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DATE: 8TH JULY, 2006

TIME: 3:00 AM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision a Saint of God, accompanied by two little Angels. Coming closer, the Saint said:

“How blessed are those hearts that find peace in the bosom of God; they will never lack the wisdom and loving care of God. Come all you who strive to seek the face of the Lord. Come and seek the face of the Lord. Finding him is finding peace. I am your brother and apostle, Jude. I come to give you the sixth step towards the holy union with God. It is friendship with God in prayer.

Prayer is a loving relationship between the soul and God. It is the resting of the soul in the bosom of God. In the level of the intimate union, the soul finds peace with God in prayer. There is no conflict between the ugly desire of man and the holy will of God. In fact, the will of man is in conformity with the will of God. Interior dialogue of the soul with God satisfies the needs of the soul. At this stage, friendship with God is stronger.

Friends, you will achieve this level through your total commitment to God in prayer. You will not pray like pagans; follow the way of Golden peace you have been taught. Love silence and avoid all forms of distraction in your life. Try and remain in peace with God through your holiness of life. Many times in the day, try and gaze at the Lord with the eyes of your inner man. I say, gaze at Him with love and be drawn to His love. There is nothing that rewards better than this very act of love. Friends, this is the way of peace. The hour of prayer is your most useful moment in life. Try and make all your days moments of prayer. Through this way, you will find peace and joy on earth. I pray that you will conquer with prayer and love. May Jesus bless you as I leave you! Bye!” He waves and disappeared into the cloud and then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“You are my friends because I have given you everything I have from the Father. Dialogue with Me in prayer. You will find peace. So I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen!



DATE: 9TH JULY, 2006

TIME: 3:00 AM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lady who was accompanied by seven little Angels. She came down and gently said:

“Blessed are your souls who seek to find rest in God. O, how beautiful to be a friend of God. Come nearer my children and hear my loving words to you. I am the Queen of all hearts, the Rosa Mystica, and the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

On this day being the last day of this novena, Jesus asks me to take you to the seventh step of holy union with God. This is the last step towards the road of the holy union with God. All other messages you will have will tend towards how to attain these steps given to you. The step is Devotion to God in the Sanctuary of your very souls.

Children, what will I tell you on this step? Let me remind you that your soul is a Little Heaven and that your heart is the Tabernacle of God. As God lives in heaven, so He lives in the hearts of the just. As Jesus dwells in the tabernacles of the Church, so He dwells in the Sanctuary of your very souls. If you are in the state of sanctifying grace, children, there is no difference between the God in Heaven and the one who dwells in your pure hearts. Know you today that you are a precious being whom Angels stand to admire. This is one of the reasons why God gave you His angel to guide you, His very temple. Do you know what happens when you receive Him in Holy Communion? The angels who come to Mass and your guardian Angels follow you to your seat in prostration and in adoration of the King of Glory who enters your very soul.

Children, smile and be happy, you are bearers of God. The knowledge of this great favour to man will make every man be alert and devoted to God. I come to remind you of this in order to alert you to pick up this most lovely devotion: “the devotion to Jesus in the sanctuary of your very soul.” This is the highest goal which every heart desires and struggles with the weakness of man to achieve. Children, nothing will satisfy the thirst of your soul other than Jesus. Give this soul money she will still be in starvation. Give her food and entertainment you are still starving her. Give her sensuality and pleasure, she will die of starvation. Only Jesus will satisfy the hunger of every heart. Your soul will not rest anywhere until she rests in the Lord your God.

Turn to Jesus in the sanctuary of your very soul. Children, I say, visit him. See, He is lonely in your soul, while you are busy over the material and passing things of this world. I plead with you to purse and think of Him who is in you. Why are you treating Him like a stranger? Why do you abandon Him like an enemy? Did He offend you? He is your friend. He comes from Heaven. He is your Saviour and your God. He is the King of your soul.

Children, know this, if you neglect this duty of staying with Him in the sanctuary of your soul, no one will do this for you. It is your sole duty. Draw a personal format to relate with the one you love. No two friends relate to each other in the same way. So, you must have a personal way to relate with the one your heart loves most. Let the prayer of the seal guide you. I will be glad to see all hearts responding to this appeal. I will help all who rise to do this. Children, this is all I have for you. The Holy Spirit will complete the rest in due course. All who seek will find. I pray Jesus to bless you. Happy day! Barnabas, smile so that I will have your smile in my heart.

Then I said, “Mother I am in pain over my inability to love and to overcome my imperfection. I have prayed for this and still, I am falling again and again. Tell Jesus to help me and cure me”

Our Lady said: “Is that your depression, do not worry. Jesus will help you. He will cure you. But do not deprive Him the great honour and consolation He will receive in you when you perceive your fault and resolve to avoid it by being depressed. Do not lose hope. Fight on and increase your devotion to Him. He allows this thorn in you to save you from pride. Hold on to Him despite your failures. When He sees that you are humiliated enough and seeing the burning zeal of love in you; he will help you and save you. Barnabas, are you happy now?

I answered her, “Yes, Mother, but why did Jesus prefer to wound the hearts that love Him with thorns?” She answered: “He uses the spikes of the thorns to engrave the mark of true love in those hearts. Are you happy now Barnabas?”

I answered, “Yes, I am”. She said: “Can you smile now”. I smiled and said: “I can Mother.” She then said: “Remain in peace from Heaven. Bye” she waved and disappeared in the cloud.

Then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ who said: “I am in the sanctuary of your soul all alone. You are busy with the world. You don’t care for my presence in you. Turn to me and I will turn to you. I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen!

Immediately the vision passed.



DATE: 13TH JULY, 2006

TIME: 3:00 AM




In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lady who was accompanied by seven little angels. She came closer and quietly said:

“Peace from Heaven be with you! I am the Queen of heaven the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Here I come to ask you to make the call of this holy union with God a reality through the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, my Son comes in person to you and abides in you. Remember His word to you: “Take this, this is My Body… Take this, this is My Blood…” Truly, His presence is real in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Children, desire to receive Him in the Holy Communion. Make frequent reparations to welcome Him in your house. Go to Mass every day and draw Jesus closer to yourself. The world has no gift greater than the Holy Mass. And they will not expect any other gift greater than the Holy Mass. The reason is that God is sacrificing His only Son at Mass to bring about this holy union. The Blood of the Lamb is poured to seal the everlasting covenant with the world. Children, it is a covenant of love. This is why He gave you His Body and Blood to eat and have life everlasting. The Eucharist is the life of the soul. It brings joy to the heart and strength to the mind. On this road of difficulty and pain, Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is the peace of your soul. Meet Him at Mass and renew your union with Him. This simple appeal is great if you

will know the value and attend Mass with devotion.

Remain in peace from Heaven.” Bye.

Immediately, the vision passed,

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