. Pray that nothing will stop you from saying the devotional prayers weekly. I prepared many souls for this devotion; only obey My voice in your heart. Do this devotion at any chosen peaceful hour of the day. My children, make sure that you record all the messages you will receive. Heaven is ready, prepare and wait for the great month.

I bless you all’.



DATE: 1ST JULY, 1997


On the first day of our pilgrimage, during the hour of prayers with Holy Mass and adoration, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ, hanging on the Cross. Blood and sweat were coming out from His Sacred Body. He cried in great anguish and grief until the cloud shook with a loud noise and covered the whole place.

The Sacred Head appeared and said:

“My children, you are welcome to this great privileged hour, you are blessed. Listen, My loving children, I chose this hour to reveal much to you about the coming Chastisement, so that you may be ready and help to save souls. The hour is near; the time of the great Tribulation is coming soon. Many will shed their blood, the wicked man will give his armies command to seize My children. They shall be killed. Oh! Pray, pray much My loving children, make your faith strong. Be ready to meet the hour. I will send My Angels on earth to carry the bodies of My people who remain in their faith till death. They will eat with Me in Heaven.

My children, many will not withstand this horrible hour. Pray for them. After this great Persecution, a Red Cross will appear in the sky. This cross represents the Precious Blood and the blood of martyrs. At that time anyone who remains in the faith and calls on My Precious Blood will be saved during the coming great darkness. My Precious Blood will protect him. Pray the Chaplet of My Precious Blood always, console and adore Me. How I wish that all who participate in this first novena would receive these prayers. Your adoration pleases Me much.

I bless you all”. Immediately the vision passed, the Crown of Thorns appeared in the cloud. Then I came back to myself.



DATE: 2ND JULY, 1997


In our second day of the first novena in the month of July, as we were having our Adoration Prayer before Mass, I saw in a vision a great number of people who were adoring the Holy Trinity in the cloud.

They followed us as we prayed and bowed down to the Blessed Trinity. As I was watching, an Angel led me down to the world. When we reached there, he knocked his staff on the ground. Then the ground opened. I saw a great number of soldiers who are under the world. They marched around and worshiped the great Beast with seven heads, ten horns and fourteen hands and feet. I discovered that they were all marked with the number 666.

The Angel led me to the strong room and I saw a great computer set. Then, the Angel said,

“Son of man, these people you see here are from every country of this world. They are chosen by the demon for the attack during the coming Persecution, the hour of the evil government. With the aid of this computer, all men will be marked. Pray now and get ready so as to endure till the end.”

Immediately, he took me by the hand and vanished. Then I saw the cloud open. There was the Sacred Head. He came near to me and said:

“Children, pray much now that there is time. Soon this underground government will come out and rule this earth. With their computer, many people will be marked. All who receive the mark will be destroyed. At that time everything laid outside My Precious Blood will be lost. Anyone who calls on My Precious Blood will be filled with faith. Men will only find mercy in My Precious Blood. I say to you, My loving children, pray harder now. Teach others how to pray. Let all men consecrate themselves to My Precious Blood. I love you all.

I bless you all”.

Immediately, the vision passed, I saw the vision of the great Beast again and shivered. Then I came back to myself. I was weak for some time but later recovered my strength.



DATE: 3RD JULY, 1997


In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision the Holy Face in the cloud. He was in great anguish; blood was flowing as He said:

“My children, pray, pray harder for My holy Church. Pray and never give up. The time of the wicked man is at hand. The time when he will rule My Church: My children, the wicked man is now in My Church. He is planning with his agents to capture the highest throne in My Church. My children, the hour is fast approaching. The great hour of sorrow is coming soon. Many of My Priests will follow the teachings of the Antichrist and become the anti-priests.

Many of My Priests will be killed because they would not obey the evil man. Only few good Priests will remain, then My people will suffer greatly. They will find it hard to hear the Holy Mass as worthy as the one you hear now. Many tabernacles will be closed. People will run from one place to another to seek My Presence and find nothing. Many people will find it hard to pray because the mercy of God will have ceased.

My children, this is why I call upon you now to pray. Make sacrifice always and offer your lives to Me now. Let all men join and call on My Precious Blood, which calms the wrath of My Father.

My children, many people will regret because they did not welcome this devotion. Pray your Holy Rosary daily; My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will protect you. Pray this Chaplet of My Precious Blood always and make constant reparation for all the sins men commit against Me and My Precious Blood. My Precious Blood will save.

I love you all

I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed, I saw a large number of Priests who were being tied to the pillar. The soldiers tortured them and the vision passed.



DATE: 4TH JULY, 1997


In our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, I saw in a cloud the vision of Our Crucified Lord. Blood flowed out from the numerous Wounds on His Sacred Body. In the cloud were also numerous little children. They prayed to the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross to save them. They said, “O Merciful Father, may You save us by the Precious Blood. May the time come soon when You will reward the world”. As we were praying, the Precious Blood and Water flowed out from the Sacred Side of Our Lord Jesus Christ and covered them. They rejoiced and praised the Living God. Immediately, the vision passed and the cloud shook. The Holy Face appeared and said:

“My children, the wrath of the Eternal Father is increasing. His anger increases because of the sins of the world. The world is full of sin. Adultery and fornication rule the world. Men love the creature and neglect the Creator. They sin and blaspheme against the Living God. My death on the Cross is of no value to them.

My son, you see how numerous, unborn children who were aborted by the world are. My children, they are many, they are many, and their cry disturbs Heaven and increases the anger of My Father. My children, their blood wounds My Sacred Heart; their cries hurt the mystical Wounds of My Sacred Heart. Warn My people, My loving children, to stop sin. My people, love Me and stop sin. Stop sin. May you stop sin. Stop fornication, I say to you, stop fornication, My youths. How I love you! How will you know that I love you? Console Me by means of your holy lives.

My children, the hour is very short to save souls. Inform My people to reconcile with their God. Tell them to come back to Me and seek the Kingdom of their God. The hour of the coming Chastisement is near. Many souls will be lost forever. Many faithful souls will grow weak at that time; men will find it hard to change their lives. There will be confusion in many souls.

My children, I had told you this before, and now I am reminding you that the coming destruction will start in every family that had shed the blood of innocent souls. Let all men call upon My Precious Blood and be saved. Baptize the unborn babies with the power of My Precious Blood.

My children, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother will protect you and My Precious Blood will save you.

I bless you all”

Immediately the vision passed, the little children praised the Living God in the cloud for a while and vanished. Then I came back.



DATE: 5TH JULY, 1997


In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision a lake of fire and many people were inside it. They cried out in deep sorrow as the fire burnt them. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In that cloud, appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross. Blood flowed from His Holy Wounds and especially the Five Wounds.

Immediately these people saw Him, they all stood up and cried in a loud voice, saying; “Lord! Have mercy on us! Be merciful to us! May your Precious Blood save us.” As they were praying I saw an Angel of God came down from Heaven; He took them out from the pit and they flew with the angel to the cloud.

In the cloud, they sat with the Host of Angels, and ate and drank the Body and Blood of the Spotless Lamb. Within a short time cloud covered the whole place. Then, the Holy Face appeared and said:

“My loving children, follow the desert way to the New Jerusalem. Accept all sufferings as cross. Love your cross. Accept it with joy. Carry your own cross and follow Me. Rise up as you fall. Be strong and endure till the end. My children, many people are lost forever because of the sins of the flesh. Many souls suffer terrible purification because of the passions of the flesh. My people love the perishable wealth of the world. They worship money and lose their souls forever. My children, many souls are heading towards perdition; they are heading towards perdition because of the temporary wealth of this world.

I beg you all with love, O My loving children, follow the desert way. Teach others how to accept their crosses. I say, live monastic lives. Pray for the souls in Purgatory who are under the heat of Purification. Pray for them through the power of My Precious Blood. I promise to save them. My children, run for your lives that you will not suffer purification after death.

My children, pray that you will understand the coming revelations.

I love you all,

I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed. The Precious Blood from the Sacred Head dropped on my head and I came back to myself. The entire words remained in my memory.



DATE: 6TH JULY, 1997


In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw the Holy Face in the cloud. The Sacred Head was crowned with Thorns, while blood constantly flowed out. He looked pitifully at us and said:

“My children, hear this word of Mine and keep it in your heart. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ; I love you all.

My children, the coming Tribulation is terrible and fearful. Pray much, I say, pray much, pray harder, pray that the hour will not begin during the rainy season, because there will not be any natural heat if it comes during the rainy season. My children, pray always. Offer all your prayers for the salvation of men. How terrible she will suffer, the woman in labour!. This coming hour is so terrible and fearful. Who will survive it”?

My loving children, pray that this hour will be short, prepare yourselves with holy love. Show mercy to people and preach My words to them. Live a completely holy life and inform others to change their lives, clothe yourselves with humility, for your humility will help you in this great battle.

My children, many will be lost forever, many will be lost forever. Where are the few? I am still looking for them. If men will hear, let them hear these words and pray. Pray and make constant adoration. Attend Holy Mass, My loving children. Attend Holy Mass now. The time is coming when men will look for a Holy Mass as worthy as this one you hear now, and find none. Never let a day pass without receiving Holy Communion. Drink My Precious Blood and be filled with power. Tomorrow I will teach you a prayer through My Angel, a prayer of love and mercy.

My children, you will hear what many will speak, and your faith will grow weak.

Happy are all who abide in My Most Precious Blood; the coming Chastisement will not affect them. Pray that you will be able to complete this novena fully. Your enemy will fight you and hinder you from fulfilling it. Remember My warnings and keep them.

I am happy with your zeal and love. I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed, I saw the vision of what looked like the great day of destruction. I shivered and woke up.



DATE: 7TH JULY, 1997


In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross on a mountain Precious Blood flowed from all His Wounds. Our Lord wept bitterly. At the same time, an Angel appeared and knelt in front of the Crucifix. He sang an adoration song to the Most Precious Blood:

“Adoration! Adoration!!, Adoration!!! To Thee O! Powerful Weapon.

Adoration! Adoration!! Adoration!!! To Thy Precious Blood.

Later, he prayed again,

Merciful Agonizing Jesus Christ, pour Your Precious Blood on our souls, satisfy our thirst and defeat our enemies. Amen.

Powerful Blood of Salvation, fight the enemy. (Three times)

After this prayer the Angel said:

“Son of man, say these prayers always. Pray them for protection. Our Lord will save through His Precious Blood. Adore the Precious Blood and let others join you. Pray, and never give up.

I love you.”

Immediately he left, Blood flowed from the Wounds to me. Then cloud came down and covered the mountain. The Holy Face appeared and said:

“My children, listen and understand these words. Children, the spiritual battle is increasing. There is a great war in spirit now. The enemy has captured many nations and is ruling them. Your country is among the nations.

My children, there are many agents of the evil spirit that exist now in the world.

They came out from the ocean few years ago. Many of them have built factories and produce many goods. Many opened churches, and many live among men in schools and in a great cities. They deceive My people. Children, now that the hour is at hand, they are not asleep, because they know that their hour is very short. Pray harder now, that the evil man has not started his work. The Antichrist is in the Church. He will rule My Church. Pray that you will not be deceived.

My children, know this now, that when the wicked man bans the Holy Mass, know that the hour is the last fight. This hour is the most horrible period. This hour precedes the Three Days’ Darkness. On the second night of the Three Days Darkness My Angels will defeat the enemy through the power of My Precious Blood.

Let all men call on the Precious Blood and be saved. Make constant reparation for all the sins men commit against Me. Be careful, children, war in spirit increases. Join in the battle and win.

Love Me and save your souls.

I bless you all”.

Immediately the vision passed, I saw the Red Dragon in the pit, which opened in front of the Crucifix. Blood from the Sacred Head dropped and tormented the Dragon.



DATE: 8TH JULY, 1997


In our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, I saw in a vision Our Lord holding in His Right Hand, His Sacred Heart circled and pierced with thorns. Beside the Heart was a wound from which blood and water constantly dropped, and Divine rays shone from it as He came down from a mountain. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place.

Immediately, He said:

“My children, the Wounds in My Sacred Heart are paining Me much because of the sins of the world, the souls that will be lost forever and My children who will suffer the great Chastisement. Many of My children do not heed My warnings and revelations. They continue sinning and blaspheming My Holy Name day and night. Only very few people hear My message and get prepare.

My children, pray for the unrepentant sinners. Offer your daily sacrifices for them. Through the power of My Precious Blood, I promise to allow a drop of My Precious Blood to fall on any heart that needs conversion. Through My Precious Blood, the hardened heart will soften and be converted. My children pray for them. Have faith in Me and let your faith grow. Build your faith in Me. Great temptation is coming. Children the temptation is great. Who will survive it? Many will shed their blood.

My children make your faith strong. The time is coming when numerous children will be killed. I have told you this before, now I am reminding you that the enemy has produced destructive tablets. Any person who takes these tablets will die on a specified date. They do this in order to reduce the population of the world so that the Beast will rule them. Children they will give it free to all men. My Spirit will let you know it when you hear about it or when you see it. I say to you, pray much My children. Be faithful. I am placing My Seal with My Precious Blood in the heart of the faithful ones. They will grow in faith and defeat the Red Dragon.

Love Me and be faithful to Me. Tomorrow, I will bless you with the power of the Holy Trinity and give you the last revelation of this novena. Come with faith; do not sleep.

I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed, the Sacred Heart remained for some time and vanished.



DATE: 9TH JULY, 1997


On the last day of our nine days novena, I saw in a vision the Crown of Thorns in the cloud. The crown moved round in the cloud until the cloud shook. The Sacred Head with the Crown of Thorns appeared. Blood was gushing out from all the Wounds of the thorns in the Sacred Head. He raised His Face gently and said:

“My children, today is the last day of the first novena and this is the great month which Heaven dedicated to My Precious Blood. Today, I will remind you of all the past revelations, be careful, watch and pray.

Children, I told you that many of My Cardinals would get married. I told you that one of them married an evil queen. The queen with her demonic power has won over the Cardinal. My children, the possessed Cardinal will fight to rule My Church.

Children, during that time, the Holy Mass will be banned. If the Holy Mass is not banned, the great darkness will not come, because the Holy Mass has all the power to stop the great Chastisement. But Heaven has decreed it, prepare for the coming Tribulation.

Children, the underground government is ready to rule with their authority. There will be One World Government; one currency, and the whole world will be computerized. There will be computer number on all-goods, companies, and schools. The world will be numbered with the Mark of the Beast, 666, who is in the underground world now. My children, never receive the Mark. Anyone who receives the Mark will be lost forever.

Listen, listen, and be ready to offer your lives. Children, I shed My Blood and there shall be blood of martyrs before the Beast will be defeated. Children, rejoice in your faith. My Angels will take your bodies and your souls up to Heaven all who offer their lives for My sake. After this great Persecution, there will be a Red Cross in the sky and the moon will be darkened, the sign in the sky will represent My Precious Blood and the blood of martyrs. The blood of innocent children will darken the moon. My children, I told you that there would be massive death of children who will be killed, pray and never give up. Children this coming persecution is terrible and fearful. I promise to save. Even in the great wrath of the Eternal Father My Precious Blood will save.

Children, rejoice because the brightest star has come out in the cloud. This star is the brightest among all the stars, the Ark of the Covenant and Pillar of Cloud, which will lead My people to the New Era. The star is the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Look and you will see it every evening in the cloud. She gives joy to her children who are consecrated to Her. Prepare; consecrate your lives to Her. My Mother will protect her children. Say your Rosary always and live a holy life.

My children, give this Chaplet to My two visionaries. Teach this prayer to them. I say to them to pray it always. The enemy will first attack My visionaries in the whole world. They will suffer; fear not, My children. I promise to save them through the power of My Precious Blood.

My children, let men honour My Precious Blood. All who call upon My Blood will be saved. Let families pray the Chaplet of My Precious Blood. I will save them in this horrible hour.

My children, pray this Chaplet for sinners. Pray it for the unrepentant sinners. I will allow My Blood to fall on their hearts before the great day comes. They will obtain true contrition for their sins. Pray for sinners, pray for the non-Catholic. Pray that all will be one. My Father will answer your prayers through My Precious Blood. I will send a great sign in heaven and all men will see it and return to one flock. They will worship Me and adore My Precious Blood.

My children, I will not perform great miracles now because the Church has not approved it. But I will answer your petitions according to the Divine Will.

Prepare for the three-day novena. Be ready to welcome your Mother.”

Immediately the Holy Trinity appeared in the cloud, the Holy Spirit flashed the Divine Light on us; the Father and the Son blessed us and said:

“I bless you all”



DATE: 10TH JULY, 1997


During our usual devotional prayer, in a vision, the Holy Face appeared in the cloud and said:

“My children, Heaven rejoices. Heaven is happy with your adoration in the first novena. Your adoration pleased Me. Peace be with you all. Children, prepare well for the future of this devotion. Do not be afraid to give these prayers to anyone who participates fully in these novenas. Teach them all the ejaculatory prayers and let their faith grow through your efforts.

Children, I have overlooked your past weaknesses. I will be happy if you finish this devotion with zeal. Remember My order, welcome My children who are willing to show Me love, I say welcome only those who are willing to watch and pray. Please, My children, don’t choose Judases. Don’t welcome wolves into the peaceful flock. I want your loving sacrifices.

I bless you all”

Immediately the vision passed, I heard songs of Angels for a while and came back.



DATE: 13TH JULY, 1997


On the first day of the three-day novena in the month of July, I saw in a vision Our Lady coming down from the cloud. She was wearing a white veil, held a Crucifix in her left hand and flowers in her right hand. She had her Rosary on the side.

As she came down, she sang a song, until she was near and said:

“My children, today I come to co-operate with you and show you all the loving kindness of my motherly grace. Be happy and rejoice with Heaven in this adoration. I am the Mother of Jesus Christ; I come to you so that you will love my Son and console Him in His agony. The Mystical Wounds in the Sacred Heart of my Son is paining Him much because of the sins of the world. The sins of the world are many. Men do not want to heed the warnings from Heaven. Their sins increase daily. Pray always, pray for sinners, pray that many will change their lives.

My children, I had told you this before, now I am repeating it to you and the world. Oh, pray: ‘O Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ heal the Wounds in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I say many wounds shall be healed. Because the sins of the world increase, say ‘Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world’. I assure you many will be saved and sinners will come to repent.

Children, I am giving you my last warning about the coming Chastisement. Know today that Heaven has decreed this great Purification. They say, Father, only purification will bring the New Jerusalem down to the world. Only purification will refine the world. Children, do not pray that the Chastisement will not come. I say, don’t pray that the Holy Mass would not be banned for some time; otherwise there will not come the great darkness.

Know it today that the Underground Computer is out in this physical world. Soon you will hear about it. This computer has power to computerize the whole world. The hour of the demon is fast approaching.

The great day of darkness is coming. The great day of persecution is coming. Scripture had said it. Read Daniel chapter 8. Before the terrible day comes, the Holy Sacrifice will be banned. Pray and teach others how to pray. Pray that many souls will be saved; show holy love to one another. Accept all daily suffering. Be strong in your faith to welcome the coming persecution.

My children, are you ready to offer your life for the sake of God? I say, are you ready to suffer martyrdom? Many will lose their faith and worship the evil man. Anyone who worships the evil man will be lost forever. I am the Brightest Star in the cloud. My Immaculate Heart will shine to my children. I will protect all who consecrate themselves to me, all who live holy lives. Tell the world that the Precious Blood will save anyone who calls upon it. Through the Precious Blood many souls will be saved. Honour and adore the Precious Blood of my Son and Lord Jesus Christ.

My children, have a Crucifix on your doorpost. Pray with your Crucifix always. Live with it. Through this sign you will conquer.

I am near to help you. Remain in peace from Heaven.

I bless you all”.

Immediately, the vision passed. I saw numerous stars in the cloud. Then I came back.



DATE: 14TH JULY, 1997


On the second day of the three-day novena, I saw in a vision the holy Archangel Michael with the Heavenly Hosts marching and singing Great War songs. They were all holding swords while Michael held a Chalice filled with the Precious Blood. As they marched and sang, cloud came down and covered the whole place.

Immediately, the Holy Cross, on which Our Lord was hanging, appeared. Blood was constantly flowing out of the Wounds. At the same time, Archangel Michael with two little Cherubim appeared. Michael was still holding the chalice. They bowed down and worshipped the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross.

After some time, Michael came nearer and said:

“Son of man, receive the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.”

Immediately, I received it. Then, I saw the great number of people who came from distant lands coming to the mountain to receive the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

After some time the cloud shook, as Michael appeared again holding a sword, and said:

“Children of God, hear the voice of Heaven and save your lives. I am Michael, the Archangel, the Chief Commander of the Heavenly Hosts. I come to teach and admonish you. May the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ cover you all.

Children of God, the spiritual battle is on. The enemy is not asleep. He is fighting to win many souls. He has sent all his Army into the Warfield, because he knows that his time is little.

Children of God, this hour is the great hour of dryness, the hour of evil. Children of God, the demon rules in this hour; who will survive it?

The wicked spirits have caused war in the holy Church, in families, in schools and in companies. Cardinals fight against Cardinals, Bishops against Bishops; war in spirit increases. They have caused spiritual Luke warmness in many souls. They have manipulated many hearts that they can no longer pray to their Living God. They have poured the spirit of lies and pride on the people of God. The demons induce lust in many hearts. This lust gives birth to fornication and adultery. Look, there are many innocent unborn babies in the cloud. Their number increases every minute of the hour. Children of God, the demon, Satan, and his agents cannot rest until they win all men.

The enemy has taken advantage of many souls. May souls are possessed. They worship the wicked spirit and attack the children of God.

Children of God, war is on! Atmospheric spirits are fighting you, Hydrospheric spirits are fighting you, and Biospheric spirits are fighting against you. Their physical agents are fighting against you. Who will indeed win the battle? Many souls will die in sorrow; many people’s faith will grow weak. Listen, the enemy has captured the universe. They are on the top of governments. They are entering. Look! they are sitting. They are sitting on the thrones of governments. Who will survive this horrible hour of the demon? Children of God wait for the coming persecution with faith, but be happy that the Blood of Jesus Christ has conquered the demon. Through the Precious Blood, we shall conquer the enemy again. Call upon the Precious Blood, all who are spiritually asleep, the Blood of the Spotless Lamb will wake you up. Adore the Most Precious Blood all who are manipulated by the enemy; you will be saved.

Children of God, let all men console and adore the Most Precious Blood through this prayer; let all families consecrate themselves to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Our Lord will save through this; our enemy will be conquered again and defeated forever. This adoration is great. Anyone who constantly consoles and adores Our Lord through this prayer will not be lost. His lineage will be converted. The Heavenly Hosts will fight for him, and he will join the Heavenly Army after death.

Pray much now; time is coming soon when all souls will be in confusion and will find it hard to pray. At that time the Divine Ears will be far.

Children, hold firm your faith; be wise, the enemy will tempt you and many will fall.

The last novena will be hard, only few will complete it. Father will not condone anyone who flouts His order. Happiness and peace will follow anyone who fulfills and makes the devotion of this great month well. Father will bless him.

Love and obey the Church.

I fight for you all”.



DATE: 15TH JULY, 1997


On the last day of our three-day novena, Our Lady appeared to me in a vision holding a palm frond in her hand and said:

“May the peace from Heaven be with you all. Your adoration pleases Heaven. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Today is the last day of the three-day novena, Heaven is happy, your prayers confused many kingdoms of the evil spirits. Your effort pleases the Trinity.

My children, you are about to enter the great Pilgrimage hour. Pray that you will fulfill the novena, pray much for other people who will join you. Pray that they will join you and fulfill this great hour of prayer. The enemy will fight you all. Many will come late and my Son will send them back. Some will sleep and be stopped from joining the adoration anymore. The faith of many will grow weak because of ignorance and spiritual blindness. Families will attack their children greatly; many people will fight this devotion.

My children, pray much, pray much that nothing will hinder you. Some will be sick and will not have the strength to join. Even death may hinder some. Happiness and joy will follow him who devotedly makes the devotion well. The coming Chastisement will not overcome him. Remember, my children, that after this great month, no power will ever stop this devotion. The Church will approve it when I raise up my saving hand. Pray much; offer your daily sacrifices for the remaining novena. Prepare to make it great.

Children, the last day will be great, so great that all who fulfill the devotion will rejoice. Their families will repent and love their Creator and God. I will protect them and my Son will save them through the power of His Blood.

My children, the Eternal Father needs the voice of many people in the Consolation and Adoration Prayers. Let all who will attend the last novena have those prayers said in groups and sing in one spirit. Have your crucifix; show love to the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Meditate on His sufferings whenever you pray, you will gain numerous indulgences. Obey all the warnings from Heaven and be ready to welcome the coming Chastisement.

My children, pray much for your town, pray, pray much, many are waiting for salvation. They look for my saving power, but when they see it they do not recognize it; they heard of it, they joined the agents of evil to mock it. Pray that their eyes be opened that they will see and their ears be opened, that they may hear.

I say, pray, pray and break the hardened heart. Many people will hear of this devotion and save their lives. Children, when shall your people know about it?

Listen, my children, the aim of Heaven here is to teach the world how to pray. Let all men adore the price of their salvation, the Blood, which saved the world from sin.

‘Generations will adore You, O Precious Blood of redemption’. This devotion combines all the devotions of my Son’s and my Lord’s Passion. Heaven adores forever the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ through these prayers.

Prepare for the coming novena; soon, Jesus will have a great teaching for the world.


My children, learn to show love to one another. Teach people the way of Truth. Take your families, your relatives, and friends along with you and run for your lives. Great trials will come. Many souls will be lost. Build your faith on the Rock, Jesus Christ, my Son. Make the faith of people strong through your teaching. Children, the wicked man is in Rome now. Pray for my Pope, pray that his faith will be strong. Soon you will hear news. Don’t fear, don’t run about, only pray and do this adoration. You will see many agents of the demon and hear about their actions. They will attack my Priests and destroy many tabernacles. Fear not. Be strong in your faith. Children the faith of many people will grow weak. They will worship the Beast.

I say to you, pray much now and consecrate yourselves to the Precious Blood of my Son, you will be saved. All things laid outside the Precious Blood of my Son will suffer greatly.

Love me. I am with you all, Remain in peace from Heaven”

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