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17TH NOVEMBER, 2002 (11.00 pm)




In My prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of

Jesus Christ that was bathed with Blood. He appeared before my altar and

kept silent for some moment and finally said:

“Peace be with you, My Son, peace be with you, My lover, I come to reveal

to you and the nations of the world the trouble that will befall the world as

a result of the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I am the

Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who receives all the bitterness of your sin.

I am weeping deeply for this, nation. If this nation neglects this appeal of

Mine, if this nation keeps adamant to this warming of Mine, in no distant

time, there will be no faith left in the land.

Children, if these abuses and the desecration of My Sacrament of the Holy

Eucharist continue, which result in the profanation of My Holy Temple, O,

My Glory will depart from the desecrators! The light of true love will depart

from them. I say the power of error will rule over the lives of all who abuse,

and those who promote the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy


All the Convents, Monasteries, and Seminaries who involve themselves in

this act of desecration will soon disappear from the face of the earth; No

one will remember them anymore. It has happened to the land of Europe.

Be warned, so that it will not happen in your own land! Hear My appeal of

love and wedge this weapon of mass destruction.

Children, My Glory will depart from those Priests who indulge in this act of

desecration. Those Bishops of Mine who remain silent, and those who

promote this abuse and the desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy

Eucharist, will see the worldliness of their Priests. In their dioceses, the true

devotion to My Eucharistic Presence will disappear among the priests,

especially among those who involve themselves in this act of desecration.

The love for My mission will vanish in the part of the world that promotes

this act of desecration. The Priests of those nations will lose their zeal for

apostolic work. Instead of being the seekers and fishers of souls, they will

be the seekers and fishers of the wealth of the world. They shall be the

slaves of materialism. Money will be the god they worship. The error of

bribery and corruption will rule over their lives.

At that time, these Priests will be fighting for earthly positions in order to

have wealth and pleasure. They will go as far as bribing authority over

them in order to get opportunity for earthly knowledge. O, if it happens to

your nation, you will see these Priests rejecting their posting of apostolic

work. All this will be as a result of the desecration of the Sacrament of the

Holy Eucharist.

These Priests will lose their grace of chastity. The power of lust will

overwhelm them. Many of the Priests will marry, while the rest will become

male prostitutes. They shall abuse many virgins of Mine in their own land

and drag many souls to Hell with them. At that time, the vow of poverty, of

obedience and of chastity will have disappeared. People of the world will see

the emptiness of My Priests, because My Glory will have departed from

them. The riches of My Priests at that time will attract thieves to My

Sanctuary. Many of My Priests shall be killed by the thieves. The wealth of

My Temple will be carried away by the thieves. The rest will die of heart

attack due to their selfish attachment to material things.

Children, if these acts of desecration of the Holy Eucharist continue, then

those lands will experience lack of Priests for My mission. Men will lose their

zeal for My service. Many seminaries will close down. Those Religious

congregations in that land who involve themselves and who promote the

desecration of the Sacrament of My Holy Eucharist will disappear and no

one will remember them any more.

Oh! I will ensure that all the High Priests of Mine who keep silent over these

matters and those who promote these desecrations will live to see the fruit

of their work; so that they will be there to suffer the consequence of their

mindlessness; and pass with this sorrow to My Judgment Court where they

will see the Face of Him Who now appeals to them to love.

See, these Religious Sisters who involve themselves in this act of

desecration will soon give up and join the world, like King Uzziah in the 2

Chronicles 26:16-21 who defiled My Presence by going into the Temple to

burn incense on the Altar of Incense. This was not the duty of the king but

of My Priest; these Religious Sisters have grown arrogant like Uzziah by

taking over the work of Priests. This will bring their downfall.

O, little Sisters of Mine, with the same voice of Azarriah the Priest and eight

courageous Priests of old, I cry out to you with love. “You have no right to

minister the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Only Priests of Mine in the

line of Melchizedek have been consecrated to do this. Leave this work for My

Priests; let non-consecrated hands not near the Chalice of the Holy

Eucharist. Run away; the WRATH of the Eternal Father is great! I am the

Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who is calling you to love. Little Sisters of Mine, I

appeal to you go back to your work which has been lying waste in the

world. Go and take care of the poor, the weak, the sick, and the widow.

Help and spread the Good News to the world. Train up more virgins in the


But if you continue in your own way to desecrate the Sacrament of My Holy

Eucharist, My glory will depart from you. You will lose the grace of chastity

and of humility. The eyes of men shall see your worldliness because you

shall be more worldly than the world. You shall see yourselves removing

your veil of purity and chasing after the make-up of

earthly beauty. Many of you will begin to bleach their hair and their skin at

that time. Men of the world will hardly differentiate My little Sisters from the

women harlots on the streets. For this reason, many of them will be raped.

Wicked men will break through their convents to rape them. Rapists will

kidnap them on the way.

At that time, many of them will volunteer to give up their vow and join the

world of prostitutes. Evil will spread everywhere at that time. Virginity will

be a word of the past. Fear of God will disappear, wickedness will increase

until it has become worse than you can imagine. Doctrine and tradition of

My Holy Church will disappear. My Holy Church will be seen more as a

company rather than as a Church. To save a soul at that time will be like

escaping from the den of a lion. Oh! Great will be the damnation of My

people. Souls, I mean a large number of souls will be damned. This is the

effect of the weapon of mass destruction I am telling you about.

Woe to those who shall be used as instruments of mass destruction in the

world. They shall regret bitterly their existence in the world!

See, they shall succeed in putting off the light of the world. There will be

darkness everywhere. The source of light is the Everlasting SUN of the

living and the dead, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. But see, they

have succeeded in putting it off in the world by means of their weapon of

mass destruction.

At that time, people will ask; “what are the causes of this problem and

wickedness on earth?” Some will say it is the sign of the end; others will

say the end is near.

Hear now O men of the earth that these evils are as a result of the weapon

of mass destruction, which My people have set up for themselves. Rise up

and wedge these weapons now before it is too late. Let the leaders of My

Holy Church rise up to defend the Church and the gifts of the Church. O, My

people work hard to save your souls and the souls of My poor people who

depend on you for survival.

Children, do you think that all these things can destroy the Church of Mine?

They have power to destroy lives and send many souls to Hell. But for My

Holy Church, they have no power to destroy it. I am with My Church to

defend her. Woe to the generation that will experience all these evils. I

mean those that will allow these weapons of mass destruction to blow and

attack the Everlasting SUN, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. They shall

suffer greatly. (Silence)

Barnabas, unite these messages and that of Cecilia for Priest and Religious,

the message given on November 12, 1999 and the Lessons of the Seal and

send them to the leaders of My Church all over the world. Send them to the

Priests and Religious of My Holy Church, as many as you can reach. Do this

as from October 2003. Those I choose for this kind of mission will see to it

that it is well done. (Silence)

My Mother has been pleading for you that the coming year’s reparation be

done in the Land I gave you. But see, you have not responded to My order.

If you do respond in time, I may hear her; otherwise you go where you are

shown. Watch out to see that your act of response to My past appeals does

not hinder the preparation for the coming reparation. Be wise!

I am with you; I am with My Church till the end of the world. For the sake

of the elect, My Little Lilies on My Bloody way, I appeal, again: Rise up and

wedge the weapon of mass destruction. Come nearer and feel My agony.

Come! I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who is calling you to return.

Give My poor servant this message soon. Barnabas, do you understand? I

answered: “My Saviour, I do understand”

“My Lord, please help me in my Exam”.

Our Lord kept silent for a little while and quietly said;

“Barnabas, I will help you, but know that My agony is weighing Me down.

Bear with Me the agony I suffer for the love of men. Receive My blessing!

So, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Spirit. Amen.”

Immediately the whole vision passed.



8TH DEC., 2002 (11.00 pm)




In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Immaculate Heart of

Mary shining like the sun. As I was looking, there appeared Our Lady with a

Rose flower in her hand. As she came closer, the Immaculate Heart

continued to give out dazzling rays. She came closer and calmly said:

“Peace from Heaven be with you. I am the Immaculate Conception, the

Flower of Purity, and the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. How do you

enjoy your days? My joy is the brightness of My Little Lilies in the bloody

way of salvation. I see with Joy the brightness of their purity. Oh, the

Sower is sowing the seed of virginity, I mean purity, I mean holiness, to

replace the seed of Immorality; I mean Iniquity. Oh, Priests of My beloved

Son, the Agonizing Heart pleads: If anyone loves to console this Heart, may

he gather my Little Lilies for me; these little lovers are my consolers: These

little lovers are my joy. Hear the voice of Jesus, Oh, beloved leaders of the

flock of God, and have the peace of God.

Listen to the programme of the coming Silence Training that will make you

mature to obtain the Rose of Purity. I will point out the specific Readings of

the programme and the time to read them, and you will draw up the full

programme with that. Be wise to put to practice all the lessons of the day. I

am your Mother who chose the messages for you. Happy are the humble,

who see the need to fill their emptiness, since there is emptiness for the

empty and fullness for the full. Fill the emptiness of your soul by means of

the lessons of the Golden Peace.

On 4th January, being the first day, after your opening prayers and hymns,

you will follow these directions: At 2.00 pm read these messages and

meditate on them for fifteen minutes. 10th Jan 2002, 11th Jan 2002, 12th Jan

2002 (12 midnight).By 5.00 pm, read these messages; 22nd Feb 1997, 23rd

Feb 1997, 8th March 2001 and 15th Sept 2000. By 8.00 pm of the same day,

you are to read the messages of 1st to 8th day of the month of July 2002

In the morning of 5th of January, by 4.00 am you shall read the messages

of 9th July 2002, 13th to 15th July 2002, then, 20th to 23rd of the same July.

By 10.00 am, you, read 24th to 31st July 2002. Remember to spend fifteen

minutes of vertical meditation after each section of the messages

By 1.00 pm, read the messages of 26th May 2002, 31st May 2002, 6th

January 2002 (2.00pm) Then 1st to 9th July 2001 by 4.00pm, read the

messages of 20th to 22nd July 2000, 5th April 2000 and 12th September 2001

By 8.00pm, you shall read the messages of 23rd to 25th July 2000; then

27th July 2000 and 28th July 2000. By 4.00am of the next day read the

messages of 29th July 2000 to 31st July 2000, then 13th Sept 2001 and

14th Sept 2001. By 10,00am, read these messages 2nd April 2000, 12th

Nov 1999, 5th January 2000, (12 mid-night), 12th January 2001, 16th Nov.

2002 and 17th November 2002. By 1.00pm, read these messages; 29th

June 2001. 1st July to 8th July 2001. By 4.00pm, read the messages of 9th

July 2001, 13th to 15th July 2001. By 8.00pm you shall read the messages of

20th July 2001 to 25th July 2001. By 4,00am of the last day, you shall read

the messages of 27th- 31st July 2001. Then by 9.00am read these

messages 1st March 2001, 2nd March 2001, 14th Sept 2000 (2.00pm), 16th

Sept 2000 (12.noon) and 12th Jan 2002.

Remember to spend fifteen minutes on vertical meditation. Again remember

My former instructions; select five good readers and each will read one

message only at an interval. Anyone can read. Do not rush the readings; do

not slow them, either. Read moderately. Follow the programme well. Try to

read the messages as I have given them to you. Do not discuss the

messages. Allow the messages to sink into your very soul as to purify it.

Allow the sanctifying fire of these messages to nurture your soul. Do not

carry any burden; lay down all these heavy burdens in your very soul as

you enter the exam. Relax your spirit. Allow these words of love to talk to

your very self. I say, mature with these lessons so as to obtain the Rose of

Perfect Purity. Heaven will give messages on the midnight of the days, and

a few minutes to the closing hour.

Barnabas, remember that this training is the last training for the Apostles of

the Precious Blood who keep to the appeal of Heaven; then they will receive

the Rose of Perfect Purity. I have done my best. I hope, you can see that.” I

said; “Mother, blessed be your Name”

Our Lady continued: “Tomorrow, I will send Saint Cecilia to give you the

message on the Mysteries of Consecrated Hands of Priest and My

Immaculate Womb. Hear her lesson and advice. May the peace from

Heaven remain with you. So I leave you.”

Immediately the vision passed.



9TH DECEMBER, 2002 (11.00 pm)





In my prayer, during this hour, I saw in a vision Saint Cecilia who came

down with seven little Cherubim. She had a Rose flower in her right hand

and she came closer and said:

“Little friend of God, Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Mother

sent me to offer you and the whole world the message on the “Mystery of

Her Immaculate WOMB in relation to the gift of the priesthood. I am happy

to be sent for this lesson

Little friend of God, I am happy to tell you that there is a great joy in

Heaven among Angels, Saints and all the Glory of God for the Feast of the

Immaculate Conception of their Queen. Even on earth, there is happiness in

the hearts of the just ones. Only the children of that Beast are in great rage

over this favour to humanity. O, it pleases God to choose a Daughter

among the daughters of Zion to be the Mother of God. What humility is this

that my God is now my Son, the Son of Man, and the Daughter of Man is

now the Daughter of God?

Listen, Oh, friend of God, as Eve was chosen and formed in an immaculate

state from Adam. Mary, my Queen, received from Jesus Christ her Son and

her God, the state of her Immaculate Conception. Like the Ark of Noah,

Mary is the only virgin that escaped the Universal Deluge. O, like the thorn

bush, which Moses saw burning but not consumed, Mary was the only One

that escaped the Original Sin. Like the Rod of Aaron, which, when laid in the

Ark, budded and blossomed without taking root, Mary was the only virgin

conceived without Sin. O, like the fleece of Gideon, which remained dry

while the ground all around it became moist with dew, Mary was the only

daughter born Immaculate. Mary is perfect, beautiful and without Original


Friend of the living God, think of the purity of the womb that will hold your

God for nine months. The womb of Mary was the chosen place honoured by

the Spirit. This womb is the wonderful Palace in which the Son of God chose

to dwell for nine months. This womb is the Throne that is worthy to receive

God for humanity.

Friend of the living God, do you know anything in the world which you see

always that is worthy and in an immaculate state as the womb of Mary

which can receive God for humanity as the womb of Mary did? (Silence)

I answered, “ the Temple of God.” The Saint continued: “O, you have tried,

but that is the HANDS OF THE PRIEST. By that, I mean the hands of the


As the womb of the Queen of Heaven and Earth is created Immaculate from

the beginning in the same way, the Hands of the Priest of God are created

Immaculate from the day of Ordination. This is so, because everything that

comes in contact with God must be Pure and Immaculate. As the vessel in

which the Son of God formed His Flesh and Blood is Immaculate, the hands

that conceive God on the altar must be Immaculate. No other hands can

conceive God on the altar since there is no other womb that conceived God

except Mary. On the altar of God, the Priest gives birth to God for humanity

as Mary gave birth to God in the manger at Bethlehem. Blessed be the

hands that conceive God, that give birth to God; that gives God to

humanity. Blessed be the Hands of the Priest.

Friends of the living God, this is the dignity of the consecrated hands of the

Priests of Christ. This is why the voice of Heaven cries in anguish and grief

saying: “it is a desecration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist to allow

non-consecrated hands to administer the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

Only the hands of My priests have been consecrated to do this; no other


Friends of the Living God, Jesus say, “I have made the truth known to you.

Your will is your will. No one can take it away from you”. Friend of the living

God I pray that you change, so as to escape God’s judgment over this

matter of desecration.

I am your daughter Cecilia. I am praying that you will change the world. I

pray for you, for the Grace of the Immaculate Conception. So I leave you.”

Immediately the vision passed.



5TH JANUARY, 2003 (12 midnight) OUR 28



In our prayer during this hour I saw before the Blessed Sacrament exposed,

the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who is bleeding on the Cross. As I was watching

cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the

Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ Who calmly said:

“Peace be with you My children. I am happy to see you here in this year of

great apostasy and of confusion. I say again; peace be with you all. Throw

away your humanity that burden you and have your soul at peace. I am the

Agonizing Jesus Christ Who called you all. Come and have peace.

Listen, My children, this marks the final training for the first selected

apostles of this devotion of Mine, so that you can receive the Rose of

Perfect Purity. I have given you all you need through My Mother, My Saints

and through My Voice of Love. But see that many of you are still far from

this call to holiness I mean perfection.

Children, if you do not mature now, when will you mature? I am looking

with fear that only few among you will obtain the Rose of Perfect Purity. At

the second renewal of your consecration, it seems to Me that very, very few

of you will return to Me to renew your vow. At the third renewal of your

consecration, I have no hope of seeing many of you. But I have prayed for

you that all who love will not loss. So pray for the grace of Perfect Love.

In this year, the Beast will achieve great but I will achieve greatest. The

Man of Iniquity will be a bit revealed, but the Son of Man will be made

known. I say that your own eyes will see darkness enveloping the world.

Power of error will fill the earth. But to those of you who remain in the light

of love will never walk in darkness. I will spread this devotion of My

Precious Blood all over the world soon so that the little Lilies will be

comforted and strengthened.

I see your trouble over the little words of admonition of your bishop, yes

that must trouble you, since you cannot obey Me over My common appeal

since 1997. I say edit My messages well and compile it with clear edition.

This is the greatest treasure you have. No gift I gave you in this devotion is

greater than this, but I have forgiven you. If you obey Me, your worries will

pass. Even if you were to be chased out here, you will be welcomed there.

Obey Me, you will have your soul at peace.

On the next midnight, My Mother will instruct you more on the other day,

St. Cecilia will give a message to the Voice of the Little Lilies. Then will give

you final advice before you go.

Children know this about the coming Reparation of the month of

September. The entire programme will be on the chosen arena starting

from 11th of September to 16th of September as usual. The rest of the world

will join you as from the evening of 13th of that month. You need a shelter,

you need a Chapel or a Church where the Altar of Reparation will be

decorated or built. All shall eat communally; you shall feed all. If all these

things are ready or can be ready before the given date of reparation, you

will have no problem, if not, plead for adjustment and better site.

I will make sure that all the instruction and programme of the days are

ready before the month of July. I will be happy if you make the reparation

great. After the coming consecration there will be no other consecration till

that day, I mean the feast day. But you, the apostles of Mine will go in

various dioceses to train them with days of retreat before the given month

of reparation. I invite the whole world, send your invitation to My bishops,

and inform them of the consecration. Any bishop, priest, or religious who

comes on that day and have himself or herself consecrated will obtain the

Rose of Perfect Purity. I have this privilege for them because the day is a

great day. Any visitor who comes from other nations, other than yours, will

obtain the Rose of Perfect Purity if he or she is consecrated on that day.

Children, make this feast great. Fear nothing, I promise to draw all men to

Myself through you. Only obey and surrender. Even your bishop, will one

day spread this devotion. But how many of you will remain at the time?


Have faith; be obedient to My appeal. So I bless you, in the Name of the

Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Immediately the vision passed.



6TH JANUARY, 2003 (12 midnight) OUR



As we were praying during this hour before the Blessed Sacrament

exposed, Our Lady was knelling in adoration. As I was looking cloud came

down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, Our Lady appeared again

with Rose flower in her right hand and quietly said: “Peace from Heaven be

with you my children. I am your Queen, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus

Christ. I am the Flower of Purity. I come to give you a message of hope and

appeal to you for one more thing before you obtain the Rose of Prefect

Purity. (Silence)

Children, I have given you all you need to obtain the Rose of Purity. Today,

I set you out in the world as the New Star of the Glorious Reign to show the

wise men of the world where the newborn King is lying. As you see

darkness enveloping the world, the error of modernism fills the earth. The

Holy Church of my Son is under the terrible wave of great apostasy. The

whole world is looking forth for the coming of the King of Glory. When the

King comes, the world will see peace again; Holiness will reign on earth.

On this virgin Land of yours, my Son had announced the birth of His reign

of peace. This means that the Glorious Reign of God is with you. See all

that have been given to you. Soon you will obtain the Rose of Perfect

Purity. All these things reveal the birth of the Glorious Reign to draw all

men who are waiting for the reign of peace on earth. Show the way; lead

them to consecrate to the Precious Blood of my Son. Teach them the value

of the prefect rose. I say lead from this wicked world to the New Era of

Peace where holiness reigns.

Children, my appeal is: stand as a New Star of the Glorious Reign of Peace

to lead men of good will to the King of Peace.

I know you will not understand this appeal now. But I pray Him to give you

the Spirit of light to understand when the time comes.

Children, you should not fear anything in spreading this devotion. If you

obey my Son, He will permit me to speak to your bishop and his heart will

change. I am the one who send him in this diocese of yours for this

devotion and for life, when I mean life, I mean, true life. I will ensure that

my plan for him will come true if only you will obey my Son.

Children, how many days it takes you to edit all the messages given to you?

A paid worker can finish this work in a week. Children, is it because you

think no one can pay you? Take up this work my Son will reward you.

Listen, my Son requires that the messages should be well edited; by

editing, He means, well punctuated, well grouped, spelling, omission of

words and confusion of ideas due to error of man. When you finish the

editing, the message will be grammatically and theologically error free.

Children, you must, must make you time for this great work before you can

achieve this goal. Some people among you must devote their time. I will be

happy if you can obey.

Children, when you go do not forget all you have learnt, live by them. Let

the perfume of holiness diffuses through you to the ends of the world.

Barnabas, when you finish the editing of the messages I will send you to

your bishop again to fulfil my promise. Be certain to obey him. Find out

what he wants you to do and obey. But do not act with rumour or beyond

his order. I am telling you this now so that you will have your soul at peace.

Pray for the weaker ones among you. Pray for the leader of the flock. Pray

for the Holy Father. I have done my best for you to obtain the Rose.

So I leave you. Peace from Heaven remains with you all.

Immediately the vision passed.



7TH JANUARY, 2003 (12 midnight) OUR




In our prayer during this hour, I saw before the Blessed Sacrament

exposed, a Saint who knelt in front of the Blessed Sacrament exposed on

the altar. I recognized her as Saint Cecilia with her usual smile. She said:

“Friend of the Living God, it gives me a great joy to be a chosen Saint

among the great Saints of God to be a messenger of God for the great

apostolate through which the Reign of Peace will manifest. I am your

daughter Cecilia.

Tonight, I come to give the Voice of the Little Lilies of God a message,

which Heaven has for them. Listen o Little Lilies of Christ. You have been

chosen to bring about the renewal of the choirs of God on earth. So you can

see that the wicked Lucifer has succeeded in transforming the music of old

into its own. Even the Holy Church of my Christ Jesus had lost its solemn

hymns to join the wicked Lucifer in its empty music.

Friends of God, you should know that this wicked Lucifer and his agents

were once angels of God. They were among the Heavenly Choirs. Now they

had been chased out of God’s glory, the power of evil had overwhelmed

them. Yet they still like music, but the kind of music that moves them are

those empty and passionate songs that ignite the fire of pride of lust in the

soul of man. The songs of this wicked spirit, I mean Lucifer also move the

emotion of man for war and for revenge. You can see the action or effect of

these wicked spirits in the world around you.

Friend of the Living God, this is what motivated the Queen of Heaven to

obtain this gift of the Voice of the Little Lilies; so that the true worship of

God will come down on earth. Heaven promises to bring down the Heavenly

Choirs on earth, if you can embrace this holy gift with love. As you can see

the Holy Church of Christ enveloped with the Pentecostal music and

dancing, Heaven wants to bring about the return of the solemn hymns,

which inspired by God. I am the Saint whom Jesus has handed the Voice of

the Little Lilies over to train. If you submit, I will form a great Choir from

you for the glory of God.

Jesus promises anyone who has the privilege to be one of the voices of His

Little Lilies on earth to join Heavenly Choirs. Listen to what He said to me

when He sent me. He said, “My daughter, go and form on earth little choirs

that will resemble My little Cherubim. My children are loosing their holy gifts

they received from Me; go and train up for Me, My little ones to bring about

the renewal of My solemn hymns in My holy Church. Teach them to free

their souls from the world; teach them to be holy”.

Friends of the Living God, I have come, listen, the little choirs of Christ

must be holy. You must hear all the appeals of my Jesus and obey them. O

you must hear His appeal of purity, of modesty, of love, of humility, and of

kindness. Anyone who wants to join this little choir of Christ must hear this

appeals and obey them.

I will come again before the Month of September to teach you Little Lilies of

Christ why musicians are highly possessed by the spirit of Lucifer. I will

teach you how to be a saint and how to hear a voice of God. I will obtain for

some of you a special gift from Jesus to hear the songs of the Heavenly

Choirs. I myself will teach you much.

Establish this Choir in your Gethsemane groups in your Dioceses and in the

National as I called you. The greatest adoration you will offer God on that

great feast day is your hymns of adoration.

Before I leave you, listen to this instruction; the journey of man on earth is

warfare only a man of grace will conquer the world. The source of grace is

very hard for the proud, humble man finds it very easy. Grace is the hope

of your survival. Be humble and gather the grace. My Jesus will give you a

farewell message by 11.00 am. He will bless you. I am praying for you,

may you all obtain the Rose of Perfect Purity. So I leave you”

Immediately the vision passed.







12TH JANUARY, 2003 (3.00 pm)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw, in a vision, St. Cecilia, who said to


“Friend of the Living God, Mother is happy over your decision to edit the

messages. She sent me to inform you to edit the message of the Seal as

well as the other messages you will attach to the message of the Seal.

Remember that you will spread the message as from October. You will be

told how to do this before the given date. Be certain that everything is

ready before the given date. Friend, if you edit all the messages well,

Mother will be very happy.

She will come on the 19th of this month to give you a new direction on how

to carry on the devotion. Pray for strength and peace for those that will do

the work. I was sent to tell you to pray a Chaplet of the Precious Blood for

a needy Priest in China, by name Joseph. Pray that he will not despair.

Pray for God’s Grace. Barnabas, be courageous. So, I leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed.






In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lady coming down from

the cloud with numerous Angels, too many to be counted. She had a Crown

of Thorns in her left hand and Rosary in her right hand. As she came closer

she gently said:

“Peace from Heaven be with you My son. I am the Queen of Martyrs, the

Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I come to console my Little Lilies who

are suffering martyrdom of hearts for the sake of their Christ. The greatest

martyrdom is the suffering under holy obedience. This is the kind of

martyrdom, which wounded the heart of my Son most. Though He has

every authorities and power. He surrendered all and suffered under

obedience even unto death. The victim souls like Him will suffer the same


O Little Lilies of Christ, be courageous and obedient to the Church of God

and authorities in the light of truth. Do not give up your prayer life. Multiply

the Gethsemane hour of prayer in every family and in little groups. I say

build up altar of prayer in your homes and offer the whole world to God

always. Rejoice because your martyrdom is a process of renewal. God is

doing His mystical work of renewal through your weakness. The weaker you

are the more His work of renewal manifest. The more they silence you and

this devotion, the more God exposes His truth to the world and spreads this

holy devotion. So I advice you to be more quiet but prayerful. Learn to offer

the merit of your crosses and agonies to Jesus’ holy Will for you and for the

whole world. Do not waste this merit on valueless things or false peace. Do

not defend yourself when the world mock you and call you demon. God is

the one to justify you. You should know that darkness is enveloping the

world. The more the days pass, the darker the world will be. More people of

the earth will be spiritually blind. Truth will go into hiding. True spirituality

will be called fanatism. Even the Priests of Christ will join hand to persecute

those that are living the life of the Gospel and allow iniquity to multiply. But

through the suffering of the victim souls of Christ, the holy Church will be

refined to its original state and the face of the earth will be renewed. So, be

courageous and never give up in your prayers.

My son, when you find out what your Bishop says, you are to obey him. You

are the one to find out not me. Remember the advice: “Do not act with

rumour!” When I say you, I mean you all.

My Jesus is doing His work and no one can stop Him. Though, through your

inability to meet His demands in time, He has plan to move this devotion to

a place he will hide it for its holy mission. Listen, when you find out your

Bishop’s order and he tells you, you are to stop this devotion in this

diocese, do quickly to prepare the land given to this devotion. This is your

home in the days of exile. If it happens this way, you will know that the

coming September Reparation will hold there. Know that even if it happens

as I have said, it is best for you. As you are in exile, the work for the land

of adoration will be on, and no one has power to stop it. I assure you that

you will not finish the work of that Land before you will return home to

celebrate the Reign of Peace with those who call you demon now.

Never think of missing any programme you have for the year. Follow my

instruction, when you realize why Jesus allows this to happen the way it will

happen, your heart will be full of joy. My motherly promise is to care for


Barnabas, listen to what you will do soonest before this month is over. With

the selected apostles of mine, you are to replace your Spiritual Director to

open the account you are preparing for long. I say, you are to replace your

Spiritual Director, but remember that you must be under his command and

direction. He must agree with any discussion before

you go on. You shall open two accounts one for the project of the land of

adoration, the other for the running of the affairs of the devotion. Never use

the money for one to solve the need of the other. Though you can borrow

from one account to solve the immediate problem of the other with pure

intention of returning it on the appointed date. If you miss use these

accounts, you will suffer. I have obtained forgiveness on your past laziness

and carelessness. Begin now to learn.

Listen again, if you neglect this order, you will miss much. I will not tell you

what you will miss. But if you obey, you will smile. The reason for this order

will be made known later. I have a message to your bishop. Jesus is the

one who holds everything. For my message, I will not give until I see you

finished all you are told to do. I am happy over your decision to do the

work; but I am afraid over your weakness and lack of seriousness, which I

will see when you come.

If you are serious and eager to suffer day and night when you come, I will

ask Jesus to send down the Holy Spirit to assist you. I will be there too to

help you. But if you come with coldness, I will leave you to do your will.

Smile in your suffering o little lilies of Christ soon your persecution will be

over. You have lifted Christ up on the Cross. Through your sufferings He will

draw all men for Heaven. (She looked up and prayed)

O my Jesus, look at the suffering of your Little Lilies in your bloody way and

rise to renew the face of the earth. Pour on them the grace your reserve fo

the martyrs of this last age. May the Blood and Water, which gushed from

your Sacred Heart, strengthen their faith and save the whole world. May

the power of obedience which comes from You overshadow them. Jesus,

remain the pillar of light to show them the way as they match home amidst

darkness that fills the earth. My Son and my God, I pray You to bless them.


(In a quiet tone she added)

My children, you are under my Immaculate Heart. Peace from Heaven

remains with you. Bye So I leave you.



24TH JANUARY 2003(2.00 am)




In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ Who

hung on the Cross bleeding. This vision remained for a little long time

before cloud covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy

Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“My son, reparation is needed for renewal. Your God is deeply offended.

See He receives much insult from His people in the Sacrament of His love.

His people He purchased with His Precious Blood do not value the price of

their redemption. My son, I am your God and your Saviour. Many, I shed

My Blood for their sake are still going to hell. My son, their number is too

many. See I am making a great loss. (Silence)

Barnabas, I call all men for reparation. I am reminding you of My Call of

Third Friday Reparation for the sins committed against My Precious Blood.

On that day, you are to hear and pray the Votive Mass of My Precious Blood

and offer it in reparation for the sins committed against your God in the

Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I will ask My Mother to make a full

programme for this reparation. Whatever she tells you, pleases Me.

Through this reparation I will bring to an end the desecration of My

Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. If you answer this call of reparation, men

will value the price of their redemption. Many souls shall be converted and

love the desert way, the only way to salvation. I will open the eyes of men

to see the merits of cross and their values. I will give them the grace of

true love. Through this reparation, I will strengthen the faith of my little

lilies. If you respond to this call of reparation well, My Glorious Reign will

come soon and your trouble will be over.

My son, I am happy to see many lovers of Mine responding to My cry of

agony. I am happy to see My Little Lilies bearing My agony with Me. I am

consoled. I am consoled because My people who had lost the sense of the

consequence of sin are turning back to Me. I am happy you make My will

known. My blessing remain for you all My Little Lilies. My blessing remains

for you. All you have done for love of Me are right. Your love has justified

you. No one has power to condemn you. But remember that I am the Chief

Commander who promises to lead you to the battlefield and give you

victory. I am with you always.

Now the battle is about to start, I will show you a hideout for your safety. I

kept this hideout hidden in the past days so as to prevent you from being a

coward. The hide- out is the teaching of Holy Obedience. I kept it hidden at

first because you did not love much; and as a result, will not understand.

On the second of February, I will send Saint Cecilia to teach you much on

this. Hear her. Her word is My word because I am the One Who will send


Barnabas, you should know that there are mysteries in the message of

Heaven, which the knowledge of the world cannot understand. To interpret

or modify what you do not understand leads to multiple errors. I have given

you all who are closer to Me the necessary things needed for My work. The

theology you have is enough to judge My message. Do your best and leave

the rest for the Church. I am God who empties the full and fills the empty.

Do not grow weak when you are to be strong. Do not go into the world to

look for help. Do not look for exterior consolation and delight. Do not waste

any second to think on how to defend these messages. The Holy Spirit will

tell you what to say when the need arises and speak through you. Your call

is not from the world, but from Me. I am with you always. All I need from

you is your purity, your obedience, and your humility. (Silence).

I am happy over your work of editing the messages. If you continue the

work the way you are doing it and finish it I will bless you. The work will be

ready for My Church.

I bless you all who are doing My work in the Name of the Father and of the

Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Peace be with you.

Immediately the vision passed.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...)

(The Rosary: Intention: Conversion of sinners and Renewal of the Face of

the Earth)





2ND FEBRUARY 2003(3.00am)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision, Saint Cecilia who came

with two little Cherubim. She was holding a Rose Flower on her hand. As

she came closer, she gently said:

“Be courageous my Little friend. Be courageous O Little Lilies of Christ.

Your God is with you. I am your daughter Cecilia. I come to give you a

message from Jesus your Supreme Commander. This is a message of Holy


Before this lesson, listen to this: a nation under the state of colonization is

a dependent nation. A dependent nation is a slave. A slave has no will,

rather the will of his master! My friend, the holy Church of yours, I mean

the Roman Catholic Church, has been colonized by the Protestant faith and

modernism of your days.

Know you today that you are slaves of the Protestant faith and modernism

of your days. As a slave, you have no will. Your will is the will of your

master. If you believe that you are colonized by the enemy of your true

faith, you will seek for your independence. Your knowledge of your slavery

is the first step towards your independence.

Know you again that you cannot easily defeat your enemy who has entered

your camp by fighting him from outside. You must first of all, find a way of

capturing your camp before fighting back. See! The enemy of the Holy

Church of Christ Jesus is within the Church, whereas, you are fighting him

from outside. How do you think, you will conquer?

Friend of the living God, it is a painful thing to tell you that many of your

people did not know the effect of this colonization. See how they enjoy the

emptiness of Protestant faith and the sinfulness of modernism. They did not

want their independence. They do not value their true faith again. To them,

the Church is growing, whereas, in truth the Church is decaying. I say, the

Church is decaying since its holy tradition has been affected seriously by

the protestant tradition and modernism of your days.

O little friend of the living God, how can you seek for independence for

people who need it not? How can you convince the pleasure seekers that

there is a hidden treasure in the royal way of the cross? How can you

convince your ignorant people that your holy tradition is so sweet and

loving, and there is salvation?

Listen my friends I am sent to tell you to go first to your people to teach

them the holy Will of God. Jesus said; “Teach them My way and make their

heart willing to love. Spread the message of love to your people and

announce to them the importance of independence. I mean your

independence towards the return to your holy tradition. Convince them first

before charging them to fight for their holy independence. Take all possible

measure to achieve this goal. Be certain that many of you will not live to

see the materialization of this holy independence.

This is why Jesus sent me to show you the steps you must follow to achieve

this goal. If you make a mistake after this message has been given to you,

you are prolonging the days of independence of your people.

Take the holy devotion of the Precious Blood to all men. Give them the

message of true love and true repentance, which Jesus offered to you.

Teach them the merit of the royal way of the cross. Give them the message

of purity and of the Golden Peace. I say, gather all men to be consecrated

to the most Precious Blood of Christ.

When you have gathered enough warriors for the battle and have set them

on their position in all parts of the world, Jesus your Supreme Commander

will order you to announce your independence. For this reason, be certain

that the Little Lilies of Christ, I mean, the Apostles of Renewal, spread all

over the parishes, families, seminaries, convents and entire inhabitants of

the earth. They must pass through the hard gate of holy obedience to make

the will of God known to all men.

Little friend of God, I am leaving you to meditate on this lesson. By

11.00am this day, I will give you the admonition on holy obedience. I am

praying for you, so I leave you”

Immediately the vision passed.



2ND FEBUARY 2003(11AM)



As I was praying during this hour, I saw a vision of Saint Cecilia who gently

said to me:

“I have come, my friend to offer you the loving admonitions from Jesus

Christ. Your Master says: “surrender to the authorities of My Holy Church

and quietly do My Will. Do all you can to carry out My appeal, and embrace

the virtue of holy obedience. If My appeal is hindered by any authority in

My Church. Pray for them.” (Silence.)

“I am looking at your will to judge you. Sin committed with no will, can be

justified.” (Silence.)

“May what agonizes Me; agonize your hearts. Teach all men My love and I

will possess their hearts.” (Silence.)

“Suffer the martyrdom of holy obedience. I mean martyrdom of love. This is

the agony you suffer because you want to do My will, but you are not

allowed. This is the greatest of all the martyrdom.” (Silence.)

“You will do all these things because I am giving My message to the world

for the Church to approve and propagate, but you are chosen as martyrs to

forward its approval and propagation. You are victim souls like Mine. Your

power is holy obedience.” Silence.

Through your holy martyrdom of love, I will rise to do My Will. I will gather

large number of warriors to bring about My Reign on earth. I am Jesus who

justifies the obedient and reward the disobedient with full measure.”

Little friend of God this is the message of Jesus Christ your Supreme

Commander, my advice to you is: “Do not be obstinate, for obstinacy is a

form of pride.” I have no other word to add. Jesus said that you would send

these two messages to the Bishop of this devotion for explanation. Listen to


Try to finish the proper editing of the messages you are told. Arrange all

the messages as you are told to do. Separate the messages of 15th January

1997, 18th January, 22nd January, and 27th January 1997, for they are

private matters, you are to treat privately.

After your meeting with the Bishop do not waste time to prepare the land

he gave you for the reparation. Jesus said that there is your home in the

days of your exile. Mother will explain more to you when she visits you

again. I am your daughter Cecilia. I am praying for you all. Be obedient to

God. So I leave you.

Immediately the vision passed.



5TH FEBRUARY 2003 (3.00am)




In my preparatory prayer for the meeting with bishop I saw in a vision, our

Lord Jesus Christ hanging alive on the Cross. Blood was constantly oozing

from the body. As I was watching cloud came down and covered the whole

place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly


“Peace be with you My child. I am happy to see you praying. Pray always

and never give up. In your prayer remember your leaders, the helpless and

the wicked people. Pray for the light of true faith on their behalf, pray for

the sustenance of faith of My Little Lilies in these days of their martyrdom.

Pray for the people and for the hastening of My Reign on earth. I say to you

again, pray always.

To my Priest, the bearer of My agony, I say be courageous. I am with you. I

am the One Who is humiliating you to nothingness, so as to create

existence from your nothingness. I gain nothing from creating existence

from existence, but from nothingness to existence. That is the reason why I

reduce My chosen ones to nothing in the eyes of the world, in order to gain

all glory through them. Surrender your will to Me; I will console you and

give you peace.

Barnabas, pray for your Spiritual Director; ask for the grace of faith on his

behalf that when the gold shines out, the furnace will be extinguished. I am

with you all. This is all I have for you till you come back. I bless you and all

My people in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


He made the sign of the cross, blessed us and then the vision passed.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...)

(Chaplet of the Precious Blood: Intention: For the forgiveness of sins and

the Grace of Purity in the world)





16TH FEBUARY, 2003 (11.00pm)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ

hanging alive on the Cross, bleeding. He kept silence for a long time and

finally said;

“Peace be with you My child, I come to send you again into the desert for

prayer and for the preparation of the work ahead. You are to enter the

desert on evening of 8th march and return on the evening of 11th march this

year 2003.

In the desert, I will bless you and teach your soul the mysteries of true

love. I will give you the prayer of the renewal of your consecration as I

have told you. I will give you peace.

Remember to offer the whole world to Me, through the merit of My agony

and Death, I will accept your offering. Tomorrow, My Mother will give you

the programme you will use for the training of My Lovers. Be certain you

follow the programme. I will be happy to see you making all your effort in

this great work of renewal I invited you all. My blessing remains for all My


I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Spirit. Amen.

Immediately the vision passed.



16TH FEBUARY, 2003(10.00pm)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw Our Queen coming down from the

cloud with numerous little Angels. She came closer to me, and gentle said:

“May the peace from Heaven be with you. To you the Priest of My Beloved

Son, I mean the bearer of my Son’s agony, do not let your soul be troubled,

I am with you. The enemy has no power over you. I have crushed the head

of the ancient Serpent, I will again crush the head of the Beast of your

days. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, the Queen of Martyrs.

Listen to my advice; make me happy by uniting your soul and the suffering

of your body with that of Christ your Saviour. Recollect your spirit and stay

in the peace of God. In this month of grace, throw away your humanity, I

mean the humanity of self. Throw away this burden you are carrying in

your heart, I mean the burden of the world, stay in the peace of God. Soon

this wave of temptation will calm down and your joy will be great.

Now listen Barnabas for the programme you will use for the training of the

little Lovers of Christ for the Rose of Perfect Purity. I will give you the time

and date of the messages of the programme. You will complete the

programme with them.

There will be fifteen different lessons at different periods. You are to read

the messages, as I will give them to you. After all the messages of each

period, you will spend five minutes in meditation. And one of you will speak

on the messages to emphasize on the points of the messages, for about

one hour. May all who will speak on the lessons guide themselves by the

message of the lessons.


Remember that this is a three-day programme. On the first day, by 1.00pm

you are to read 11th Sept 2000, (1.00pm), 29th Dec 2000, 1st, 2nd 3rd, 4th,

and 5th July 2000. By 4.30 pm; 3rd March, 2000, 24th March, 2000, 17tH

March 2000, 30th March 2000 and 6th July 2000. By 8.00pm; 7th July 2000,

8th July 2000, and 9th July 2000. Remember that this programme will start

by 12nooon any day you choose.

On the next morning, you are to wake with these messages by 4.30am;

12th November 1999, 5th January 2000,12th January 2001 and 2nd February

2003 (3am/11am). By 9.30am; 20th July 2000, 21st July 2000, 22nd July

2000, 5th April 2000, and 12th Sept. 2001. By 1.00pm; 23rd July 2000, 24th

July 2000, 25th July 2000, 27th July 2000, and 28th July 2000. By 4.30pm;

29th June 2001, 1st July 2001, 2nd July 2001, 3rd July 2001, 4th July2001 and

5th July 2001. By 8.00pm; 6th July 2001, 7th July 2001, 8th July 2001, and

9th July 2001.

Next morning you will start with these messages by 4.30am, 13th July 2001,

14th July 2001, and 15th July 2001. By 9.30am; 28th July 2000, 21st July

2001, 22nd July 2001, 23rd July 2001, 24th July 2001, 25th July 2001, 26th

July 2001 and 27th July 2001. By 1.00pm; 10th January 2002, 11th January

2002, 12th January 2002(midnight) 1st July 2002, and 2nd July 2002. By

4.30pm; 3rd July 2002, 4th July 2002, 5th July 2002, 6th July 2002, 7th July

2002, and 8th July 2002. By 8.00pm; 9th July 2002, 13th July 2002, 14th July

2002 and 15th July 2002.

On the last day, you are to wake with these lessons by 4.30am; 26th July

2002, 27th July 2002, 29th July 2002, 30th July 2002 and 31st July 2002. And

finally by 9.00am; 30th Dec. 2000, 12 January 2002, 29th July 2001, 30th

July 2001 and 31st July 2001.

By 12noon you will close with Benediction as usual. Try to follow this

programme when you enter the Land of Adoration, you will enjoy the

sweetness of these programmes,

Barnabas, the month of September is fast approaching, make good use of

the time you have. Jesus is looking to see what you can do. Make Him

happy by your effort. He will help you and give His Father Glory through

you. I, your Mother is with you in this great work. I am near to help you.

Remain in peace from Heaven. Bye”

Immediately the vision passed.



8TH MARCH 2003 (9.00pm)




Today being my day of arrival in the desert, as I was praying, I saw the

vision of Our Lord hanging alive on the Cross bleeding. As I was watching,

cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the

Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

“Peace be with you My son. I am happy to see you here. Keep aside the

burdens of the world and of your humanity and have rest in Me. I am the

Agonizing Jesus Christ Who called you to My peace. I say to you again,

peace be with you.

My son, the way of truth is hidden from the man of the world. This is the

man who thinks only of wealth, powers, authorities and praises of the

world. To such man, there is happiness in vainglory, values in emptiness of

the world, and peace in wickedness.

My son, the man of the world is blind in the way of the truth. He sees no

values in the royal way of the cross, or in humiliation. This is why he runs

away from this road of grace and avoids any form of the source of grace.

Here in the desert, I will teach you My way, the way of the truth, so that I

will save you from the man of yourself and make a great saint of you.

Before this loving lesson of true love, I will allow Saint Cecilia to lead you to

a spiritual Renewal of your Total Dedication to Me as you did in this Desert

three years ago. Prepare by 12.00midnight this night. I will allow you to do

this before any lesson, so that you will enjoy My peace. Record the event

well, for it shall be useful for My people from generation to generation.

So, I bless you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Spirit. Amen

Immediately, the vision passed.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...)

(The Consolation and Adoration Prayers: Intention: For the hastening of

the Reign of Glory on Earth)





9TH MARCH 2003 (6.00pm)




As I was saying the Angelus, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ

who hung alive on the Cross. As I was looking cloud came down and

covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of

Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“My son, happy to see your soul renewed. Now, come and enjoy My lesson

because I am opening a new page of teaching for My lovers. Barnabas,

after this desert training, you will begin to gather from My messages and

from the Holy inspiration you receive from Me, the daily Agonizing voice of

Love, which will cover a period of three years. Work hard to finish it and

publish it for My Lovers to have it in the nearest future. I will help you

anytime you take up this work. If the work is well done, I will build up a

holy nation through it.

My son, many men who come to Me see Me as a miracle worker, some see

Me as a provider of wealth and needs of the world. Others see Me as enemy

destroyer. In My days on earth, My Jews people see Me as a great man of

the world, the King of Jews who come to save them from their enemies.

Now, you have been consecrated to Me for nearly three years, what shall

you say about Me and My ways? Do you think I come to make you great

man of the earth? Do you think I come to destroy your enemy and free you

from persecution? No, I called you for you to be crushed, for you to be

trampled underfoot, for you to be nurtured, and for you to be purified, so

that I will save you from the man of yourself.

Unless a seed falls on the ground, bathed with the rain and the sun, then

decay, the seed cannot overcome its coat for new life. O! Like gold in the

furnace of purification, My lovers will be purified in the furnace of

humiliation. They shall be called fools for My sake because the world did not

know Me.

Men of the world will reject them and persecute them for not belonging to

the world. Many of My lovers shall be martyred at the cost of truth. The

world will mock them and call them ‘man of suffering’. O! My true lovers will

gain nothing of the world because the world will succeed in taking away

from them, anything that belongs to her. They shall lose all honour of men.

They shall lose all praises of men. But in the end, they will gain all in a

hundred folds. I will raise them from dust and give them seat in My


O! Who will endure the pain of purification and follow the way of the truth

till the end? He shall be the one who leave everything and follow Me with

love and sincerity of heart. Woe to you selfish friends of Mine who long for

honour, positions, wealth, authorities and powers of this world, the man of

yourself will defeat you. And you will have no place in the home of peace. I

say to you all, come and learn from Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ,

Who loves you. So, I bless you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Immediately, the vision passed.



10TH MARCH 2003 (3.00pm)



During this hour, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who

appeared to me and said:

“My son, I come to speak to you about the three enemies that are fighting

your true living being. The enemies are THE SELF, THE WORLD AND

SATAN. These are the real enemies who swear to destroy the true man of


O, I can hear the bitter conversation of the self, the world, and the Satan

against your true living being, your soul. I can hear the self, saying to your

soul, ‘I will destroy you. I will drag you to hell’. And your soul, your true

living being replying, ‘I will nurture you. I will purify you. I will drag you to


At the same time, the world is saying to your soul, ‘I will persecute you. I

will make you my own.’ And your soul replying: ‘I will conquer you. I am

not of you but of Heaven.’ Then Satan put in at the same time saying to the

soul, ‘I will attack you with the self and the world. I will condemn you to

Hell.’ The soul replied, ‘my Master had conquered you.

I in turn will conquer you.’

Son, this is real a combat between these three enemies and the soul. I can

see the suffering of your true living being. I can see his agony. Help him o

man. Defend him in this great battle. I say, defend your soul against your

self, against the world, and against Satan. Save yourself from the man of

your self. The fire of Hell is terrible! I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, the

Master of your soul. (Silence.)

Barnabas, pray. I bless you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and

of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Immediately, the vision passed.



11TH MARCH 2003 (12.30am)




In my prayer during this hour I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ

hanging alive on the Cross bleeding, within a short time, cloud came down

and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Holy Agonizing

Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

“My son, I can see that you are nearer to your true living being, your soul. I

can see the peace of your soul who had enjoyed the sweetness of My

words. Keep the holy inspirations I installed in you and remain closer to

your true living being. You will enjoy My peace always. Son, can you see

sweetness in the bitterness of My way?

I answered, Lord, my love for you turn the bitterness into sweetness.

“You answered well”, said the Lord, “For those who love, there is sweetness

in the bitterness. I am the Master of peace, who reward My beloved

children with the peace and joy of the soul, which the world cannot give.

What a happiness to the soul when a lover suffers for the love. Such a soul

enjoys the greatest sweetness of love.

Smile, o loving souls who suffer dryness for the sake of love, the love is

coming to satisfy you. Smile, o loving souls who are pierced for the sake of

love, the love is coming to heal you. Smile, O wounded souls, O loving souls

who are crushed for the sake of love, lift up your head from agony and see

the victory Lover coming to you with His reward of eternal joy. Wake up,

wake up, come and embrace love. (Silence.)

Son, what a suffering of the world to compare with My loving kiss, which I

will pay you for all you have done for Me in the end? What a happiness to

embrace this heart of love that longs to embrace you?

Son, I am waiting for you. I am waiting for you to embrace My Heart, which

had suffered much for you. I am waiting to have your kiss of victory,

struggle and conquer, for I have conquered the world.

I bless you and the two victim souls you present before Me, with the seal of

true love, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Peace be with you.

Immediately, the vision passed.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...)

(The Stations of the Cross: Intention: For the Release of souls in Purgatory

and for the Conversion of hardened sinners)





11TH MARCH 2003 (12noon)



At this hour after my Angelus, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Jesus

Christ in the cloud, descending from Heaven. He then said:

“My son it is time for you to go and meet with the world again. Take hold of

the lessons I gave you in this desert. See, it is time to face the persecution

of the blind world. Do not miss the grace of any minutes of your days. So, I

plead with you again, surrender to every cross. Arrange the messages and

gifts of your Bishop and package it well. These shall be two packages. One

will contain the Rose of the perfect purity, the agonizing Crucifix, seven

barges of My Precious Blood and Chaplet of My Precious Blood. The other

will contain the full messages as I have given you, the message of the seal

and the additional messages as I have told you to combine and arrange for

the world and finally the message of the Rose of Perfect Purity and the

Golden Peace combined.

Do this in the order I told you and forget the human reasoning. This is a

precious document for My Church, prepare it well. My Mother will give you a

letter to the Bishop before you are ready to go. I will give a sign.

Remember you and your brother Benjamin and Josephat are sent. I will be

with you, but you must have confidence and stand your ground.

When you return, prepare the prayer of the renewal of your consecration

and send it along with these messages to the Bishop I choose for this work.

Tell My people to go and prepare My Feast in the Land My Bishop gave

before it is too late. If you miss the time, you may miss the Feast.

Barnabas, in this Age of Darkness, I cry to My Apostles, the apostles of the

last time to go into the field of evangelization and gather My Little Lilies for

Me, for My Glorious Reign. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you

to save you from the man of yourself.

Receive My blessing. (He raised His right Hand and prayed in silence for a

while and finally said): I bless you, in the Name of the Father, and of the

Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Immediately, the whole vision passed.



28TH MARCH 2003(2.00 am)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision, Our Lady who came with

three Cherubim of God. She smiles and said:

“I am happy to see the effort of my poor children in the spreading of this

devotion. I am interceding for you all. The harvest will be a large one.

Greeting to my little children at Singapore who have devoted their lives for

the spreading of this holy devotion. They have lifted my tired hand. With

my lifted hand I will obtain many graces for them.

Greeting to all who had laboured much for the production of the Rose of the

Perfect Purity and the Agonizing Crucifix. Their reward is great. My Jesus

has blessed them.

Greeting to you all little lovers of Christ who are suffering persecution in the

field of evangelization, the love of your Saviour will care for you.

Greeting to you, all who are helping in building up my grotto at Olo, my

happiness will obtain for you many favour from God. O I will like the grotto

to be dedicated to me on the 13th of May next year. But my children have

not done anything in the project of my Son Jesus toward the Church

building and the Land of Adoration.

O my children make Jesus happy and have true rest in Him. Remember that

my happiness lies on my Son’s happiness.

Now Barnabas, how did you enjoy your desert training?” I answered,

‘Mother the experience was sweet and enjoying. And I am happier now to

see that you are happy’

Our Lady continued: “Yes, I am happy. You and my children are making me

happy. O I can even see the brightness of your poor soul. Indeed, Jesus has

done you good. Remain in this light of true peace.

I will give you the letter to your Bishop by early morning of this coming

Sunday. You are to attach it to the full messages, enclose a duplicate of it

in an envelope, and put it in the same package of the messages. Do this in

the order I have told you. I have seen the box you have done. You need a

portable box, but if one of your box can contain your materials, I will obtain

pardon for you. If not, you need a portable box for the flower and Crucifix.

Learn always to follow the little direction of God. You will have you

heart at rest.

When you meet with your Bishop, present the gift telling him that these are

the material consist of the devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Christ. And that these gifts are for him and the Church. If he ask you who

send you, tell him, The Agonizing Jesus Christ and His Mother’. Then stand

your ground and answer the questions he may ask you. If in the end, he

reject these gifts, bring them home quietly and keep them safe. He will

soon look for them. What you will do then is to get another duplicate of my

message and post to him by mail. I promise that before the message

reaches him, Jesus will give him a sign and I will speak to him.

By this, you have done your work. What remain is Ours and your prayers.

Take away your human reasoning and carry this message like little children

who know nothing. Your nothingness will yield existence.

Finally, I call on all my children to make haste in preparation for the coming

Reparation program. Do everything in time before it is too late. Pray for the

success of the program. Pray for peace. I am Mary, the Mother of the

Agonizing Jesus Christ. Remain in peace from Heaven Bye,”

Immediately the vision passed.



30TH MARCH, 2003 (2.30 am)



As I was praying during this hour, I saw Our Lady coming down from the

cloud with numerous Cherubim of God, too many to be counted. She held

white and red Rose flower in her right hand. She came closer and calmly


“Barnabas, pray and never give up. I come to give you a Letter to (your)

Bishop(S). Record this message as I am giving it to you. I will speak to him

(them) as if he (they)is/are physically present here, though; I have called

his (their) spirit to hear the begging voice of the Mother. (Silence)

To you the High Priest of my Beloved Son, I turn towards you. Before you I

stand; looking at you to wipe my tears of sorrow. I am the Flower of Purity,

the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

O! Priest of my Beloved Son, I am the Sorrowful Mother who obtained this

favour from my Son. I mean the favour of reawakening the devotion to the

Most Precious Blood of my Son, Jesus Christ. I am the Mother, who

obtained the Rose of Perfect Purity with my tears for the purity of world. I

am the Queen who has planned to gather the Little Lilies of Christ for

Heaven through this devotion of my Son’s Blood.

O! My appeal is; may this sorrowful tears of mine that obtained mercy from

God, obtain favour from the heart of man for the good of the world. May

this voice that has won the Heart of God, touch the heart of man for the

good of the world.

Priest of my Beloved Son, I am the Mother, who had helped you much.

Remember the past; remember the present, I will still do more in the

future. I am the one who pleaded with my Son to set you up in your

position for the good of your soul and that of the mankind in general.

Here, you are in this Diocese for the same mission of saving souls. You

have come to meet this devotion and many other messages. O! I pity you,

see how much you suffer. See how much trouble you receive. Be

courageous my son. Be courageous Priest of my Beloved Son.

My motherly advice is; “welcome all who claim to be God’s messengers.”

Allow them to reveal what they are, so that you can harvest the good ones

at the proper time and do away with the weeds. Everything that comes

from God will last, whereas that of the world will end with time. Christ’s

Blood is infinite in value; His devotion is infinite as well.

See, you will suffer much and even battle with the Divine if you decide to

reject all the messages and rebuke the messengers, since there are

chances for you to reject and rebuke the ones that come from God.

My son, Priest of my Beloved Son, what have you seen and what have you

heard about the devotion to the Precious Blood of my Son? My motherly

word to you is, study the messages and taste the sweetness of my work. In

the messages, you will see the revelation about the Time and the days of

the Beast; the Call of Repentance, and of Reparation; the Call to Holiness

and the Royal Way of the Cross; the Agony of my Son over the Church and

the whole world at large. The gifts of renewal, which include: the Rose of

Perfect Purity, the messages of the Golden Mind of Peace, and the

Consecration to my Son’s Precious Blood.

Knowing fully that for the living human being, there are mysteries, in the

mystical experience. I advice you to take hold of this devotion and direct

the devotees with love and authority given to you. The love will help you to

see the good fruits they bear and the urgent need to spread the devotion,

while the authority will help you to fashion them well.

I plead with you not to use a partial knowledge of this devotion to prevent

souls from returning to God through this devotion. What shall you pay to

save a soul? See I have paid my tears and my sorrows to obtain this

devotion for mankind. You can see many souls that are returning to God.

May no one prevent them so that your Mother will not cry again.

Test the spirit and the messages of this devotion with the light of obedience

and of purity. Question whatever you do not understand with pure mind,

the Light of God will reveal the truth.

Be certain that my Son is agonizing. He had voiced His agonizing messages

out, so that His little consolers may console Him. He is the Agonizing Jesus

Christ, Who is still suffering mystically the weight of the sins of the world.

O! He is much Agonizing because of the great loss of humanity and the

destruction that is descending to mankind; He redeemed with His Precious

Blood. All who do not understand will come to know when the Man of

Iniquity appears.

The sign I will give you to proof the authenticity of my motherly work is the

sign of the greatest miracle. This is the miracle of True Repentance; Jesus

is performing it through this devotion. See! His Little Lilies returning to Him.

The second sign is the chance of free test. Test the gift of this devotion.

Jesus promised to save. You will see my rescuing hand on you.

If you still not believe, I will give you the third sign. The sign is, put off this

fire enkindled by God, and know if you can extinguish it. The fire enkindled

by God, who is man to extinguish it. He will suffer the heat of the flame and

waste his time and energy in vain. O man, you will be surprised to see the

flame you think that you have subdued flaming up to the highest. This shall

be so, because it is God, Who enkindled it. This is the Fire of Renewal. It is

the hope of the world in this Dark Age.

My son, Priest of my Beloved Son, do not trouble your soul. Jesus promises

to renew the face of the earth through the devotion to His Precious Blood.

Look and you will see.

I am the Flower of Purity, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

May the peace from Heaven remain with you and in your Diocese. So I

leave you”

Immediately, the whole vision passed, and the room was filled with the

perfume of the Rose flower.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...)

(The Anguished Appeals - 1st to 4th Appeal prayers: Intention: For the Pope

and for the needs of the Church)



10TH JUNE 2003(11.00pm)




In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint of God who came

with seven little Angels. The Saint came closer and gently said:

“Happy to see you in prayer in this days of darkness. I pray that the grace

of God will be with you always. I am your Daughter, Cecilia. God sent me


through the appeal of my Queen, Mary, the Mother of God, to give few

lessons to the little Lilies of Christ who have answered the call of the choir.

I have many things to teach the Voice of the Little Lilies of Christ, but I will

do this little by little, so that the foundation of your faith will be laid on the

rock that cannot be shaken.

Today, I come to inform you that the sole aim of Heaven to appeal for this

Choir; they called the Voice of the Little Lilies is simply to restore what have

been lost, so that the number of the saints will increase again.

Friends of the living God, by restoration, I mean restoration of true worship.

By restoration, I mean restoration of the golden mind of peace, which is the

perfect meditation. By restoration, I mean restoration of holiness. This

means that people will be inspired and moved by the love of God. By

restoration, I mean restoration of true faith, which the Leaders of the Holy

Roman Catholic Church are losing now by borrowing the faith and moral of

the false churches.

You can see with your own eyes how the Church has been enveloped with

the emptiness of the false churches. See how the choruses and disco, with

their Lucifieric dancing, are replacing the gentle adoration of the Holy Mass.

The Holy Church of Christ is suffering the losing of true worship. See the

Priests of Christ are more interesting in charging the worshippers with

empty choruses than filling their emptiness with divine inspiration about

Heaven. O they want to please man not God. That was why they have gone

as far as keeping aside the hymns of the Holy Church. And have taken up

the empty choruses of the false churches.

Children of the beloved, the voice of Heaven cries; “woe to those leaders of

the Church who grow rich in the sin of the people, they suppose to take

care of. They will suffer more terrible than the sinners. See, those leaders

want money. They like to motivate people with the empty music, so that

the sacrifice will be large. Christ says; “you are teaching My people to be

proud. You have taken away their humility. You are giving them their

reward on earth. See! they will return empty handed, because you want to

grow rich in their ignorance and in their sin. I will hold you responsible for

this; you leaders of Mine.”

Voice of the Little Lilies, I urge you to pray for your leaders. I mean the

leaders of the Holy Church, pray for the restoration of what had been lost.

Pray that God will use you to carry out His holy plan. Offer God yourself as

a living sacrifice. Be holy and simple.

Tomorrow, I will come again. I pray Christ to bless you. Bye.

Immediately the vision passed, then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ

who calmly said: “Children accept this call of love to be among the choirs I

called the Voice of the Little Lilies. My plan is to restore the hymns, and

holiness of life among My people, if you respond to My appeal, I will see for

it that this choir will penetrate every parish of the world in My Holy

Church. The true worship will be restored and many lost sheep will come

back. Children, the number of saints will increase, starting from you. With

this, the world will know that My Kingdom of Peace is in their midst. So I

bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Immediately the vision passed.



11TH JUNE 2003 (11.00 pm)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint of God who

appeared to me holding a Rose Flower on her hand. The Saint said:

“Little children of the Beloved, holiness of life is the sweetness of your

voice. Jesus sent me to tell you that you must be holy as you answer this

call of love. The Lord said that your holiness is the sweetness of your

voices. I am your daughter Cecilia.

Friends of Christ, the relationship between you and your Christ lies on the

level of love you have for God. This love reveals your state of life. Those

who love much have the purity of mind and body. They are in union with

God. This is the state of holiness of life.

The holiness of life is the flower of love the lovers offer to God. O how

beautiful it is for the King of kings to hear the song of His Little Lilies at the

valley when the wind is blowing. Oh how sweet says the God of Host to

hear the gentle voice of My Little flowers in the morning when the sun is

rising.” Yes, dear friends of Christ, it pleases God to hear the gentle voice of

His little flowers. Our Lord says flower, which signifies purity or holiness.

The purity of the flower is revealed by the beauty of its petals. The beauty

of its petals is what attracts the loving admire of the flower. This admiration

yields love. That is why it pleases God and even the creatures to have

beautiful flowers around them.

Little Cherubim and the Choir s of heaven are the little flowers of God. Their

voices please God owing to their purity and simplicity. On the other hand,

Lucifer who was once the choir master of the choirs of Heaven and his fallen

angels are now the thorns of the forbidden forest. Though they still have

the voice like the holy Angels of God, their voices do not please God any

longer. Their voices are like the thorn piercing the Heart of God.

The same thing happens in this world when the choirs that had allow

themselves to be possessed by the spirit of the fallen angels, sings. Their

voices sound like a cracking gong before God. O they not only mock God,

but also pierce the Heart that loves much. This is what Lucifer want. He is

making all effort to posses the choirs so that your God will be greatly

offended in the world and His Church in particular.

Friend of Christ, know you today that the purity of the choirs is of high

important as that of the priest who celebrate the Mass; so that your God

will be highly pleased. Think how it pleases you to hear the voice of the one

you love in your sorrowful moment. Other people may sing to you to

console you, and your sorrow will remain the same. Not until

you hear the voice of the one you love coming from afar will your mind

begin to free from sorrow. When she sing to you, you will smile and the

sorrowful face will be brightened.

The same thing happens to God when He hears the voice of this little

flowers coming up to Him amidst the voices of the wicked world who

persecute Him. He will not only smile; but will be lifted up with joy in His


Friends of Christ, holiness of life is the sweetness of your voices. It is like

holy incense before the altar of God. I say, just like the smoke of sacrifice

that is pleasing to God rise up to Heaven, the voices of the little flowers of

Christ rise up to God. I hope the voices of the little lilies of Christ will rise

up to God now and forever. Amen.

So you must answer the call of purity. Even if all the rest of the devotees of

the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ did not abide by the appeal of holiness.

Those of you who answer this call must be natural and holy. I say the voice

of the little lilies must be natural and holy. I am Cecilia whom God has

appointed to be incharge of you. As your patroness, imitate me who

followed the way of Christ on earth. I suffered the temptation of the flesh

like you, yet I remain natural, virgin and pure. Though came from a rich

family and a respected citizen, I counted all as nothing to marry Jesus who

died for love of me. Friends of Christ, do you know that Jesus crown my

body with the grace of incorruption. My body did not decay for years. This is

how Jesus rewards those that are chaste and pure.

See! Jesus has given you the Rose of Perfect Purity. And He promises the

grace of incorruptibility of the body for those who will keep the Rose pure

by their way of life. Heaven is looking at you to see what the Rose will be.

Friends of Christ, do you know you can do what I did and obtain what I

obtained from Christ? It is not hard, it is just a matter of decision. Christ

had nailed our old man on the cross. He had risen so that we will rise above

ourselves, above the world, and above Satan. Come forward! Leave those

things that are worrying you. Come and marry Christ. The love of God will

satisfy the desire of your heart. He has done it to me, He will surely do the

same to you.

Friends of Christ, Jesus needs your holiness of life. He wants you to be

natural and holy. He wants you to be simple and loving. My hope is that

even if the rest of devotees of the Precious Blood of Christ do not obtain the

grace of incorruption, my little choirs, the voice of the; little lilies of Christ

will obtain it. May my hope come true.

May all who are not willing to change leave the voice of the little lilies of

Christ! Leave before you corrupt the little ones! Heaven will not take it easy

with anyone who will lay a bad example to the little choirs of Christ. Such

person will regret bitterly. My advice today is; learn to grow always in the

love of God. Do not stick permanently on the little you know. Try to know

more and grow in love. Fight your weakness with all your strength

especially by the virtue of humility. Do not rest! You have no excuse if you

are defeated by your weakness. I pray Jesus to help you with His grace.

May He bless you. Bye.”

Immediately the vision passed. Then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ

who calmly said: “I am looking at you My little lilies to see what you will be.

How happy I am to hear the voice of My chaste and pure ones singing to

Me. O it sound to Me like the voice of My heavenly Choirs who remain

faithful to Me. I will reward them with love, all who answer My call of

holiness. They will be in My Heart always.

So I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

Spirit. Amen.

Immediately the vision passed.



21ST JUNE 2003 (11.00 pm)




In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint of God who came

with seven little Cherubim. The Saint of God calmly said:

“Gather o little lovers of Christ and hear my message of peace. I am your

daughter Cecilia. Today, I come to give you a message why many

musicians are posses by the spirit of darkness, I mean the angels of Lucifer.

So that you will be free and dwell in the love of God.

Friends of Christ, you know that Lucifer was once the chief and commander

of the Heavenly Armies. He was also the choirmaster of the nine choirs of

Heaven. But a time came when he felt too proud of himself and began to

put himself in the same equality with God. He takes advantage of his

position and gathers for himself a large number of warriors to fight God.

This is what pride had done to him. God defeated Lucifer with the obedience

of Angel Michael. Lucifer was cast down to the world and to the sea with his

angels. They are now moving around the world, deceiving men and

dragging many souls to hell, where God prepared his everlasting home.

The spirit of Lucifer is moving around the world to posses all who reject the

spirit of the risen Christ. They are those who live in sins of pride and of


Friends of Christ, let us talk on the side of the musicians. Lucifer is still a

musician. He is the father of all the evil music in the world. When I say evil

music, I mean those music that motivate the self for pleasure and for sin.

Again I mean those music that activate man for war and for evil. This kind

of music sticks only to the brain for pleasure and or for sex. It is never a

food of the soul for life everlasting.

Listen o friends of Christ and know this; Lucifer and his angels love music.

They are always near the musicians to make them pride and disobedience.

He will do this by making the singers feel so proud of their voices and of

their self. The Lucifer will succeed in taking away the fear of God from

them, and make them worship their voices and their selves. Instead of

singing to please God and praise Him; the singers will sing to please man

and elevate themselves. This is the work of Lucifer the master of pride and


Anyone who allows himself to be swallowed with pride and disobedience will

sure be possessed by demon. I urge the Voice of the Little Lilies of Christ to

be humble and obedient to God’s law. The spirit of light will always lead you

to God’s love. And you will be His holy ones.

Friends of Christ, do not allow to be carried away by the self when the

melody of the song stick your senses, rather may it reflect back to your

soul. So that you will be elevated by the spirit of true love, for the greater

glory of God. Otherwise the self will elevate you for pride and for lust. O

whenever you come to sing to God, be sure of whom you are singing to.

Lucifer, in these days of darkness is making effort to see that the honour

due to God is given to man.

The choirs are now more interesting on how people will see them, rather

than how God will see them. They will be satisfied if people are satisfied.

Whether God is satisfied or not, is not their concern. This is how the spirit

of error entered their midst to inspire based on flesh and worldly

entertainment. Truly, the world is in dark, and the power of true reasoning

has gone. Many have lost the sense of value. Yes, when they hear this kind

of erotic music, they jump up in praise of the singers. And your God will be

in agony for lost of soul. Because many of these kinds of songs were

disguised with the name of the Lord, they have found their way in the holy

worship of the Catholic Church. I mean the Mass and other devotional


People want them because they want to be active in the flesh, but dead in

the spirit. Priests and leaders of the holy Church want them because they

want to charge people for plenty donation for the building of self and

structures; but kill of the spiritual life and the death of the soul. See! Many

priests of these days will be satisfied if the congregation dance well and

jump up in praise of self and wealth, all in the Holy Mass, whether God is

please or not is not their concerning. This is how the spirit of darkness rules

the life of many especially the musicians.

Be careful and free your self from pride and disobedience, so that the spirit

of darkness will not rule your life. Do not envy your brothers. Be satisfied

on what God has given you. O be humble to stay in the position you fit in.

Hear this my brothers and sisters; “Do not make yourself what you are

not,” I beg you. God will bless all who learn the value of hidden life full of

love and of service. They will surely win the race. O what the proud man is

trying to make himself in the world, will the humble man seize in secret.

The rest, which the disobedient man is looking for, is what the obedient

man finds in service.

The glory and honour, which the pompous man, is looking; is what the

hidden man found. Blessed be the name of the Lord who wants to restore

the dignity of His holy music in the world through His little lilies may the

voice of the little lilies rise and answer the Lord. Jesus, bless them whom

you chose. Amen. Bye.

Immediately, the vision passed. Then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ

who said: “I will bless them who respond to My appeal. All who work hard

for the restoration of what had been lost will be rewarded greatly. My

blessing will always be with them. Children, you are My hope of restoration.

So receive My blessing, I bless in the Name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Immediately, the vision passed.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...)

(Anguished Appeals – 5th to 7th Appeal Prayers and the Crown of Thorns

Prayer: Intention: For the Atonement of the sins committed against the

Precious Blood)





24TH JUNE 2003 (11.00 pm)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint of God who came

alone. Raising an instrument of music I do not know, the Saint said:

“Listen my friend: ‘they are many songs in the world but not all of them

pleases God. They are many instruments of music but not all is necessary

for worship.’ You should know these things and keep them in your hearts


I am your daughter Cecilia.

Today I come to direct your mind on the true songs of worship. When I say

worship, I mean adoration, when I say adoration, I mean praise and

thanksgiving. Friends of Christ, for a song to be acceptable to God, it must

be able to take a soul to God, or it can instruct man to hold firm his faith in

God or repent of his evil way; and or it may have capacity of consoling the

sorrowful Heart and gives hope to the despairing soul. If not, it is a food for


When you compose songs, look on these instruction and know if you are

pleasing God. Go on if yes; but do otherwise if no.

Barnabas, when I taught you the atonement prayer with the Crown of

Thorns, you see me singing with the celestial Choirs of Heaven. When you

hear the songs ‘I am all alone,’ I know that the tone of the Choirs of

Heaven struck your senses and carry-up the soul and you wept for the love

of the One you love who is all alone and abandoned. This is a pure example

of a song that is acceptable to God. Sure, if you sing this song well, many

sinners who hear it will repent of their sin.

Friends of Christ, to sing well you must unite your soul and your senses, so

as to carry the souls and the senses of others along with you. Voices alone

has no power to lift other souls to God. Your voices must unite with the

inner power of your soul, which is govern with true love so as to be able to

lift other souls to God or to console the Agonizing Heart.

Think how the sorrowful cry of your Mother who loss a Precious thing will

move you to cry as well. She may be weeping silently but bitterly. And you

will see the painful voice striking your senses and causing you to weep from

the heart. The same thing does not happen when you hear empty voice of

cry like that of some children and thieves. Their voice may be (sounding)

loud, but it does not comes from the heart. This simple illustration will show

you that voice alone has no capacity of lifting a soul to God. It must unite

with the soul, which govern with the power of true love.

In the coming month of July, Jesus will allow you to learn more from the

mysteries of true love. That will help you to grow. O you can see now that if

you allow yourself to be deceived by your voice you will be an empty vessel

who is satisfying the flesh, but not the soul. May this lesson guide you. If

you allow your soul to be nurtured with the lessons of the song, God will

create a new heart in you and you will grow in love. O, if the Christian

musician will learn all these lessons, the world will change in a twinkling of

an eye. But see; what you hear is the empty voice of the mouth, which

does not go with the soul. That is why the world is worse than what it was.

You may ask, how can the world know that the voice does not come from

the heart? The mouth knows the language of the mouth; and the soul

knows the language of the soul. That is enough to know.

Friends of Christ, I have given you the first part of my lesson, the second

remains. I have spoken of this second part earlier. I am going to stress it

again. Know you again that the power of your voices lies on the level of

your holiness. Whenever holy man speaks, power flow, unlike the wicked

man whose voices and words worth not. The simple reason why the voice of

the Celestial Choirs of Heaven is ranking above other voices is owing to

their simplicity and holiness. Yes, Lucifer is still singing at the underworld,

the high life music as you know it is still disturbing the air; the disco music

is still finding their way to the holy worship of God. All these music are

nothing but chaff to the man of the spirit. They are disturbing noise before

the Lord Almighty.

Friends of the living God, fight to be holy. It is a fight because you have

many enemies of the holiness. But you can overcome the enemies through

your will power assisted with the grace of God. I believe that if you will it

and struggle to conquer, God will certainly assist you with His grace. I

willed it and struggled, and He assisted me, and I conquered. He will do the

same to you. I pray Him to bless you. Bye.

Immediately the vision passed. Then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ

who gently said:

“My little lilies, offer Me you heart as you lifted up your soul in singing. I will

draw all men to Me through you. So I bless you in the Name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Immediately, the vision passed.



28TH JUNE 2003 (11.00 pm)



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint of God who calmly

said to me:

“Barnabas, I come to give my admonition to the Voice of the Little Lilies.

This shall be the last message for the time. I will allow you to prepare for

the coming mouth of July.

Listen O Little Lilies of Christ, a person answers a call, and something must

have motivated Him to do so. When you hear this call, what is that which

motivated you to join the Voice of the Little Lilies? Is it to show the world

that you have a beautiful voice? Is it to present yourself for the world to

admire? Is it to deceive the little flock of God? What then? (Silence.)

Friends of Christ, may it be a means of saving your soul. Listen again, many

shall be used and abandoned on the last day. I say many tougues that sing

the praise of God on earth will still taste the bitterness of the fire of hell.

This will be simple because they praise the Lord with mouth; but their heart

is far from God. They sing of God’s holiness, they are still living in sin. They

sing of God’s love; they still hate one another. They sing of God’s greatness

yet, they serve demon. How can God save them? They are food for hell.

Woe to those mouths who caused Satan on earth and go to him on the last

day, such mouth will regret bitterly. Woe to those who show others the way

to Heaven, but they are rejected. How painful their soul will suffer, when

they see those people they show the way, rejoicing in the Kingdom of God,

while they are tormenting with fire. They will cause their mouth that

proclaim God’s message and the day they were consecrated to God. All who

have ears should hear and run for their life, because the fire is terrible. I

am not discouraging you. I want you to know that only those who struggled

till the end shall be save. Truly the way is hard. But let the love of God

guide you way home and make it smooth for you. May Jesus bless you all.


Immediately the vision passed. Then appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ

who calmly said:

“Children I do not want any of you to live like Judas Iscariot who inspite of

all My love, still lose the race. You know I love you, I like you to live with

Me in the end. I hope I will not miss you. Hear the advice of Saint Cecilia

and ask for the grace of true love by means of simple heart. I will help you

to conquer. So I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Immediately, the vision passed.



1ST JULY, 2003 (9.00 pm)



Today being the first day of the month of July as I was praying, I had a

vision Our Lord Who hung bleeding on the Cross. He calmly said:

“Peace! Peace be with you... In these days of darkness, may the peace of

My love be with you to be the light of your soul. I am the Agonizing Jesus

Christ Who purchased you with My (Precious) Blood.

Barnabas, I welcome you and all men in this great month of July, in which I

have invited all men to adore My Precious Blood. In this month, I will reveal

little to you on the mysteries of My Precious Blood. I will do this after I have

given you some lessons on love through My Saints. The lessons on Love

shall be titled THE FRIENDS OF LOVE. Be ready to welcome the messengers

I will send to you. Their words are Mine.

See, I am preparing your hearts to love, so that the mysteries of Love will

be unfolded to you. You can see that I spoke little about My Precious Blood

since I called you to spread the devotion to my precious blood.

This is because you have not loved much to understand the mysteries of

Love. After these lessons on love and seeing that you have assimilated the

words; I will begin to reveal little by little the mysteries of My Blood, which

I called you to adore and make known to the world.

I say to you again peace be with you all who knelt before Me to adore My

Blood in this month. Learn and grow in My love. So I bless you in the Name

of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Immediately the vision passed.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...)

(The Chaplet of Renewal/Litany of the Holy Spirit: Intention: For our

personal needs)



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