DATE: 8TH JULY, 2005
TIME: 3:00 AM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint who came with three little Cherubim. The Saint came nearer and gently said:
“How happy are the meek and the simple in heart; they shall enjoy true peace in this life and more in the life to come. Rejoice O you little ones the love of God cares for you. I am your Sister and a servant of God, Bridget.
Jesus sent me to speak to you on the matter He named the “Dark Night of a Soul as a Result of Envy”. An envious person is a man with a heavy burden. He carries the whole world in his heart. He is a slave to his humanity. He is a sorrowful man of no hope. Such a man is in a pain of death. Darkness covers the mind of such a man and blinds him not to see the light of God. So, the man of envy is a man of darkness. His soul is in darkness.
Friends of Christ, this is the state of such a soul which my Jesus called The Dark Night of a Soul. A soul in this state will not see the blessing of God upon him because of the darkness that overshadows him. That is why he sees others better than him.
O, in an envious heart there is hatred, in the envious heart there is wickedness. In an envious heart there is iniquity.
Friends, how can you free yourself from this grave sin of death? It is simply by accepting God’s love for you. To accept God’s love, you must be thankful to God and acknowledge what He has done for you. You must forgive and accept yourself. The acceptance of yourself will help you to see that you are a beautiful creature. It will help you to see that you have enough for your living. And then you will see the reasons why you will thank God for your very beautiful self. Practice this very simple exercise of life; you will find yourself loving God and loving your neighbour. And this is the end of envy. Peace will reign in your soul. So I leave you for Jesus to bless you! Bye!
Immediately, the vision passed then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said: “Children, I love you. My love cares for your soul at peace. Receive My blessing, I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and, of the Holy Spirit, Amen!
Immediately, the whole vision passed.
DATE: 9TH JULY, 2005
TIME: 4:00 AM
Today being the last day of the nine days novena of the month of July, I saw in a vision, Our Lady who came with seven little Cherubim. She was holding a white and red rose flower on Her hands. And coming closer, She said;
Barnabas, I come to advice you and My little Children on this last day of this first nine days reparation prayer of the month of July. I will give you this admonition to prepare you for further battle ahead.
You see that these days are evil. The final battle is getting to its climax. Your enemies are increasing in number. They know that they have little time left; that is why they work day and night against your soul. Jesus has seen this and chooses a theme of great importance to you. The theme is called, “The Dark Night of a Soul”.
Jesus wants to save you from the pit of darkness and everlasting shame in the end, which is why He sent you His Holy Ones to teach you. Listen to them and hate sin. You will bring peace and light to your soul.
Children, My Jesus sent me to admonition you. My advice to you is that sin is ugly, sin is wicked, and sin is dangerous. You must hate sin, fight and conquer it so as to become the children of light. Otherwise, you are ugly, wicked, dangerous and children of darkness. Children, do not give any sin chance to be your friend. No matter how little a sin may look, it is dangerous to your soul. No matter how attractive and pleasing a sin may look, its pleasure may seem to taste sweet, it is bitter. Sin is the worst and most useless thing in the world. It keeps a soul in the prison of death and deprives such a soul the true peace from God. A sinful soul is a restless soul. He has no peace.
Children, call your soul back from the pit of darkness by your urgent response to My call to holiness. You will do this by your readiness to fight sin and to conquer it. Surrender your nothingness to your God. Pray for the assistance of the Holy Ones. I am the refuge of sinners; I am ready to help all who ask for help.
May My Jesus bless you, I leave you. Remain in peace from Heaven.
Immediately, the vision passed and then, appeared the Holy Face of the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:
“Children, your purity is my joy. How happy I am to see a soul wallowing in the sanctity of holiness. My love multiplies. So I bless you all who draw nearer to Me in this month of great mercy; who loves to make me happy, and all you who suffer for me, in the name of the Father and, of the Son and, of the Holy Spirit, Amen!
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 13TH JULY, 2005
TIME: 3:00 AM
During this hour, I saw a Queen crowned with ever bright crown which was adorned with stars. Her cloth was as bright as the sun. She came down with numerous angels. In Her hands, she held bunches of white and red rose flowers. As she came nearer she calmly said:
“Draw near to Me and hear My message of peace. My peace comes down from Heaven. I am your Queen, the Rosa Mystica, and the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. May the peace of Christ remain with you all!
In the power of perfection; God leads a soul from a journey similar to that of Christ to be crucified, so as to resurrect in perfect holiness. This journey started from the banquet of the last super which represents the moment of joy like the day of your consecration to God. Then to the garden of agony which represents all the moments of great trials.
Children, I will stop here to advice you on the issue of self-pity which has capacity to destroy a soul and render all your efforts useless.
My Son and my God, Jesus, experienced the temptation of self-pity during His agony in the garden. The burden of His humanity fell upon Him when He said:
“Father, take away this cup from Me”. This is the climax of the temptation of self-pity. But He did not end here. He moved beyond this level of self-pity to a level of faith and surrender. That is when He said, “Father, not My will, Thy will be done.” Children, had it not been that He overcame this temptation of self-pity, and met the women of Jerusalem, His entire journey will be almost impossible.
In your days of trials, do not yield to the consolation of self-pity. It is exterior consolation and delight. If you yield, you will find it difficult to conquer, because there is always an exterior consoler on the way. They will pity you to death. And your faith will fail you.
Learn from My Jesus, the courage from the Spirit of total surrender to the will of God. Say with Him always, “Not my will; Thy will be done. You will surely be consoled and strengthened by God; so as to carry your cross to Calvary of redemption and there to be crucified and die to sin; so as to resurrect with Christ for a new life. Children, if you do, the victorious crown will be yours.
I pray for you always. I pray for the unity of the flock of Christ. I pray that all who My Son called to spread this devotion will remain united in one love and in one umbrella of My Holy Mantle. Whoever tries to divide and disturb the unity of this devotion will fail. Any priest who supports this will achieve the greatest failure. I am always ready to defend and protect this seed of renewal that has been sown in your midst. Surrender all to God, you will be victorious.
May the grace of Rosa Mystica and peace from Heaven remain with you all! So I leave you.
Immediately, the vision passed.