DATE: 14TH DEC, 2001
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ,
Who calmly said:
“My son, I recall with great agony the cause of My Three Falls under a heavy cross as My
Birthday anniversary approaches. I recall the eternal damnation that awaits the great
multitude of unfortunate sinners who would be damned for their sins. Even now, great is
the number of unlucky sinners who are lost forever. If My people will know and turn back
to Me, I will be consoled.
Son, these unfortunate sinners are the cause of My most painful agony in the
garden. I sweated Blood because of them. I saw the multitude of sinners who will still
get lost after My sacrifice of Blood. I fainted because My hope had gone. These weary
thoughts filled My already wounded Heart: Whom then did I lay down My life to save,
since all these souls will be lost? What need is there for Me to pour out My Blood?
What need is there for Me to lay down My Body to be tortured? Son, these thoughts
weighed Me down. I fainted. I sweated blood for them to be saved.
As I carried My cross to Calvary, the enemy showed Me a large number of My lovers;
those who will suffer much for My sake and will later fall and be damned forever. Their
number is too much. I remembered, how much they will suffer for My sake; the rough
road they will pass; and how they will give up just near the gate of Heaven, the gate of
Salvation, and of rest. Their future agony weighed Me down. I fell the first time. The
Angel who consoled Me at Gethsemane called Me; Emmanuel, Do not despair. See the
little doves who shall benefit from Your Death. They shall help to strengthen the
faith of these fallen lovers.” I saw you and was consoled. Your names, which I heard
the Angel call, motivated Me to carry My cross and continue My journey of salvation.
On the way, the enemy made Me see My holy Church at the point when a large number
of My flock will pull out of its fold to establish false churches. Seeing the large number
of the worshippers of these false churches and their eternal damnation, My hope ceased
again, I fell the second time. There, under the Cross, I heard the voice of the Angel
calling: “Emmanuel! Take heart for the sake of Your little martyrs who will pour
their blood for Your sake and for the sake of Your Church; wake up. Look at Your
little martyrs. They will suffer for Your Church. Through their holy sweat and
blood, Your Church will be refined; through their martyrdom, the lost sheep will
come back.” I looked and saw the victim souls like Mine and took courage. My journey
Before I climbed up the hill of Golgotha, the enemy showed Me a large number of My
lovers who will be lost because of the sins of the flesh. Their number was three times
that of the ones I saw before. Worse still and more painful, I saw those hopeless lost
souls coming from My Priests and those who will dedicate their lives as religious. These
groups of My lovers are My future hope of chastity in the world. Seeing these lovers of
Mine who will join the world of sin and be damned, I collapsed in agony and shame. I
fell the third time. The same Angel of Comfort came and called Me again: “Emmanuel!
Look at these little lilies of Yours. See, many of them will be martyred for the sake
of chastity. As their blood sprinkles the rotten world, it will turn to be the seeds of
virgins to occupy the earth. Through the sufferings of these little lilies, and their
holy tears, your Priests and Religious will return to chaste and holy life. Take
heart, Emmanuel. For the sake of Your little lilies in your Bloody way, wake up.” I
looked and saw My little lilies and took courage. I continued My journey of salvation.
On Calvary, the enemy made the Jewish soldiers strip Me naked. This shameful act
combined with what I saw during the third fall multiplied My agony. In great agony and
sorrow, I offered to My Father the poor sinners who will be lost due to the sins of the
flesh using the prayer I taught you: “The prayer against the sins of the flesh” as it is
Son, see all I suffered for the sake of the poor sinners who will be lost. See, you are My
only hope and joy. Son, I hope I will not miss you? May I never miss you. May these
little souls, which bear much of My agony, remain for Me to possess My everlasting
peace and have My consolation. My victim lovers help Me to call back My lost sheep. I
say, help and call sinners back to Me. I hope you will respond to My call for help. This
is the only gift I demand from My Lovers for My birthday. Anyone who offers Me this
gift as My Birthday gift in the years to come will obtain from Me the grace of
perseverance. I will give him My Peace.
Son, remember that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who called you to be My consolers.
I love you all. I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 1ST JAN. 2002
In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision the holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ
bathed with Blood. He kept silent for a while and finally said:
“My son, as you enter the New Year, I call all My children to enter into the light of My love.
Look! Your own eyes will see the power of blindness, having advantage over My lovers. This
power of error will affect only those who subject themselves to pride.”
Children, be wise to clothe yourselves with humility so that the power of pride will not
affect you. Children, I have informed you before that the war has reached its climax, so,
heroes are the targets. Weigh the level of humility in you always and chose the desert
way, the road of the Holy Cross in time of decision. Love the cross. The love of the
cross is the way to My love. My love is the light of the soul. Children, I appeal to all
men to enter into the light of My love; the power of blindness will not affect you.
In this year, I will prepare My lovers with all the training that will make them ready to
receive the perfect Rose in the coming year. I will also spread My net through My lovers
who respond, to gather My little lilies together for the manifestation of the Glorious
Reign. Be wise to respond to the lessons.
Children, spread this devotion all over the world and train up more virgins in the world; I appeal
Remain in My Peace. I bless you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 10TH JAN. 2002
In our Adoration Prayer, during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lady descending from
the cloud with numerous Cherubim of Heaven. As I was looking, cloud came down and
covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the Blessed Sacrament exposed. There
appeared Our Lady who calmly said;
“My children, I welcome you all in this spiritual training. May the peace of my
Immaculate Heart flow into your souls to clear the evil worries of the world in your souls
and give you true peace. May the light of my presence here give you calmness of
heart and open your eyes and mind to the true meaning of the mysteries of silence. I
say to you all again, peace from Heaven be with you.
Children, I come to teach you little about the mysteries of silence. To you the living,
silence is a mystery. To the Saints in heaven, it is the greatest adoration to the Almighty
God. Listen to this lessen: In the beginning of all things, the Presence of the Almighty
God dwelt in silence. This great silence revealed the mystery of creation. Silence
was the light, which inflamed the love of God to make the universe and create man.
After creation, silence lived with God in Heaven.
Children, silence dwells there and will dwell there forever. Eternal Father loves this great
silence because it was His first companion before creation. All who want to dwell with Him
must love this great friend of the Eternal Father, the great silence. In silence, you find the
Presence of the Eternal Father. His peace dwells in silence forever. Children, love this
lesson, love the great companion of your Eternal Father.
Listen, this great companion of the Eternal Father is a friend of the just in the world. The
just finds its sweetness while the wicked tastes its bitterness. Children, embrace this
gift of silence. The lesson and order is: ‘learn to talk little.’ Talk only when there is a
great need for you to talk. Do not enjoy the praises of the world by means of talking
much. Children, I appeal to you to learn to close your mouth when there is less need
for you to talk. Think before you speak. Speak only what you know. Say only what you
know and nothing more. This is the appeal of this night; close your mouth; speak little.
Tomorrow you will learn more.
Listen to this last lesson. The silent heart gathers the message of Heaven while the
noisy heart gathers the evils of the world. In these days of commotion, I appeal to
all my children to live a silent life.
I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you to live a silent life.
Remain in peace from Heaven.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 11TH JAN. 2002
In our prayer during this hour, I had a vision of Our Lady who came with a Rose flower
in her hand and her Immaculate Heart, which radiates Divine rays. She came closer and
calmly said:
My children, to night I come to teach you the mysteries of perfect silence, which comes
from, true peace. I say to you all again peace from Heaven be with you.
Children, how many of you receive the peace, which Heaven gives to you always?
Listen to this lesson and know whether you have the peace. This lesson will be called
“Perfect Silence of the True Peace.”
Children, what is the cause of the restlessness of the worldly man? What then do you
think is the cause of fear in a worldly man? You will little understand these questions.
Listen, when man was created; he was put into the peace of God in the Garden of Eden.
Later man fell from grace and from the peace of God and had himself detached from His
Creator. Man lost confidence in God, his Creator and attached himself to the world. This
attachment brought fear and restlessness in the world.
Children, anyone who attaches His life to the world will hardly have the true peace. The
person is a man of the world, and a slave of fear, as well as a restless man. Children, a man
who is attached to his wealth hardly sleeps if he hears that the thieves are around, his spirit will
never be at rest till he sees the safety of his wealth.
Listen again to see how people have less attachment to their God. The worldly man who
sails through the sea hardly relaxes till he lands safely. Think of the restlessness of his
spirit. Children, you can think of other fields of life where men have less confidence in
their God. All these lead to restlessness of the soul due to man’s attachment to the world.
Children, before I give you my lesson, may I take you to see with me the bondage of my
children who are in the Pentecostal churches or devotions. These children of mine, the
enemy has succeeded in putting these children of mine under the bondage of fear.
See how they always search for demons everywhere. They see demons in all their
acts, in all their ways, and in all their business. They see every obstacle in their place
of work as demon, even the cross, which their God lovingly offered them, is regarded as
the handwork of the evil spirit. This makes them slaves of fear. They use up their time in
calling on evil spirits. They will connect any little sound at night with the force of the evil
spirit. Their resting bed even frightens them because they imagine demons hiding behind
it. Oh! What a bondage my children are living in. How can they get the peace and dwell
in perfect silence? Children, there is no silence in their gathering.
Listen to My lesson: This Pentecostal world has come to drive the whole world into
the error of faithlessness. They have come to put the world into the bondage of fear.
They have come to put off the holy adoration to God and replace it with noisy
gatherings. My deepest sorrow is that the Holy Church of My Son being enveloped
in these errors.
Children, you have Guardian Angels but you do not believe in their loving and caring
presence. I mean the Pentecostal churches. This makes them claim to see more of evil
spirits than their Guardian Angels who are sent to defend them. The Presence of your
God, which is everywhere, cannot be recognized by them. The war, which the Heavenly
Army fights day and night, is what they claim to be doing by shouting. The Evil One can
only be chased out from one place to another. This is what the Heavenly Army is doing
for you. Only in the Reign of Glory shall the evil spirits be chained for years, before their
final destruction at the end of the world. The evil spirits are in the world as the air is in
the world, so also the Angels of peace. The evil spirits have no power over the holy
ones. Learn these things and escape from the bondage of fear caused in the world by the
Pentecostals. I have told you that your victory comes from the power of humility and
the fire of purity.
Attached to the world is a restless man. Learn today that your God cares for you. He
sees your movements. His Angels are beside you. You are to know this and to talk to your
Guardian Angels. No power of darkness is stronger than your Guardian Angel. He has
power to rescue you from all troubles if only you will remain pure and a friend of your
Children, I say, relax; relax your souls. The relaxation of the spirit gives forth the
perfect silence of the true peace. I do not mean that you will not pray. I mean you will
pray in faith. The battle is not yours. You are not the defender of your lives. Take the
simple prayer of the Church against evil spirits; it is enough. Say your normal prayers.
Spend more time in adoration, you will find true peace.
Learn this final lesson: The silent soul sees true happiness in the Holy Cross while
the restless soul sees the Cross as a curse.
May the power of humility overshadow you to learn these lessons. Remain in the peace
from Heaven.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 12TH JAN. 2002
In our Adoration Prayer during this hour, I saw before the Blessed Sacrament exposed the
vision of Our Lady holding the White and Red Rose flowers of Perfect Purity. In a gentle
voice, she calmly said:
“My children, your adoration in this great training pleases Heaven. Jesus wishes you to
remain in this state of peace, in order to mature and become spiritual men. Your attitude
here pleases me. Children; I hope I am not holding you in chains while you wait for your
release. If that is true, your call to this training is of no use. I am looking with a sure
hope of seeing you as men of silence. May I see the true peace in your souls.
Children, I am training you for perfection. Listen to my motherly advice of love. Learn
my lessons. Open your mind to embrace the light, which I throw to you on the mysteries
of silence. Children, there are many ways in the world but only one is a true and perfect
way. I am leading my loving children through the only perfect way to the Land of Peace.
All who follow Me will never walk in darkness. Though, the way is hard, it is easy for
those who love the Cross.
Children, I taught you to be silent. I told you to close your mouth and learn to speak
little. I later taught you the silence, which comes from the light of the true peace. Learn
these lessons and live by them.
Tonight, I come to give you the lesson on vertical meditative silence. Children, there are
two trends through which your silence go in meditation. The trends are vertical and
horizontal meditation.
Vertical meditation is the one that rises above all trials and worries of this world. Not all
meditations escape the visions and illusions of the noisy world and enter into the reign of
personal relationship with the Divine God. This is the Perfect Silence I am leading you to.
On the other hand, horizontal meditation is the one that follows the trends of envy and lust,
and ends in evil fruit. This silence is full of passion of the flesh, greed, hatred, pleasures of
the world, and other evil fruits. This makes the worldly man to be wicked.
Children, my lesson for you is on the silence of vertical meditation. To attain this
spiritual level, you must be balanced mentally and spiritually. Do not be a lazy man
Work harder to succeed in life and balance it with your spiritual devotion. Owe no
one. Rather be content with what you have. Learn to forgive easily. Be a man of
peace; above all, be holy. There is no peace in the heart of a sinful man. Do not live to
see your conscience condemn you. Make haste to purify your ways again. I say, again,
be holy.
These are my motherly advice to you, my little children. When you have done all these
things, you will crown them with the word of life. Here, I mean that your soul will be
filled with Divine Inspiration from holy books. Children, at this level, your little attempt
will channel you to a vertical meditation. As you grow, you will reach the level of
spiritual relationship with the Divine. This is the greatest of all the spiritual gifts.
Children, I will not like to see any of you in confusion concerning my lesson on the
Pentecostal churches. Truly, these Protestant churches and their Pentecostal movement
have blinded the world spiritually. This spiritual blindness is what I am calling you to
heal. I will ask Jesus to send St. Anthony of Padua and St. Michael the Archangel to
teach you much about this issue. They will teach you the true way of deliverance and
answer your questions. I will obtain this favour for you since there is a great need for you
to attain perfection. But listen my children; do you believe that all the evil spirit plans
against you is not up to one-third of what they tried me with, minute by minute?
The evil kingdom of darkness knew whom I was even before I began to reason. They
made all their attempt against me, but all was in vain. I am the woman who crushed the
head of the ancient serpent. I defeated Satan, I defeated the world, I defeated the flesh,
not by violence, or by shouting, but by this perfect way I am teaching you.
If you follow my lesson, you will be a terror to evil spirits and not evil spirits terrorizing
you. You will not need to shout before the evil spirits give way. Simple words like “Give
way Satan;” or “May God rebuke you Satan” will send Satan back to Abyss. Children,
instead of you searching for the evil spirits, the evil spirits will avoid your presence. This
training I am giving you is the only means through which my adversary will be defeated
and the Reign of Peace will come on earth. Children, I say, it is not by howling which
results in dancing with demons. May the precious time, which you spend in howling, be
used for adoration.
Children, believe that a decade of my Holy Rosary said well causes more harm to
the kingdom of darkness than 24 hours of howling against evil spirits. Think how
much more a Holy Mass well celebrated can do! Have faith in your God. May your
faith save you. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ who loves you all.
Children, as you go, train up your people with the lessons I gave you. May this light of love I
see in you remain in your hearts. Jesus has a message of love for you by eleven this
morning. You should not close till you have recorded the message. He has a solemn promise
for you. The promise makes Me happy. Be among those who will possess the promise.
Children, I am happy with your response to My call. Peace from My Immaculate Heart remain
with you all. So I leave.”
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 12TH JAN. 2002
TIME: 11.00 AM
Today being the last day of our programme of silence, as I knelt before the Blessed
Sacrament exposed, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the
Cross bleeding. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the
cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:
“My children, I am pleased with this spiritual training of silence to which My Mother
called you. This training has marked the fulfillment of all the lessons needed for My
lovers to receive the Rose of Perfect Purity. Other little lessons later are for spiritual
healing and growth.
So, I have forgiven all My Apostles that are here who missed the great novena of the month
of July 2001. They are free to join the rest of My Apostles to obtain the Rose of Perfect
Purity if they find themselves worthy. But any of my apostles who miss this training will
fulfill it before he receives this Gift of Perfect Purity.
Today, I have written it that anyone who receives this Rose of Perfect Purity with pure heart and
keep it pure till death will obtain from Me the grace of incorruption. The fire of purity, which
emanated from this pure soul and from the Two Hearts of Love, My Sacred Heart and My
Mother’s Immaculate Heart, will preserve the body from the power of sin and of decay. I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ Who promise you this grace out of love. With this, the whole world will
know that My Reign has been born in your midst.
Children, whenever a consoler of Mine who obtained this Rose of Perfect Purity dies, gently
place all the Roses he had obtained from Me on his resting heart that bore much of My
agony. As he arrives at My Kingdom in Heaven, he will meet My greatest consolation. My
Mother, the Saints and Angels of Heaven will welcome him with the brightest Roses.
So, My children, as you receive this holy Rose, preserve it in your altar and devotedly
live the life of the petal of purity. My Mother may take away the Rose of anyone who fails
to be pure and chaste; I mean, those who fail to live the lives of the petals of purity. Or it
may remain to be a torture to him at death. Children, may I see your life of purity in the
world. I am looking with fear that many of you here will not obtain this grace that I have
given you today because of your worldly wisdom which will hinder the light of Divine
Wisdom in your souls. My joy is that I have seen a large number of My Little Lilies in the
coming generation who will obtain this grace.
Children, as you go home, go and train up My children who have consecrated themselves to
My Precious Blood with all the training you are receiving from Me. Start the training with
the lessons of the Rose of Perfect Purity in your different Dioceses. Then, you will train
them using this programme to live a life of silence. This training will be yearly to prepare
My few converts to receive this Perfect Rose. Give them what I gave you. Train them as I
have trained you. When they are to receive this Perfect Rose bring them here to receive it.
In the years to come after you have matured, I will allow you to celebrate this feast in your
Dioceses and then in your Parishes.
To all My children who have consecrated themselves to My Precious Blood, I call you
and the whole world to come and celebrate the gift of this Rose in the coming year of the
Renewal of your Consecration. I will tell you more about this in the month of July this
Receive My blessing: May the light, which emanates from the Silent Throne of Peace
in Heaven, descend on you all. I bless you all, in the Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Remain in the peace of silence.”
Immediately, the whole vision passed.
DATE: 22ND FEB. 2002
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who
calmly said to me:
“Barnabas, I will send you again to the desert to pray and to mortify you for more
work. Pray and prepare. You shall enter the desert on 2 nd March evening to come
out on the evening of 5 th March 2002.
I am there with you. Remain in My peace. I bless you.”
Immediately the vision passed.
TIME: 9.00 PM
Tonight on my arrival in the desert of Mount Carmel, I saw a vision of the Agonizing
Jesus Christ, Who calmly said.
“My son, I welcome you again into this desert where I have called you to pray and to do
reparation for your sins and those of the whole world. Through your mortification here in
this desert, I will fill you with the Spirit of Light and of Truth.
You need the Spirit now since the hour you are about to enter is so great. Son, the hour
has come in this devotion to My Precious Blood when human reasoning will bring
many errors. See, I have called you for more mortification in this desert to separate
you from the error of human reasoning and from the burden of self.
In the same way, My Apostles need mortification. I appeal to My Apostles of this
devotion to share in this call for mortification. This hour needs grace for survival. I say,
sacrifice your little days on earth for poor humanity. I need mortification from My lovers
for the growth of this devotion. I need their mortification so that selfishness and greed
may die, and that they may grow to become My Saints.
I have an appeal, which will be the beginning of the project in this Land of Adoration. But
how can you do this work since there is still in your hearts the impure stain of selfishness
and of greediness.
Mortification …Mortification is needed. The more you mortify yourself, the more
you come closer to My love. Study My messages to enter into the light of My love.
Barnabas, spend these days in praying for My Little Lilies and for My poor Priests who
are under the error of Modernism and of Protestantism against the True Faith.
Pray; I will send you little Saint Cecilia to teach you a prayer for the Perfect Rose.
Welcome her and her message. When your suffering in this desert grows, remember that I
am with you. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you to mortify you.
I bless you.”
TIME: 3.00 AM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who calmly
said to me.
“My son, listen to this lesson: There is emptiness in vainglory. It is this emptiness that the world
likes. The emptiness, which I am telling you, is the total emptiness of, all invaluable things.
When I say invaluable things, I mean those things that cannot last. Be wise to see this emptiness
in vainglory. Work hard against the passions of the flesh that lead to this empty glory. Do not be
the slave of it. Work for those things that will last.”
The joy of My Kingdom is the hope and glory of My holy Martyrs. No one can possess My
Peaceful Kingdom without drinking, in fullness, the bitterness of the cup of martyrdom.
Drink the cup of martyrdom as you carry patiently the Cross of Perfection I gave you.
Many of My lovers are so wise like the fallen Lucifer in carrying the Cross of Perfection.
Listen, I know how little you are, and how little your understanding was when I chose
you. I chose you because of your littleness. In the same manner, I gave you My messages
and expect you to embrace them and practice them in such a way as a child of seven will
do to the loving admonition of his father.
Happy are those little lovers of Mine who lay down their heads to carry the holy Cross I
offer them. They shall enjoy My peace. I say again, drink the cup of martyrdom and
shine in the world like the new star of the Glorious Reign.
Drink the cup of martyrdom as you stand for Me against My executioners. My lovers
must bear the symbol of the martyrs; I mean there must be perfect difference in their
mode of life. Their speech must be perfectly different, their mode of fashion must be
perfectly different; they must possess perfect virtues as I have given you in the Rose of
Perfect Purity.
My lovers will see the sweetness and joy of martyrdom in the ocean of My love. This bitter
cup of martyrdom will taste like honey in their mouths. They shall be heroes of patience,
love and purity.
My son, can I get them among My Apostles? I fear that many of My Apostles will lose
their faith before they receive the Rose of Perfect Purity. Among those who remain,
some will not receive the Perfect Rose due to their attachment to the world. Pray for
them. Pray that they will understand. Pray that they will see.
Barnabas, Remain in My peace. I bless you.”
Immediately the vision passed.
TIME: 11: 45 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ
descending from the cloud. He calmly said:
“My son, I have another project to appeal to My Apostles. Do not reject this appeal
as you did to the previous ones. Remember how you have abandoned My previous
appeals. When I asked you to edit My messages, you cared not to heed to My appeal.
That is why I hardened the heart of My Bishop to ban the further printing of the
messages, because you did not know the preciousness of My words. Even now, My
Apostles will hardly hear and repent. Children, unless you carry out this appeal,
the heart of My Bishop will not move. He will hardly listen to your own appeal.
Hear My appeals and follow them, he will hear your own appeal and bless you. I have
many appeals other than this one I reminded you. Search for them and fulfill them. The
neglect of these appeals hinders the smooth spreading of My Will to men, and deprives
many souls the grace of survival.
Children, the hour has come when you will step into the land of adoration to start the
project little by little. Be wise to follow the order, as I will give it to you little by little. Do
not move beyond My order; do not neglect My order, if you go beyond or neglect My
order, you will have problem and My Mother’s Heart will be in great sorrow for
seeing you in trouble. I in turn will be annoyed.
Children, I heard your prayers over the land. I will give you a land of adoration even if
these people fail to release the land. I say, if they fail to release the land, that land shall be
cursed! It will never yield a crop or hold an inhabitant. Pray that they will see,
understands, and be blessed.
Children, the first thing you will do is to help the parishioners to finish the church
building. Help to complete the two wings, which they have abandoned. I am the One
Who inspired My Priest who planned the foundation of the Church for My future use. I
say: appeal to My children who are waiting for you to call. My children will come and
have my blessing. They are all over the world waiting for you. Children, remember that I
need the holy sweat of My poor lovers for My work. This holy sweat will sanctify My
Temple and make the work and all the effort acceptable in the sight of your God. Do not
reserve any money for the land except for the propagation of the devotion. The Church
Building is part of the land. Use all, when the time for anyone of the projects comes; you
will lack nothing.
When you begin children, when you have made progress in the church building, you will
then take up the work of the Rock of Gethsemane, the Chapel of Reparation near the
Church as I have given you. I will show you the full plan of the Chapel of Reparation
when you begin the work on the church building.
Children, My Mother wishes her three children to help finish up her little Grotto and to
develop the arena for devotion. She will be happy to see them taking up the work with
Children, when you begin the work on the Rock of Gethsemane, the third step is the
mounting of the Crucifix. I will not speak much till the time comes.
Listen, My children, the reason why you will not neglect this appeal is that, very soon, My
Priest, the bearer of My agony, will be given a posting where you will not come as you wish.
Nowhere will welcome you except the land I gave you and My children for prayer, the Land
of Peace in the time of Tribulation. Make all effort to possess the Land. Two of My Priests
of this devotion will sit with the Parish Priest to discuss the issue and the work will begin. Be
wise to manage everything well. May all use their gifts to carry out this great project. I say,
exercise your gift, I bless you more.
Children do not leave this work for the parishioners. It is now your hour to take over. They
have, indeed tried much; My poor people have been doing the work for the whole world.
Children, I appeal again, “Do not neglect this work like the previous ones. I will direct this
project in the days to come.
Barnabas, remember the Apostles of this devotion in your prayer that none will live like
Judas Iscariot whose sole interest was how to gain material things, even if it warranted
stealing. Continue your prayer. I am with you to hear your petitions.
I love you. I bless you.”
TIME: 12.00 NOON
During this hour, I saw a vision of a little Saint of God. She came down with a Rose
flower in her hand and gently said:
“Little friends of Jesus, I am your daughter Cecilia. I was sent by the Agonizing
Master to come and share this painful message of love with you. How do you enjoy
these loving days in this desert? May Jesus who called you nourish your soul with
His grace.
Your Master is in a great agony! Your Mother is weeping deeply! The agony of the Two
Hearts of Love is so great. The wrath of the Eternal Father is about to descend on poor
humanity. Little friend of Jesus do you know why?
The Priests and the Religious are the cause of the great Agony. Jesus is weeping for
His Priests and Religious who have lost the grace of chastity. Friend of Jesus, the sin is
so great. I say, it is greater than you can imagine. Truly, I say to you, over 90% of the
living Priests of God and the Religious are lacking the grace of chastity. From the
ending of the 18 th century to the present, over 80% of the deceased Priests and Religious
are in Hell because of sins of the flesh, the sin of impurity. Great! Great is the number
of poor humanity whom they have dragged to Hell with them. O what a painful loss!
Friend of the Beloved, Jesus is weeping deeply for His Church. See, His church has
chosen the worldly and the intelligent for her Priests and Religious rather than the pious
and simple ones. Spirituality and holy fear to God’s commandments have been wiped out
in the Seminaries and Convents. The fruit of chastity has been uprooted.
Friend of the Beloved, what pains Jesus most is the large number of His virgins whom
those Priests have defiled and caused to be lost. Worse, the Religious Sisters have
engaged in this impure act with the Priests of the Living God. Great is their damnation.
Friend of the Beloved, Jesus said: My Priests have wounded My virgins. Many are
lost. Many are sick; the very few that remain have no hope. Who will comfort
them and tell My Priests to change before the wrath of the Eternal Father
These little virgins are in the care of the Priests of the Living God. But see, they have
turned against them to destroy them.
Friend of the Beloved, Heaven has cursed those Leaders, Priests and Religious who have
caused these virgins to fall. The Voice of Heaven says; “woe to those Leaders, those
Priests; and those Religious whose way of life will cause any of these little Angels on
earth to lose their faith; the fire of Hell will not be enough to reward them. Their
days on earth are cursed.
Friend of the Beloved, how those Priests and Religious will curse their vocation is so
painful. Cursed shall be their hands that lifted the Body and Blood of the Son of
God; these hands shall be devoured with the fire of Hell and in the bitter agony of
the everlasting Hell, cursed be their mouth that preached Christ as the Saviour of
the world whereas they are damned. When they remember their words of
absolution that had freed many from Hell while they themselves are damned, their
agony will multiply.
O, loving Priests of the Beloved, look at the bleeding Face of Your Master, He is calling
you to return. Come and console the Agonizing Heart! Come and wipe the sorrowful
tears of Your Queen.
Jesus said to you, “Go and heal My wounded virgins. Comfort My little Angels. Sow
the seed of chastity again in the world. Train up more virgins in the world.
Our Queen’s appeal: “Let the Priests and Religious of My Beloved Son, dedicate
themselves to the Precious Blood of my Son, Jesus. May they receive the Rose of Perfect
Purity. I will obtain for them the grace they need.
Little friends of Jesus, when you obtain the Rose of Perfect Purity, kiss the Perfect Rose
often and offer its merits to the Eternal Father for the purity of Priests and Religious
“Eternal Father, I kiss this Perfect Rose with love. (Here kiss your Rose). This Rose,
which Your Love offered me, reminds me of my Vow of purity. I offer its merits
together with the suffering of the martyrs of chastity in union with the Most
Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus, for the purity of Your Priests and Religious. And
for the purity of all your people, Amen.” Say this prayer always with one Our
Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be to God.
Jesus promises to refine the rotten world and purify His Priests and Religious with this
loving offering. The number of virgins will increase as well.
Friend of the Beloved, do not be a gossip. Agonize with Jesus and pray always for the
restoration of all things. Jesus is happy with you for responding to His call of
mortification. He wishes you to remain in His Love.
I pray for you and all the little Angels of the earth. May Jesus who called you fill you
with His Spirit. Remain in His peace. Bye.”
She waved and vanished in the cloud.
Immediately, the whole vision passed.
TIME: 3.00 PM
In my prayer during this hour, there was a flash of lightning. Instantly, I saw a vision of
the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross, bleeding. After a while, cloud came down and
covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ,
Who calmly said:
“Barnabas you have heard My daughter. Indeed, My agony is great for seeing My Priests,
and Religious trooping into Hell every minute of the day, due to the sin of impurity.
Modernism has changed them. See they are after material things rather than spiritual good
of their souls and of other souls. Woe to those leaders, those Priests, and those consecrated
ones who will deform My little Angels on earth, the fire of Hell will not be enough to pay them
back. Their days are cursed!
Barnabas, pray for them. I have seen your effort in this desert. As you go, remain closer to
your true living being. My people are stubborn. They are hard to train. Now I am giving you
My Spirit for you to be more stubborn in the line of truth than they are in the line of evil. Do not
fear to proclaim My messages in the world. Open your month; I will let the true fire of purity
flow to burn out evil in the darkened soul.
Go! It is now the hour, to preach My agonizing message, so that My people will know My
Judgment before they stand before Me in the Court of Heaven.
I will send MY little Saint when the time comes to teach you the remaining prayer of the Perfect
Rose. In the month of June, Saint Anthony and Saint Michael the Archangel will give you lessons
as Mother had told you. I say, remain closer to your true living being.
Receive My blessings”
(He pressed His Hand on me and prayed for a while, then said:
“I bless you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 11: 50 PM
I was praying in my altar after my desert outing, when, suddenly, the whole room was
illuminated with light. Instantly, I saw a vision of Our Lady with a Rose flower in her
hand. She calmly said:
“Barnabas, how do you enjoy the desert programme? I saw you in your painful
moment during the days. I prayed for you. Now I have come to welcome you home
with a message of love to a Priest of My Beloved Son. The Priest you know as Fr.
‘X’. This message is for him alone. Seal it after giving it to him till Heaven orders
you again. I will speak to him here as if he is present. Record my appeal as you
Beloved Priest of My Son, I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am the
Queen who assisted you in the desert during your training for your priestly ministry. I
am the Mother who instructed you. You can remember your promise to My Son Jesus.
You can remember your promise…
Now I come again to you as a Mother of Sorrows, I have seen all your efforts, your
sufferings, your sleepless nights, and your agony of soul.
Jesus is happy with you. I am happy also for having you as the Priest of My Beloved
Priest of My Beloved Son, this happiness is not complete because you are ending like
May My holy tears obtain for you the grace of understanding and ability to change.
Priest of my Beloved Son, the Agony of my Son is so great for seeing the material needs
of the people dictating the direction your ministry so much… Jesus rather needs to see
you leading His lost sheep back to Him through the desert way, with their crosses on
their shoulders. But, instead, the little flock of God under your care reject their crosses
and curse the hand of my Jesus who offered them the crosses. They say; to hell with the
road of the Holy Cross.
Priest of My Beloved Son, you know that there is no other way which can lead to the
land of happiness other than the road of the Holy Cross.
See! Which way are they following? How can they be saved? They come for miracles,
not for adoration. They are like Israelites who followed Moses. No amount of miracles
can change their lives. If you give them food; they request for meat; if you give them
meat, they request for water; if you then give them water, they will request for milk.
Their material needs are insatiable. Here, I stand my dear Priest of my Son, to say that
all miracles based on earthly needs are not necessary for salvation. They only serve
to condemn the faithless ones in the Judgment Seat of God, since they will fail to believe
after the miracles have been shown to them.
How many miracles did my Son perform during His ministry on earth? How many did
He cure? Who crucified Him? It is the same people who saw all the miracles He
performed; the same people He cured. Priest of my Beloved Son, there is one great and
hard miracle that can last. My Son Jesus found it very difficult to perform during His
days on earth. The miracle is to convert a sinner and direct him back home through
the desert way, the only way that leads to our happy home.
Believe! It is the hardest miracle and the most faithful miracle. Seek to perform this
Priest of my Beloved Son, listen again: Truly, God did not send evil to His people, but He
allows His people to pass through the fire of purification. That is why He allowed
ungodly people to rule His people, so that the nation will be purified from their sin or
else the wrath of the Eternal Father will descend…
The evil of this nation is so great, that is why God permits the wicked people to rule the
nation. If not, the Eternal Father’s wrath will reward the nation, worse than He did to
Sodom and Gomorrah.
Tell the children of God to return to their God. Let the nation do reparation for their
sins. If they fail to change, leave them to suffer the persecution of the wicked leaders.
When they change, their God will heal them and bless them with good leaders.
Priest of my Beloved Son, may the needs and problems of the people not move you to
command your God. You are a Priest of the Living God in the line of Melkizedek. Do
no pray like them. Teach the people the merit of their crosses. If you listen to my
appeal and admonition you will gather many little lilies for your God.
Priest of my Beloved Son, I have another appeal for you. The appeal reminds me of your
promise to me in the desert. I appeal, “return and renew the Tradition of the Church
which the wave of Pentecostalism has thrown off balance; so that the Church will still
train up more Saints before the end comes. Pentecostal ways cannot do it. I know you
will understand well. I know you will wipe away tears from my eyes; that is why I cry to
I fear only one thing, your humility. If you realize the wounds that have been caused, can
you bear to heal the wounds? I will pray for you.
When you realize, do not regret much. I am the cause. I have allowed you to experience
all. The hour has come for you to return and renew the Tradition of the Church.
This is the greatest achievement you are called to do for the Church. Do not go further
when you realize…I will obtain for you the grace to realize soon. Instead, begin your
work of restoration.
I will remain closer to you to direct you. I pray for you that you will not be like Moses. I
am the Rosa Mystica, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Remain in my peace
from Heaven.
Barnabas, send this message to him before Good Friday. Send it along with the
Holy Face and the Crown of Thorns. This is a gift from Mother. May the peace
from Heaven remain with you.”
She waved and disappeared in the cloud. I came back to myself. The whole vision
DATE: 26TH MAY, 2002
TIME: 11.30 PM.
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ,
Who calmly said:
“My Son, today you celebrated the Trinity Sunday which unfolds God’s love to
humanity. I am the Agonizing Son Whom the Father sent into the world in order to reveal
His Eternal Love. I am the Son of Whom the Holy Spirit came in His Name. I and the
Father and the Holy Spirit are One! In Me, the Father and the Holy Spirit and I the Son
receive equal honour. I am the Sacrificial Lamb, in Whose Death the Father’s anger is
appeased, and mercy granted to the world; and of Whose Blood, the Holy Spirit is given
and the humanity freed. I am still the Son, Who receives all kinds of shame, mockery,
and bitter agony from those I love, those I died for, My own people.
Beloved children, if it was the world of harlots alone that did all these evil things to Me,
My agony would had been less, if it was the world of thieves alone that pierced this
loving Heart of Mine, My agony would not have been so bitter as it is now. O! If it were
the world of Idolaters alone that crucified Me all again, My agony would not have
weighed Me down. I say, if it were the world of sin alone that wounded this Heart that
loves much; I would have known how to bear it.
But see, My own people who consecrated their Lives to Me, I mean those who have
tasted My heavenly gifts, My words of life, and have been swimming in an ocean of My
grace and blessing, are the cause of My greatest agony.
I called them lovers, they called Me enemy. I blessed them, they cursed Me. I healed
them; they wounded Me. My own people, return to Me. I love you. You are the apple of
My eyes. You are My joy of dying for humanity. In you, I am being glorified.
My lovers, what is that consolation I derive from you? The world of sin smokes, you My
lovers smoke as well. They fornicate; you fornicate as well. They kill their souls with
wine; you do even worse. They have no respect for the days of obligation; you My lovers
do even worse. They expose Me naked; you join them. They cheat their friends; you
cheat and even kill your own brothers because of wealth and money. If they had known
Me or heard My words as you did, they would have changed to holy people and kept My
commandments. But you who had heard My voice of love and had received all kinds of
graces from Me are worse than these worldly men.
My lovers, what shall I do for you so that you will grow up to perfection? See, My
Mother is asking that Saint Anthony and the Archangel Michael be sent to you for
Lessons of Perfection. Can that make you true lovers of Mine? The Saints shall be sent to
you. May there be a change; I am begging you, My lovers. My joy is to see you grow to
perfection. May the Rose of Perfect Purity be your hidden source of grace.
Then, I made a personal request….
Our Lord continued:
“My lovers grow with My words. Follow My teachings; everything is revealed. In My
lessons to My lovers, you will find answer to your questions. I have being speaking to
you; but you did not listen to Me. What else do you want to hear again? All who did not
follow will not understand; and all who did not understand will not grow. I say, again,
grow with My lessons. I have spoken to you. Search and you will find.
Barnabas, I see the Messages of Purity being put in cassettes. You shall be careful to
whom you will give the cassette. The message is not for the world now, but for My
lovers. All who receive it from you will not reproduce it or you stop giving it out. I warn
you, be careful. I did not condemn your act of producing the cassette. You can group the
rest of the messages and do the same. But, I will condemn your carelessness and your
lack of wisdom.
Some messages can be given to the world; but some are only for the lovers now. Be wise
and understand the time and the order of time. The Spirit inspires and motivates; the same
Spirit gives the gift of prudence and modesty. May the same Spirit give you wisdom to
follow the time, and discernment to follow the order of time.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who receives your bitter sword of sin. I bless you.
Remain in peace from Heaven.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 31ST MAY 2002
TIME: 11.00 PM
In my prayer during this hour I saw a vision of Our Lady coming down from the cloud
with a Rose Flower. She came nearer and calmly said:
“Peace from Heaven be with you. I am the Flower of Purity, the Rosa Mystica, the
Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Today, the Church celebrates my Visitation to
Elizabeth, which reveals the fact of my role as the dispenser of all graces.
Here, I have come as I did come in the time of my visitation to Elizabeth to assist you in your
struggle to perfection. I have come to help you as I promised you earlier. Remember my promise
that I will ask Jesus to send Saint Anthony of Padua as you call him and Saint Michael the
Archangel. They will teach you more on the mysteries of silence and the true deliverance from
evil spirit. Remember that the month of June is the month I foretold you that they will come.
Here, I have come to inform you of their lessons. I am the Flower of Purity, I hope you will enjoy
their lessons.
Listen, my son, before, I told you how the lessons will be; I have a great appeal to ask
you for. The appeal is: Jesus needs your purity! Jesus wants you to be pure! Jesus
desires your purity! Promise Him that you will be chaste and pure. He will bless
you. He will be consoled, and you will have your soul at peace.
In this coming month of July, I will come to you as the Flower of Purity, so that all who
are ready and eagerly waiting to receive the Rose of Perfect Purity will obtain the golden
peace from Heaven. They shall enjoy the sweetness of the heavenly truth. When the time
comes for you them to obtain the perfect Rose, they will see the hidden favour of what
they obtained, as their souls will be filled with the joy of paradise. But for those friends
of God who are far from the truth reveal to you on the Lessons of the Rose of Perfect
Purity, shall remain the same as they are now.
Children, I pray you to grow. Grow with the Lessons of Heaven. May these lessons
which these Saints of God will offer you lead you to perfection. This is why you are
called to be a consoler so that seeing the world full of sin, and looking at you full of
purity, love of God will increase and the Two Hearts of Love will be consoled. Then the
Kingdom of God will come soon. I hope you are waiting for the Kingdom of God on
earth? Follow the lessons of Heaven and grow. I am the Flower of Purity who is calling
you to grow.
Listen now, the Saints have this month for the Lessons. Wait for them every midnight of
the days. Though they will not give message on all the midnight, I will sustain you with
the graces you need. Remain in peace from Heaven I am the flower of purity.
Immediately the whole vision passed.
Remain in Peace from Heaven, I am the Flower of Purity.
TIME: 11:30 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint of God who came down from Heaven
with an Angel of God who held a sword in his right hand and what looked like a rope in his left
hand. The Saint who had his Bible in his left hand, which he pressed on his chest, and a Rosary
in his right hand, said:
Friend of God, we come to offer you a message of peace; a message of True Freedom. It
pleases God to send us to you for humanity through the loving appeal of the Queen of
Heaven. I am Anthony of Padua. The Angel said: I am Michael the Archangel.
The Saint continued: “In this Era of Iniquity, and of Great Apostasy, the gate of Heaven
has been opened wide for mercy. The whole Court of Heaven has been charged to pray
for humanity by the Sorrowful Voice of the Queen of Heaven. Many have been sent to
inspire the just souls on earth to prayer and to do penance. Friends of God, adore the
Most Precious Blood of Christ by which all prayers and sacrifices are united to appease
the Anger of God, the Father Almighty; otherwise, this era would have been sunk.
In this month of June, we are sent to the Household of God. These are the people who are
running the race of salvation.
In the Household of God, there are four groups of people. Three out of the four groups
do not meet the Love of God. One who belongs to any of these three groups can easily
belong to all of the three. Only one group out of the four groups meets the love of God.
This is the only group which, when one belongs to it, will neither influence nor be
influenced by the other groups. I say, he can neither belong to any of the three groups
nor any of the three belong to his group. Listen to Michael as he gives you his message
on one of the three odd groups.
St. Michael said: “Listen, my friend, the group I am about to speak of is what I name the
Vandals. These are the group in the Household of God whom their lives multiply the
agony of their Master, Jesus Christ. I say, these are the group of aggressors whose lives
create enmity between their Master and His people.
In a family where Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Head, this group of vandals is the trouble
of the Family. Like a troublesome son or daughter of any family you can imagine on
earth, this group of vandals trouble the Household of God and pierce the Heart of their
Master, who loves them much, with their cruel behaviour, as the troublesome son or
daughter of the earth does to his or her family. Again, like the children of the earthly
family whom their troubles at times do not prevent the family work; this group of vandals
may join the rest of the Household in the fieldwork of God.
Friends, this group of vandals may be among the fishers of soul. When you see them
praising their God for His favour on them, you will hardly know that they are vandals. On
the days of grace and miracles, you see them jubilating and telling the world how their
Master loves them. But on the hour of dryness, when God purifies and nurtures the souls
He loves with cross and humiliation, this group of people will show that they are vandals.
O, you can see their aggression whenever the earthly needs burden their necks. At that
time, you will see the same mouths that praised their Master and their Lord Jesus Christ,
now cursing Him. Those people that made a great Covenant with God are the same
people that tear their Book of Covenant.
I mean the group of vandals. In their aggressive prayers, they say, “Lord, if You do not
answer me, I will leave Your Vineyard for You. Lord, if You do not answer me now, I
will know that You are not my God and I will not worship You again.
They may challenge God saying: ‘why do You allow these evils to fall on me? Am I not
Your real servant who has labored much for You? Yet, You did not see all my suffering
for You, and You allow these troubles to fall on me?’ They can further say, “I am
waiting to see this date pass without your answering my prayer; if You do not answer my
prayer before this date is over, I will scatter these flocks I have gathered for You and I
will leave You.”
Friend, these prayers they say and mean what they have said; if the Lord delays to come
to rescue them, these group of vandals will vandalize the precious possession of God.
This is why God at times rises to rescue them and answer their prayers, so that the most
precious possession, the soul of man will be preserved. In most cases, He allows
everything to happen for His righteous judgment.
Friend of God, this group of people is not true friends of God. They are far from His
Love and loving care. This makes them slaves of the world. Their faith is not enduring,
so they cannot endure. They do not know how to pray, their prayer is aggressive and
empty. I say, they are vandals.
Friend of God, do not belong to this group in the Household of God. Though they belong
to the Household of God, they are not lovers. Many members of this group usually end
up in Hell. The few ones who escape Hell will find themselves in Purgatory for a long
period, where they will learn how to love. They will remain in Purgatory till they have
paid for all the damages they caused in the world.
I, Michael the Archangel, fear this group of vandals. They fear not to dance where we
the Angels of God fear to step on. God’s mercy is great! The Blood of Christ Jesus has
done great things for humanity. Rejoice and remain in the peace of Christ.”
Saint Anthony said: “Amen, blessed be the Most Precious Blood by which the world was
saved. Friend, tomorrow, I will teach you about the second odd group in the Household
of God. So we leave you. Peace be with you.” They waved their hands. Instantly the
vision passed.
DATE: 11:30 PM
TIME: 3RD JUNE, 2002
As I was praying during this hour, I saw in a vision Saint Anthony and Saint Michael the
Archangel who came down from the cloud. St. Anthony said: “Friend of God, we come
to give you message on the remaining two odd groups in the Household of God. The one
I am giving you is what I name Cunning Friends of God. These are the people of the
Household of God who are faithful to the Master only when they are in need of
something or in trouble, or are asking for help. This group of people is cunning and
hardhearted like the people of Israel who followed Moses in the wilderness. Whenever
they were in a great need of something, you see these Cunning Friends of God becoming
faithful to their Master, their God. They become more faithful than even the faithful
Angels of Heaven. But when the needy time is over, they become the worst faithless
creatures you can imagine. They become persecutors.
Again, if trouble befalls them, or God dares to punish them, due to their wickedness, and
they saw the sight of God’s anger, they will instantly change to be come a faithful and
holy member of God’s Family. At that time, these prayerless members will become
prayerful members. In their zealous prayers, in time of need or troubled-period, they will
be saying: ‘Merciful and Loving Father, if You solve this need and take away this trouble
from me, I will be faithful to You all my life. I will praise Your Name in the vast
assembly. I will tell the whole world that You are good.” Friend of God, this group of
Cunning Friends will make a lot of promises to their Master, only to get what they want.
O! What a pity to hear that the moment their trouble is over and they have their need,
they become the enemy of God’s Family. These honest members of the Family will
become the betrayers. The prayerful ones are now the prayerless ones. O, the faithful
ones are now the faithless ones. My friends are now my enemies. This group of friends
will leave the Household of God and belong to the household of Satan. There, they will
serve Satan faithfully, and obey all the commands the Evil One will prescribe to them.
O! They will not remember their God again till another time of trouble or needy time. At
this time, they return home with a sweet tone to make a new promise to be faithful again.
But this is to deceive themselves, not my God, because you can never deceive God.
Friend, this group of friends has no share in the Kingdom of God, because they are not
true friends. Only very few of them who have Divine privilege to be called home in their
faithful period will be able to return home through the purification fire of Purgatory,
which they will suffer for a long period of years. Do not belong to this group. The fire is
terrible! Listen to Michael for the last odd group of the Household of God.
At this time, St.Michael said: “Another group of people you can find in the Household of
God is what I name, Greedy Members of God’s Family. These are members of God’s
Family whom wealth is the god they serve. This group of people will like to own the
whole world. In these days of yours, you see these people today asking for a bicycle and
it will be given to them. Tomorrow they ask for a car, next day, plane. If all were given
to them, one day they would ask for the key to the whole wealth of the world. They want
this wealth for themselves alone. They do not like to see other members of the family
blessed by their Master. They have no thanksgiving for all they have received from God.
Friend of the Living God, these members of God’s Family want to measure themselves
equal with the pagans. They want to enjoy evil with the world as well as enjoy blessings
and graces of God with God’s people. In the holy Church of God, you see the members
of this group with all the symbols of demons all over their body as well as the holy
sacramental of God. They want to be possessed by demons and at the same time be
possessed by God. But that is impossible! God can never share His lover with anyone.
He is a jealous God. He will prefer to abandon the lover.
Friend of God, learn these lessons of the Household of God, so that the Lesson of True
Freedom will make meaning to you. Know today that anyone who is a member of any of
these three odd groups can hardly be delivered from the hands of the wicked spirit. Such
a person must first abandon these odd groups to join the true friends of God.
Here we leave you.” St. Anthony said, ‘I will come alone tomorrow to give you a lesson
on the only true group. Remain in peace of God. Bye!
Immediately the whole vision passed.
DATE: 4TH JUNE, 2002
TIME: 11:30 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision Saint Anthony who appeared to me with three
little Cherubim of God. He came closer and calmly said:
“I have come, my friend, to offer you a message on the Only True Friends of God. I call
them the Faithful Members of the Household of Christ. Like the friends of the Cross, this
group of people remain closer to Jesus, their Master, in their joyful days and in their
sorrowful days. They are like a faithful wife who knows the mind of her husband. Love
makes them see and at the same time read the heart of their Master. In the moment of joy,
they jubilate with their Master; in the moment of sorrow, they are consolers.
My friend, this is a group of the friends of Christ Jesus who find the hidden treasure in
the empty land, and sell all they have to possess the land. O, the hidden treasure is the
Kingdom of God. They know that to love their Master is to possess all He has. See how
they pour out to their Master the pure flower of love, which obtains everything for them.
This is the group of the friends of God who find sweetness in the Cross of Perfection.
They see the ocean of grace that comes from the Royal Cross of Perfection and then
embrace it. O! As they embrace the sweet cross, love opens their heart to see the
multitude of souls that can benefit from the ocean of graces and blessings from their
Royal Cross. They gently offer the merit of their Royal Cross for the needy souls. These
may be souls in despair, souls in Purgatory, souls in agony, souls in the bondage of sins,
souls that need God’s mercy and conversion. These souls will benefit from every cross,
which a true friend of Christ Jesus lovingly accepts and offers. This is why the faithful
members of the Household of God are lovers of the Cross. For them, the cross is a
blessing not a curse. They are not like those groups in the Household of God that see the
cross as a curse; and even curse the Hand of God, which offers the Cross to them.
Rather, the faithful members pray for more crosses and bless God Who offers those
crosses to them.
My friend, this group of people is the flower of purity in this wicked world. Their holy
perfume purifies the rotten world. They are heroes in obedience, which free them from
any force of evil. Through humiliation, they have obtained the giant flag of
mortification, which make them great. This makes them terrors to evil spirits. The fire
of purity that emits from them chases evil spirits away, and terrorizes the abyss. This was
why after the deliverance of Mary Magdalene, no evil force dared to approach her. The
fire of purity that emitted from her scared evil spirits away. She is a demon destroyer.
Indeed, she belonged to the Faithful Members of the Household of God.
My friend, this is the only thing I will tell you about this group for now. You will know
more in the days to come.
I will come again with Michael to teach you a few things about the different kinds of
voices that operate in man. May the peace of God be with you. So I leave you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 11TH JUNE, 2002
TIME: 11:30 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint
Anthony. They appeared holding bunches of flowers of different types.
St. Anthony said: “Peace of God be with you, my friend. We chose today that the
Universal Church of Christ celebrates the feast of your patron Saint to teach you a few
things on the voices at work in man. Happy feast day!” I responded: “Fine.”
St. Anthony continued: “In every mortal man, there are different kinds of voices in
control. We can group these voices into four. Three are active and in competition with
one another. Though two out of the three groups of the voices can agree with each other
to achieve a common goal, one of the three can hardly agree.
The last kind of voice a mortal man can experience is a gift, which a Privileged Soul
receives from the Spirit he serves for voluntarily offering his soul to the Spirit.
Now, the first one I will give you is what I name, the Voice of Commotion in Man. This
is the kind of voice that operates in an empty man. An empty man is the one who has no
valuable thing in his soul. He is empty of God.
This is the kind of man that fills his emptiness with all kinds of noise around him. He
never stays alone in a quiet zone. He can never be at rest to gather the wisdom of true
peace, rather, he fills his empty living with noise.
In such an empty man the Voice of Commotion operates at the greatest rate. The Voice of
Commotion is the voice that gathers in his noisy period, which fills his empty being. This
is the voice that motivates selfishness, greediness, violence, fierceness, and hatred in
man. Such a man will be boastful, conceited, insulting, unkind, merciless, slanderous and
violent. In his resting bed, such a man faces two great nations, which fight his soul. The
nations are ‘lust’ and ‘anger’. Indeed, he is a restless man.
My friend, to free yourself from this Voice of Commotion, you must love solitude. Learn
to be alone, avoid the company of wicked people. Do not yearn to hear evil words, evil
music and gossip of the world; rather, try to fill your empty being with the words of life.
Spend your time with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist; He, Who filled the emptiness of Moses
on Mount Sinai with His Glory, will fill your own emptiness with the fire of His Love.
Know that he, whom this Voice of Commotion controls, is possessed by the spirit of the
world. He is not free. He needs freedom. To have true freedom, he must free his soul
from the bondage of the voice of commotion. Learn and be free.
Listen to Michael.
Then St. Michael said: “Mortal man, another voice that troubles the soul which is as a
result of the Voice of Commotion in the world is what I name, the Voice of Iniquity. This
is the conscientious voice of the soul, which makes man wicked. In the time of decision,
this is the voice of the conscience that directs man’s emotion to evil. This voice is active
and loud in the soul of man. This voice never dies; but can be subdued with the power of
mortification. As Anthony told you, any soul, which is empty of God, is controlled by
the voice of iniquity.
Friend of God, you shall free your soul from the bondage of the Voice of Iniquity by
means of holy mortification. Learn the lesson of Saint Bridget, which gave you the Petal
of Holy Mortification. Mortify your senses. Mortify your desire. Mortify your flesh.
Mortification will make your soul the sanctuary of God. God lives in His Sanctuary with
His Angels around Him. Such a Sanctuary is free, since God will be a Pillar of Fire to
protect it. Dear man of God, free your soul from the voice of iniquity.
ST. Anthony said; “My friend in a mortified soul, there is a holy voice, which is active in
man. This is what I name, the Holy Voice of the Soul. This is also a conscientious voice
of the soul; but it makes man godly and holy. This is the voice of the conscience, which
opposes the voice of iniquity in man. This voice is gentle and quiet. It is a pleading voice,
which makes use of appeals rather than commands. This voice speaks of humility, of
forgiveness, of kindness, and of love. Those who obey this voice possess the two
weapons: Humility and Purity, through which you shall conquer.
Listen, my friend, you should know that those whom the Voice of Iniquity and Voice of
Commotion of the world dominate their souls, hardly hear this Holy Voice of the Soul.
Know also that a mortified soul that is subjected under intense distraction experiences
these three kinds of voices in man. It is the Holy Voice of the Soul that comes last to
give such a man peace. This is why you should not act or make a choice under emotion,
because under emotion reasoning stops.
To enjoy the sweet lesson of the Holy Voice of the Soul, you must be holy and a man of
peace. You must love silence and learn to listen to yourself. Your holiness will give you
peace. Your work of peace will give you rest; your rest in the true silence of the soul will
open the ears of your soul to hear the Holy Voice of the Soul. Then, if you listen, you
will hear. All who hear and obey are True Friend of God. They have true freedom.
Friend of the Living God, here we end today’s lesson. Tomorrow, we will come to offer
you the rest on this matter.
So we leave you.”
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 12TH JUNE, 2002
TIME: 11:30 PM
As I was praying, I saw a vision of Saint Anthony and Saint Michael who appeared to
me. St. Anthony said:
“Peace from Heaven be with you my friend. Here we are to offer you the fourth kinds of
voice in man. We name it, the Clear Voice of the Spirit. This is of two types: The Clear
Voice of the True God, and the clear voice of demon. I said earlier that this voice is a
gift which privileged souls receive from the spirit they serve for freely giving their souls
to the spirit.
May I speak on the Clear Voice of the True God. Listen, my friend, a soul that is nurtured with
the fire of silence escapes the nest of distraction and commotion of the world to enter into the
peace of God where the soul converses lovingly with God. Those who love silence and follow
the trend of holy meditation find it easy to enjoy this loving conversation with God. Privileged
souls who are gifted also enjoy this loving conversation without much effort. God subdues other
voices in them and speaks to them. This is why mystical experience happens unconsciously. The
victim soul experiences maximum tranquility, which comes from God. Barnabas, you can enjoy
the quietness of this zone of grace. You are in the peace of God.
All who wish to enjoy this loving gift must yield their souls entirely to God. They must
fill their emptiness by means of holy meditation. O! Children of Zion, transcend your
soul to the values of God’s Kingdom through the trends of transcendental meditation; the
God of Love will possess you and give you peace.”
St. Michael said: “As the children of God enjoy the gift of the Clear Voice of God; in the
same way, the children of the Demon enjoy the clear voice of the demon. The first set of
people who enjoy this gift are privileged souls who miss the True God and have the
demon as their god. Satan still makes use of them to achieve his aim. You can see them
among false prophets in the world.
Another set of people who enjoy this gift are the freemasons in the world. These are a
group of people who voluntarily give their souls to the demons of Hell. These people are
condemned already. Their enjoyment is of this world. For the moment, they are given
authorities, powers, and wealth of this sinful world. These people give their will to Satan.
The deliverance of these kinds of people can never be achieved, unless they give back
their will to God. Remember that your will is your will, no one, no spirit, no power has
dominion over your will.”
St. Anthony said: “We shall leave you here. Meditate on these lessons. These are steps to
reach the state of True Freedom. Tomorrow is my feast day; we shall admonish you
much so as to free you from the error of your days. Remain in the peace of God. So, we
leave you.”
They waved and instantly the vision passed.
DATE: 13TH JUNE, 2002
TIME: 11:30 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Saint Anthony in his brightest state
accompanied by two little Cherubim and Saint Michael the Archangel. They appeared
before me, and St. Anthony said:
“I welcome you, my brother, in this great feast of mine. Enjoy my happiness with me. I
am Anthony, whom you know as the Man of Padua. May God bless His people. My
friend, we come to admonish you on the various practices and mode of prayers that
displease the Eternal Father. Your days have been modernized and paganized by the
sinfulness of the world and the emptiness of the Protestants. The people of the world are
slaves of empty signs and wonders. Men of your days have lost their faith. Magicians
have taken advantage of them!
See how they shout the Holy Names, ‘Holy Ghost Fire,’ ‘Blood of Jesus’ ‘Jesus’ ‘Holy
Ghost’, etc like the false prophets of Baal in the time of Elijah. They think that by shouting
Holy Ghost Fire, fire is coming out of their mouth to burn their enemies or by shouting
‘Blood of Jesus,’ blood is pumping from their mouth to the people. But this is a great insult
to the Holy Name of God. It is the sign of the emptiness of the world.
Know you today that the Holy Ghost Fire is the Fire of God’s Love that comes from the
Throne of the Divine Trinity. This is the Fire that illuminates Heaven with Everlasting
Happiness and strengthens the holy souls on earth. It is the Fire of Love, and of
Sanctification. But you see that the people of the earth are now calling this Gentle Fire of
Love, the fire of destruction. They call this Fire to burn their enemies or, even, to burn
Satan. God’s Fire is Love, and it is an abuse of the Holy Ghost Fire, to call It, to burn
Satan, since God has the fire of the abyss for them.
My friend, you should know that the fire that consumed Sodom and Gomorrah was not
the Fire of the Holy Ghost, but the fire of the abyss. The fire, which Elijah called down
to burn the sacrifice in his combat with the prophets of Baal, was not the Holy Ghost
Fire, but the fire of God’s approval. My friend, do not confuse these fires with the Holy
Ghost Fire. God sends different kinds of fire in the world at different times to fulfill His
Holy Purpose. You can see the action of the Holy Ghost Fire on the Day of Pentecost.
The Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles with His Fire, rested on each one of them.
This Fire sanctified them, and filled them with power.
Again, you will know that God is Light. Anyone, who approaches His Presence, shares in
His Light. Remember how Moses who was so illuminated with the Light of God’s
Presence that the people of Israel could not look at him. When God approached Saul on
the way to Damascus, the Light of His Presence flashed on him and he became blind.
This Light transformed him to become Saint Paul.
My friend, you are called to adore the Holy Name of God. Adore the Name, Holy Ghost.
Plead with the Holy Ghost to sanctify you with His Fire. You need this Fire more than
your enemy needs it. Adore the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Call this Name with
reverence and awe. Adore the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ that saved you and the
whole world. Venerate the Holy Name of Mary. Venerate the holy Names of the Saints.
Venerate the holy Name, Catholic Church. Venerate its Holy Faith. Venerate the holy
faith of the Saints. Venerate the Blood of Martyrs. Venerate the holy Angels of God.
Do not join the empty world to treat these Holy Names with disrespect. Teach the world
the merit of devotion to these Holy Names. Jesus will be happy.”
At this moment St. Michael quietly said: “Friend of the Living God, be certain that you
do not follow the faithless world in howling against demons. These are the people who
use all kinds of insulting words to attack their fellow men or even Satan. I, Michael the
Archangel, did not do this as you can see in the Letter of Saint Jude. In the war against
Satan, which I fight day and night for your sake, I never condemn the wicked spirit with
insulting words; rather, I conquered by the power of God, with Holy Command. Keep
this teaching in mind. Tomorrow you will know more. We shall teach you the use of the
Holy Command for deliverance.
At this word, St. Anthony said, “May God bless you all who invoke my intercession.
May He grant all your requests and give you peace. So I leave you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 14TH JUNE, 2002
TIME: 11:30 PM
In my prayer during the hour, I saw in a vision Saint Anthony and Saint Michael the
Archangel. As they came closer, St. Anthony said:
“We have come, my friend. May the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Today, I will give you a little lesson on the term Initiation and Possession by the Devil.
And Michael will teach you on the Process of Deliverance through the Holy Command.
The soul of man that falls from the Grace of God is possessed by the demon. The
possession is of two types: Superficial Possession and Complete Possession.
Superficial Possession is the type of possession, which occurs through the Act of Indirect
Initiation. As for Indirect Initiation, I mean the agents of the fallen angels make use of indirect
means to trap souls for their master. The indirect means are the acts of seduction, scandal, evil
teaching, evil gathering which result in evil discussion, all the evil ways which the agents of
the fallen angels use to win souls for their master, Lucifer. These agents make their preys
wicked and evil. These preys manifest all kinds of indecent action in the world.
The adulterers, fornicators, and drunkards are in this group. My friend, what the agents
of the wicked spirit do is to extinguish the Fire of God in the soul of man by means of
sin, so that the Glory of God will depart from His Temple, and Satan will come and
possess it. Many who are under this kind of possession did not know that they are
possessed by the demon, that is, why you can find many of God’s people who
participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every day, and even have high positions in
the Church, but are still on the side of the demon. The truth is that they will all know it
in the day of declaration of ownership. This is the day when their master will come to
possess them for all eternity, for Hell.
Know you, my friend that a soul under the Superficial Possession is harder to deliver than
a soul under the Complete Possession by the Evil One. This is why we go a long way to
teach you different lessons. Your knowledge of our past lessons is the teachings and steps
you need to deliver souls under the state of Superficial Possession. You should know that
these victim souls are possessed by means of what they see, and hear. In the same way,
they will be delivered by means of what they will hear and see. When the gravity of the
word of Life and of vision of Heaven suppresses their knowledge of evil and vision of
evil, they shall be delivered. However, a little prayer is needed to hand these victim souls
over to the Holy Possession of God.
My friend, the greatest problem that troubles these victim souls is bad dreams and bad
fortune. They are those whom the Evil One has power over their blood and can store it in
his blood banks. Search for them and deliver them.
The other type of Possession is those who have Direct Initiation; and are completely
possessed by the demon.
These are groups of people who offer their will freely to Satan. They are people who
make covenant with the demon and faithfully fulfill their promises. Some of them
promise to be childless, some not to marry and other similar promises. All who are in
complete possession have full awareness of their state and their mission. They are easy
to deliver if they fall into the hand of good Ministers of God like the Priests of Christ.
May I stop here, my friend, and allow Michael to teach you the Litany of Holy
Command.” (………………………………..)
Mortal man, this is the Litany of Holy Command. At the recitation of these Commands, people
will respond as follows: Deliver us/him/her/ O! Lord, by the power of Your Holy Name.”
Listen, O man, does not be a slave of evil spirits by chasing demons like the Protestants; rather,
has faith. Spend your time in holy adoration. Put the lessons of this month into practice. This
prayer is only useful at critical times. Therefore, you should know which method to use
whenever the need arises. Be wise!”
St. Anthony said: “We are leaving you now, on 24 th of this month, we shall come to give
you a final message on TRUE FREEDOM, that is, the model of Our Lady, who crushed
the head of the ancient Serpent.
May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. So we leave you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 24TH JUNE, 2002
TIME: 11:30 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lord hanging alive on the Cross,
bleeding. This vision remained for some time, but no word was said. In the end, cloud
came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared Saint Anthony of Padua
and Saint Michael the Archangel. As I was watching, St. Anthony said:
Rejoice, my friend, for you have a Mother who cares for you. She is the Woman who
crushed the head of Satan. She conquered the world and the ancient Serpent by her
humility and purity.
Friend of the Living God, humility and purity are the two secrets of her victory. O, her
humility, which made her, forgives easily. True Forgiveness terrorizes the kingdom of
O, her humility, which made her lower herself down and live the simplest life. Holy
Simplicity torments the Beast.
O, her humility, which made her, be a cross-bearer. On the Cross is victory. O, her
humility which made her to be modest and prudent. With modesty and prudence Satan is
put to shame.
O, what of her purity, which radiates fire that, torments Satan? O, her purity, which made
her, be kind; kindness gives out the fire of purity. O her purity, which made her, be good.
Goodness gives out the fire of purity. O, her purity, which made her, be chaste; chastity
gives out the fire of purity. O, her purity, which made her love much; love, gives out the
fire of purity.
Little friend of God, learn from her. Imitate her purity and humility. No weapon is
greater than these two: humility and purity. She conquered by them; you too will
conquer with them. We are giving you these teachings which I call the Theology of True
Freedom, because you are living in the days of woe. Darkness has filled the world.
Faith is dying out in the land of the earth. False teachings, false miracles, are deceiving
the children of God. You are in the days of apostasy.
Look at Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ and ours. Imitate her! She is the Light of the
world in these days of darkness. She is the hope of True Freedom. I am Anthony of
Padua. The little that is given you is how Our Queen wants it. Prepare for the month of
July, much will be given to you.
At this word, St. Michael said, “Thank you, my friend.”
They waved and disappeared in the cloud.
DATE: 1ST JULY, 2002
TIME: 8.00 PM
Today being the first day of our novena in the month of July, in our prayer, I saw in a vision Our
Lord Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross, bleeding. After a while, cloud shook, then appeared the
Holy Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:
“I am happy to see you and all My people who knelt before Me in prayer and sacrifice in this
great month of July. May My peace remain with you all. In this month of July, I have to see that
you attain the level of all perfection. Happy are all who are growing with My lessons starting
from the year 1997 to the present day. They shall enjoy the truth of the Divine mystery. I see
with joy, the future generation who will reap the fruit of these loving teachings, which many of
My Apostles now are neglecting out of pride and arrogance.
On those days, I will enjoy a loving relationship with My people; I will find many hearts that are
worthy of My Sanctuary. Therefore, in their hearts I will receive much consolation. I say, I will
receive the consolation that My lovers of this day have failed to give to Me. For the sake of the
Little Lilies of the future generation, My joy has obtained for you another lesson in this great
month of July.
My children, you shall receive from Heaven in this month of July six Golden Levels of
Peace and one odd level. These Golden Levels of Peace are the levels of all
perfections; I will send little Saint Theresa to give you the lesson on the odd level
tomorrow. On the third day, Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, for the first level; Saint Jude on
the fourth day for the second level; Saint Francis of Assisi on the fifth day for the third
level; Saint Lucy on the sixth day for the fourth level, Saint Jerome on the seventh day
for the fifth level and St. Padro Pio as you call him on the eight day for the sixth level.
On the last day, My Mother will teach you how to attain all these levels and admonish
you greatly. My peace will be with all who embrace these lessons. I will bless you and
make you My home.
Children, I am appealing to you to grow with My lessons. Your coldness is one of My
greatest agonies. My lesson is not a proverb. My lesson is truth that comes out from the
heart of love. I appeal to you to grow. Put My teachings into practice. May I renew the
world through you.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who loves you. I bless you, in the Name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.’
Immediately the vision passed.
DATE: 2ND JULY, 2002
TIME: 8.00 PM
As I was praying during this hour, I saw in a vision a Saint coming down from the cloud
with a rose flower in her hand. She came closer and calmly said:
“Little friend of God, how do you live in these evil days of yours? I hope you will
conquer by love. Seek all the time to love your God and your neighbour. Remain in love,
and die in love.
I am your little friend and your daughter, Theresa. I am happy to be sent to you in this
great month of July. My Jesus informed me to reveal to you the errors of the level of
Total Emptiness. Total emptiness simply means the emptiness of all emptiness.
I mean the emptiness of all valuable things. I mean the total emptiness of Divine
Assistance, of Hope, of Faith and of Charity. This is also the emptiness of Divine
Power, of Divine Wisdom, and of Divine Knowledge. Above all, it is the emptiness
of Divine Peace.
Little friend, this level is the level of the pagans, of the non-believers, and of the
Protestant churches. The greatest man among these groups, who claims superiority over
others, ends up in this level.
Among the Catholics, it is a painful thing to see the majority of their population at
this level. The number has increased so rapidly since the middle of the 20 th Century.
This is from the time when the Pentecostals/pagans found their way into the Holy Church
of Christ.
Little friend, I have come to reveal the errors of this level of Total Emptiness. Let us see
it in the line of meditation and prayer.
Prayer is a relationship of the spirit with the Spirit. It is the voice of the soul to its
God. It is the resting of the soul in the bosom of the Divine Spirit. It is the gazing of love
at the Lover through the eyes of the soul. Prayer is consolation. Prayer is adoration.
Prayer is thanksgiving. Prayer is sacrifice. Prayer is acceptance of God’s Will. In
prayer, we listen to the voice of Love that we are speaking to. So, prayer is a dialogue.
It is through the tread of the Golden Peace that one can attain to this highest level of
prayer, which is the level of personal relationship with the Lord Almighty.
The Saints of God will teach you more on this, in the coming days.
Those who belong to the level of total emptiness do not know all these meanings of
prayer. They are like the empty vessel, which makes a lot of noise. They see God at a
far distance. They assume His Presence at infinity; that is why they make the
loudest noise to call Him. In their empty cry, they accuse God and force Him to answer
them. When they finish uttering all their allegations against their God, and it is the turn
of their God to speak to them, they leave Him and go way. Little friend, what a big insult
to the Almighty God! They never listen! Their prayer is not a dialogue but an accusation.
Their prayer is not a relationship. There is a big gap between them and their
Saviour/God. Their prayer is not a sacrifice but a means of possessing the wealth of
nation. This wealth and their pressing needs are the only things they know. They know
nothing of the Saviour, Whom their sins crucify daily and the great need to console Him.
They know nothing about God’s loving care and the great need to trust in His Perfect
Will. They know nothing about the Calvary way, the only true way to salvation. All they
know is the Jesus of miracles, not the Jesus of Calvary. These groups of people at this
level are so attached to material things. Their needs are the gods they worship. Their
prayer has no forgiveness. They see all men as enemies, so they fear all men. They have
no faith; so, they are slaves of fear. They see evil spirit in all their ways. Any obstacle is
the handwork of the evil spirits. Any cross is a curse. This makes them slaves of demons
since they think of demons always. They take all their time in howling against evil spirits,
cursing their neighbour, and cursing God as well. Little friend, these are the errors of
those in this level of total emptiness.
Little friend, these people at this level are known by their pride. They present themselves
before their fellows or before their members as sinless creatures, whereas they are
wallowing in an ocean of iniquity. In their noisy prayer, they hardly allow God to talk
to them about their weakness and their sins. They do not listen to the voice of God in
their souls to weigh their lives. This makes them slaves of pride.
Little friend, it is at this level that you find all the so-called visionaries of the earth who
preach prosperity without labour, a perpetual living on earth and who see enemies in
every man. These visionaries see nothing but wallow in an illusion of darkness. Satan
takes advantage of them in this illusion of darkness to possess many souls by giving
their followers the wealth they need in exchange for their souls. Run away from them,
my little friends, turn to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, He will give you peace.
Little friend, know that at this level, no prayer is made. All they call prayer is
nothing but abuse and insult to the Almighty God. This is all I have for you. The
Spirit will open your minds to see more if you are willing to change and to grow.
May Jesus Who sent me bless you. I leave you.”
Immediately, she waved and disappeared. Instantly, the Holy Face appeared and Our
Lord said.
“My son, learn these lessons of My little Saint. The insults are great already. I am
looking at you as My lover to atone for these insults by means of your spiritual maturity,
which you will learn on these days. So I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”
Immediately, the whole vision passed.
DATE: 3RD JULY, 2002
TIME: 8.00 PM
In our novena prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint coming down from the
cloud. Seven little Cherubim accompanied him. As he came nearer, he calmly said:
“Little friends of God, I am happy to receive this loving call to be with you and teach you
in this noisy world of yours. This is the era of science and technology, when the Spirit of
solitude has disappeared from the face of the earth. I pray you will hear the voice of
Heaven and grow.
I am your brother, Alphonsus. My beloved Master sent me to teach you the first level on
the Trend of the Perfect Peace. As He sent me, He said, “My beloved Saint, go and
teach My people to withdraw their souls from the pit of darkness and lift them up to
the Throne of Light. Tell them how I long to be with their souls.” Here, I have come
to you, my little friends. I have come to teach you to call your souls back to yourselves; I
say, that I have come to teach you to defend your souls against yourselves, against the
world; and against Satan.
Listen, the first level, which I have come to teach you, is called the Level of the Silence
of the Mouth. I say, “Silence of the mouth.” This is the first level of the Perfect Golden
Peace. The silence of the mouth is the beginning of recollection. The recollection of the
spirit is the gathering of the Divine Power. Little friends, know today, that the greatest
power in man is the power of his words. A purified word can turn the axis of the
world and cause the stars to fall. But how can one purify one’s words to gather this
power? It is through the fire of silence.
Little friends, silence is mortification and you are called to make it. Silence is a cross;
you are called to carry it. Silence is a sacrifice; you are called to offer it. Silence burns
like fire in the soul; you must allow it to burn out the evil in your soul. Silence is like a
sword; you must allow it to pierce your soul in order to reveal God’s love.
Little friend you are called to observe and to live the life of silence. I say close your
month over the irrelevant matters that do not build up faith. Close your mouth among
the gossips after you have rebuked them for their evil ways. Absorb all the pains of
accusation with love, and gently make peace.
Little friends, to be great, you must curtail your stay in the company of the world.
Learn to visit the quiet zones of the world like the desert. Stay hours in silence with
nature, in the desert. I say, learn to be alone; you will possess the Divine Spirit of
solitude. You will possess the greatest power on earth.
Little friends, I say again, the more you purify the words of your mouth through the fire
of silence, the holier you become. Know that all men have the gift of will power to
overcome the world. You have the will power over any motive that might move you
to be a talkative. The battle in your heart between your will to say or to be silent is the
sacrifice you are called to offer. The agony that bruises your heart is the fire of silence
that purifies your words. If you conquer, you are filled with power.
Dear friends, do not join the noisy world in their evil and empty gatherings that kill the
spirit. Rather, learn to posses the Spirit of solitude through the power of silence. May
Jesus, Who sent me, bless you and give you the grace to follow these lessons. So I leave
Immediately, the vision passed. Then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who calmly
“My children, a solitary soul, in solitude, is a friend of God. That soul enjoys My
greatest care and love. Learn to close your mouth in this noisy world. Do not help
the world in generating more noise in the world. So I bless you in the Name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 8.00 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint coming down from the cloud. He
came closer and calmly said:
“Peace be with you my friend. I am your brother and Apostle Jude. I come to teach you
the second level among the six Golden Levels of Peace. This is the Level of
Concentration. How I wish you would grow up to this level and even higher. This level
is greater than the first level, which is the level of the Silence of the Mouth. Where the
first level ends, the second level begins.
Friends of the Living God, this level of perfection is the hardest level to attain. The
moment you climb up to this level, it is easy to reach all the levels, if you want to. We
shall see this level in the line of prayer, because the level of your prayer determines your
spiritual relationship with God; which is your spiritual level.
Little friends of the Living God, know today that there are demarcation between the
mouth and the soul, the soul and the senses, and the mouth and the senses. I am here
to reveal only the first one, the gap between the mouth and the soul. Before I reveal this
gap, you shall learn what concentration is.
Concentration is the union of the mouth and the soul, or the union of the soul and
the senses, and or the union of the mouth and the senses to achieve a goal. This goal
might be positive or negative. It is positive if it achieves holy ends or negative if it
achieves evil ends. The union of mouth and senses is an earthly concentration that
involves learning and knowledge of the world. The union of the soul and the senses is
another level of perfection. So I will teach you the union of the mouth and the soul,
which is the second level of perfection called Concentration in Prayer.
Concentration in Prayer is the ascending of the union of mouth and the soul to the
bosom of Divine Grace. It is the relationship of this union with the Eternal Love. It
is the peace of the soul with the mouth in the Light of Love. It is the joy of the mouth
with the soul in the peace of God.
In concentration level, you meet God’s love in fullness for the first time. Dear friend of
the living God, for you to attain this level, you must love solitude. You, the Little Lilies of
God on earth must learn to avoid the world. I say, you must learn to avoid the company
of men many times. Learn to be alone. Recollect and rejoin your soul with your being.
In prayer, struggle to recollect and join your soul with your mouth. You must leave your
place of distraction and retire to a solitary confinement. Little friends of the living God
sacrifice much to attain this level. O happy solitude in which God speaks lovingly and
converses with His lovers. Blessed are the souls in solitude with God, they enjoy the
greatest happiness on earth.
O how bitterly a soul who is attached to the world suffers. See how restless the soul is.
See how the scorching wind of fear tortures the soul. Come, O loving souls, and have
rest in the peace of solitude with God. Little friends, detach your soul, which sticks
slavishly to wealth, to your mother, to your father, your brother, your sister, and your
wife and to your husband and attach it to the Heavenly things. Be at peace with every
one. Love your enemy and pray for them. Do not be slaves of miracle; rather be a
consoler of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Finally, I say, learn to spend your time with the One Who loves you most. I say spend
time with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, He Who dwells in your very soul. May Jesus Who
sent me give you all the graces you need to attain this level. May He bless you.”
Immediately, he vanished. Then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who calmly said.
“You have heard My son, the wise will know that this calls for growth. But the fools
will say to their souls, it is impossible to do all these things. Those who learn and
grow will enjoy My Reign of Peace in their souls. But those who remain unchanged and
even hinder My loving ones from growing will suffer the absence of My Presence. A
time will come when their pride will not help them any more, then, they will see their
So I bless you all, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
Immediately, the vision passed.