DATE: 13TH JULY, 2002
TIME: 8.00 PM
Today is the first day of the three-day Adoration Prayer in honour of the Most Holy Trinity who offered us the gift of the Precious Blood. In my prayer, I saw a vision of Our Lady with a rose flower in her hand. She calmly said:
“My children, I am happy to see that you have been given all the necessary training on the True Peace and the Power of Silence. You can see now your level of spiritual growth. Make haste to leave your Level of Total Emptiness. Free yourselves from the bondage of fear. Be free and enjoy the true rest.
I am your Mother; the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am the Rosa Mystica, the Flower of Purity. I have come to appeal to you to follow the road of perfection that has been shown to you. This road seems hard to pass through; but it is easy for those who love Jesus. Jesus will teach you much on love in the Twelve Days of Prayer for Israel. Learn from Him. Grow in love. The road will be easy for you to walk.
Children, you have learnt from Jesus what the Cross of Perfection is. I see my Jesus offering you this Cross. This is the Cross of Love, of Humility, of Forgiveness, and of Truth. May you receive it from Him. Jesus had told you that His way is a desert way, so rough and stony. It is a desert of scorching wind. He wants you all to follow Him, since this is the only way out. Truly, this is the only way to our joyful home. Follow Him! Your Mother is calling you to follow. He is your Master. He is your Lord and your Saviour. He will not allow you to die. His love will protect you. His mercy will satisfy your thirst. He is the Bread of Life. All who follow Him will enjoy the light and the peace of paradise I am begging my children to carry their crosses and follow my Jesus who loves you. You will see Paradise.
Children, as you walk along the way of perfection with your crosses on your shoulders, bend and pick up the petals of the Rose of Perfect Purity scattered all over the road of salvation. O, do not pass-by, bend and pick them up. I say, gather these Roses and these petals of the Rose of Perfect Purity as you see them on the way. These are the sources of your grace. Those who neglect these Roses and Petals of the Rose of Perfect Purity will soon give up.Children, I do not want any of you to give up. Jesus does not want it either. That is why He scattered the Roses of Purity on the bloody way of perfection and of salvation. Those who pick them up will have enough grace to continue their journey of life. I am begging all my children to bend and pick up these Roses.
Children, this journey of life is like warfare. Clothe yourselves with the apron of humility and arm yourselves with the Fire of Purity. You will conquer.
Children, persevere in your faith. Do not give up in your prayers. Remember that you should not pray like the pagans or the Pentecostal groups in the world. Hear the lessons of the saints and be good and faithful children of the Most High God. At this level, I appeal to you again to follow the Trends of the Golden Peace to live in union with your God in Perfect Relationship.
If you do all these things, you will become giant lovers. Having loved much, the road of the Holy Cross will be easy for you. If you persevere till the end, you will enjoy the Peace of Paradise. Your home will be Heaven.
Children, you can see that much has been given to you. Who else will you blame if you fall on the way? Pray that you will not fail Jesus. Heaven will rejoice as you all arrive with the songs of victory. Children, may I see you in our joyful home. May I see you there.
Tomorrow, Saint Cecilia will admonish you much. Then, I will come on the last day of this three-day prayer to inform you on how my children will be trained with these lessons. I will also teach you more on the True Peace.
May Jesus bless you. Remain in peace from Heaven.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
Mediation/Prayer: I can face the waves for I the One who made the ocean.
Job 9 v 8 “ He alone spreadeth out the Heavens and walketh upon the waves of the sea.”