DATE: 3RD JULY, 1997
TIME: 9:00 PM
In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision the Holy Face in the cloud. He was in great anguish; blood was flowing as He said:“My children, pray, pray harder for My Holy Church. Pray and never give up. The time of the wicked man is at hand. The time when he will rule My Church: My children, the wicked man is now in My Church. He is planning with his agents to capture the highest throne in My Church. My children, the hour is fast approaching. The great hour of sorrow is coming soon. Many of My Priests will follow the teachings of the Antichrist and become the anti-priests.Many of My Priests will be killed because they would not obey the evil man. Only few good Priests will remain, then My people will suffer greatly. They will find it hard to hear the Holy Mass as worthy as the one you hear now. Many tabernacles will be closed. People will run from one place to another to seek My Presence and find nothing. Many people will find it hard to pray because the mercy of God will have ceased.My children, this is why I call upon you now to pray. Make sacrifice always and offer your lives to Me now. Let all men join and call on My Precious Blood, which calms the wrath of My Father.My children, many people will regret because they did not welcome this devotion. Pray your Holy Rosary daily; My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will protect you. Pray this Chaplet of My Precious Blood always and make constant reparation for all the sins men commit against Me and My Precious Blood. My Precious Blood will save.I love you allI bless you all.”Immediately the vision passed, I saw a large number of Priests who were being tied to the pillar. The soldiers tortured them and the vision passed.