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DATE: 2ND JULY, 2002

TIME: 8.00 PM


As I was praying during this hour, I saw in a vision a saint coming down from the cloud with a rose flower in her hand. She came closer and calmly said:

“Little friend of God, how do you live in these evil days of yours? I hope you will conquer by love. Seek all the time to love your God and your neighbour. Remain in love and die in love. I am your little friend and your daughter, Theresa. I am happy to be sent to you in this great month of July. My Jesus informed me to reveal to you the errors of the level of Total Emptiness. Total emptiness simply means the emptiness of all emptiness.

I mean the emptiness of all valuable things. I mean the total emptiness of divine assistance, of Hope, of Faith and of Charity. This is also the emptiness of Divine Power, of Divine Wisdom, and of Divine Knowledge. Above all, it is the emptiness of Divine Peace.

Little friend, this level is the level of the pagans, of the non-believers, and of the Protestant churches. The greatest man among these groups, who claims superiority over others, ends up in this level.

Among the Catholics, it is a painful thing to see the majority of their population at this level. The number has increased so rapidly since the middle of the 20th Century. This is from the time when the Pentecostals/pagans found their way into the Holy Church of Christ.

Little friend, I have come to reveal the errors of this level of Total Emptiness. Let us see it in the line of meditation and prayer.

Prayer is a relationship of the spirit with the Spirit. It is the voice of the soul to its God. It is the resting of the soul in the bosom of the Divine Spirit. It is the gazing of love at the Lover through the eyes of the soul. Prayer is consolation. Prayer is adoration. Prayer is thanksgiving. Prayer is sacrifice. Prayer is acceptance of God’s Will. In prayer, we listen to the voice of Love that we are speaking to. So, prayer is a dialogue. It is through the tread of the Golden Peace that one can attain this highest level of prayer, which is the level of personal relationship with the Lord Almighty.

The Saints of God will teach you more on this, in the coming days.

Those who belong to the level of total emptiness do not know all these meanings of prayer. They are like the empty vessel, which makes a lot of noise. They see God at a far distance. They assume His Presence at infinity; that is why they make the loudest noise to call Him. In their empty cry, they accuse God and force Him to answer them. When they finish uttering all their allegations against their God, and it is the turn of their God to speak to them, they leave Him and go way. Little friend, what a big insult to the Almighty God! They never listen! Their prayer is not a dialogue but an accusation. Their prayer is not a relationship. There is a big gap between them and their Saviour/God. Their prayer is not a sacrifice but a means of possessing the wealth of nation. This wealth and their pressing needs are the only things they know. They know nothing of the Saviour, Whom their sins crucify daily and the great need to console Him.

They know nothing about God’s loving-care and the great need to trust in His Perfect Will. They know nothing about the Calvary Way, the only true way to salvation. All they know is the Jesus of miracles, not the Jesus of Calvary. These groups of people at this level are so attached to material things. Their needs are the gods they worship. Their prayer has no forgiveness. They see all men as enemies, so they fear all men. They have no faith; so, they are slaves of fear. They see evil spirit in all their ways. Any obstacle is the handwork of the evil spirits. Any cross is a curse. This makes them slaves of demons since they think of demons always. They take all their time in howling against evil spirits, cursing their neighbour, and cursing God as well. Little friend, these are the errors of those in this level of total emptiness.

Little friend, these people at this level are known by their pride. They present themselves before their fellows or before their members as sinless creatures, whereas they are wallowing in an ocean of iniquity. In their noisy prayer, they hardly allow God to talk to them about their weakness and their sins. They do not listen to the voice of God in their souls to weigh their lives. This makes them slaves of pride.

Little friend, it is at this level that you find all the so-called visionaries of the earth who preach prosperity without labour, a perpetual living on earth and who see enemies in every man. These visionaries see nothing but wallow in an illusion of darkness. Satan takes advantage of them in this illusion of darkness to possess many souls by giving their followers the wealth they need in exchange for their souls. Run away from them, my little friends, turn to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, He will give you peace.

Little friend, know that at this level, no prayer is made. All they call prayer is nothing but abuse and insult to the Almighty God. This is all I have for you. The Spirit will open your minds to see more if you are willing to change and to grow.

May Jesus who sent me bless you. I leave you.”

Immediately, she waved and disappeared. Instantly, the Holy Face appeared and Our Lord said:

“My son, learn these lessons of my little Saint. The insults are great already. I am looking at you as my lover to atone for these insults by means of your spiritual maturity, which you will learn on these days. So I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the whole vision passed.


PRAYER/MEDITATION: Let us thank Our Lord Jesus Christ for the end of abortion in the United States.

When we reflect about the Incarnation of Our Lord in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will remember that our Body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Without Our Lord being born, we would not be able to have our salvation.


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