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Day 5 Novena Message

DATE: 5TH JULY, 2003

TIME: 9.00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint of God who was accompanied by three little Cherubim. The saint came closer and calmly said:

“I am happy to be sent by God to give you a little message on love. Rise up, O sleeping nation and hear the call of Love! Wake up and bless the name of God. See, the Lord your God is taking you to the new City of Peace. This is the city of God’s love. In this holy City of Love, the LOVE will marry the lovers and reward them for all they have done for Him. Come let us march to God’s Love. The LOVE is waiting to meet His friends. Come! Come… let us go. I am your brother, Francis, whom you call the Man of Assisi.


Friend of the Living God, I come to speak on the fourth group of the friends of Love. I call this group of friends Inconstant Friends of Love. They are inconstant in the sense that they are imperfect in their friendship with the Love, not because they did not love.


Truly this level of love is greater than the first, second and third levels of the friend of Love. This is the higher order of consolers. In this level, we can find a number of the cross-bearers who have yielded completely to God’s Love. But the imperfection in man is weighing them down.


Jesus sent me to inform you to throw away your humanity, which kept you captive in the world. He knows all your efforts. He knows how faithful you have been to His love but sees that you are losing your first love. You do not love Him again as before. Humanity has taken away the love. O, be mindful that if you do not pick up your first love, you may lose all you have. If you lose all, you will return to zero level and be the worst crucifier of Love.


Now listen to my lesson all you nations of the world. I say, listen all you who are created by God. With nothing, God created the world by the power of His Love, He formed man from the clay, and breathed His Spirit into man to give him life. In the soul of man the mysteries of love are revealed so that the soul will love the LOVE who created her. But the soul could not love the LOVE but the world the Satan, and the self. O, this is how the soul of man missed the contact of God’s Love and follows the way of the world.

Friend of the Living God, this is how the creature turned against the Creator. But the LOVE did not leave them to perish. He came and died for their salvation. He died for them even when they did not know Him, O He died for us.


Friends of the Living God, He is LOVE, the CREATOR and REDEEMER. Meditate on what the Love has done for you. I ask, “What love is greater than this that a friend died for his friends? Think of what you can do for Him who loves you so much. My word to you is, offer Him your whole being without reserve. Give Him your soul as loving incense of love rising to the altar of God in Heaven. In the end, be willing to die for the love of Him who died on your behalf. This is the journey to the Love. Mother will teach you much in the days to come on how to climb the ladder of love.


Friends of Love, I have said that I came to take you to the new City of God’s Love. Yes, I have come. Let us move! All who are proud will find it difficult to follow. Wear the apron of humility so that the City will welcome you. Take away knowledge of the selfish world. Trust like a child so that the City will welcome you. Obey the voice of your Master. This is the voice of Love. If you obey, you will conquer the world of sin. And the City will welcome you. Finally, be chaste and pure because the LOVE who called you to marry you is chaste and pure. The City we are matching into is holy. Nothing unholy will be welcome there.


I pray to Jesus Who is calling you for perfection to help you mature in His love. May He bless you. So I leave you.


Immediately, the vision passed and then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“Children, I really enjoy the consolation of those in this group of friends of mine but their imperfection is still causing me more wounds. I want them to mature in my love and grow up to perfection. I want them to be the Little Lilies of my Love. I want them to be the little angels of the earth. I want them to be the victim lovers of mine. As you come forward into the city of my Love to embrace the LOVE who loves you, I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”


Immediately the vision passed.


Today, we pray for the grace of humility in order to produce four Cardinal Virtues which are Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance through Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen.


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