DATE: 8TH JULY, 2002
TIME: 8.00 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint who came with three little Cherubim. He appeared before my altar and calmly said:
“My dear friend, peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I am your brother,Pio. I come to offer you the final Level of the Golden Peace of Silence. Jesus wishes that you should grow up to this level. The level is what He calls the Personal Relationship. In prayer, the souls of the great men of God leave the canopy of distraction through meditation, and enter the Zone of Grace. This is where the soul stays at rest with God in the highest meditation. The power of the senses is minimal there. The soul just stays with God and enjoys the loving Presence of the Divine Majesty. There, everything is clear;mysteries are unfolded.
My dear friend, this is the level of Personal Relationship. As Saint Jerome used the marriage of the soul and the Divine Spirit to explain the level of meditation, so we shall see this level of relationship in the same light. The relationship of the soul with the Divine is the Golden Peace, which the soul longs for. Like a virgin who longs to meet her spouse and suffers the pains of restlessness, if, in the end, she meets him, her troubled heart will find peace and rest. In the same way, the soul of man that is longing to enjoy this relationship with God will not have the perfect peace or rest until she rests in the Lord, her loving Spouse.
Dear friend, this is the level of Relationship. In prayer, the soul has nothing to do than to relate with the Lord. The soul relates to adore the Divine Majesty, to console the wounded Heart of Love, and to atone for the sins of the world.
At this level, the soul understands the feelings of God as the wife understands the feelings of her husband. In the moment of sorrow due to the sins of the world, the soul remains a consoler. In the moment of joy due to the conversion of a sinner, the soul remains in adoration. This soul desires only to love and to make God happy.
Dear friend, you are to attain this level through your total detachment from the things of the world. You must fight to see that nothing occupies your soul. Be free! Never be a burden to anyone or to your people. Let Jesus be everything. Pass through the first level, to the second, third, fourth, fifth and then the sixth level. Fill the emptiness of your true being by means ofsilence.Learn to pray in perfect meditation. Ascend higher in a vertical mediation; you will eventually escape the canopy of distraction to rest in God in Personal Relationship with Him.
Dear friend, know that you are expected to reach this level here on earth, not after death; so struggle to ascend higher. This is the highest level of prayer and the greatest of all the gifts. It is a gift because a privileged soul finds it easy to reach this level. May Jesus, who sent me, bless you!So I leave you.
Immediately, the vision passed, and then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said
“All who offer me their souls will find rest. I will give them the true peace. The peace the world cannot give. I will live in him and him in me. In his soul, I will build my tabernacle. The soul will never suffer any dryness because the living water is gushing from the center of the tabernacle of his soul. So I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
Meditation/Prayer: Psalm 89 v 17 in Douay Rheims Holy Bible.
Let the brightness of the Lord Our God be upon us, and direct thou the works of our hands over us, yes the work of our hands do thou direct.