DATE: 14TH JULY, 2002
TIME: 9.00 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a saint of God who came down with a rose flower and crucifix in her hand. She came closer and gently said:
“Friend of the Beloved, I come to share with you and with all the children of God a message of love. Jesus sent me to you to throw more light on all the messages given to you in this month. Friends, I have come to stem the tide of confusion that will occur in taking steps towards the road of perfection.
Listen, my friends, all men are called to follow the road of perfection. This is the only way to the Land of Happiness. Those who miss it miss the way and tend towards Hell. Be wise to follow the road of perfection. Listen again, the road of perfection is so rough that only men of great faith and giant lovers shall reach the end. Those who give up on the way have no share in the land of happiness and of joy.
On the way, there are many wicked and sinful nations you must conquer before you inherit the Land of Peace. Those whom the nations will defeat have no share in the land of happiness and of joy. See, many will surrender to these nations; some will join them in their sinful ways and worship their gods. But happy are all who fight to the end; they shall enjoy the greatest happiness.
Friends, the collection of these nations is this world you are living in, those who follow the world in their sinful ways have no share in the Kingdom of Peace. There is no easy life for the children of God who are marching home amidst dangers and war. There is no rest or pleasure on the way since the journey is a desert one. Those who are longing for pleasure as the journey is on will soon give up and join the iniquitous world. Friends, I say, all who are attached to life will find it difficult to follow. All who are attached to wealth will find it hard to follow. All the miracle worshippers will hardly follow. Remember this is a desert journey. The journey of life is warfare.
Remember what happened to the Israelites of old in the desert and understand this lesson. As you saw from the Scriptures, none of those pleasure seekers, those who worshipped their lives and were attached to them and those miracle worshippers among the Israelites, entered the land of Canaan; I mean the land of their promise. O, see, only two out of thousands of thousands of these people of God who set out from Egypt entered Canaan, the land of their promise. These were Joshua and Caleb. They were men of great courage and determination, self-crucified and of faith, of fear of the Lord, and giant lovers of God’s law. These were the men who merited the land of their promise.
In this last age, that darkness and error of modernism have filled the world, Jesus Christ has chosen to send His saints to you in order to call you back and direct you towards the road of perfection. He has given you the Rose of Perfect Purity through His saints. Not only that, He has given you the lessons of the Golden Peace through His saints. He has more to give you through His saints, if only you can abide in His love.
The lessons of the Golden Peace are made up of prayer life and life of separation from the world.
In your prayer life, you are called to have a perfect union with your God.This union is a loving relationship between a soul and her God. Learn the lessons of the saints and grow. Your life of separation is your total detachment from the world. Remember the words of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who said, “You are in the world; but not of the world.” You are not told to leave the world and enter the desert and live; but you are told to live monastically in this sinful world. I say, live among men of the world and influence them with your holy life. Attract all men to God with the sweetness of purity. This is the life of separation you are called to live.
The life of prayer and the separation from the world of sin have one common goal to achieve. The goal is the Great Seal, the mark of ownership. This is the Living Tabernacle in the souls of men that God desires greatly to make all souls. The Living Tabernacle of God in the soul of men is the Glorious Reign you are waiting for. At that timemen will enjoy a loving relationship with their God. Detach yourselves from the world of sin and grow in your prayer life. You will grow to be a saint of God. I am your daughter, Cecilia. I pray for you all always. May the grace of Christ Jesus remain with you all. So I leave you. Bye!”
Immediately, the whole vision passed.
Meditation/ Prayer: We must not leave goodness up to others if each person waits for the next to take a step the World may die while we stand in line.
**Dear Lord help us to keep Thee the Lord in every area of our life. May our every thought, words and deeds glorify You.**