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DATE: 6TH JAN. 1997

TIME: 3.00 PM



“Tell me what you feel before l tell you what you must know.”

(Long silence)

There were fifty-eight (58) wounds on my sacred head caused by the spikes of thorns and nine

thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight (9,798) drops of blood from my sacred head.

Console me and adore my Precious Blood, O MY loving children. Nothing can please me more

than adoring my Precious Blood. Nothing also can make me happier than adoring my Precious


Remember that I called you so as to console me in my agony. My children console me if you love

me. I am here waiting for you to adore me and console me. The only thing I receive from you is

weakness and mindlessness. I will leave you when I am tired of begging.

O my loving ones, if you cannot show me love, I will leave you soon, I will leave you soon, I will

leave you soon. My joy is not complete whenever I see you praying. Pray and feel my agony so that

you will console me. Pray and share in my suffering so that you may love me.

Feel my agony and have mercy on me. I bless you”.


DATE: 21ST JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM




As we were praying during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of

Jesus Christ bathed with blood. He calmly said:

My children, you are my loved ones. How tenderly I love you. O how it pains my

Heart to see you on the road of perdition. I will rather choose to die than to see you

get lost. This is what motivated me to die for you. O, it seems that you do not know

how much I love you.

I call you my lovers. Indeed, I love you. But why can’t you show me love? Am I

not worthy of your love? Remember that, for your sake, my Hands were pierced

and lacerated with nails. O, the soldiers who held my Hands thought that I would

withdraw them and fight them. Children, do you know that I surrendered and spread

my Hands to be nailed for love of you? It is my love for you that made me weak and

helpless. How bitter to remember the first blow of the nail which pierced my delicate

Hand. The pain pierced my Sacred Heart, which opened to pour out my love for you. I

absorbed the pains because I was dying for my lovers. I say, I absorbed the pains

because I was dying for you, my loved ones.

Children, what did I do to merit all this hatred of yours? I am Jesus Christ, Who died

for you. My Heart is calling you to love. My Blood is calling you to return and to

remember your Covenant with me. O, remember how the Covenant is sealed with my

Blood. Return, my lovers. I don’t want you to break the Covenant and die. I want you

to live. I want you to be with me. I want you to enjoy my love. If you will dare to

return my lovers, I will pour my love on you like rain. O, I will heal your hearts

wounded by sin. I will bless you and give you peace.

Receive my blessing; I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ gazed at me steadily and vanished.

Immediately the whole vision passed.


DATE: 25TH JULY 1998

TIME: 8.15 AM



In our novena prayer in the month of July, I saw in a vision the Lamb standing in the

midst of a large number of people in the cloud. On the body of the Lamb was a label

written “BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, WE ARE SAVED”. I saw also that they

were wounded, weak and tired. But surprisingly, they that were wounded were all

rejoicing and dancing in front of the Spotless Lamb. As I was looking, cloud came

down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus Christ

in His agony. He looked at me steadily and asked: “Barnabas, do you know these

people and where they come from?” I replied, “Lord, I don’t know; in yourmercy and

kindness, tell me”.

Then Our Lord said:

“Run for your life to inherit the greatest joyful kingdom, that is awaiting all who suffer

and die with me. Never let your weak faith and flesh make you deny your God. These

people are all my people who had gone through this wicked and sinful world. They did

not betray or deny the Son of God. They were not ashamed of me and my Gospel in

this ungodly world. They were mocked and disgraced in public only because they

were my followers. But they did not give up. Men told all kinds of lies against their

names. They bore it for my sake. Some were killed through terrible persecution and

torture. Before they died, they forgave and blessed their persecutors. Through my

own Blood, I purified them from all their iniquities and saved them. They will rejoice

and reign with me forever.

My children hold firm your faith. The terrible hour of massacre and persecution is

coming. Who will survive it? Only those who are willing to give up their lives for

me will survive. Anyone who wants to save his own life during that time will lose it.

But anyone who gives up his life for me will gain it. Anyone who is killed while

holding to his faith will not be lost. I will purify him with my Precious Blood and

save him from eternal damnation.

My children stand firm on the truth you know. The hour will come soon. When the

hour comes, don’t run about, but be on your guard. Don’t fear the death of the flesh,

for I will give you everlasting life. Children, I tell you this now, for very soon, the

hour will come, so that your heart will not be troubled.

My children pray only that the hour will be shortened. Remain faithful in your work of

salvation. Continue doing the good things you used to do. Never reduce your effort

towards your work of holiness, rather increase it; these things will help your faith.I am

the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is calling you so that you all will not spiritually die.

When you rise again, you must strengthen your brothers. The day that is coming,

which will suddenly come like thief, is fast approaching and will catch up with my

people when they are not ready.

My children spread this message so that my people will be ready to welcome the great

hour. I bless you all”.

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 23RD JULY 2003

TIME: 10.00 pm



In my prayer during this hour, I had a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly


“The Covenant of Blood is this which many are breaking. This is not the blood of covenant,

which the sons of Abraham shed on their day of circumcision, but the Blood of the Son of

God who took flesh and blood from the Immaculate Virgin.

The Blood, you are despising is not the blood of bulls or goats which the Israelites placed

on their door-posts for their Passover but the blood of a Sacrificial Lamb of God that was

immolated for the second Passover.

The Blood that was shed for you is not the blood of cows, which Moses killed when he

offered sacrifice to seal the covenant between the people of Israel and their God. The

people of Israel promised then that they would keep all the laws the Lord had given them.

And the Blood of Covenant was sprinkled on them. But the Blood that was shed for you is

the Blood of the Spotless Lamb of God.

The Blood was shed that you will love your God with all your heart, and with all your

strength. And that you will love your neighbour as you love yourself. This is the

Commandment, which was sealed with my Blood.

To love God is to free your soul from all worries of this world, from all attachments to

these earthly things and to embrace the peace of God in the holy marriage with Him. This

holy union will obtain the gift of love for the soul of man. Children, if you can free your

souls from all these bondage of the world, I will help you to love. Truly, I say to you, all

who obtain the gift of love will surely love their neighbour. By this, the Covenant of Blood

will be kept and you will not be guilty of my Blood.

The flower of love in the soul of man is the holiness of life I am calling on all men to

live. This is the purity of mind and body I am calling you to have. O the flower of love

is the life of perfection I am calling you to reach. It is the fulfilment of all laws.

Children, only very few love; so many are breaking the Covenant of Blood of the

Everlasting Covenant. This is why you can see the damnation of many souls. Indeed, many

souls are going to hell because they lack the grace of true love. For those who show me, partial love, while in the world, they must be subjected to a place of lesson and purification,

where they will learn how to love. Turn back to me all you nations of the world whom I

poured my Blood for their salvation. Remember the Covenant of Blood I made with you.

Come and love your God, your Lord. I am calling you to love.


Meditate on this lesson. I am, the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who loves you. So have my

blessing; I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,


Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 12 TH NOV, 2003

TIME: 11.00PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision, Our Lady who came with seven little

cherubim. Her veil was adorned with beautiful Roses. She came closer and gently said:

“Peace from heaven be with you my children. Today, I am here to give you a message

of true martyrdom and of true love. I believe that the fruit of this message will be an

act of consolation to my Jesus and my God. Come nearer my son.

On earth, there is a group of lovers whom Heaven calls The Victim Lovers. They are

the same lovers whom Jesus calls consolers. They are victim ones and consolers

because they share in the agony of their God for humanity. Children, these lovers of

Christ are not only crucified by men for the sake of God but God Himself subjects

them to painful agonies for the love of souls.

You can see the stigmatics in the world. They are victim lovers. They suffer the

passion of our lord for the love of souls. Indeed, they are consolers. Children of Christ,

there is a martyrdom that is greater than the martyrdom of the stigmatics or even the

red martyrdom of shedding one’s blood for Christ. This is the martyrdom of love.

Those who suffer this kind of martyrdom are called the lilies of love. O, for love of

Christ, these lilies of Christ are crucified several times. They died and died all again

for love of their Christ. They are like harmer in the hand of God that suffers the heat of

blows for amendment of damages. To them, Christ appeals for consolation. He wants

His Lilies to be crucified like Himself. O, He wants them to be victim lovers like

Himself. Children, may the lilies of Christ share in the agony of Christ for renewal.

Children, if your God wants to change the face of the earth with the aid of nothing,

certainly, He can do this in a twinkle of an eye. But why does He prefer the martyrdom

of those He loves for the renewal of the face of the earth? It is simple because, He

wants to be glorified through them, in order that they will be glorified in Him.

Children, Christ wants to be glorified through you;that is why He made many appeals

to you but He wants you to share in his agonies. May the lilies of Christ offer to their

Christ the sweet cup of love; that is, the martyrdom of love; for the sake of their Christ.

Children of Christ, hear your Christ saying to you to stand for Him against the evils in

the world and those that are fighting the church, and the authority of the church telling

you to stop. O, you are victim lovers subjected to a most painful test. Truly, Christ is

the one who is agonizing, who is appealing for you to stand for Him; and He is the

same one who is wedging you through the authority of His church. Yes, He is the one

who wants to crush you for the good of those who crucified Him again and again. Yes

he wants you to suffer the most painful martyrdom. That is the martyrdom of love.

O little lilies of love, if you ignore the order of the authority of the church and follow

only the appeal of Christ, you have failed. Pride and disobedience will ruin your soul.

O, if you ignore the appeal of Christ and obey the authority of the church without any

feeling of the agony of Christ, you have failed as victim lovers. You have no reward as

martyrs of renewal.

O what shall you do them to receive the palm frond of the victorious martyrs and still

remain in the light of true obedience? Children of Christ, the agony of your Christ

must fill your heart always. You will work hard always to stand for him. But you must

be obedient to the authorities wherever the obedience is not sinful.

Remember that Christ is with His church till the end of age. The gate of hell will not

prevail against her. So, know today that those errors of modernism and of

Protestantism that fights the very root of the Holy Catholic Church and her holy

tradition cannot destroy the church. When the number of the martyrs of love is

complete, Christ will rise and do His work, which is his alone. I, His Mother, the

Queen of Heaven will again crush the head of Satan.

So, you are called to be in the centre of the flame and experience the most painful test.

I have given you the light. You will follow the light and understand your call. With

this lesson and the lessons of Saint Cecelia, I hope that my little ones will be victorious

with the power of love and embrace the martyrdom of love.

Barnabas, let my son, your spiritual director, take up His work of reading and studying

of the messages. He must not fail Christ who appointed him as the Bearer of His

Agony when the Church calls him for questioning. O, he must start from the beginning

and critically read all the messages alone and in the spirit of retreat or else, he will

cause much agony to my son. My son and my Lord Jesus will answer any question he

asks that will help the world. Barnabas, pray for him because the wave of time is

testing him.

I answered. “Mother, I will pray for him. But do not leave him alone”

Our Lady continued:

“I am near, but I have no power over the will of man. See, everything is made known

to you before it happens. The confusion of this hour has been made known to you. But

all who allow the power of blindness to overwhelm them will not see. These messages

will be nothing to them.

When I come again, I will admonish some of my children who need admonition. I will

do this to console my son whom you cause much agony and to save their souls. Happy

are all who are little and unknown to the world, the hidden mystery will be made

known to them. My children be humble as I am. I am the mother of Agonizing Jesus

Christ. Remain in peace from Heaven, so, I leave you”.

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 20 TH MAY, 2004

TIME: 12.30AM



In my prayer during this hour, I had a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who

calmly said:

“Barnabas, go and teach all hearts how to love me. Let all my children taste the sweet

peace of my love. O, may my love possess all hearts so that they may learn how to


The world is my flock. I am the Good Shepherd; I love my flock and that is why I laid

down my life to save my flock. But see, my flock does not know me. They do not love

me. What they know is only the way of wickedness and of sin. Who will teach my

people the way of goodness for which I have laid down my Blood on the Cross of

Salvation? Who will teach my people how to love? I want to possess all hearts with

my love. I want my love to possess their hearts. I want their hearts to love.

Children, love will make you good. Love will make you holy. Love will give you


Children, I am the Perfect Love. I bless all hearts that yearn for my love with the gift

of perfect love. I will have them at the centre of my Heart. They are my dearest ones. I

will not allow anything to harm their purity or wound their love for me. Because they

are precious to me as a wife is precious to the husband. Indeed, all who search to love

the Love are the wives of the Love. The Love will care for them always.

Children, come to me and taste the sweet peace of my love. I am begging you for love.

Indeed, I love you. I want your love. You are my joy in these evil days. Your love is

all I want. Your love will satisfy my taste. Your love will console my wounded heart.

Children, only say, I love you Master, and mean what you say. I will over-shadow

you with the gift of love. O, I have spread out my hands to possess all hearts that are

searching for my love. My Sacred Heart will inflame them with love.

Barnabas, go and enkindle the flame of love in the hearts of many. Let all my children

who have love do the same. I promise that as many as taste for my love will all possess

the gift of love. I will make great Saints of them; so that they will dwell with me in

Heaven where they will love me for all eternity. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who

is looking for the love of my flock. May the peace of my love remain with you all. So,

I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 3RD JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM




In our novena prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint coming down from the

cloud. Seven little Cherubim accompanied him. As he came nearer, he calmly said:

“Little friends of God, I am happy to receive this loving call to be with you and teach

you in this noisy world of yours. This is the era of science and technology when the

Spirit of solitude has disappeared from the face of the earth. I pray you will hear the

voice of Heaven and grow.

I am your brother, Alphonsus. My beloved Master sent me to teach you the first level

on the Trend of the Perfect Peace. As He sent me, He said, “My beloved Saint, go

and teach my people to withdraw their souls from the pit of darkness and lift

them up to the Throne of Light. Tell them how I long to be with their souls.”

Here, I have come to you, my little friends. I have come to teach you to call your souls

back to yourselves; I say that I have come to teach you to defend your souls against

yourselves, against the world and against Satan.

Listen, the first level, which I have come to teach you, is called the Level of the

Silence of the Mouth. I say, “Silence of the mouth.” This is the first level of the

Perfect Golden Peace. The silence of the mouth is the beginning of recollection. The

recollection of the spirit is the gathering of the Divine Power. Little friends know

today, that the greatest power in man is the power of his words. A purified word can

turn the axis of the world and cause the stars to fall. But how can one purify one’s

words to gather this power? It is through the fire of silence.

Little friends, silence is mortification and you are called to make it. Silence is a

cross; you are called to carry it. Silence is a sacrifice; you are called to offer it.

Silence burns like fire in the soul; you must allow it to burn out the evil in your soul.

Silence is like a word; you must allow it to pierce your soul in order to reveal God’s


Little friend, you are called to observe and to live the life of silence. I say close

your month over irrelevant matters that do not build up faith. Close your mouth

among the gossip after you have rebuked them for their evil ways. Absorb all the

pains of accusation with love, and gently make peace.

Little friends, to be great, you must curtail your stay in the company of the world.

Learn to visit the quiet zones of the world like the desert. Stay hours in silence with

nature, in the desert. I say, learn to be alone; you will possess the Divine Spirit of

solitude. You will possess the greatest power on earth.

Little friends, I say again, the more you purify the words of your mouth through the

fire of silence, the holier you become. Know that all men have the gift of willpower

to overcome the world. You have the willpower over any motive that might move

you to be talkative. The battle in your heart between your will to talk or to be silent is

the sacrifice you are called to offer. The agony that bruises your heart is the fire of

silence that purifies your words. If you conquer, you are filled with power.

Dear friends, do not join the noisy world in their evil and empty gatherings that kill the

spirit. Rather, learn to possess the Spirit of solitude through the power of silence. May

Jesus, who sent me, bless you and give you the grace to follow these lessons. So I

leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed and then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who

calmly said:

“My children, a solitary soul in solitude is a friend of God. That soul enjoys my

greatest care and love. Learn to close your mouth in this noisy world. Do not help

the world in generating more noise in the world. So I bless you in the Name of the

Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the vision passed.



TIME: 8.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint coming down from the cloud.

He came closer and calmly said:

“Peace be with you, my friend. I am your brother and Apostle Jude. I come to teach

you the second level of the Six Golden Levels of Peace. This is the Level of

Concentration. How I wish you would grow up to this level and even higher. This

level is greater than the first level, which is the level of the Silence of the Mouth.

Where the first level ends, the second level begins.

Friends of the Living God, this level of perfection is the hardest level to attain. The

moment you climb up to this level, it is easy to reach all the other levels, if you want

to. We shall see this level in the line of prayer because the level of your prayer

determines your spiritual relationship with God which is your spiritual level.

Little friends of the Living God know today that there are demarcations between

the mouth and the soul, the soul and the senses, and the mouth and the senses. I

am here to reveal only the first one, the gap between the mouth and the soul. Before I

reveal this gap, you shall learn what concentration is.

Concentration is the union of the mouth and the soul, or the union of the soul and

the senses, and or the union of the mouth and the senses to achieve a goal. This

goal might be positive or negative. It is positive if it achieves holy ends or negative if

it achieves evil ends. The union of the mouth and the senses is an earthly concentration

that involves learning and knowledge of the world. The union of the soul and the

senses is another level of perfection. So I will teach you the union of the mouth and

the soul, which is the second level of perfection called Concentration in Prayer.

Concentration in Prayer is the ascending of the union of the mouth and the soul to

the bosom of Divine Grace. It is the relationship of this union with the Eternal

Love. It is the peace of the soul with the mouth in the Light of Love. It is the joy

of the mouth with the soul in the peace of God.

In concentration level, you meet God’s love in fullness for the first time. Dear friend

of the living God, for you to attain this level, you must love solitude. You, the Little

Lilies of God on earth must learn to avoid the world. I say you must learn to avoid the

company of men many times. Learn to be alone. Recollect and rejoin your soul with

your being. In prayer, you must struggle to recollect and join your soul with your

mouth. You must leave your place of distraction and retire into solitude. Little friends

of the living God, sacrifice much to attain this level. O, happy solitude, in which God

speaks lovingly and converses with His lovers. Blessed are the souls in solitude with

God, they enjoy the greatest happiness on earth.

O, how bitterly a soul who is attached to the world suffers. See how restless the soul is.

See how the scorching wind of fear tortures the soul. Come, O loving souls, and have

rest in the peace of solitude with God. Little friends, detach your soul, which sticks

slavishly to wealth, to your mother, to your father, your brother, your sister, and your

wife and to your husband, and attach it to heavenly things. Be at peace with everyone.

Love your enemy and pray for them. Do not be slaves of miracle; rather be a consoler

of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Finally, I say, learn to spend your time with the One who loves you most. I say spend

time with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, He who dwells in your very soul. May Jesus

who sent me give you all the grace you need to attain this level. May He bless you.”

Immediately, he vanished and then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who calmly


“You have heard my son; the wise will know that this calls for growth. But the fool

will say to their souls, “It is impossible to do all these things”. Those who learn and

grow will enjoy my Reign of Peace in their souls but those who remain unchanged and

even hinder my loving ones from growing will suffer the absence of my Presence. A

time will come when their pride will not help them anymore, then, they will see their


So I bless you all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,


Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 5TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM



During this hour, I saw a vision of a saint coming down from the cloud. He came

nearer and calmly said:

“Beloved friend, I have come to share with you a loving message again in this great

month of July. I rejoiced when I saw my brother, Jude, teaching you on the great

lesson of Concentration. I have come to give you the third level of the Golden Peace of

Perfection. This is the level of the Silence of the Soul. I am your brother, Francis of


Little friends, how great and worthy it is to attain this level of Perfection, of Silence of

the Soul. This level is greater than the second level of Perfection. It starts where

concentration ends. It is the freedom of the soul from bondage or slavery. I mean

the slavery of fear due to attachment to the things of the world. How blessed are

those who free themselves from all attachment to money, to wealth, and even to

life; they shall enjoy the quietness of the soul.

Little friends, you are called to be a Holy Nation of God. You are chosen to help renew

the face of the earth. You are the sons and daughters of the Glorious Reign. That is

why Heaven gives you all these gifts; you are called to be perfect so as to possess all

these graces. So I plead with you, my little friend to free your mind and your soul from

the chain of the flesh. Defend your soul against the passion of the flesh. Defend your

soul against the flame of pride. Be free; be free, like the birds of the air. Love! I say,

love the beauty of nature and enjoy their consolation like butterflies on the beautiful

flowers. Love all men. Owe no one anything except love. I say, be charitable and care

for the poor. This is the road to happiness and calmness of the soul.

My friend be free! I say, be free from the worries of seeking protection. How

sorrowful are the souls of those who are under the bondage of worries of protection;

they taste the bitterness of slavery.

Dear friend, fight, struggle, and enter this level of calmness. This is the level where

God speaks to His people in prayer. At this level, you will learn to listen to the

Voice of Divine Wisdom. There, you will weigh yourself, see your weakness, and

receive encouragement and blessing from God. I pray God, who sent me, to bless you

and give you peace. Happy to see you grow.”

Immediately, the vision passed and then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who

calmly said:

“My children, free yourselves from the world. Leave everything and follow me. Happy

are those who hear and follow. So I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Instantly, the vision passed.


DATE: 6TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint coming down from the cloud.

She was holding a beautiful flower in her hand. As I watched, she appeared before the

altar and calmly said:

“Son of the Beloved how are you and how do you enjoy the lessons of Heaven?” I

answered: “The lessons are so sweet and lovely.” The Saint continued, saying: “May

the peace of the Lord Almighty who sent me be with you. I am your daughter, Lucy. I

come to offer you the fourth Level of the Glorious Peace, which my Jesus called the

Golden Peace. I hope you will fight to reach this level of perfection. Son of the

Beloved, this is the Level of Contemplation. Contemplation is the union of the soul

and the senses to evaluate matters of wisdom. Seeing Contemplation in the line of

prayer, it is the prayer of the soul through the direction of the senses. This is the level

of the greatest reasoning. When a person reaches this level, he has reached the Age of

Spiritual Reasoning. At this level, one can understand the lessons of the spirit. I mean

the Holy Bible and other holy books.

Listen to what you will do to attain this level. Son of the Beloved, you must pass

through the first, second and third levels before you can reach this level. In addition to

all these things; ‘Believe that you are a son of God; believe that He loves you; believe

that He cares for you; have faith in Him and have faith in His words. Take His words

in the Holy Bible as His words directed to you. Weigh always your love for Him.

Measure the distance between you and the Lord. Try always to close up the gap by

means of love. I say, love, so that you will be loved.

Little friends, have a home of prayer. Be with your Jesus who loves you. Gaze on Him,

you will find His peace. Be quiet, listen, I say, listen to the tiny voice of love in your

soul. Seek to understand the meaning of mysteries. If you do these things, you will

reach the Level of Contemplation.

Son of the beloved, know that your joy multiples as you near the Presence of God. The

nearer you are, the happier you become. So, I pray my Jesus to bless you. I leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed, and then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who

calmly said:

“My son, I thirst to see my people at this level. I am your God who is always near

to you. There is no need for you to fear or worry over valueless things. I am the peace

of your heart; I am the joy of your soul. I will be happy to see you grow. So I bless you

in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the whole vision passed.


DATE: 7TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint who came with three little

Cherubim. He said:


“I am happy to be sent to you, my friend.How fortunate are those who will embrace

these great lessons of perfection that the Lord has granted to humanity. O, this is an

era of commotion. The scientists have filled the air with noise by means of their

electronics. How unfortunate that the people of this era do not enjoy the sweet peace of

silence. O desert, how enjoyable you are! How loving to stay in you. In you O desert, I

enjoy perfect solitude. In you, O desert, my soul enjoys peace. How beautiful is the

creation of God. O loving solitude, you have lifted my soul to the Throne of God,

where the loving Presence of the Divine dwells. My friends, I am your brother Jerome.

I have come to teach you the Fifth Level of the Golden Peace.It is the Level of


Meditation is the marriage of the soul to the DivineSpirit.The soul leaves the

world of distraction, of commotion, and of confusion to staywith her Divine

Spouse. In the home of Her Divine Spouse, she enjoys His love and care. She, the soul

understands her Divine Spouse, and the Spouse understands her. Their communication

is not much by words but by the Eyes of Love. The soul is now the consoler of her

Divine Spouse. The companionship is nothing but adoration of God’s love, of His

mercy and compassion. She the soul thinks of nothing other than to love and to show


My friend, this is the level of faith and of trust. It is the level of the seekers of the

wealth of the Kingdom not seekers of the wealth of the world. It is at this level that

Jesus finds his consolers. This is the level of the cross-bearers.

Dear friend, there is less power of reasoning at this level. The soul is controlled by

the Spirit of Wisdom, and of Love. The greatest prayer is made when the soul gazes

at her Divine Spouse. The Divine Spouse will respond with love and mercy. This is the

action of the voice of silence.

Dear friends, ascend to the first level, the second, the third, the fourth and then the fifth

level. This fifth level starts where the fourth level ends. Avoid all kinds of distraction.

Love all men.See them as friends; seek the love of God. Try and win His love.

Marry Him and stay with Him. May He live in you and you in Him. Whatever He owns

is yours. There is no need for you to worry about anything, since He who married you

owns everything. O do not command your God, your spouse. Be faithful to Him like a

wife to her husband. Enter the desert with him, where you will show Him love and

serve Him. This is the mystery of meditation that I revealed to you with the knowledge

of the things of the world. He who has the spirit will understand and grow. O, my

Jesus, who sent me, bless your people whom you love. Dear friend, I leave you.”

Immediately the vision passed, Jesus appeared and said:


“I am longing for the day when my lovers will marry me and stay with me. I

promise to show them love. So I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 8TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint who came with three little

Cherubim. He appeared before my altar and calmly said:

“My dear friend, peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I am your brother,Pio. I

come to offer you the final Level of the Golden Peace of Silence. Jesus wishes that you

should grow up to this level. The level is what He calls the Personal Relationship. In

prayer, the souls of the great men of God leave the canopy of distraction through

meditation, and enter the Zone of Grace. This is where the soul stays at rest with God

in the highest meditation. The power of the senses is minimal there. The soul just stays

with God and enjoys the loving Presence of the Divine Majesty. There, everything is

clear;mysteries are unfolded.

My dear friend, this is the level of Personal Relationship. As Saint Jerome used the

marriage of the soul and the Divine Spirit to explain the level of meditation, so we

shall see this level of relationship in the same light. The relationship of the soul with

the Divine is the Golden Peace, which the soul longs for. Like a virgin who longs to

meet her spouse and suffers the pains of restlessness, if, in the end, she meets him, her

troubled heart will find peace and rest. In the same way, the soul of man that is longing

to enjoy this relationship with God will not have the perfect peace or rest until she

rests in the Lord, her loving Spouse.

Dear friend, this is the level of Relationship. In prayer, the soul has nothing to do

than to relate with the Lord. The soul relates to adore the Divine Majesty, to

console the wounded Heart of Love, and to atone for the sins of the world.

At this level, the soul understands the feelings of God as the wife understands the

feelings of her husband. In the moment of sorrow due to the sins of the world, the soul

remains a consoler. In the moment of joy due to the conversion of a sinner, the soul

remains in adoration. This soul desires only to love and to make God happy.


Dear friend, you are to attain this level through your total detachment from the things

of the world. You must fight to see that nothing occupies your soul. Be free! Never be

a burden to anyone or to your people. Let Jesus be everything. Pass through the first

level, to the second, third, fourth, fifth and then the sixth level. Fill the emptiness of

your true being by means ofsilence.Learn to pray in perfect meditation. Ascend higher

in a vertical mediation; you will eventually escape the canopy of distraction to rest in

God in Personal Relationship with Him.

Dear friend, know that you are expected to reach this level here on earth, not

after death; so struggle to ascend higher. This is the highest level of prayer and

the greatest of all the gifts. It is a gift because a privileged soul finds it easy to

reach this level. May Jesus, who sent me, bless you!So I leave you.

Immediately, the vision passed, and then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ, who

calmly said:

“All who offer me their souls will find rest. I will give them the true peace. The peace

the world cannot give. I will live in him and him in me. In his soul, I will build my

tabernacle. The soul will never suffer any dryness because the living water is gushing

from the center of the tabernacle of his soul. So I bless you, in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 9TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM




In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lady who came with seven little

Cherubim. She had a rose flower in her left hand as she came nearer and quietly said:

“Peace from Heaven be with you, my son. I am happy to see that my Son and my God,

Jesus, sent many saints to you to give you the gift and lessons of the Golden Peace,

which I spoke of in the past but you did not understand. You did not understand then

because you had not been taught. Now you have been taught I hope you understood.

For those who understand and are willing to grow, hear my motherly advice: “Run

away from the world of noise. I mean the world of commotion, and enter the

world of quietness, I mean silence, I mean peace. Put your ears off from those

musical sounds of the world that disturb your true living being; I mean your soul. Do

not yearn to be satisfied with the worldly music they call ‘high-life’. Begin now to

derive true satisfaction and total peace that comes from the mysteries of silence.

See, the world has converted this worldly music into the Church’s worship. This has

come to lead many astray; to drive the Church from its perfect peace to the total

emptiness where pride reigns.

O, my son, it pains my soul greatly to see the Holy Church of my Son turning from its

silent and peaceful worship to a noisy and empty worship. I see with great sorrow, the

agony of my Son which high-life music and dancing in His Holy Temple are causing

Him. This is not worship, my son, rather, a scourge. I say, this worldly act, in the

Temple of God, throws a cruel spear to pierce the Heart that loves much. Do not be

part of them. Learn to worship rather than to scourge. The self-exaltation and its

glorification, which the world and the pagans and the Pentecostals gain in their empty

music, are nothing but vainglory, the mother of pride.

My children do not make your gatherings like theirs. Learn from the mysteries of

silence. Be satisfied with the joy of the true peace that comes from the power of


O, my loving children, how happy I am today to inform you of my love for the desert,

for the birds of the air, for the flowers of the garden, I mean for all the loving creatures

of God. O, desert, you have given my soul the solitude she desires most. You have

led her back to her loving Husband that she had abandoned when she, my soul,

entered the world of sin, the world of commotion. O, quiet desert, I love to stay in

you. O, happy solitude, through you, I have seen the Face of Him who loves me

most my God and my Saviour. Blessed be the God of Solitude.

My son, this is my love for the desert. For all my loving children who wish to attain

these levels of perfection, they must love the desert and its solitude. Your love for the

desert and its solitude is the beginning of the silence of the mouth and of the soul. The

silence of the soul weighs you before the Presence of the Lord. You then see your

emptiness or your fullness in the Lord. Son, know that when I mean desert, I also

mean all the quiet places that give the satisfaction, which the real desert gives.

Detach yourselves from the world, I appeal to you, My children. I say, detach you

from the slavish chain of money, and of all kinds of wealth. Detach yourself from

yourself. I mean your attachment to your life. Children, detach yourselves from these

captive chains that hold you in the world. Know also, my children that your slavish

attachment to your mother, your father, your brother, your sister and your friends will

hold you captive in the world not to grow.

As your Mother who knows the needs of your soul, Iappeal to you again to detach

yourselves from the world and its pleasures. May Jesus be everything to you. I say, may

my Jesus occupy the emptiness of your very soul. When the souls of the worldly men

suffer the pain of restlessness, due to their attachment to the things of the world,

the souls of my children will enjoy the peace due to their attachment to their

Divine Master.

Children, when you have been composed as you offer yourselves wholly as a living

sacrifice, learn to listen to the Voice of God in your very soul. If you do not hear

anything, wait, be calm, and allow the commotion of your soul to clear. When your

soul obtains the true silence from God, you will begin to hear the little Voice of Love.

You are to listen to this voice as you pray, as you read the holy books, and as you go

about your daily work. This is the realm of Contemplation that you have been taught.

The last steps are mortification and perseverance in prayer. Know that the lighter you

are, the easier for the soul to communicate with the Divine Spirit. So gather the petal

of mortification of the Perfect Rose. For perseverance in prayer, I mean your continued

struggle to attain the highest level of perfection. Son, I pray you all to persevere.

Gather the lessons of the saints and grow. I will teach you more in the days to come.

Peace from Heaven be with you. So I leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed and then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ who

calmly said:

“My children, you have heard my Glorious Reign announced. Indeed, my Reign has

been born in your midst. Those who are spiritually blind will not see. The carnal-

minded people will not understand. O, like the newborn baby, my Glorious Reign is

fast growing. I see with joy the coming days of peace, which will come after the

Purification. I see with joy the purity and perfection of my Little Lilies, who are

scattered all over the world. My blessing remains for you all, my Little Lilies. My

blessing remains for you. (At these words, He made the sign of blessing) O! Gather

these lessons of perfection and grow to be my Saints.

Children, see how I took you by the hand and led you through the level of emptiness to

this level of perfection. Happy are all those who follow me to this level of perfection;

they shall grow to be my Saints.

Barnabas by now, you can understand how I used you many times when a serious

matter is to be treated. Your true living being escaped the canopy of distraction to

enter the realm of peace and of silence. You see that, at this level, you understand

everything. Nothing is a mystery at this level. See, you hardly ask questions because

everything is clear. You are in relationship with me.

I choose this gift of relationship because the earth is full of noise. Distraction is

everywhere. Again, my people have gone far into the errors of modernism. My Church

has been modernized and made pagan. Many lessons are needed to bring everything

back to its perfect order for the Glorious Reign. See, I am sending my Saints to help

bring things to order. They are doing their best. I am seeing the fruit of their work. I

will see to it that the devotion to my Precious Blood spreads all over the world as

soon as possible, so as to gather my Little Lilies for my Glorious Reign.

Children, learn all the lessons I have given you in this devotion. I say, learn my

lessons of love, of the Seal, of the Cross of Perfection, of the Rose of Perfect

Purity, and this Golden Peace. Answer all my calls: the Call of Gethsemane, of

the Third Friday Devotion, and of the Seal Hour. Gather all the graces needed to

meet the hour.

The Beast is around. The final battle is about to reach its climax, then, the turning

point. This turning point will reveal this Glorious Reign, that has been born in your

midst and which you have celebrated. Struggle and pass through this perilous time to

the Era of Peace. May I see my Little Lilies there; may I see those who wiped my

Bloody Face, I say, may I see my Veronicas in the Era of Peace. I will console them; I

will wipe away tears from their eyes. I will give them peace and rest; I will be their

God, and they will be my sons and daughters. Children, may I see you there.


My Mother and Saint Cecilia will teach you much at the next novena.

May the peace and blessings of the month of July remain with you. So, I bless you in

the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Peace be with


Immediately, the whole vision passed



DATE: 13TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM




Today is the first day of the three-day Adoration Prayer in honour of the Most Holy

Trinity who offered us the gift of the Precious Blood. In my prayer, I saw a vision of

Our Lady with a rose flower in her hand. She calmly said:

“My children, I am happy to see that you have been given all the necessary training on

the True Peace and the Power of Silence. You can see now your level of spiritual

growth. Make haste to leave your Level of Total Emptiness. Free yourselves from the

bondage of fear. Be free and enjoy the true rest.

I am your Mother; the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am the Rosa Mystica,

the Flower of Purity. I have come to appeal to you to follow the road of perfection that

has been shown to you. This road seems hard to pass through; but it is easy for those

who love Jesus. Jesus will teach you much on love in the Twelve Days of Prayer for

Israel. Learn from Him. Grow in love. The road will be easy for you to walk.

Children, you have learnt from Jesus what the Cross of Perfection is. I see my

Jesus offering you this Cross. This is the Cross of Love, of Humility, of

Forgiveness, and of Truth. May you receive it from Him. Jesus had told you that His

way is a desert way, so rough and stony. It is a desert of scorching wind. He wants you

all to follow Him, since this is the only way out. Truly, this is the only way to our

joyful home. Follow Him! Your Mother is calling you to follow. He is your Master.

He is your Lord and your Saviour. He will not allow you to die. His love will protect

you. His mercy will satisfy your thirst. He is the Bread of Life. All who follow Him

will enjoy the light and the peace of paradise I am begging my children to carry their

crosses and follow my Jesus who loves you. You will see Paradise.

Children, as you walk along the way of perfection with your crosses on your

shoulders, bend and pick up the petals of the Rose of Perfect Purity scattered all over

the road of salvation. O, do not pass-by, bend and pick them up. I say, gather these

Roses and these petals of the Rose of Perfect Purity as you see them on the way.

These are the sources of your grace. Those who neglect these Roses and Petals of

the Rose of Perfect Purity will soon give up. Children, I do not want any of you to

give up. Jesus does not want it either. That is why He scattered the Roses of Purity on

the bloody way of perfection and of salvation. Those who pick them up will have

enough grace to continue their journey of life. I am begging all my children to bend

and pick up these Roses.

Children, this journey of life is like warfare. Clothe yourselves with the apron of

humility and arm yourselves with the Fire of Purity. You will conquer.

Children, persevere in your faith. Do not give up in your prayers. Remember that you

should not pray like the pagans or the Pentecostal groups in the world. Hear the

lessons of the saints and be good and faithful children of the Most High God. At this

level, I appeal to you again to follow the Trends of the Golden Peace to live in union

with your God in Perfect Relationship.

If you do all these things, you will become giant lovers. Having loved much, the road

of the Holy Cross will be easy for you. If you persevere till the end, you will enjoy the

Peace of Paradise. Your home will be Heaven.

Children, you can see that much has been given to you. Who else will you blame if

you fall on the way? Pray that you will not fail Jesus. Heaven will rejoice as you all

arrive with the songs of victory. Children, may I see you in our joyful home. May

I see you there.

Tomorrow, Saint Cecilia will admonish you much. Then, I will come on the last day of

this three-day prayer to inform you on how my children will be trained with these

lessons. I will also teach you more on the True Peace.

May Jesus bless you. Remain in peace from Heaven.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 14TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint of God who came down with a

rose flower and crucifix in her hand. She came closer and gently said:

“Friend of the Beloved, I come to share with you and with all the children of God a

message of love. Jesus sent me to you to throw more light on all the messages given to

you in this month. Friends, I have come to stem the tide of confusion that will occur in

taking steps towards the road of perfection.

Listen, my friends, all men are called to follow the road of perfection. This is the only

way to the Land of Happiness. Those who miss it miss the way and tend towards Hell.

Be wise to follow the road of perfection. Listen again, the road of perfection is so

rough that only men of great faith and giant lovers shall reach the end. Those who give

up on the way have no share in the land of happiness and of joy.

On the way, there are many wicked and sinful nations you must conquer before you

inherit the Land of Peace. Those whom the nations will defeat have no share in the

land of happiness and of joy. See, many will surrender to these nations; some will join

them in their sinful ways and worship their gods. But happy are all who fight to the

end; they shall enjoy the greatest happiness.

Friends, the collection of these nations is this world you are living in, those who

follow the world in their sinful ways have no share in the Kingdom of Peace. There

is no easy life for the children of God who are marching home amidst dangers and

war. There is no rest or pleasure on the way since the journey is a desert one. Those

who are longing for pleasure as the journey is on will soon give up and join the

iniquitous world. Friends, I say, all who are attached to life will find it difficult to

follow. All who are attached to wealth will find it hard to follow. All the miracle

worshippers will hardly follow. Remember this is a desert journey. The journey of life

is warfare.

Remember what happened to the Israelites of old in the desert and understand this

lesson. As you saw from the Scriptures, none of those pleasure seekers, those who

worshipped their lives and were attached to them and those miracle worshippers

among the Israelites, entered the land of Canaan; I mean the land of their promise. O,

see, only two out of thousands of thousands of these people of God who set out from

Egypt entered Canaan, the land of their promise. These were Joshua and Caleb. They

were men of great courage and determination, self-crucified and of faith, of fear of the

Lord, and giant lovers of God’s law. These were the men who merited the land of their


In this last age, that darkness and error of modernism have filled the world, Jesus

Christ has chosen to send His saints to you in order to call you back and direct you

towards the road of perfection. He has given you the Rose of Perfect Purity through

His saints. Not only that, He has given you the lessons of the Golden Peace through

His saints. He has more to give you through His saints if only you can abide in His


The lessons of the Golden Peace are made up of prayer life and life of separation

from the world.

In your prayer life, you are called to have a perfect union with your God. This union is

a loving relationship between a soul and her God. Learn the lessons of the saints

and grow. Your life of separation is your total detachment from the world. Remember

the words of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who said, “You are in the world; but not of

the world.” You are not told to leave the world and enter the desert and live; but you

are told to live monastically in this sinful world. I say, live among men of the world

and influence them with your holy life. Attract all men to God with the sweetness of

purity. This is the life of separation you are called to live.

The life of prayer and the separation from the world of sin have one common goal to

achieve. The goal is the Great Seal, the mark of ownership. This is the Living

Tabernacle in the souls of men that God desires greatly to make all souls. The

Living Tabernacle of God in the soul of men is the Glorious Reign you are waiting for.

At that time men will enjoy a loving relationship with their God. Detach yourselves

from the world of sin and grow in your prayer life. You will grow to be a saint of

God. I am your daughter, Cecilia. I pray for you all always. May the grace of Christ

Jesus remain with you all. So I leave you. Bye!”

Immediately, the whole vision passed.


DATE: 15TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM




Today being the last day of the three-day prayer in the month of July, I saw a vision of

the Holy Mother of God with numerous Cherubim around her. She said:

“Come nearer, my son and hear my motherly advice. I am the Rosa Mystica, the

Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Peace from Heaven be with you.

The mark of my children is shown in their simplicity and humility. So you are

called to be humble and simple. See, much has been given to you. Do not discriminate

amongst your brothers and call them “sinners.” I say, do not lift yourselves up, or else

you fall. See yourselves always as the worst sinners who need conversion. Struggle

always, for perfection.

Children, your Mother is calling you to listen.

Never let any form of pride rule your life at any time. The enemy will get you if you

allow pride to come into your life. The Spirit of God has no place in the house of pride.

Children, whoever you think you are and whatever you have is a gift of love from the

Father. He can take it at any time or bless you more. Since all you have is a gift, why

can’t you be humble? I appeal to you, be humble!

May the world see your humility and your simplicity as you carry the message of peace

to them. Leaders, let your people see your humility. Do not scare them away by your

pride. O my Little Lilies; be little as I call you little. Let your leaders see your humility

and grow in love. Children manifest your humility to all men. May the world know

you by your simplicity of life. Jesus will be happy.

Children, see how my people will be trained to receive the Rose of Perfect Purity.

Jesus wants them to learn all these messages given by Heaven and live by them. These

messages will be given to them in stages as they were given to you. So I am giving you

this order as follows:

There will be two stages of retreat for those who are preparing to receive the Rose

of Perfect Purity. One will be at the beginning of the year, the other at the end of

the year. Only those who are preparing for the reception of the Rose of Perfect

Purity will come for the retreats. They will have these retreats in the year before

the year they will receive the Perfect Rose. Anyone who misses any of the retreats

will not receive the Perfect Rose in the other year. At the beginning of the year,

my people will learn of the Cross of Perfection, the Rose of Perfect Purity, the

Great Seal and other messages. The second retreat will be the Silence Training. I

will draw the programme for you before the time comes but you are to choose the

date of the retreats.

Remember the words of Jesus to you. He said, “Children, train up the holy nation

little by little.” I am reminding you again that you are free to attend the retreat but

only those who are willing to live by the virtues of the Rose of Perfect Purity shall

receive the Rose. Your willingness and your effort are what Jesus demands of you. If

you are willing to be made willing, He will help you to grow and overcome the world.

If you are not willing to change your evil ways, if you make no effort to comply, how

can the help of God come? Even if the grace is poured on you, your life will not


Children, the Rose of Purity is for the poor sinners who are willing to change

their evil ways. Their little effort to change through the Rose of Perfect Purity will

perfect them. I, through my motherly care will obtain for them all the graces they need.

I am calling you all to be humble and simple. Remain in peace from Heaven. So I

leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 20TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM




Today being the first day of the twelve-day adoration prayer to the Most Precious

Blood, as we were praying, I saw a vision of Divine Light coming down from Heaven.

Instantly appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“My children, I welcome you all in these days I called you to prayer. I am happy to see

a large number of my people, priests, and religious who consecrated themselves to my

Precious Blood. My wounded heart is healing.

I see with joy the simplicity and littleness of my Little Lilies who are scattered all over

the world in the bloody way of their Christ. I am happy. I am happy for seeing my

Reign manifesting in your midst.

Barnabas, I have a few fatherly admonitions for my children in these days of adoration

to my Precious Blood, I called you all to adore. He who is wise will learn and grow.

Know that the knowledge of the world is far from Heavenly matters. He who sees

with the eyes of the world is blind in the sight of the Heavenly matters.

I will speak to you with the knowledge of the things you know in the line of the

Divine Wisdom. See with the eyes of the spirit the matters that call for Wisdom. I

am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who calls you all. So I bless you in the name of the

Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 22ND JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM




In our prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who

calmly said:

“My lovers look at the Face of the One who loves you. Draw closer to me. Come and

embrace my love. See the beast approaching. The power of darkness is descending to

fill the world. O, my lovers, why are you spiritually blind at this time? Did I not warn

you of the coming spiritual blindness of mind and soul? Why do you not understand

the time? You fear the narrow way of salvation. You abandon your crosses. O, you

have rejected the way of life.

O, my loved one, return to me. Hear the voice of Him who loves you. He is the One

who died for you. I am the Great Lover who bore the bitter pains of the thorns on my

Sacred Head for love of you. I was alone with the soldiers who took off my clothes

and clothed me with a mockery robe.I was like a rejected man, barefooted with a

rope around my waist. I bore all for love of you. On a rough and broken seat with

sharp edges, the soldiers forced me to sit and crowned me with thorns. I bore all for

love of you. They gave me an iron rod and made mockery of me as a King. I bore all

for your sake.

Now, you have rejected me to worship the Beast. Run away from the Beast and come

back to me and embrace my love. Do not follow the Beast! Do not obtain his Mark.

I am Jesus Christ, who is calling you to return.

My children, I am reminding you of my love for you! I am looking at you to show me

love. The hour is at hand! Receive my blessing! I bless you in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 23RD JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus

Christ bathed with Blood. He calmly said:

“My children, ponder over my love for you that cost me my life. I say, ponder over my

Sacrificial Death on the Cross as the days of the Wicked Man approach. Grow in love.

Come closer and be my friends. Ask for the grace of true love always and practise the

act of true love so as to be a great lover.

My children, I am calling you nearer to my Sacred Heart to inflame you with love as

you enter the hour of darkness. This is the hour when the power of darkness will rule

in fullness. Only the light of true love will be seen in the world at that time. All other

lights will be extinguished; the forces of darkness will overcome many people. They

will not see the light at that time; so they will surrender to the power of darkness.

O how brave and faithful my giant lovers will be at that time. They will see through

the light of love. This light of love reveals to their soul the weakness of the wicked

man and his limited time. This will make the soul to be courageous. He will see the

coming manifestation of the Omnipotent God who, in His omniscience, has chosen to

keep silent on the days of darkness. The Wicked Man will exercise all his power at that

time. He will command, torture, and kill. But my giant lovers will conquer by the

power of love. The love will obtain faith for them. They shall not fear the sword of

the wicked man; true love will hold them firm. They shall not fear the fire of

torture; love will hold them firm. I say, they shall not fear the tortures of

martyrdom; love will hold them firm. They shall be saints by the power of love.

Children, ponder over my love for you and grow in love. I am the rejected Lamb who

tasted all the bitterness of the dregs of the cup for your sake. I am the rejected Lamb

who languished in agony and grief in the Garden for love of you. Ponder over my love

for your sake and grow in love.

Children, many will not understand why I am giving you this message now. I am

calling you to love because you will conquer by the power of true love.

Receive my blessing: I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 24TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In our prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus

Christ, who calmly said:

“My children, there is hidden wisdom in love. Draw near to my love and possess

this wisdom. I am calling you to fold you in my love. Draw nearer to me and taste the

sweetness of my love. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who is languishing in agony

because of you.

Love leads the heart to the one he loves. He follows the trend of his mind to make his

lover happy. What the eyes of flesh cannot see, the eyes of love see and understand.

What the ears of the flesh cannot hear; love hears and understands. Oh, what the carnal

mind cannot interpret, love interprets and explains. Great is the power of

love. Children, I am calling you to be giant lovers. Draw closer to my love. Come and

enjoy the sweetness of the power of love. Come and dwell in my Wisdom.

Children, the nearer you are to my love, the clearer you see the matters of Heaven.

The clearer you see, the more you understand the matters of Divine Wisdom. The

understanding of Divine matters is the work of Wisdom from the Divine. The wisdom

comes from the Power of Love. Children, draw nearer to my love and dwell in

my wisdom.

In the days of the wicked man, the knowledge of man will go into hiding. Only the

wisdom, which comes from the heart of my lovers, will lead my people at that

time. Men will search for wisdom to interpret the matters of that time and the

language of the hour at that time, but will find none. The more they search for

wisdom from the Divine, the more they enter into the world of confusion. Only

love will give you wisdom at that time. My children, I am calling you to love. I call

you my lovers. Indeed, you are. Come and dwell in the wisdom of my Love.

I am the rejected Lover who freed you from the prison of death by my scourging. Oh,

see how the merciless man beat me mercilessly because of you. How many parts of my

flesh were pulled out? How many litres of my Blood gushed out? It is so bitter; so

bitter that my Heart cried out in pain calling you my lovers who have deserted me.

Children, I bore all the pains for love of you. Oh, I remember how the soldiers

enlarged the wounds of my scourging with their swords and spears. They poured into

my wounds a liquid that burnt my skin and inflicted much pain. I bore all for love of

you. Now, where are you? Come and show me love.

The Beast is around. The taste is so bitter. Darkness has enveloped the world. The

power of reasoning is at a loss. Draw closer to my love. This love will give you

wisdom. The same love will strengthen your faith. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ,

who cried out to you from the Pillar of Scourging, calling you to love.

Receive my blessing; I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 25TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my novena prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of

Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“My son, there are many who call Me friend, but they are betrayers.I have only one

group of friends and lovers. They are the friends of the Cross, the lovers of the

Cross. These are the lovers who remained my consolers on Calvary and the bloody

way of your Christ. They are the lovers who followed me amidst the crowd of hateful

and wicked people, who wept for me and consoled me. These are the friends who

shared in my agony.

Like my great lover, Veronica, they risked their lives to wipe my Bloody Face in the

middle of the wicked soldiers. Like Mary of Magdala, they are brave lovers who gave

up everything to win the Heart of Christ, their Saviour. They are like John who found

the sweetness of love in the sweet Cross of Grace. They are like my Mother, the

Mother of love. Children, these are my true friends, and true lovers.

There are many who call me friend because of miracle. They are not my true friends

and lovers. They are the enemies of my Holy Cross. They are the betrayers like Judas

Iscariot; they are slaves to position, to authority, to wealth, to prosperity, and to


Children, these are the group of lovers whom I cured; but the same people arrested me,

beat me, and crucified me. They are not consolers. They are not cross-bearers. Their

concern is my miracle. O, see how far they are from the knowledge of the Kingdom.

They are chasing the worst and valueless things in life.

Listen, my children, you cannot be my true lovers unless you are my consolers. You

cannot be my true lovers unless you are friends and lovers of the Holy Cross.I say, you

must love your cross. You must carry your cross and follow me. You must love the

narrow way of perfection, the Calvary way of salvation and follow it. The giant

lovers will help me to carry all the rejected crosses, which my false lovers have

abandoned for me to carry.

My lovers will find that my Cross is light and that its pain is sweet. O, my great lovers,

to you I will reveal the mystery of love. You are my true friends. I love you. I will

reward you with the best of gifts for all you have done for me. I will care for you

always. Soon, these crosses of yours will be a throne of joy.

So, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,


Immediately the vision passed.


DATE: 26TH JULY 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my prayer during his hour, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ,

who calmly said:

“My son, I know your difficulties towards my call of love. So I have come to lead you

to the field of Eternal Love where you can gather the fruits of true love and peace. If

you follow me to this divine garden, your troubled heart, which says: ‘How can I love?

What shall I do to love?’ will find answers to these worries on the Tree of Love. O!

You shall gather the fruit of true love in my holy garden, which you shall eat and grow

to become My giant lovers.

The garden and the lesson I am giving to you are the lessons of Perfect Beauty.

This is the Garden of Eternal Love. May the Spirit of Divine Wisdom rest on you to

reveal to your true living being this mystery of the fruit of the true love I am calling all

men to eat. Peace be with you.

My son, you are to know and believe that the “struggle”, or you may call it the

“battle”, between the soul and the flesh, is either to make the true living being

“Beautiful” or “Ugly.” The beauty of the true living being is what the angels call the

“Perfect Beauty.” The opposite they call the Rotten Being or the Ugly Being. On this

basis, you are to know again that the soul and the flesh are created on equal but

opposite strengths. The soul has maximum power for righteousness and perfection,

while the flesh has maximum power for evil and weakness. The soul is full of strength

and power, whereas the flesh is full of weakness and laziness.

If the flesh draws the soul, the soul will tend towards evil and grow weak. The power

for righteousness will begin to diminish. If nothing helps the soul to rise, the soul will

eventually reach the zero point. At this point, all the spiritual beauty and, strength will

have gone. This is the rotten stage of the soul. The angels call the being, the Rotten

Being. This is true because, in such a being, diffuses the rotten smell of iniquity. Oh, no

wonder why My angels stay far from such a being. His character is evil; his word is

rotten; his thought is rotten as well. He gives out the rotten smell of iniquity, which

scares, My angels away.

On the other hand, if the soul draws the flesh, the flesh will tend towards perfection

and grow strong. The power of evil will be minimized. If the flesh continues to move

towards the light of perfection from its state of original sin, his beauty will shine out.

The more the flesh tends towards the light of perfection, the more the beauty of the

true living being grows brighter. The tail end of perfection is Everlasting Beauty in the

state of immortality. I am Jesus Christ, who rewards the body of my giant lovers with

the grace of incorruptibility.

Listen, My son, the point of Everlasting Beauty is located at the Everlasting Pole. No

human being will ever attain the level while living on earth. It is a reward I give to my

lovers who are running towards perfection. But there is a point known as the Balance

Point where the soul will just succeed in reforming and ratifying the flesh in its

immaculate state as man was before his fall. This is what my Blood did for you and is

still doing for you.

O! I have done my best for you. It remains only your will. I have no power over your

will. Your will is your will. No one can take it away from you. If your will gathers

the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the flesh will tend towards the will of the soul and you

will attain the state of Everlasting Beauty. Only the beautiful being is worthy of

the love of the Creator. When everything was beautiful in the beginning, lovers

enjoyed love. But when man lost his beauty, weakness filled the earth. Lovers hate the

Lover and persecute Him.

The True Lover is now looking for lovers to make friends with them again. You are

my lovers; come and be my true friends. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who died on

the Tree of Perfect Beauty, calling you to come and love.

Son, meditate on this lesson. Tomorrow, I will teach you more on the Balance Point

and lead you gradually to the Garden of Perfect Beauty. This lesson will be clear and

easy to understand for the little ones. Those who claim to be wise will gather nothing

but confusion. Be little and learn.

So I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,


Immediately, the vision passed


DATE: 27TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus

Christ, who calmly said:

“Peace be with you my son. I come to teach you about the balance point of spiritual

growth. I choose to teach you this so that you will not enter the field of

frustration. Those who will listen and learn will find it easy to attain the highest level

of perfection. They shall possess perfect beauty and enjoy the sweetness of true love.

They shall enjoy all these things on earth, and greater enjoyment in the world to come.

Today, I have chosen to remind you of the lessons of my Mother to you at the

beginning of this year. I will reform you and redirect you to follow the lessons of

Heaven to attain perfection. If you look around your level of emptiness, you will see

the roads leading to the field of frustration. I have come to show you a path through

which you can grow to enjoy my love and attain perfect beauty.

Come! Let us move to the Garden of Perfect Beauty where you shall meet the balance

point. Children unless you balance, you cannot step into the last level of perfection.

Even the level of total emptiness will lead you astray. I will use the knowledge of what

you know to explain this lesson.Listen, balance level is the resting state of the mind,

which gives forth the peace of the soul. Or see it this way: “It is the peace of the

soul which gives rest to the mind of the flesh.

Children, to have this rest of the spirit, listen to this admonition: Free yourself from

idleness, or laziness. Work hard to earn your living, search for wisdom always and

struggle for excellence in your daily duties. Struggle always not to be a burden to

anyone. Even as you go out for evangelization, do not be a burden to my flock.

Struggle to be free. Oh, happy are the free souls for they enjoy true rest. I created you

to be free. Be free and enjoy the true rest.

Children owe no one anything. Be free-givers rather than receivers. Run away

wherever you see bloody money. Oh, struggle to purify your wealth with the holy

sweat of your struggle for perfection always. Offer everything as prayer. Watch over

your spiritual growth always. Weigh yourself with the weighing scale of true peace.

Whenever your spiritual life affects the true peace of the mind or the flesh in union

with the peace of the soul, you are spiritually and physically unbalanced. In the same

way, whenever your earthly labour affects your spiritual growth, that is, the true test

of the soul, you are physically and spiritually unbalanced.

Know that in this unbalanced state, any effort of yours to grow is leading to the forest

of frustration. You can see with your own eyes many children of mine who are in this

forest of frustration already. Many of them are mad; many are false prophets; many are

false teachers who have opened churches for wealth; the rest are lost in the world of sin.

Come out; come out from the forest of frustration. Your Master is calling you to the

Garden of Perfect Beauty. Oh, come to my Holy Garden and see the Golden Peace.

My lovers shall meet their Love at this level. Love will make them beautiful. That

beauty shall be the mirror of all that is the beautiful. The world will call it the Perfect


Oh, how beautiful my queen will shine forth. I will take her and make her my temple.

In this temple, I will build my Everlasting Tabernacle. I will live there forever. My

glory will always be upon her.

Barnabas, the souls of my lovers are my queens. They are those who attain Perfect

Beauty. I love them. They are my queens. Tomorrow, my Mother will teach you about

the childlike trust I am looking for in my lovers.

Remember, that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who is searching for my lovers. So, I

bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 28TH JULY 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lady who came down with seven

little Cherubim. She gently said:

“Barnabas, I come again to teach my children about the childlike confidence Jesus is

expecting of you. O, see how He wants you to be little! He wants you to be like His

little Cherubim who desires only to praise Him. He wants you to be like His innocent

children before His altar in Heaven who desires only to love. These are the innocent

ones that were killed by their parents in their early time. Oh, Jesus wants you to be like

His little angels on earth; I mean His little ones; the Little Lilies, the little virgins, who

remain His consolers in this wicked world. They are those little lovers who yield

completely to the Divine Will. They laid their confidence in God like little children in

their parents.

Looking into the life of little children, you will see their total submission, their

absolute trust and their perfect obedience. This total resignation and weakness of

little children: Submission, Trust, and Obedience are what I call the childlike

confidence Jesus wants you to possess.

Children, you see how little children submit to their parents. These little children of the

earth see the great gap between their little strength and the great strength of their

parents. This knowledge of their weakness gives them the sense of submission.

Children, why can’t you see your weakness before your Eternal Father and submit to

Him? He is the all-powerful God; He made the universe by the power of His words.

Children, who do you think you are? Don’t you know that you are made of clay? If the

Eternal Father holds back His Spirit from you, the clay will return to clay. The proud

nature of yours will be forced to surrender.

Children, you are weak. Believe you are weak and submit to your God. Oh, see again

my children how the little children of the earth resign to their parents in total weakness

and submission whenever they are cautioned against their misbehaviour. They might

cry as they are cautioned, but in a very short time, they go back to their parents,

seeking their warmth and love. Jesus wants you to behave like these little angels of the

earth. Do not abandon Him when you are cautioned. I say, do not quarrel with your

God when you are reprimanded for the violation of His decrees. See the caution as an

act of love. Seek always His loving care and love.

Children, you can see again the absolute trust of the little children. Oh, see how

they believe that their father can do everything. Even in the time of danger, they

still have strong belief that their father is all-powerful. For them, no one can defeat

their father. If for any moment something causes them to run for their dear life, their

final place of safety is in the bosom of their father. Jesus wants you to trust like them.

My children, imitate the perfect obedience of little children. Learn to say ‘yes’

always to the One who cannot lead you astray. Submit and surrender all to Him. O,

see how free and open-minded the little children of the earth are. That is why the love

of God cares for them. Oh, my little ones, my children, be free! Break the cord of

slavery that blinds your poor soul. Oh, come nearer to Jesus with an open mind and soul.

His love will care for you.

Children, possess childlike confidence and be little; for the little ones shall not be

condemned. A confident child is a child of faith. Possess childlike confidence to

obtain the gift of true faith. Satan has no power over the obedient: possess the

perfect obedience of the little children; for it shall free you from the forces and

errors of this Dark Age. I am calling on all my children to possess the childlike

confidence on which hang the virtues of total submission, of absolute trust, and of

perfect obedience. This is a loving appeal to all who are called to receive the Rose

of Perfect Purity.

Jesus wants you to return the love He will offer you when you receive the Rose of

Perfect Purity by your childlike confidence in Him which will make you little. Think

how a little child will FEEL, will REJOICE, will DANCE with JOY, and will LOVE

when she obtains a loving gift from her parent. This is how my Lord and my Son Jesus

wants you to be on the day you will receive His gift of Heart, the Rose of Perfect

Purity. He wants you to possess the new hearts of love like those of the little ones. I

hope to see these evil minds and souls of yours change and shine with perfect love and

purity of intention.

I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am the Rosa Mystica. I pray for you

all. Remain in peace from Heaven. I leave you. “

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 29TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging alive

on the Cross, bleeding. Within a short time, the cloud covered the whole place. The Holy

Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and gently said:

“My son, you have heard my Mother’s lesson on Childlike Confidence. This is how I

want you to be. My poor children will accept the lesson and enjoy my loving care;

while the foolish ones who claim to be wise, will neglect the lesson and remain slaves

to fear.”

Our Lord raised His Hand and blessed, saying:

“Blessed are the little ones, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. The mysteries of

my kingdom are made known to them. They shall enjoy my love and care on

earth. Their souls shall enjoy the true peace of my Kingdom in the world. As the

foolish ones are struggling to possess and possess the emptiness of the world; the little

ones will put all their confidence in me and I will care for them.

The little ones will find sweetness in my Holy Will. They will say to their little souls:

“How I wish to do the Will of God.” The foolish ones will see the road of the Holy

Cross and curse the One who showed it to them. But my little ones will see the road

and follow it. How blessed are those that see the sweetness of my Holy Cross. They are

the true followers. I call them my lovers.

Tomorrow, Saint Theresa will teach you more on Perfect Love and how I treat my

loved ones. Learn from her to love and to follow. I am Jesus Christ who loves you. I

bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 30TH JULY 2002

TIME: 9.00 PM



Today being the eve of the last day of the month of July prayers, I saw a vision of a

little Saint of God with five Cherubim. They sang the hymn of the Rose of Perfect

Purity as they came down from the cloud. After a while, the Saint said:

“Little friend of God, I know you love the song you heard us sing. Do not worry much

to learn it now. Saint Cecilia will teach you tomorrow before the final blessing from

Our Dear Jesus. I am your daughter, Theresa, come and hear my lesson on love.”

No love is greater than this, to die for the one you love. My dear Jesus has done it for

us. He loves us so much. What shall we do to pay Him back? Nothing but to love Him

and freely give Him all we have.

Friend of the living God, you cannot love unless you are free. Your heart must be free

from all earthly attachments and passions of the earthly man. I mean that nothing

should occupy your heart other than Jesus who loves you much. All wounded

hearts must heal before they can love. I mean those hearts that have felt the

abandonment of their unfaithful lovers. Their wounded hearts must be healed so as to

be free to grasp the love of the Faithful Lover, Jesus, and the Son of God.

Friend of the living God, to love Jesus means to give Him your whole mind, your

whole heart, and your whole soul. Think of Him always. May my dear Jesus

occupy the centre of your soul. This loving offering is a living sacrifice that is

pleasing to Jesus. The living sacrifice is manifested in total submission to the Divine

Will of Jesus, my Love. Oh, not my will again, but the Will of Him I love so much,

Jesus my joy. The voice of my soul will cry always: “What shall I do to make my

Jesus happy always?” I will hear Jesus saying; “Offer me your whole being as a

living sacrifice, may I be everything. May nothing again trouble your soul except

me.” Friends of the living God, how sweet to hear the voice of my dear loved one. It

falls like dew in the dryness of my thirsty soul. My dear Jesus, I need your words

always; that is enough for me.

Friends of the Living God, Jesus is a jealous Lover. He does not want to share His

lover with anyone. He wants to own His lover alone or else He abandons her. Oh,

how passionate my Jesus is to have me alone as to die for me on the Cross when I did

not love Him. Now, I have found Him. I will have Him alone. I will die for the love of


Friends of the Living God, how sweet to enjoy the friendship of Jesus. When I knew

nothing, He called me, He won me with all the favours He had done for me. At that

time, He did not dare to want to hear my voice calling to Him for help; He would run

quickly to answer me. I knew Him as the God of miracles. His miraculous deeds for me

made me to enter deep into His Palace of Love. Jesus, you are so wise and kind. Oh,

how you drew me nearer and nearer to your love. My entrance into your Palace of

Love opened my eyes to a new awareness of your love. The age of miracles has gone. I

see you in agony for my sake. This is how I became a consoler. Jesus, you are wise

and love to make me your consoler. Those you love, you chastise. If I had known that

your way is so rough and painful, would I have followed you? But now, I have come

to your love, how can I abandon you? Dear Jesus, you are wise and merciful.

Friends of the living God, this is how Jesus wins His lovers.In the palace of love, the

door of earthly miracle closes to open the door of Heavenly miracle. The earthly

miracle is of the earthly needs and of revenge. But the Heavenly miracle is of the

Heavenly needs and of forgiveness. At this level, the Royal Way of the Cross is made

known. Dear Jesus offers His lovers His symbol of love. The symbol is their crosses to

carry. Many desert Him at this stage, but all who remain with Him and carry their

own crosses and follow Him will taste the sweetness of His love. They are those, my

dear Jesus calls the consolers. Jesus promises to open the mysteries of love to

them. Those who gave up did so because they are still in the shadow of knowing Jesus

as the God of Miracles. The real person of Jesus is far from their knowledge. They are

not lovers, but seekers.

Friend of the living God, the person of Jesus signifies the mystery of His Joyful

Birth, His Sorrowful Death and His Glorious Resurrection. Let those who rejoice

in His miraculous deeds share in His agony, so as to enter into glory with him. I

hope you will not abandon Him on His Calvary way of salvation.

May my dear Jesus give you the grace of true love. I am praying for you all to conquer

the world by means of love.”

Immediately, the whole vision passed.



TIME: 9.00 PM



As I was preparing for the final adoration in this month of July, suddenly I saw a Saint

holding a Rose of Perfect Purity. I recognized her as Saint Cecilia. She came and

taught me a song of the Rose of Perfect Purity.

After, as I was praying, I saw a vision of the Glorious Christ coming down from the

cloud with numerous angels; too many to be counted. Within a short time, cloud came

down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of

Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“Blessed are my little consolers who knelt before my altar in reparation for the sins of

the world; their reward is great. I bless you all my true lovers; my Heart shall reward

you much. I bless you the lovers and friends of the Holy Cross; true happiness is

yours. I bless you all, the cross bearers; true rest is waiting for you. I bless you all my


(At each word of blessing, He made the sign of blessing).

“I am seeing with joy the coming manifestation of my Glorious Reign. How fortunate

are the little ones; the Kingdom is theirs. Children, it pleases the Eternal Wisdom to

make the fools wise and those who claim to be wise to be fools. He who made

existence from nothingness has chosen to bring about His Kingdom on earth

through the most little, most neglected, and most illiterate. The weakest son of

Israel shall lead this people in the warfare and conquer. Those who claim to be great

will be little, and the little will be great.

I will make my plan known to my little ones. They will grow in my Wisdom. Through

them, my will shall spread all over the world to bring about my Reign. Blessed are

those who acknowledge the Infinite Wisdom in the mysteries of Silence, Power in

Weakness and Majesty in Humiliation; they shall see the hidden Plan of God and

glorify the name of the Lord. But woe to those proud and arrogant men who claim to

be great and are waiting for God’s plan to be made known to them; they shall stumble

in darkness and regret the past.

Barnabas, pray for the leaders of my Church. Pray that they will acknowledge the

Infinite Wisdom in the mysteries of Silence, Power in Weakness, and Majesty in

Humiliation, so that they will follow the trend of the minutes to understand the matters

of time. Pray for the instruments of renewal on earth who will suffer martyrdom. Pray

for the Grace of True Love.

I am happy! Receive my blessing: I bless you all who knelt before my altar in this

month of July with the special Grace of Faith, in the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the whole vision passed.

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