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HARVEST OF JOY AND GOD’S LOVE(Mk 1:29-39; Douay-Rheims Bible)

“And immediately going out of the synagogue they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. And Simon's wife's mother lay in a fit of a fever: and forthwith they tell Jesus of her. And coming to her, He lifted her up, taking her by the hand; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them. And when it was evening, after sunset, they brought to Him all that were ill and that were possessed with devils. And all the city was gathered together at the door. And He healed many that were troubled with divers diseases; and He cast out many devils, and He suffered them not to speak, because they knew Him. And rising very early, going out, He went into a desert place: and there He prayed. And Simon, and they that were with Him, followed after Him. And when they had found Him, they said to Him: All seek for Thee. And He saith to them: Let us go into the neighbouring towns and cities, that I may preach there also; for to this purpose am I come. And He was preaching in their synagogues, and in all Galilee, and casting out devils.”

‭‭ My dearest beloved brethren, after Jesus had driven out the demons from those who were possessed, He commanded the demons “not to speak, because they knew Him.” The demons knew who Jesus was. The demons knew that Jesus was the one who torments them. They were afraid of Jesus and did not want Jesus to be around them.

In that same vein, demons recognize everyone who has Christ in him or her and just like they are afraid of Jesus, demons are also afraid of the true believers, worshippers, and adorers of Christ.

God gave Christ’s children the power and authority to drive out demons just like Christ Himself.

Demons cannot possess Christ and demons cannot possess those who have submitted themselves and their lives to worshiping God in truth. Demons strive in possessing those who in one way or the other dine with Satan and those who have compromised their faith.

I pray Lord to grant us the Grace to remain faithful to God and the Grace to continue to strongly stay with, and worship the Lord in truth so that the authority God bestowed upon us over demons will not depart from us, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

With you and Christ on one side and Satan and his evil agents on the other side, your consistent daily prayers build an impenetrable rock-solid wall between you (you and Christ) and Satan (Satan and his evil agents), dear true and faithful children of Christ Jesus.

Prayer is everything to Christ’s children. Prayer is the source of our power and authority over Satan and mundane distractions. Prayer is our shield which is why Satan is afraid of God’s children. Prayer cements our relationship with God. When we stay away from sins and we pray to God, He answers all our prayers that He knows are for our own good and He answers them when the time is ripe.

Today’s Bible reading tells us that after Jesus had performed some miracles and driven out demons, “He went into a desert place: and there He prayed.” (Mk 1‬:‭35‬). So even Jesus who is God, who has power over everything and over everyone, still doesn’t fail to pray to the Father in Heaven. Christ has shown us the power of prayer and we need to follow His footsteps.

I pray Lord to grant us the Grace of praying always and the Grace to make prayers the foundations of our lives, today and every day of our lives, through the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.

Be courageous and fearless in the Lord; for God is with you. You’re blessed; remain blessed!!!

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