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MAY REPARATION LESSONS/MESSAGES (Thursday/3rd Friday) Year 2022


DATE: 23RD APRIL, 1997

TIME: 9:09 PM



In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw a vision of the Sacred Host in the cloud. In the Sacred Host there was a dazzling light; the rays of the light spread all over the whole place. Half of the Sacred Host was human flesh while half was bread. As I looked, I saw Blood dropping down from the middle of the Host. This remained till the cloud covered the whole place. Then the Holy Face appeared and Our Lord said:

“My children, because of the love I have for mankind; because of the love, my Father has for the world, the love which drew me from Heaven into this world, with the same love I look for my flock. That love led me to give up my life for my flock. That love keeps me constantly in the holy tabernacle now and till the end of the age. But my flock neglects me and leaves me alone. Only a few show compassion to me. Only a few adore my Presence. I wait for them every day. They run away and follow their own ways. My people, I am here in the Holy Tabernacle; I am waiting for you. Come and console me.

My children, all that you suffer for my sake is not in vain. The road of salvation is a desert way. My saving power is there. I protect all who trust in me and follow my way with love and faith.

My children, a time is coming when you will not have the strength and heart to pray. Your hearts will be full of pain and worries. You will look for consolation and find sadness. Your friends will run away from you and your children will not obey you. But after, I will bring joy back and let your friends come back. Pray now that there is time. I am with you.

I bless you.”






During our meditation prayer, on the first day of the second month of Seal, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross, bleeding.

After a while, clouds came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared a Chalice, WITH A TONGUE OF FIRE ON ITS MOUTH and which at the same time circled with a Crown of Thorns.

The Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said:

“My children carry your own cross and follow me. Carry your cross; follow me; we are going to Calvary.

Children, lift up your cross. I will make it light and give you peace. Come; crucify your sinful nature with me on the Cross of Calvary. So, the old being will die, and the new being will rise with me when the glorious hour comes. I promise you, My children, that I will raise you into a new life when My Glory is revealed.

For all of you who are seeking me, I am the One Who hung on the Cross of Calvary, bleeding for your sake. Look at my Head and see the crown you made for me, the Crown of Thorns for your King and Saviour. Look at my wounds and the Precious Blood I shed for your sake, and have mercy on me. Come to me and console me, for I am looking for you. Anyone who finds me finds life.

Children, today, I am building in your heart, a tabernacle of My agony. Children, inside your hearts, may I find consolation. I, in turn, will give you peace. I promise to do it in all hearts eagerly waiting for the Lord.

Children, children, the hour has come for you to surrender to every Cross. They are all yours. For my sake and for the gospel, carry it with me to Calvary. I will make it light and reward you with everlasting paradise. Children, Calvary is a mountain of salvation; all who carry their crosses to Calvary have Heaven as their heritage with the Angels and Saints. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ; make my Will known to the whole world. I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed. Then appeared again the chalice crowned with thorns, which finally vanished.


DATE: 17TH MARCH, 2000

TIME: 11.30 AM



As I was praying, the Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared to me in a vision bathed with blood all over His Body. He calmly said:

“My son, I cannot even find rest in the hearts of my chosen. I am being deserted. My son, I want to live in your heart from one communion to another. I appeal to you to make your heart a living Tabernacle for me but none of you is willing to listen to my anguished appeal, no one, not even among the chosen. Children, I have told you this before, I am now appealing to you again, with great pain in my Heart, that I am greatly tortured whenever I enter the sanctuary of your soul through Holy Communion. Your sins tie me up, and mercilessly drag me out after callously beating me.

My lovers, can’t you make your heart a living Tabernacle for me? If others reject me, will you reject me too? My lovers, it is the love I have for you that motivated me to appeal for my dwelling in you. My children, it is for your own good so that you will not be dried up when the greatest hour of dryness comes.

Children, the Tabernacle I gave the Church will cease to exist on the last day but the Tabernacle I built in your soul, as my Great Seal will remain forever. I want you to recognize my Presence in your soul always. I want you to know that I am really living in your soul.

Children, but the way you treat me, with sin, pains me greatly. The Evil One enters your soul immediately you drag me out because the glory of God has departed from His Sanctuary that is your soul.

Children, what do you think that the Evil One will do to that Sanctuary? He will ruin it with all kinds of evil. This is why you always bear evil fruits.

My lovers, I want to renew the Church through you, and hasten my Glorious Reign in your hearts. Let my Kingdom come in your souls. Let my Kingdom come. My chosen, I am not appealing to the world now, but to you whom I chose to be my lovers. I am telling you my Heart because you are dear to me, but your hearts are not on me. If you respond to my appeal, my Kingdom will come soon.

Barnabas, may I reign in your soul. May I reign in all your lives! I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ whom you cruelly tortured. I bless you all.”

Remain in peace from heaven.”






Today being the first day of September reparation, I saw before the Blessed Sacrament exposed the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“Peace be with you, My children. In this silent night of this day, I welcome you all to this great feast and reparation. Children, come and have rest in me. I say to you again, “Peace be with you!”.

In this holy mountain, I gather you all May children to establish my kingdom in your hearts. I call you to transform you from the man of yourself and make you holy. I have called you to make my will known to you.

Children, you are the seed of my Glorious Reign I am sowing in the world. Through your response to my appeals for holiness, the brightness of my glorious Reign will shine to all men. Happy are you who are little, you will see greatness in my way, while the proud will see nothing. Children, throw away your humanity, I mean the burden of self and of the world.

Give me your weakness; I will give you my strength. Offer me your nothingness, and I will offer you my all. Lay before me your empty knowledge, and I will give you my divine wisdom.

I am the Lord who makes the weak strong; I will make my little ones great in my way. I will open their eyes to see the way of truth. Through them, many will come back to me. Through them, the whole world will see light again.

So, I beg you to lay yourself on me. I say surrender all your strength, all your wisdom, all your weakness; I will give you my all. Then, you will be the star of the Glorious Reign in the world.

As you come, I bless you all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 3RD JULY, 2005

TIME: 3.00AM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision a Saint coming down from Heaven with three little Cherubim and, a white rose flower in her hand. She came closer and gently said: “Let the light of God shine upon the world and scatter the darkness of sin. Let the flame of love be the light of the soul. Come nearer O gentle creature” and hear the voice of Light and have your soul at peace. I am your friend, Agatha.

I come to give you a lesson on the topic of this year July which my Jesus called the Dark Night of a soul; as a result of the sin of lust.

Friend of the living God, lust is an accumulative force of iniquity that a soul gathers from evil meditations, feelings, sight, and passion. It is to the soul what acid is to the flesh. It is a sin that blinds a soul and causes the death of true love in the heart of man. Lust takes a soul from the light of God’s peace to the darkness of doom. It makes the man of yourself a slave of Satan. This is a sin that weakens the soul and the flesh and disposes them to sickness and death. A lustful heart is a troubled soul. There is no peace for such a man. Remember that lust leads souls through the evening of sin to the night of doom. I mean, that lust yields the sin of the flesh through its maturity. The journey of the lust to the sin of the flesh is like the journey of the sun from the bright morning rise to the dawn of the evening. The slave and the darkness of the soul at this hour is what is called the Dark Night of a soul.

Friends of Jesus, what shall a soul do to save herself from this hour and see the light of God again? Dear friends, a soul will be aware of all occasions of this sin and avoid them as possible as she can. Slavery of the flesh is the fire that enkindles this passion in man. A soul is a slave of the flesh when the moving force of the passion of the flesh subdues the holy desire of the soul. At this stage, man sees that there is happiness in the bitterness of the sin of the flesh. Watch out you virgin soul, do not enslave yourself in this sin. Do not sell your heart to any creature. If you do, the tie of your pure love will stick to such creatures. And you will be in bondage and a slave of sin and death; mostly, your will and your desire.

Truly, many forces can arise in man but the power of the will is above them. One may desire many things, but there is still a chance for one to choose what is best and good for him. You can be tempted, but your effort to overcome evil and in union with your total dependence on God for survival is enough to give you victory over sin and death.

Finally, cultivate your love for God. I mean, make your love for Jesus active. May it supersede every other love you have for the creatures. Friends, you can do this through your continued effort to search and to desire this noble gift of salvation. Jesus will surely, one day, possess all hearts that are willing to love Him in truth and in spirit. I pray Him to save you from the wave of lust and let the new light shine on your soul for life. May my Jesus bless you all”. “Bye”

Immediately, the vision passed, and then appeared the agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“I love all hearts that are pure. They are my Angels in the world. My love will care for them always. So I bless you in the name of the Father and, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen!.

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 31ST MAY, 2002

TIME: 11:00 PM



In my prayer during this hour I saw a vision of Our Lady coming down from the cloud with a rose flower. She came nearer and calmly said:

“Peace from Heaven be with you. I am the Flower of Purity, the Rosa Mystica, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Today, the Church celebrates my Visitation to Elizabeth, which reveals the fact of my role as the dispenser of all graces.

Here, I have come as I did come in the time of my visitation to Elizabeth to assist you in your struggle to perfection. I have come to help you as I promised you earlier. Remember my promise that I will ask Jesus to send Saint Anthony of Padua as you call him and Saint Michael the Archangel. They will teach you more on the mysteries of silence and the true deliverance from evil spirit. Remember that the month of June is the month I foretold you that they will come. Here, I have come to inform you of their lessons. I am the Flower of Purity; I hope you will enjoy their lessons.

Listen, my son, before, I told you how the lessons will be; I have a great appeal to make of you. The appeal is: Jesus needs your purity! Jesus wants you to be pure! Jesus desires your purity! Promise Him that you will be chaste and pure. He will bless you. He will be consoled, and you will have your soul at peace.

In this coming month of July, I will come to you as the Flower of Purity, so that all who are ready and eagerly waiting to receive the Rose of Perfect Purity will obtain the golden peace from Heaven. They shall enjoy the sweetness of the heavenly truth. When the time comes for them to obtain the perfect rose, they will see the hidden favour of what they obtained, as their souls will be filled with the joy of paradise. But for those friends of God who are far from the truth reveal to you on the Lessons of the Rose of Perfect Purity, shall remain the same as they are now.

Children, I pray you to grow. Grow with the Lessons of Heaven. May these lessons which these Saints of God will offer you lead you to perfection! This is why you are called to be a consoler; so that seeing the world full of sin, and looking at you full of purity, love of God will increase and the Two Hearts of Love will be consoled. Then the Kingdom of God will come soon. I hope you are waiting for the Kingdom of God on earth? Follow the lessons of Heaven and grow. I am the Flower of Purity who is calling you to grow.

Listen now; the Saints have this month for the Lessons. Wait for them every midnight of the days. Though they will not give messages on all the nights, I will sustain you with the graces you need. Remain in peace from Heaven. I am the flower of purity.


Immediately the whole vision passed.


DATE: 24TH JULY, 2001

TIME: 7.00 PM



In our prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision a Sacred Host surrounded with a Crown of Thorns. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the clouds appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“Children, I come to inform you that you will learn how to act by yourselves. The enemy will test all of you singly. I will allow the enemy to shake everything, so that what cannot be shaken will remain. Anything attached to oneself shall be separated and tested one after another. The earth and everything that lives there will lament the days bitterly. Children, mighty men will fall. But to those who remain unshakable I will give the Victorious Crown.

Children, learn to act by yourselves. I say, learn to stand by yourselves. Build up your faith in me. Learn to approach me alone. Talk to me as your Father, your God, and your Saviour. Have private time for me. Learn to listen to me. I am speaking to you in your soul. That voice of love in your soul is my voice. I am calling you to life. Many do not know or remember my Presence in their very souls. Children, unless you acknowledge my Presence in your very soul, you cannot learn how to act by yourselves.

I am calling you again to defend yourselves against self, against the world, and against Satan. In the days of the evil man, which you are living in now, the wolf will enter and scatter the flock. In those days, the shepherds of the flock will hardly gather the flock together. Each cattle will run in a different direction so as to be tested singly.

Learn how to act by yourselves before the evil Beast scatters the flock. Learn the true doctrine of my Holy Church and practice it now. Learn your Catechism now that it is day. Night is coming when you will not see light. Keep my words in your heart now before the agony of persecution fills your heart. These remaining days are days of grace. Gather much grace now. The days are coming when you will give out what you have. The wise will rejoice that day, while the fool will regret.

Children, the days of the Evil One are so great. Listen to these words: On that day, ninety percent (90%) of my children will be spiritually blind. You will see many people who spoke of the coming of the evil Beast, those who warned others never to follow the Beast, following the Beast and serving him as God. After all these warnings and admonitions, many will still follow the evil Beast. Children, they will suffer greatly, all who did not learn how to act by themselves. Learn all my teachings, gather the petals of the Rose of Perfect Purity, carry your Cross of Perfection and stand on your Faith. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who calls you to love. I love you all.

So, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Remain in Peace.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 25TH JULY, 2001

TIME: 7.00PM



In our prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ that emanated from the Blessed Sacrament on the altar. With His Bloody Face, He calmly said:

“Children, the agony of the great days of the coming confusion is weighing me down. See how faithless my children will be!


In the coming days of the Evil man, when he has succeeded in capturing the highest seat in my Holy Church, do not go outside this Holy Rock, this Church of Mine, to seek exterior consolation and delight. Children, I say, do not leave this Church of Mine. You are my warriors. Do not desert the war field. Remember my promise that the gates of Hell will not prevail against her, my Holy Church. I will be with her till the end of the ages.

The enemy will be allowed to rule for a little time. The Evil Man will succeed in many ways because it is his hour, when the power of darkness rules. But through the sufferings of the elect, my lovers, I will rise and defeat the Evil man and his agents. Then, you will see the Glorious Kingdom of Peace.

Children, I repeat this with great sorrow and agony of heart; do not desert this Church of Mine. I say, do not go outside this Rock to seek exterior consolation and delight. Remain with the Rock and testify to the Truth. I called you to suffer the coming martyrdom of heart, and of blood.

Even if you are jailed and abandoned, do not desert this Church of Mine. Even if you are condemned and called demons, do not desert the Church. Remain the light of the True Faith.

Children, even if the hour may take your life, lay down your life for the renewal of the face of the Earth. Do not desert the battlefield. Fight even to the last drop of your blood. I will certainly give you victory.

Children, great are the coming confusion and persecution. This is what motivated me to come and offer you, the Rose of Perfect Purity before the hour comes. The days need endurance and faith. They will last for a little time, but will be painful and sorrowful days. Remain in the Holy Rock, my Body, and suffer with me to renew and to heal my Wounded Body.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who called you to bear the agony with me. I love you all. I bless you all, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Remain in peace.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 26TH JULY 2001

TIME: 7.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ that appeared as cloud covered the Sanctuary. He calmly said:

“My son, hear a message for all my children. I am sending you all into the battlefield to fight and to conquer. Though it may seem like sending lambs to fight wolves, victory is yours who remain faithful till the end.

Children, I chose you because you are weak. I will make you strong. Only be courageous and determined to fight the battle; I will certainly give you victory. Go! I am sending you to fight this iniquitous world with the Fire of Purity. Where immorality reigns, set on the Fire of Chastity and Purity. Fight until you have rescued all your people under the bondage of iniquity. Do not take part in their immoral life. Do not lose your fire of love.

In this great battle, the enemy will make every effort to extinguish the Fire of Purity in you. If he succeeds, he will capture you; and you will be his slave. Children, do your best to flame up the Fire of Purity in you. Hold firm the Rose of Perfect Purity given to you.

Conquer this wicked world with the Fire of the Perfect Rose. In the world where people lack Goodness and Kindness, light the Fire of the Perfect Rose. Where Hatred reigns light the Fire of Love of the Perfect Rose. Where there is no Peace, light the Fire of the Perfect Rose.

With the Power of Humility, conquer this evil world full of pride. Strike the proud Beast with the blazing sword of simplicity, of patience, and of faith. The battle is mine. I will give you victory. Children, I am sending you again to fight against self at work in you. Fight the self with the fire of Holy Mortification of the Perfect Rose. Self is the enemy of your spirit. As a warrior, self fights against the Spirit with the weapons of weakness and fear. But through the fire of Holy Mortification, you will conquer self.

Go, for I am sending you to fight against the world of sin, the self with its weapon of tiredness, and the man of iniquity, Satan. Through the Fire of Purity and by the Power of Humility, you will conquer.

Be certain that your light is not darkened. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who sends you to the battlefield. I am with you always. I will fight for you. I will give you victory.

So I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Remain in peace.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 27TH JULY 2001

TIME: 7.00 PM



In our novena prayer, during this hour, I saw the vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ lying prostrate on a rock. I recognized that place as the Rock of Gethsemane which I had seen in past visions. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared, before the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

“My children, in the days of the coming rebellion, you will experience total abandonment. You will know what it means to be left alone. Those coming days are the hours of darkness. My Father permits those days to come so that the number of Martyrs will be complete. I am Jesus Christ, the Father and Hope of all the Martyrs. The blood of Martyrs is the pride of my Father against the enemy of my Holy Cross. My Father boasts about them. They are His joy and His inheritance.

Children, until the number of Martyrs is complete, the coming rebellion will not stop. Know that the coming persecution will be greater than what the early Martyrs suffered. You will experience total abandonment. In those days, divine consolation will be withdrawn from you. You will feel the gap of my loving Presence. This is the greatest hour of dryness and abandonment. Only the Grace of the Seal, the Sanctifying Grace of love, will sustain those who will survive.

Children, I have told you this before, I am reminding you again: “Woe to those who put their trust in man, they shall be disappointed and abandoned.” In these coming days of Great Rebellion, your own eyes will see a large number of the faithful turning away from their faith. I say to you, my children that many mighty men in faith now will fall and fight against the light. Many, who teach you now, will join the Evil Beast to persecute you. The fallen heroes will make your hidden camps known to the Evil One. There will be no place for you to hide in those coming days of great terror. You will cry to your God and receive no answer. As you lift your voice up to your God, fear, tiredness and hopelessness will weigh you down. You will seek consolation from your brothers in faith and receive a bitter sword of abandonment.

Children, the coming Rebellion is so terrifying; many of your leaders now, who later will fall and join the Evil Beast, will cut off your heads and suck your blood in the days of great massacre. They will see that you are tested well to abandon your faith. Many of you will give up their faith because they lack the grace of my Seal. But those who hold on to their faith till the end shall be saved.

Children, this is what made me to offer you the Rose of Perfect Purity. Up till now, your eyes are not opened to see the great favour. I did not see you rejoice for receiving this precious gift. It seems that the dark world blinded your minds and your eyes. See how you will take this gift with less concern, as you did with the Agonizing Cross. I am looking to see my Apostles who will take up this work and help to offer the world what Heaven has offered them. I will reward them with an ever-bright Rose on the last day. I will rescue fourteen souls of their lineage from the torturing fire of Purgatory. They will not lack Sanctifying Grace in their lifetime. They console me now; I will console them.

Children, this Rose will be your consolation during the hour of persecution. Your joy is the hope of your reward. This Rose will open your eyes to see your Eternal Reward. Happy are all who keep their Roses pure. During those days, they will not be totally dried up. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who experienced what it means to be all alone.

So, I bless you with the Sanctifying Grace of Seal, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Gather the grace and remain in peace.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 28TH JULY, 2001

TIME: 7.00 PM



In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the Cross, bleeding. After a while, clouds came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

“My children, I come to inform you why I chose the little ones to be my warriors and my Apostles. Truly, I say to you, only the little will struggle to enter the land of peace. In my days of public ministry on earth, I taught my Apostles to be little. I chose them out of their littleness. They embraced my teachings and lived the life of simplicity, except the one who soiled his soul with the riches and pleasures of the earth.

One day, a rich man asked me what he would do to save his soul. I made the laws of Moses known to him. He replied with joy that he kept the laws since his youth. But when I called him to be little, he turned away from me and rejected that way of life.

The son of perdition was there. He is the only Apostle of Mine who did not give up all he had and follow my teachings. Children, truly I say to you, again, it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Children, who then is a rich man? The rich man is the one who is attached to self, to the world, to his wealth, to his personality, and even to his life.

Barnabas, remember my lesson in the desert when I told you to take away your humanity. This is why I said: increase your mortification, so that your humanity will be defeated. Anyone who is attached to these: self, world, personality, wealth, and life will hardly survive the terrible days of the Antichrist. Children, the wicked Beast will test every one of you with your life, your personality, the world and its pleasures, then with the passion of self. How can you overcome these tests, if you do not give up all you have and follow me?

In those days, your self will show you the uselessness of the Desert Way. The Evil One will make you see all you are leaving in the world. You will see your personality being deprived of you; your wealth being demolished, and your life being terminated. The burden of humanity will fall upon you. Woe to those who are attached to these things, the weight of humanity will weigh them down.

Children, this is why I called you to be little. Throw away your humanity, give up everything and follow me. You will not lose anything.

Surely, the rich, I mean those who are attached to self, to the world, to their personality, to their wealth, and to their life, will hear these appeals of littleness and turn away with great wrath. If you want to go with them, you may go. The Kingdom of Heaven is for the little, not for the sinful great. The soul of man is created to be simple and holy. But your humanity has filled the soul with pride.

Children, even if you did not hear these appeal for littleness now, in your death-hour, your humanity will surrender all your pride and will be little as you were created; but there will be no reward for you at that time.

Today, I have opened the door to my scattered Apostles. They are my little ones who are carrying out these messages with love to my poor people. Tomorrow, I will explain to you how you will know them and how to choose them. When they come, you will see their littleness.

Children, be little and poor in spirit. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Remain in peace.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 29TH JULY 2001

TIME: 7.00 PM



In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appear before the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar. He calmly said:

“My children, Go! I am sending you again. Go and spread the perfume of the Rose of Perfect Purity in the world. Go and spread the Perfume of Holiness. Where there is the evil odour of iniquity, let your holy perfume of the Perfect Rose refine. In the rotten world of sexual immorality, let your holy perfume of chastity refine. Let this holy perfume of Perfect Purity spread everywhere


Our Lord Jesus Christ raised His Hand and then blessed with these words:

“I bless all of you, my poor consolers. You consoled me, I will console you. I bless you all my little virgins. You are the little lilies that are scattered in the bloody way of your Saviour. I will never leave you alone in the lonely desert. I bless you all my poor martyrs of the last age. You prove my name in this dark world. You stand for the light. I will never let you walk in darkness. I bless you all who stand for me to renew my Church. I saw the swords that pierced your poor hearts. Your eyes will see the Glorious Reign of my Church. I see the swords that pierce your poor hearts. I will heal your wounded hearts. Your eyes will see the New World of my Glorious Reign.

I bless you all who clothe my nakedness in this sinful world. You bear the shame of the wicked world. Very soon, you will reach our Home and I will clothe you with the brightest garments. I bless you all who offer me a drink in this wicked world. I will never let you dry up in the hour of dryness. At the end of this great Journey, you will sit beside me and with me in banquet with my lovers.

I bless you all who remain in Gethsemane with me; all of you who keep vigil in the House of your God. I will never let the evil Beast harm your soul. You will never lack my grace. You are near me; I will be near you, always.

I bless you all, my little ones, who left everything and followed me. I see how the evil world mocks you. You bear all for me. You bear the agony of my last days with me. O! Whatever you left for my sake, you will receive back a hundred fold in the day of great reward. I will sustain you always with Sanctifying Grace in this struggle and race.

My blessings remain for my lovers, my blessings remain for you.

Children, welcome my little ones, who have done great work of evangelization of this devotion in the sinful cities of yours, among my Apostles. You shall know them by the fruits of their labour. They gather a large number of flocks into the sheepfold of my love. Some of them suffered persecution because of this call of holiness. In their hearts I filled them with holy zeal for my work. My appeals are their ways of life. They are simple and humble. They are natural and pure. They are my consolers.

Children, do not choose worldly personality, rather look on spirituality and holy zeal. Do not look at the wealth of the world; rather look at holy sacrifice and holy love. I will help you to choose these Apostles, so that this call will remain holy. Very soon, some of my Apostles will drop and give up this devotion. Do not worry when you see it happen. I am the One who shakes all so as to select my little ones. I will let all march to their position. Gather my scattered Apostles to join you. When their number is completed, I will lead you to the warfront to give you victory.

So, I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Remain in peace."

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 30TH JULY 2001.

TIME: 7.00 PM



In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging alive on the Cross. There shone the Divine rays from His Sacred Heart. After a while, clouds came down and covered the whole place. In the clouds, the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and He calmly said:

"Children, you are my joy in this sinful world. You are the joy of your Agonizing Christ. Whenever the bitter words of the sinful world pierce my Heart and I look and see you with all your littleness and purity, I am consoled. You are my consolation in these agonizing days of mine. Children, I am appealing to you today to let not my joy turn into sorrow in the time of great trial. May this Holy Rose of Perfect Purity remain pure and clean. May this Heart that receives much of your consolation suffer no agony because of you. Children, remain my joy and my consolers.

Barnabas, let all my Apostles learn these messages of Mine. Study these messages of the Perfect Rose as you come for the September Reparation. At the end of each lesson, stand to summarize it. I will help to reveal to the simple hearts, the truth of life. I say, study these messages of Perfect Purity. If you do not finish these messages during the Reparation, you will make more days for them before the renewal of the consecration.

Children as you hear these messages, you shall live them. I say, you shall spread the holy perfume of the Rose of Purity in the world. Through the brightness of your petals of purity, I will attract all men to my Love and Mercy. Then, my joy in you will be complete. Because of these lessons of purity and the great need for you to gather these Holy Petals, I will give you few messages in those days.

The way of life is hidden from the proud and arrogant men. Be little and humble; your eyes will see the light of my love.


My joy is your purity. Children, remain chaste and pure, you will remain my consolers. I bless you all, my joy and my happiness, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Remain in my peace”.

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 31ST JULY, 2001

TIME: 7.00 PM



Today being the last day of our twelve-day reparation prayer for Israel in the month of July, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appear before the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar. He kept silent for a long time while gazing at us. Finally, He looked up to Heaven in great anguish and grief and prayed:

"Father, look at your only-begotten Son, remember my Precious Blood and look with mercy on your children whom your Love created. Father, see your Son who is languishing in agony for the love of Your children, and have mercy. I have planted another seed of holiness in this virgin land of yours. Your mercy has kept it alive to germinate. Father, may this little plant of holiness grow up to be a home for all creatures who want to take shelter in this tree of' holiness. Remember that I planted many seeds like this in the past. Many had withered and died. Many are still alive but their life is of no use. Protect this young tree of holiness against any attack of the enemy till it matures to stand the attack. Father, I do not pray that they will not suffer the attack of the Beast. I pray that this tree become mature, then Your Hands may let loose the Beast.

Father, see how little they are. They do not know how terrible the days of the Evil Man will be. They are playing over my warnings, not because they are evil-hearted, but because they know nothing. See what they do with my messages. None of my projects has been taken seriously. Even the weapon, the Agonizing Crucifix, this weapon which will help them to stand the days of the Evil Man, is still neglected. Father, they do not know the greatness of the coming days because they are little children. Help them to see and feel the coming days of the Evil Beast before your hand lets loose the Beast. Give your children all over the world, the grace to pick up the Petals of the Rose of Perfect Purity, which are scattered everywhere. Pour your Sanctifying Grace upon your children who kneel before your Altar in this great month of July. May the power of endurance fill their hearts. Father, may they stand for you and your Son to bear the true testimony. As their sweat and blood sprinkle on this rotten world, remember the agony of Your Son and His Precious Blood, and renew the world. I am, your Son, who lives agonizing, among my people.”


“Children, I have given you everything necessary to meet the horrible hour. Very soon, the Beast will be let loose. Then, you will understand why my agony is great. Happy are all who know now and run for their lives. For you all, who answered this call of prayer in this month, I will obtain the grace of endurance if you remain in my love.

Receive my blessing. He placed His Hand on us and prayed again: “Father, into your hands I commend these little lilies of yours. Keep them in one love, in one faith, and may they bear one testimony. So, I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

“Peace be with you. Remain in my Love and Mercy.”

Immediately, the whole vision passed.



TIME: 11.30 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ descending from the cloud. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared clearly the agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“My Son, I come to inform you of the coming September Reparation. I do not see you making preparations for this coming pilgrimage. It seems that you did not know the favour given to you. Let all who are coming prepare their hearts. I say, make your soul pure. May you come with a heart of reparation. I mean the simple and poor heart of love like little children of three. Prepare solemn hymns to match your prayers. May those hymns and prayers of yours please Heaven. As you are coming, throw away your humanity. Let nothing disturb your peace on those days. Rejoice because you are chosen.

Son, listen, the programme remains unchanged as I have told you. But since the land set aside for the devotion has not been captured, I will direct you on what to do on 15th September as to follow my plan. Your fasting of that day will end by 3.00pm. Then, the programme will continue. Though this order I will give you is how you will do it in that Land, at a specific time, in this your exile, I can change the time to suit your present condition.

Listen; in addition to the previous programme of 15th September, you shall carry on a processional prayer by 6.00 pm with the order already given to you. Some groups will say the Precious Blood Chaplet while the other will say the Rosary of my Mother. Those who say my Mother’s Rosary will reply the prayer of those who say the Chaplet of my Precious Blood. And this order shall be repeated. Listen, this is not the way you did it last time when each group prayed separately. All shall pray together with the order given to you. You shall move around the arena or beyond depending on your feelings and your wish. At the end of each decade of any of the Chaplet, the group that is saying the Chaplet will tune a hymn corresponding to their prayer.

Listen, it shall be after my Mother’s Rosary and hymns, then follows the ‘Chaplet of my Precious Blood and hymns. At the end of the two decades and hymns, there will be a pause. Then, a bell will be rung for adoration.

Listen more for final direction. Those who carry the Crucifix and Holy Statue will move first, followed by the Rosary groups. Then, that group who says the Chaplet of my Precious Blood will follow. The Priests and the Priest who carried the Blessed Sacrament will follow the groups. You shall move in this order in a prayer procession. Remember that at the end of the two decades, the bell shall be rung for adoration. All shall kneel down and adore. Select hymns from the hymns taught to my Priest, the bearer of my agony, by Heaven.

Each adoration hymn will have five stanzas. In the end, you shall adore with this prayer: Holy! Holy!! Holy!!! Blessed be the Holy name of God. Blessed be the Eternal love. Blessed be the most precious blood, all glory, honour and praise be to Jesus crucified. Adoration be to the Most Holy Trinity”. Then, the procession will continue. You shall say fifteen decades of the Rosary in all and then come back into your reparation camp to recite your litanies. Do you understand this order? I answered, ‘Yes, my Lord.’ Our Lord replied: “Follow it.”


Then I presented the crucifixes, our Lord Jesus said: “I appreciate your effort. It pleases me much, Son, the wounds and the movement of the blood need more attention. May these artists put more effort, I will help. I bless them and their efforts” (He makes a sign of blessing)


“Barnabas, remain in my peace, I bless you and all my lovers in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen.

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 11TH SEPT. 2001

TIME: 2.00 PM



Today being the opening day of the five days and nights reparation prayer for the month of September in our prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision, Divine Light, which shone out from the Blessed Sacrament, exposed on the altar. There appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the cross. Precious Blood poured out from the Wounds especially the five major Wounds. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“My beloved children, I welcome you all into the ocean of my love. You are blessed to escape the bonds and burdens of this iniquitous world to be in my Presence. Peace be to your souls. Peace be to your wounded hearts that share my agony. Peace be to your troubled beings. I say peace be with you my children. As I had reminded my son, Barnabas, in the desert, I am reminding you all to throw away your humanity, which you are carrying in your hearts. I say, throw away the burden of humanity, my children, so that you can learn my lessons.

I called you to renew this sinful world. See, I have given you the Rose of Perfect Purity. I want you to gather the petals of this Rose that are scattered everywhere in the world. In these days, I will like you to learn the lessons of the Saints and live by them. These are the petals I called you to gather. Pick them; do not neglect them. I will allow you to learn the messages of the Holy Rose well; so, the messages I will give you will be by 2.00 am every day of this Reparation Programme.

Children, let nothing take away your spirit. Let nothing disturb you from gathering this holy Rose of purity. I say, be humble, so that my graces and blessings will be of use.

I bless you all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Remain in peace”.

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 12TH SEPT. 2001

TIME: 2.00 AM



During this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Face of Jesus Christ, which emanated from the Blessed Sacrament. The Agonizing Jesus Christ calmly said:

“My children learn this lesson and be faithful to your God. Look! Rose flower is the most beautiful flower on Earth, yet it has thorns. For anyone to get the beautiful flower, he must pass through the thorns. I say, he will suffer many difficulties before he can pluck the rose or even touch its petal. See again, my children, bees produce sweet honey and have powerful sting to protect the valuable honey. If anyone must collect the sweet honey, he must first defeat the painful sting of the bees. Children, no valuable thing under the sun is kept in an easy place. Even my Father when He chose to redeem the old Israelites, He chose the desert way for them. To possess the Promised Land, they passed through the Red Sea of great terror. In the desert they suffered many trials. When they moved to capture the Land, they fought many battles.

Children, I say, there is no valuable thing in that place of pleasure and enjoyment. There is no valuable thing in that easy way of life. All the precious treasures, I mean, the treasures of Heaven, are hidden in the thorny way of life. See, I chose the Calvary way, the way of sorrow, the bloody way, full of pain and agony, for your salvation. There is no other way of salvation I found, than the painful way of salvation. Children, do not reject the Calvary way. Though the way is painful, the end is full of happiness.

Children, to attain the valuable state of perfection, I have given you a precious Rose flower that is protected by the thorn of its branches. Anyone who must pluck this Rose of Purity must suffer the pain of the thorns of the Rose. When you read the message of purity, you will see the thorny way of perfection I am teaching you now.

Children, go! I am sending you into this thorny bush to pluck the Rose of Perfect Purity. Follow the desert way, I say, do not seek to gain pleasure as to please your mortal body. There is no valuable thing in an easy way of life. The road to damnation is wide; many follow it and get lost, but the road to salvation is hidden, a narrow way; only very few people find it and follow it. Be wise and learn this lesson. Darkness covers the mind and soul of the proud man that he can never learn or understand the mysteries of Heaven; but as for the humble and little, they see the light of my love and understand the mysteries of life. Be humble and learn.

I bless you all; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Enter the thorny bush and pluck the perfect Rose and remain in my peace.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 13TH SEPT. 2001

TIME: 2.00 AM



In this hour, as I knelt before the Blessed Sacrament, divine rays flashed on me from the Blessed Sacrament exposed. There, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“Barnabas, you can see that here, in the reign of the spirit, everything is clear. Here, you understand everything clearly. But, when you come back to yourself, the power of reasoning is limited. Everything is clouded with doubts and the influence of darkness. This is why I chose to take you where the cloudy world has no power to interfere, so that you can enjoy my personal relationship. Here, I can see that you understand well and that is why you ask few questions. See, there are many things you will not understand when you come to yourself. In the years to come, I will stir the cloud, and clear a little the cloudy mind so as to let the world see the light of my love.

Children, see how it sounds so strange to hear that I am telling you that the Glorious Reign is there in your midst. The cloudy world will not allow you to see. How happy are the men of goodwill, they are blessed in this world of pilgrimage.

Children, it will happen as it did during my birth. I say, you shall see a similar experience of what happened during my birth in this birth of the Glorious Reign, which I announced to you.

You shall see men of goodwill who longed to see the days of my Glorious Reign; when they hear of the birth of my Glorious Reign, they will be filled with joy. I say, they are the Simeons of the Last Age. Your eyes will see wise men from afar, who hearing of this great favour to humanity, will come to witness. Children, remember that there will still be a Herod of the last age. When he hears of this great favour, he will be filled with rage. He will think that his kingdom is about to be taken away from him. The plan of God is far from him. Look! You will see that through him, this holy devotion and other remnant groups of mine will be persecuted, and many will be killed. Children, pray that none of you will be the Herod of the last Age. I say, Herod will gain nothing but confusion and despair. Before these days of persecution come, I would have sent this holy call into exile to protect it till the wave passes. Children, only very few of you who are alert will understand when all these things will happen.

You will see people asking, how can it happen like that? How can He choose so? They will say; it can never be true. No one will believe it.

Children, do not worry yourself to explain, soon they will see and believe. But remember that I remained hidden in the local town of Nazareth, for thirty years, before the world knew that I was with them. Even at that time, they hardly believed.

Children, know that whatever they will celebrate when they come to know, is an anniversary of what you have already celebrated. Mark this: the gap between this call and the final rebellion will not be far from the time the world will know of my Glorious Reign. I say, they will rejoice for a few moments, and then the Final Rebellion will fall, to give way to the full manifestation of my Reign, where your eyes will see my Peace. Children, how many of you will survive to see the days?

Barnabas, many will not understand this message. No time will be wasted to explain it; because the more you try to explain, the cloudier their minds will be.

I have given you the perfect Rose to prepare you all. When you hear rumours of war, epidemics and various disasters around you, do not fear, for these will happen to mark the approaching day. Prepare yourselves for the coming martyrdom of heart and of blood. This will be the test of your faith, of your purity, and of your love. I say, this will be bitterer than the agony of the physical war.

To all who embrace the Rose of Perfect Purity, I will give the grace to overcome the days. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you to celebrate my Glorious Reign. Gather the petals and spread their holy perfumes in the world.

I bless you all, my lovers, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Remain in my Peace.

Immediately the whole vision passed.


DATE: 14TH SEPT. 2001

TIME: 2.00 PM



In our prayer during this hour, I saw a large number of angels and saints with trumpets and palm fronds in their hands. They were singing and jubilating. There, above the cloud, I saw a very huge cross shining, as divine rays shone out from all sides of it. There on the Cross was written: “Salvation comes from God; blessed be the Sacrificial Lamb of God.” After a while, I could see, Our Merciful Master, Jesus Christ, appearing above the Cross. He spread His Hands and blessed. At that time, I could hear the Holy Beings of Heaven adoring with these words, as they bowed down to the Son of God:

‘Holy! Holy!! Holy!!!’ Blessed be the Holy name of God. Blessed be the Lamb of Sacrifice. Blessed be the Blood of Redemption. Happy are those called to reign with the Lamb. Happy is the Nation chosen to share in the inheritance of the Lamb. Holy is your name, God of Love. Reign forever! Adoration to the Most Holy God!”

After every adoration, there was a loud hymn of praise. In the end, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

My children; great is the feast in Heaven of the birthday of my Glorious Reign on Earth. See, the Saints and Angels are rejoicing in adoration; happy are the little ones who know of this favour and rejoice with the Saints. Children, today, I called you to rejoice. Rejoice for this day is holy; rejoice, my children, for your hope is sure. I say, rejoice, for you have seen the Triumph of the Holy Cross.

Children, what then will hinder your joy? I say, take away every burden of yours. Lay aside the weight of the coming Chastisement. Rejoice! I say, jubilate with Heaven for victory is yours who abide in my love.

At this time, he raised His hand that held a Cross and blessed with these words: “I bless you all, who wipe my bloody face in the world of sin; I will wipe away tears from your eyes.

I bless you all, who carry your crosses and follow me in their days; the victorious crown is yours.

I bless you all, who live and die with me, I will resurrect you and reward you with Heaven.


Children, I bless you all. May the peace and joy of my Glorious Reign fill your hearts. Rejoice and celebrate my feast. This is the day of your salvation.

Children, the proud heart will never rejoice, because the cloud of darkness had filled him with rage. But to my little ones, I can see their faces brighten with happiness. Rejoice. He, who called you to rejoice, is your Master. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who has seen the future manifestation of this reign in you. In this Virgin Land of yours, my reign has been born.

So, I bless you all with the joy of my Glorious Reign, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice and remain in my Peace. “

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 15TH SEPT. 2001

TIME: 2.00 AM



During this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lady coming down from the cloud with little Cherubim too many to be counted. They came down before the altar and adored Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Then Our Lady turned with all her brightness and said:

“Children, how are you in these days of reparation? How do you enjoy the peace of the Glorious Reign that is in your midst? I can see your littleness and how bright your simplicity shines. I am your Sorrowful Mother, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Your unfaithfulness is the cause of my sorrow. See, I am consoled, I am happy because you promised to be faithful to my Son, I am happy to see you receiving the Rose of Perfect Purity. See how your face shines with purity. O! I can perceive the holy perfume of purity from you. May this spread all over the world.

Children, your adoration and sacrifice are great. I say, your adoration pleases Heaven. Jesus is happy. But there is only one thing, then you will fully mature. You make a lot of noise. Jesus said to me: “Mother, teach your children to talk little. Teach them to live a quiet and silent life.” I looked at you and saw how little you were and consoled my Son on your behaviour. Children, early in the coming year, I will call you for a three-day training to teach you how to talk little. If you learn my lessons, Jesus will be happy; and I will obtain for you from Jesus a great favour full of happiness. This training is for all the Apostles of this devotion, including those who missed the novenas.

Children, learn well the programme for this reparation. Keep it in your mind and follow it. Seek to understand the meaning of each. Do not be like those who celebrate empty ceremonies they do not understand. I will obtain graces for you. Seek and you will find. Know you today that my Son has given His Twelve Apostles, Peter and his brothers, power to rule over the tribes of Israel. From Peter down to Matthias are to become each the patron of each Tribe. They can be called the Tribe of Peter, of John and so on. You will not understand fully what all these things mean now, in the time to come your eyes will be opened to see so that your joy will be complete.

Children, there is a spy among you who came to witness this call of love. To the spy, I say, Go and tell them what you see and hear. You can see the lost sheep coming back to their fold. The blind men of the world can see. The Tree of Holiness has been planted in this virgin Land. The Rose of Purity has been offered to the world. The new perfume of holiness can be seen diffusing in this rotten world. This is the Reign of Peace, which has been born in the world.

Children, very soon, you will see men of goodwill from different parts of the world coming to this virgin land of yours to perceive this sweet perfume of holiness. Be quick to have the Rose. Remember to send to my bishop this holy Rose of Purity I obtained for you. When you receive the precious Rose of Purity on the renewal of your consecration, I will allow you to spread it to all my bishops as you have done with the messages. Children, I am happy because you promised Jesus to be faithful. In my joy, I will ask Jesus to bless these natural flowers, which you used to decorate this altar. See how these flowers give me joy. Children, when you take it, do not be selfish, spread it all over the world; so that my children will share from the blessings obtained for you from Heaven. Why are there no Crowns of Thorns for my children? Learn to spread the love for your Agonizing Master in the world.

I replied: “Mother, we can get very little Crowns of Thorns. We shall learn to respond to your appeals.” Our Lady continued by saying:

“Lay the few you have on this Sanctuary ten minutes before the final blessing of this reparation. I will obtain a hidden favour for you who will receive it. At that time, my Priest will bless them.

Through the Rose of Perfect Purity, I, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, promise you her poor children the grace of purity. I will obtain this for you from Jesus. I promise to intercede for you to remain chaste and pure. You will be the Saints of your God. May peace from Heaven be with you all. So I leave you.”

She waved her hands and disappeared. Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 16TH SEPT. 2001

TIME: 2.00 PM



During this hour, I saw in a vision two double-edged swords crossing each other in the cloud. Within a short time, there was a flash of lightning and then appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

My children, how I wish I will see perseverance like this in those days of great terror. See, you have stressed yourselves much; you fasted and watched; yet you did not die. You were weak, but you did not give up. You were in pain, but you overcame them. My happiness is great to see you yield completely to my care and appeals. See how you lay down in my Presence with all your nothingness. I am happy. O, my children, I will not allow you to go with your pains and your agony. You consoled me. I will console you. Children do not rejoice because I promise to heal your mortal body, the heavy clay that burdens your true living being, rather rejoice because I have sanctified your soul, your true living being.

Children, I would have liked you to remain here in my Presence and adore me but the world is waiting for you, you must go. You will go and spread the holy perfume of purity in the world. My fear is that many will extinguish this fire of love I am seeing in you now. There are many wolves in the forest of the world I am sending you into. This is like sending a lamb into the den of lions. But I must send you. I say, you must go to make my will known to the world. Children, never let this light that is shining in you turn into darkness. Go and renew the face of the world. Go and gather my inheritance for me, so that my people will enter my Reign of Peace. With this great joy I bless these flowers for you and my lovers.

He raised His hand and blessed the flowers. He then continued:

“Children, all who kiss this flower, will have the same grace of purity obtained for you by my Mother and yours. If they will to love, I will give them the grace. Take and share my lovers.

Children, remain in my love and mercy. Never let all these favours of mine to you be in vain. Whenever you are spiritually dry, come nearer. I will refresh you and bless you all the more.

So I bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Remain in my peace and my love.

At 12 noon, you will receive the blessing of the Holy Trinity. Barnabas, look!” Our Lord pointed to the east, I saw a huge Beast with seven heads and ten horns coming out of the sea. As I was watching the beast turned and formed into a man, looking like a soldier. At this time, the vision passed. I came back to myself.


DATE: 16TH SEPT. 2001

TIME: 12.00 NOON



During this hour of receiving our final blessing, I saw a vision of a tabernacle coming down from the cloud. The tabernacle looked like the old Israelite Covenant Box having an image of two living creatures. At that time I saw a dazzling light from above and then appeared the Son of God holding a Cross in His right hand. Instantly, I heard a voice that said:

“These people are my little Roses in the world. Through them, my Kingdom will come on earth. I bless them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Go and make my Will known to the world.”

Jesus made the sign of blessing.

Then the vision passed.


DATE: 14TH DEC, 2001




In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“My son, I recall with great agony the cause of my Three Falls under a heavy cross as my birthday anniversary approaches. I recall the eternal damnation that awaits the great multitude of unfortunate sinners who would be damned for their sins. Even now, great is the number of unlucky sinners who are lost forever. If my people will know and turn back to me, I will be consoled.


Son, these unfortunate sinners are the cause of my most painful agony in the garden. I sweated Blood because of them. I saw the multitude of sinners who will still get lost after my sacrifice of Blood. I fainted because my hope had gone. These weary thoughts filled my already wounded Heart: Who then did I lay down my life to save, since all these souls will be lost? What need is there for me to have poured out my Blood? What need is there for me to lay down my body to be tortured? Son, these thoughts weighed me down. I fainted. I sweated blood for them to be saved.

As I carried my cross to Calvary, the enemy showed me a large number of my lovers; those who will suffer much for my sake and will later fall and be damned forever. Their number is too much. I remembered how much they will suffer for my sake; the rough road they will pass; and how they will give up just near the gate of Heaven, the gate of Salvation, and of rest. Their future agony weighed me down. I fell the first time. The Angel who consoled me at Gethsemane called me; “Emmanuel, do not despair. See the little doves that shall benefit from your death. They shall help to strengthen the faith of these fallen lovers.” I saw you and was consoled. Your names, which I heard the Angel call, motivated me to carry my cross and continue my journey of salvation.

On the way, the enemy made me see my Holy Church at the point when a large number of my flock will pull out of its fold to establish false churches. Seeing the large number of the worshippers of these false churches and their eternal damnation, my hope ceased again, I fell the second time. There, under the Cross, I heard the voice of the Angel calling: “Emmanuel! Take heart for the sake of your little martyrs who will pour their blood for your sake and for the sake of your Church; wake up. Look at your little martyrs. They will suffer for your Church. Through their holy sweat and blood, your Church will be refined; through their martyrdom, the lost sheep will come back.” I looked and saw victim souls like mine and took courage. My journey continued.

Before I climbed up the hill of Golgotha, the enemy showed me a large number of my lovers who will be lost because of the sins of the flesh. Their number was three times that of the ones I saw before. Worse still and more painful, I saw those hopeless lost souls coming from my Priests and those who will dedicate their lives as religious. These groups of my lovers are my future hope of chastity in the world. Seeing these lovers of mine who will join the world of sin and be damned, I collapsed in agony and shame. I fell the third time. The same Angel of Comfort came and called me again: “Emmanuel! Look at these little lilies of yours. See, many of them will be martyred for the sake of chastity. As their blood sprinkles the rotten world, it will turn to be the seeds of virgins to occupy the earth. Through the sufferings of these little lilies, and their holy tears, your Priests and Religious will return to chaste and holy life. Take heart, Emmanuel. For the sake of your little lilies in your Bloody way, wake up.” I looked and saw my little lilies and took courage. I continued my journey of salvation.

On Calvary, the enemy made the Jewish soldiers strip me naked. This shameful act combined with what I saw during the third fall and multiplied my agony. In great agony and sorrow, I offered to my Father the poor sinners who will be lost due to the sins of the flesh using the prayer I taught you: “The prayer against the sins of the flesh” as it is titled.


Son, see all I suffered for the sake of the poor sinners who will be lost. See, you are my only hope and joy. Son, I hope I will not miss you? May I never miss you. May these little souls, which bear much of my agony, remain for me to possess my everlasting peace and have my consolation.

My victim lovers! Help me to call back my lost sheep. I say, help and call sinners back to me. I hope you will respond to my call for help. This is the only gift I demand from my Lovers for my birthday. Anyone who offers me this gift as my Birthday gift in the years to come will obtain from me the grace of perseverance. I will give him my Peace.

Son, remember that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who called you to be my consolers.

I love you all. I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 1ST JAN. 2002




In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision the holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ bathed in Blood. He kept silent for a while and finally said:

“My son, as you enter the New Year, I call all my children to enter into the light of my love. Look! Your own eyes will see the power of blindness, having advantage over my lovers. This power of error will affect only those who subject themselves to pride.”

Children, be wise to clothe yourselves with humility so that the power of pride will not affect you. Children, I have informed you before that the war has reached its climax, so, heroes are the targets. Weigh the level of humility in you always and chose the desert way, the road of the Holy Cross in time of decision. Love the cross. The love of the cross is the way to my love. My love is the light of the soul. Children, I appeal to all men to enter into the light of my love; the power of blindness will not affect you.

In this year, I will prepare my lovers with all the training that will make them ready to receive the perfect Rose in the coming year. I will also spread my net through my lovers who respond, to gather my little lilies together for the manifestation of the Glorious Reign. Be wise to respond to the lessons.

Children, spread this devotion all over the world and train up more virgins in the world; I appeal again!

Remain in my Peace. I bless you.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 6TH JAN. 2002

TIME: 4.30 AM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a woman coming out of the sun. She was as bright as the sun. As she was coming down, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the beautiful face of Our Lady. She came nearer and said:

“I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, I am the Beautiful Rose. I come to inform you about the programme of the lesson on silence through which you shall mature to accept the Rose of Perfect Purity. I heard my Son asking you to enter into the light of His love. Do yourself good to respond to His call of love as you struggle for life in this year of spiritual blindness.

Listen to the programme of the training. I will point out to you what you will do at a specific time and allow you to draw up the programme of the days with them. Be wise to follow the programme at the specified time without adjustment.

On the 9th January, being the first day, after your opening prayer and hymns, you will follow these directions; by 2.00 pm: you will read these messages: 27th February, 2001; 16th June, 2000, and 23rd September, 2000, by 5.00 pm: 12th November, 1999, 6th January, 2000 which you wrote 5th January. 12 Midnight, 12th January 2001. By: 8.00 pm: 11th September 2000 1.00 pm; 12th September 2000 2.00 pm; 13th September 2000, 2pm; and 8th March 2001. By 12 midnight of each day I will instruct you on the mysteries of silence and of purity. This message will be read by 12 noon of the day and observed as ordered.

On the 10th January, by 4.00 am you will wake up your spirit with these messages: 20th April 2000; 1st July 2000; 2nd July 2000; 3rd July, and 4th July 2000. By 10.00 am, you will read 5th to 9th July 2000. By 1.00 pm 13th to 15th July 2000 and then 20th and 21st July 2000. By 4pm, 22nd to 26th July 2000. By 8pm, 27th to 31st July 2000. Remember that I have a lesson for you by 12 midnight.

On the 11th January you will refresh your spirit with these messages by 4.00 am: 29th June 2001; then, 1st to 4th July 2001. By 10.00 am, 5th – 9th July 2001; by 1.00 pm 13th to 15th July 2001, and then, 20th and 21st July 2001. By 4.00 pm, 22nd to 26th July 2001. By 8.00 pm, 27th to 31st July 2001. Remember again that you will have a lesson by 12 midnight.

On the 12th January, you will wake with these messages by 5.00 am. They are: 11th December 1998; 23rd July 1999; 28th July 1999; 30th July 1999 (2.00 pm), and 17th March 2000. By 9.00 am, 1st March 2001, and March 2001, 14th September 2000 2.00 pm and 16th September 2000. 12 noon. By 11.00 am. Jesus will give you a message of joy and His blessings. Then, by 12 noon, you will close as usual.

Listen to these instructions; you will spend fifteen minutes in absolute silence after each set of readings. Select five good readers and each will read one message only at an interval. Anyone can read. Do not rush the readings; do not be slow either. Read them moderately. Follow the programme well. Meditate deeply on each point of the messages. I say ‘deeply’ because I am the one who chose these messages for you. I know the need of your soul. The deeper you meditate, the more you are spiritually mature. Soon, you will reach the age of spiritual reasoning. Do not discuss the messages.

Allow the messages to sink into your very soul so as to purify it. Allow the sanctifying fire of these messages of Heaven to nurture your spirit. Do not carry any burden. I say, lay down all these heavy loads in your very soul as you enter the arena. Relax your spirit, and allow these words of love to talk to your very self. Weigh yourselves with these messages of love. As you come, do not distract your spirit with the things of the world again. Children, forget the world, forget your business, and forget your worries. I say, protect your spirit against yourselves, against the world, and against Satan. The Evil One will tempt many to sleep during the vital moment of the programme. I mean, during the reading of the messages. Be careful not to fall into the hands of the enemy.

Children, to show you the great need to be silent and the greater need to learn to live a life of silence; you will not waste your energy in greeting. Only wave your hand and remain nearer to your true living being, your soul. My joy is that I will see my little children growing to maturity. May I see your growth; may I see your maturity. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Barnabas, pick up your writing materials and write this message down. I am near you to help you write down the dates of the messages for this programme. This programme will last for years to come. Remain in peace from Heaven.”

Immediately the vision passed and I recorded it as I was told.


DATE: 10TH JAN. 2002




In our Adoration Prayer, during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lady descending from the cloud with numerous Cherubim of Heaven. As I looked, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the Blessed Sacrament exposed. There appeared Our Lady who calmly said;

“My children, I welcome you all in this spiritual training. May the peace of my Immaculate Heart flow into your souls to clear the evil worries of the world in your souls and give you true peace. May the light of my presence here give you calmness of heart and open your eyes and mind to the true meaning of the mysteries of silence. I say to you all again, peace from Heaven be with you.

Children, I come to teach you a little about the mysteries of silence. To you the living, silence is a mystery. To the Saints in heaven, it is the greatest adoration to the Almighty God. Listen to this lesson: In the beginning of all things, the Presence of the Almighty God dwelt in silence. This great silence revealed the mystery of creation. Silence was the light, which inflamed the love of God to make the universe and create man. After creation, silence lived with God in Heaven.

Children, silence dwells there and will dwell there forever. Eternal Father loves this great silence because it was His first companion before creation. All who want to dwell with Him must love this great friend of the Eternal Father, the great silence. In silence, you find the Presence of the Eternal Father. His peace dwells in silence forever. Children, love this lesson, love the great companion of your Eternal Father.

Listen, this great companion of the Eternal Father is a friend of the just in the world. The just finds its sweetness while the wicked tastes its bitterness. Children, embrace this gift of silence. The lesson and order is: ‘learn to talk little.’ Talk only when there is a great need for you to talk. Do not enjoy the praises of the world by means of talking much. Children, I appeal to you to learn to close your mouth when there is less need for you to talk. Think before you speak. Speak only what you know. Say only what you know and nothing more. This is the appeal of this night; close your mouth; speak little. Tomorrow you will learn more.

Listen to this last lesson. The silent heart gathers the message of Heaven while the noisy heart gathers the evils of the world. In these days of commotion, I appeal to all my children to live a silent life.

I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who called you to live a silent life. Remain in peace from Heaven.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 11TH JAN. 2002




In our prayer during this hour, I had a vision of Our Lady who came with a Rose flower in her hand as her Immaculate Heart radiated divine rays. She came closer and calmly said:

My children, tonight I come to teach you the mysteries of perfect silence, which comes from, true peace. I say to you all again peace from Heaven be with you.


Children, how many of you receive the peace, which Heaven gives to you always?


Listen to this lesson and know whether you have the peace. This lesson will be called “Perfect Silence of the True Peace.”


Children, what is the cause of the restlessness of the worldly man? What then do you think is the cause of fear in a worldly man? You will little understand these questions.

Listen, when man was created; he was put into the peace of God in the Garden of Eden. Later man fell from grace and from the peace of God and had himself detached from His Creator. Man lost confidence in God, his Creator and attached himself to the world. This attachment brought fear and restlessness in the world.

Children, anyone who attaches His life to the world will hardly have the true peace. The person is a man of the world, and a slave of fear, as well as a restless man. Children, a man who is attached to his wealth hardly sleeps if he hears that thieves are around; his spirit will never be at rest till he sees to the safety of his wealth.

Listen again to see how people have less attachment to their God. The worldly man who sails through the sea hardly relaxes till he lands safely. Think of the restlessness of his spirit. Children, you can think of other fields of life where men have less confidence in their God. All these lead to restlessness of the soul due to man’s attachment to the world.

Children, before I give you my lesson, may I take you to see with me the bondage of my children who are in the Pentecostal churches or devotions. These children of mine, the enemy has succeeded in putting these children of mine under the bondage of fear. See how they always search for demons everywhere. They see demons in all their acts, in all their ways, and in all their businesses. They see every obstacle in their place of work as demons, even the cross, which their God lovingly offered them, is regarded as the handwork of the evil spirit. This makes them slaves of fear. They use up their time in calling on evil spirits. They will connect any little sound at night with the force of the evil spirit. Their resting bed even frightens them because they imagine demons hiding behind it. Oh! What a bondage my children are living in. How can they get the peace and dwell in perfect silence? Children, there is no silence in their gathering.

Listen to my lesson: This Pentecostal world has come to drive the whole world into the error of faithlessness. They have come to put the world into the bondage of fear. They have come to put off the holy adoration to God and replace it with noisy gatherings. My deepest sorrow is that the Holy Church of my Son being enveloped in these errors.

Children, you have Guardian Angels but you do not believe in their loving and caring presence. I mean the Pentecostal churches. This makes them claim to see more of evil spirits than their Guardian Angels who are sent to defend them. The Presence of your God, which is everywhere, cannot be recognized by them. The war, which the Heavenly Army fights day and night, is what they claim to be doing by shouting. The Evil One can only be chased out from one place to another. This is what the Heavenly Army is doing for you. Only in the Reign of Glory shall the evil spirits be chained for years, before their final destruction at the end of the world. The evil spirits are in the world as the air is in the world, so also the Angels of peace. The evil spirits have no power over the holy ones. Learn these things and escape from the bondage of fear caused in the world by the Pentecostals. I have told you that your victory comes from the power of humility and the fire of purity.


Attached to the world is a restless man. Learn today that your God cares for you. He sees your movements. His Angels are beside you. You are to know this and to talk to your Guardian Angels. No power of darkness is stronger than your Guardian Angel. He has power to rescue you from all troubles if only you will remain pure and a friend of your God.

Children, I say, relax; relax your souls. The relaxation of the spirit gives forth the perfect silence of the true peace. I do not mean that you will not pray. I mean you will pray in faith. The battle is not yours. You are not the defender of your lives. Take the simple prayer of the Church against evil spirits; it is enough. Say your normal prayers. Spend more time in adoration, you will find true peace.

Learn this final lesson: The silent soul sees true happiness in the Holy Cross while the restless soul sees the Cross as a curse.

May the power of humility overshadow you to learn these lessons. Remain in the peace from Heaven.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


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