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In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw the Holy Face in the cloud. The Sacred Head was crowned with Thorns, while blood constantly flowed out. He looked pitifully at us and said:

“My children, hear this word of Mine and keep it in your heart. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ; I love you all.

My children, the coming Tribulation is terrible and fearful. Pray much, I say, pray much, pray harder, pray that the hour will not begin during the rainy season, because there will not be any natural heat if it comes during the rainy season. My children, pray always. Offer all your prayers for the salvation of men. How terrible she will suffer! The woman in labour. This coming hour is so terrible and fearful. Who will survive it”?

My loving children, pray that this hour will be short, prepare yourselves with holy love. Show mercy to people and preach My words to them. Live a completely holy life and inform others to change their lives, clothe yourselves with humility, for your humility will help you in this great battle.

My children, many will be lost forever, many will be lost forever. Where are the few? I am still looking for them. If men will hear, let them hear these words and pray. Pray and make constant adoration. Attend Holy Mass, My loving children. Attend Holy Mass now. The time is coming when men will look for a Holy Mass as worthy as this one you hear now, and find none. Never let a day pass without receiving Holy Communion. Drink My Precious Blood and be filled with power. Tomorrow I will teach you a prayer through My Angel, a prayer of love and mercy.

My children, you will hear what many will speak, and your faith will grow weak.

Happy are all who abide in My Most Precious Blood; the coming Chastisement will not affect them. Pray that you will be able to complete this novena fully. Your enemy will fight you and hinder you from fulfilling it. Remember My warnings and keep them.

I am happy with your zeal and love. I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed, I saw the vision of what looked like the great day of destruction. Then I shivered and woke up.





As I was praying in reparation during this hour, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross. He suffered the anguish and grief, pains and sorrow of crucifixion. Precious Blood and sweat were constantly coming out from all the Wounds of His Sacred Body. Our Lord kept looking for someone to console Him.

After sometime, cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said to me:

“Barnabas, arise! See! The days are numbered. The evil ones have already gained ground. See, the people of this earth, My own people, are selling themselves as slaves to the Evil One. Be it known to you that you are living in the reign of the Antichrist. Happy are you all who will endure till the end. They will be saved.

Barnabas, purify yourself with fasting and prayer, with silence and holy meditation of My Agonizing Life. I will visit you privately, so as to reveal to you the plan of the Evil One and admonish you and your people on how to live so as to overcome these evil days.

Remember My words to you; be humble and obedient always. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ”.

Immediately, the vision passed.





In our novena prayer, during this hour, I saw the vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ lying prostrate on a rock. I recognized that place as the Rock of Gethsemane I had seen in past visions. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared, before the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

“My children, in the days of the coming rebellion, you will experience total abandonment. You will know what it means to be left alone. Those coming days are the hours of darkness. My Father permits those days to come so that the number of Martyrs will be completed. I am Jesus Christ, the Father and Hope of all the Martyrs. The blood of Martyrs is the pride of My Father against the enemy of My Holy Cross. My Father boasts about them. They are His joy and His inheritance.

Children, until the number of Martyrs is completed, the coming rebellion will not stop. Know that the coming persecution will be greater than what the early Martyrs suffered. You will experience total abandonment. In those days, the Divine consolation will be withdrawn from you. You will feel the gap of My loving Presence. This is the greatest hour of dryness and abandonment. Only the Grace of the Seal, the Sanctifying Grace of love, will sustain those who will survive.

Children, I have told you this before, I am reminding you again: “ Woe to those who put their trust in man, they shall be disappointed and abandoned.” In these coming days of Great Rebellion, your own eyes will see a large number of the faithful turning away from their faith. I say to you, My children that many mighty men in faith now will fall and fight against the light. Many, who teach you now, will join the Evil Beast to persecute you. The fallen heroes will make your hidden camps known to the Evil One. There will be no place for you to hide in those coming days of great terror. You will cry to your God and receive no answer. As you lift your voice up to your God, fear, tiredness and hopelessness will weigh you down. You will seek for consolation from your brothers in faith and receive a bitter sword of abandonment.

Children, the coming Rebellion is so terrifying. Many of your leaders now, who will later fall and join the Evil Beast, will cut off your heads and suck your blood in the days of great massacre. They will see that you are tested well to abandon your faith. Many of you will give up their faith because they lack the grace of My Seal. But those who hold out their faith till the end, shall be saved.

Children, this is what made Me to offer you the Rose of Perfect Purity. Up till now, your eyes are not open to see the great favour. I did not see you rejoice for receiving this precious gift. It seems that the dark world blinded your mind and eyes. See how you will take this gift with less concern, as you did with the Agonizing Cross. I am looking to see My Apostles who will take up this work and help to offer the world what Heaven has offered them. I will reward them with an ever-bright Rose on the last day. I will rescue fourteen souls of their lineage from the torturing fire of Purgatory. They will not lack Sanctifying Grace in their lifetime. They console Me now; I will console them.

Children, this Rose will be your consolation during the hour of persecution. Your joy is the hope of your reward. This Rose will open your eyes to see your Eternal Reward. Happy are all who keep their Roses pure. During those days, they will not be totally dried up. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who experienced what it meant to be all alone.

So, I bless you with the Sanctifying Grace of Seal, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Gather the grace and remain in peace.”

Immediately, the vision passed.

(Meditation - 15 Minutes on Messages).





During our novena prayer with Mass, Consolation, Reparation and Adoration Prayers, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ tied to the pillar. The Jewish soldiers were beating Him. They beat Him and inflicted many wounds on His Body. Our Lord wept bitterly.

Within a short time cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ with His Hands tied together and there were numerous Wounds on His Body. Blood constantly flowed from His Head crowned with thorns, and covered His Body. The Body was covered also with the Wounds inflicted on Him by the scourging. After some time, the cloud shook, the Holy Face appeared and said:

“Honour My Precious Blood, O My loving children, and save your souls and the whole world. Make constant devotion to My Precious Blood; you will be protected from the snares of the devil.

My children, the hour of great devotion will come. The hour will be a long period of holy living in the world. For a thousand years, the power of darkness will be chained and My Precious Blood will reign forever. The great Sacrifice offered daily at the Holy Mass would praise and lift the Throne of the Eternal Father. The Sacred Body and Blood offered daily would reign forever. Pray, pray much that you will see this great period. Practise this devotion to My Precious Blood; you will reach the happy era.

Happy are those who reach the great hour of happiness; the second death has no power over them. My children, My Blood is a great weapon. Through My Precious Blood, the heavenly armies won the great battle and chased the enemy away. Fight your enemy, the evil spirits, with My Precious Blood; you will conquer them.

My Precious Blood is the circumcision of Gentiles. Through My Precious Blood, the great salvation reached all men whether Jews or Gentiles. All were baptized into one body and spirit through My Precious Blood. My Blood is the Price of salvation. Through My Precious Blood, you were brought together as members of one family. My Precious Blood paid the debt of human slavery and made men adopted sons. You are no more slaves but sons, that is why I call you My children. I say to you, honour the Price of your Redemption.

My Blood is the hope of innocent souls, only My Precious Blood will grant mercy to the unborn innocent souls. Only My Precious Blood will save them. I say to you, baptize them with My Precious Blood.

My Precious Blood is the Mercy of the Eternal Father; through My Precious Blood, mercy was granted to humanity. Now, My Precious Blood grants mercy to the world. And even in the great hour of darkness, the hour of My Father’s wrath. My Precious Blood has power to grant mercy to humanity. Call on My Precious Blood always; it calms the anger of the Eternal Father.

Children, I say to you, love Me and console Me always; pray and teach others how to pray. Honour the Precious Blood which men neglect.

Listen, My children, expose the Blessed Sacrament for thirty minutes before you start the novena; let all of you offer petition songs to Me for ten minutes. After, look at My Holy Crucifix and meditate on My Passion. Have mercy on Me. Then, offer your private intentions to Me. Before you start the novena, invite the Holy Trinity with songs.

My children, on the 26th of this month you will write out your intentions. Write the names of unrepentant sinners in your family. I will answer you according to the Divine Will. I say to you, you will give testimony when your prayer is answered. On the last day of this novena the petitions will be burnt after the holy devotion.

Children, many slept yesterday, but they are here today. I say, you welcomed those who come late, who fell asleep in My Presence and those who did not come to pray. If you can’t listen, I will stop the novena before the end of it. I say to you, this habit displeases Heaven.

My children, it is better to welcome those who heard the information late than those who miss the novena after attending it.

Bring your Holy Bible with you tomorrow. I will teach you many things. Please My children, study these messages. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. I love you. I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed, the pierced Hand appeared.

Precious Blood dropped three times on me. Then I woke up and recorded the message.





In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Lamb sitting on a throne and being adored by the heavenly beings I heard them saying: “Holy, Holy is Your Name, O Spotless Lamb of God. Adoration to You, O Sacrificial Lamb. Reign forever. Amen.

After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared a chalice. On the mouth of the chalice, was a Host radiating Divine rays. Above it appeared also the Holy Face of Jesus Christ bathed with blood. He kept silent at first and finally said:

“My children, peace be with you. Learn from Me how to console so as to be consoled. Forgive one another so as to be forgiven.

Children, what shall it cost you to save your souls? What shall you then choose in exchange for eternity? Who shall take away the crown of victory from you? Children, say Yes always to the Divine Will. Carry your crosses and follow Me. Struggle harder so as to be among those who will venerate My Adorable Face in Heaven.

Children, I called you so as to hasten the Reign of My Glory on earth. Pray hard and teach men all that I have given you. Very soon, very soon, My Glorious Reign will come. At that time all will adore My Precious Blood. Men will love one another. All men will acknowledge the meaning of My agonizing life. They will adore Me. My Holy Wounds shall be healed, and My Sacred Heart will be consoled. This is the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

Children, offer your lives to Me. Spread this devotion and hasten My kingdom on earth. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all. I want all men to be saved. Console Me.

Pray that you will understand all the messages that I will give to you from now. I have only little time with you.

Children, when the hour comes, you will understand what I mean.

Pray and never give up. I bless you all. So, I leave.”

Immediately, the vision passed.






During this hour, on Mount Carmel, Olo, we were praying in reparation when I saw in a vision, two double-edged swords crossing each other in the cloud. At their point of intersection was an arrow pointing down to the earth.

After a while, there was a great lightning and thunder, which shook the whole place. Instantly, the first vision passed. Then appeared, again, the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ weeping and totally bathed in Blood, which gushed out from the Wounds of the pierced Head.

Our Lord kept silent for a while and then said: “My son and My children, I am pleased to see a great number of My people who by this night are entering into the new millennium, watching and praying. I bless you all. Let My peace be with you all.

My Son, I come to accept your loving reparation prayer, and inform you of the great era you are living in now. Your prayers console Me much. I need more of your reparation prayers and lives of suffering. Make constant reparation for your sins and those of the whole world. My Wounds will be healed.

My son and My children, keep in mind all My warnings and admonitions to you. I am deeply troubled because the hour I foretold you would catch many people like a thief. Many are already stumbling by the wave of the hour. Who then will survive it?

My son and My children, hear it today that in these first years of this century you are about to enter, the Evil One, the Beast and his agents will make themselves known. They will manifest their power and rule over all the people of this earth for a while. They will try to force all and put men under their command. In these years, the Mark of the Beast will reign for a while. The Mark is 666. It is the central code number of the computer. It is the Dragon’s number. Be careful not to join the Beast.

My son and my children. It is in these years of this century that you will see with your eyes the great confusion in the Vatican. This will result in the flight of the Pope from the Vatican City. What I mean, My children, is that you are entering into the great Era of Confusion. Soon, the ocean of Divine Mercy will cease flowing. At that time, anything laid outside the Precious Blood will lay waste. But all who are living under the protection of My Precious Blood will have abundant grace.

Listen, My children, it is true that the Evil One, the Beast will come. But how terrible for the nation which will bring forth the Beast. Woe to that land because the anger of the Eternal Father is about to descend upon it. Very soon, these fortified cities will turn into desert.

Pray, pray much for your nation. My Mother is deeply weeping for this nation. This is the cause of her Bloody Tears. Because I love you all, My son, I am still weeping for you. Pray that this land will not give birth to any of these Beasts. Remain in faith. Follow the desert way,carry your cross and follow Me always. Even if the world rejects you. Surely, they will reject you, but I am with you. I finally confirm to you that, in the end, My Kingdom will come. Then, you will reign with Me in the midst of My Angels forever. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I bless you all.”

(Meditation - 15 Minutes on Messages).






In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ falling under the Cross. He suffered the weight of the Cross. Blood gushed from the wounds of His Sacred Head and all over the wounded Body. As He was struggling under the weight of the Cross, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, there appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. The Head was crowned with thorns and Blood constantly oozed out.

Our Lord said:

“My children, the journey of this devotion will be gradual and steady. Think of how the roots of a plant develop during the germination of a seed. Think of how small they are in the beginning and how they develop into giant roots. Think of what contributes to the plant’s survival and its steady growth. Do you know that growing plants can after some years die? Do you know that growing plants can have stunted growth? What are the causes? Meditate on what I am saying and you will understand much about this devotion. My Father is faithful in His promise. He supplies the plant with the necessary things for its growth. Even though the plant is dying and the root is decaying, My Father will continually supply all the necessary things for the plant. It is not My Father’s concern whether the plant takes the water, warmth and other nutrients He supplied. His concern is to supply them. My children, I am constantly giving you all the necessary training so that you will spiritually grow and mature. But you still remain stunted while some are decaying. Some are healthy and grow normally. Do you know that all the roots are necessary for the fast growth and health of the plant? I mean this devotion. Pray that weak and unhealthy adventitious roots will not affect the taproot.

My children, all these things pained My Heart greatly during My ministry on earth. I envisaged constant abandonment of faith in My people and how they would constantly reject their God and crucify Me daily. The pain grew worse when I saw how hard it would be for them to return back. That was why I said during My teaching: When the Son of Man comes, will He still find faith?”

I also saw the mountainous hills, and deep valleys through which My people would carry their crosses. I envisaged how many they were, who would stop on the way, because they thought the way was too hard and long; and how large the number of My people who would lose hope and fall near the mountain of Calvary, the mountain of salvation. I say to you, My children, wake up and stand firm. Very soon, very soon I will come and reward the faithful ones with blessings and happiness. All these things were what I suffered till I carried My cross of salvation to Calvary. During My falls, I remembered all these things and offered them to My Father through this prayer, as I said:

Prayer to sustain faith and remain firm.

Eternal and Loving Father, look kindly on Your only-begotten Son; see the heavy Cross prepared for Your only Son, and have mercy on Your people. I offer You all the Pains, Suffering and Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, for all Your people, who have abandoned their faith and will abandon their faith, in the mountainous hills and deep valley of this world. May they through the fall of Your Son under the Cross have the strength to rise again and stand firm in the True Faith. Through the ocean of His Precious Blood dumped under the Cross and on the streets of Jerusalem, strengthen all who are eager to do Your Will. Amen.

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, strengthen our weakened souls. Amen.

My children, say this prayer always and make it known to the whole world. Through this prayer, My Father will pour in you all the needed graces to endure till the end. All who pray it devotedly will possess the fullness of the Holy Spirit and learn to be obedient and humble.

My children, you shall not prevent anyone who comes late till the seventh day of this novena, but anyone who sleeps in My Presence, will not continue the novena or you stop it. From the seventh day of this novena, anyone who comes late or sleeps in My Presence will not participate from that time. Very soon, very soon, the great hour will come. How many will be faithfully devoted? I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, I bless you all.”

Immediately the Sacred Side appeared in the cloud. Precious Blood dropped 12 times from the pierced Side on us and stopped. Then I came back and recorded.





During our novena with Adoration Prayer, I saw a vision of the rising power of the sun; the rays of the sun first shone out. As the sun was coming out, the reflection of the rays increased. On the top of the sun stood Our Glorious Jesus Christ. He raised up His Left Hand while holding a Cross in His Right Hand. The vision developed until finally the cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ Who calmly said:

“A day is coming soon when My glory will shine like the rising sun. On that day My Precious Blood will fall on every heart that is dry now. As the rising sun gives joy and life to living things, so My Precious Blood will give life and hope to all who are eagerly waiting for the Lord. On that day, all who crucified the Son of God will see him rising like the sun in all glory. I will console all who consoled Me, and let them rejoice in My glory, all who made constant reparation for all the sins committed against My Precious Blood. All who are crying now will laugh. But you who are laughing now, you will cry.All of you who reject their crosses, who did not worship Me the way Heaven wants, who join the world in their attack against the Son of the Most High, you all will suffer great shame. You will carry a heavy cross which the enemy, I mean the demon, is preparing for you. When you see the One you crucified, your burdens will multiply. Worse, you will lose Heaven, lose your Saviour, Jesus Christ, and die forever. Today, I am calling you all, My children, to return to Me. Come and be My sons, and I will call you sons. Offer all your lives to Me. I say, this journey will be hard for you, unless you give up everything you have and follow Me.

Children, you must belong or you oppose. As I have chosen you, I bless you with spiritual gifts and blessings. Your work is awaiting you or you will suffer regrets when My glory is revealed. All who abandoned their spiritual gifts, zeal and love, should pray hard to have them back. If you continue following like sheep without destination till I come, it means that your call was in vain. All who are spiritually unfilled follow their own will, which displeases their God. But all who are spiritually filled, I mean with the Holy Spirit, are on the road to holiness and Divine Will. The love of their God will grow in them.

Children, overcome the world. I, your Master, have done so. I am with you to help you. Ask and it shall be given to you. I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed.





In our novena prayer in the month of July, I saw in a vision a Holy Chalice surrounded with a Crown of Thorns. On the mouth of the Chalice was a Tongue of Fire. The vision remained for some time and passed.

In the cloud was the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. He came close and said:“ My children, see how wicked and callous you are. You fear the sound of thunder more than the dreadful lightning. I told you not to wedge anyone who comes late; then you decided to come whenever you liked. Israel, see how worldly you are. You worship Me only because of fear, not love.

Whenever I turn My back to you and let your enemy capture you, you then remember that I am your God. Israel, you want Me to treat you like a slave not son. You want Me to let your enemy defeat you. Then, you will remember Me and call Me Merciful and Eternal God, God of your ancestors. You will remember all My promises to you. Remember now all My warnings and admonitions, and keep the laws I gave you. All who keep on consoling Me in this hour of My agony will be glorified when I the Agonizing Jesus, am glorified.

My children, I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. This means that I am in great agony over these ungodly and wicked days. My Holy Wounds bleed whenever there is Sacrificial Consecration on the altar during Mass for the love I have for My people. In spite of that, My people crucify Me daily with their sins.

My children, do you know that iniquity is fast growing every minute of the day? As the sins of the world grow, My agony grows. That is why I am looking for someone who will console Me. My children, My agony grows worse whenever I come to you who consecrate yourselves to Me and find coldness and neglect. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who am calling you to return to Me. The Wounds of My Sacred Body are greatly paining Me, My children. Look at Me; see what your sins did to me.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Whom you receive always in the Blessed Sacrament, Whom your sins chained and scourged, Whom your sins crowned with thorns, Whom your sins condemned to death and crucified. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who am suffering anguish and grief for you, I am calling you to return to Me.

My children, make your heart a home of rest for Me. Visit Me in spirit in the tabernacle of My love, which I am about to make in your hearts, if you are willing. Children, do you know that I visit you always? But only very few of you recognize Me and console Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who am calling all of you to return to Me. Console Me always. Teach all men how to console Me always. Never forget constant reparation for all the sins the world commit against My Precious Blood. When the hour comes for My Mother’s Immaculate Heart to triumph, My Precious Blood will reign in all hearts. The Kingdom of My Father will come. All of you, who are sorrowful with Me now, will rejoice with Me forever.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who am calling all men to return. I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed. The Holy Chalice appeared again, surrounded with thorns. It remained for a while and vanished.

(Meditation- 12 minutes on Messages).

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)

(The Rosary: Intention: Conversion of sinners and Renewal of the Face of the Earth)






In our novena prayer in the month of July, I saw in a vision the Lamb standing in the midst of a large number of people in the cloud. On the body of the Lamb was a label written “By THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, WE ARE SAVED”. I saw also that they were wounded, weak and tired. But surprisingly, those who were wounded were all rejoicing and dancing in front of the Spotless Lamb. As I was looking, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in His agony. He looked at me steadily and asked: “Barnabas, do you know these people and where they come from?” I replied, “Lord, I don’t know; in Your mercy and kindness, tell me”.

Then Our Lord said:

“Run for your live to inherit the greatest joyful kingdom, that is awaiting all who suffer and die with Me. Never let your weak faith and flesh make you deny your God. These people are all My people who had gone through this wicked and sinful world. They did not betray or deny the Son of God. They were not ashamed of Me and My Gospel in this ungodly world. They were mocked and disgraced in public only because they were My followers. But they did not give up. Men told all kinds of lies against their names. They bore it for My sake. Some were killed through terrible persecution and torture. Before they died, they forgave and blessed their persecutors. Through My own Blood I purified them from all their iniquities and saved them. They will rejoice and reign with Me forever.

My children, hold firm your faith. The terrible hour of massacre and persecution is coming. Who will survive it? Only those who are willing to give up their lives for Me will survive. Anyone who wants to save his own life during that time will lose it. But anyone who gives up his life for Me will gain it. Anyone who is killed while holding to his faith will not be lost. I will purify him with My Precious Blood and save him from eternal damnation.

My children, stand firm on the truth you know. The hour will come soon. When the hour comes, don’t run about, but be on your guard. Don’t fear the death of the flesh, for I will give you everlasting life. Children, I tell you this now, for very soon, the hour will come, so that your heart will not be troubled.

My children, pray only that the hour will be shortened. Remain faithful in your work of salvation. Continue doing the good things you used to do. Never reduce your effort towards your work of holiness, rather increase it; these things will help your faith.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who am calling you so that you all will not spiritually die. When you rise again, you must strengthen your brothers. The day that is coming, which will suddenly come like thief, is fast approaching and will catch up with My people when they are not ready.

My children, spread this message so that My people will be ready to welcome the great hour. I bless you all”.

Immediately the vision passed.





In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross. Blood oozed out from the Wounds on the Sacred Body. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, there appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in agony. He calmly said:

“My children, My children, the great day of darkness is coming. The day, which many hearts anxiously await, is coming now; but many hearts are cold. The day that is coming is too terrible and fearful. Children, think of how many that will be saved? Remember that no unrepentant sinner will survive.

Wake up, My children, and move out for evangelization. I am consoled whenever I see you preaching in My Name. I will deliver anyone who believes and repents of his sins.

Teach men much about My agony and My Precious Blood, which saved them. Teach them the prayers I taught you. I will come nearer and touch their lives. My Precious Blood will save them. Many of you will soon lose your zeal and love for evangelization because of stubbornness, which the enemy poured on the hearts of men. They will look and look, but cannot see; listen and listen, but cannot hear. This is the handwork of the enemy. Persist in your work of salvation now. Call My people back to Me; tell them that I say to them: “RETURN”. My children, if the flock continues wandering in the desert till the wolf causes disorderliness, it will be hard to find them.

I say to you, spread this devotion now. Labour much now for souls, so that your hearts will not be troubled when the great hour comes. Very soon, very soon, the fulfillment hour will come. Pray that you all will be on your watch. Run for your lives. I bless you all”.

Immediately the vision passed.





In our novena prayer, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging dead on the Cross. The vision remained for a while and passed. Then there appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in the cloud. He gently said:

“Children, live the life of your consecration now. You will learn much from Me. I am the Spotless Agonizing Lamb crucified for your sins.

My children, live the life of your consecration, so that you will go safely in the hour that is coming, the hour of great persecution. I mean the hour of the reign of the one who opposes the truth, the Antichrist and his power source, the Red Dragon.

Live the life of your consecration now that you may know when, how and what to do in order to capture the Promised Land. Very soon, very soon, the reign of the evil man will commence in its full force. Only those who are consecrated to Me, and live the life of their consecration, will pass through this dreadful hour that is coming. The manifestation of the Red Dragon and the Antichrist in this age pierced My Heart greatly during My ministry on earth and more greatly when I was about to breathe the last on the Cross. As I hung on the Cross, I envisaged the proud Dragon. It boasted to reign on earth forever. For that reason, I silently offered to My Father this prayer for the downfall of the enemy of the Cross.


O loving and Merciful Father, You are all knowledgeable and all powerful. O Alpha, and Omega, Creator of all things. You are the Eternal Father. Father, why are You forsaking Me? Look kindly on Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Who came to save all Your people and bring Your Kingdom down on earth. I offer You all the agonies, tortures, pains and Precious Blood of Your only Son, Jesus Christ, for the defeat of all the enemies of the Holy Cross, of salvation; the Antichrist and the Red Dragon, who are fighting against the truth now and in the end of age. May they, through the Precious Blood of our Redeemer and His last breath on earth, disappear like foam exposed under the sun, so that Your Kingdom will quickly come on earth. Amen.

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Thy kingdom come.

My children, through this prayer, the Antichrist and the Red Dragon and their agents will have a short hour of reign on earth. The more you pray, the shorter the hour of their reign on earth. Pray it and make it known to the world. Live the life of your consecration now that you have the opportunity to do so. The hour, which is about to come, is so great and fearful. Live the life of your consecration. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Imitate Me. I bless you all”

Immediately the vision passed.

(Meditation- 12 minutes on Messages).

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)

(Chaplet of the Precious Blood: Intention: For the forgiveness of sins and the Grace of Purity in the world)






In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of Jesus Christ being stripped of His clothes. The soldiers held him as they forcefully tore off His clothes. The crowd mocked Him with all kinds of evil words. Our Lord stood naked in the midst of a large crowd. He bore the shame and disgrace.

After a while, the vision vanished, and cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then there appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in great agony. He calmly said:

“My children, the weight of sin is paining My Sacred Heart greatly. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ whom you constantly tore off His clothes and exposed to public shame. I called you, to come and console Me.

My children, pray much for My youth that they will return to Me. Pray that they will fear their Lord for their salvation. Look, many will be lost due to the sins of the flesh. Fornication and adultery have ruined the Church. Children, see how men are about to rename fornication and adultery. Some of My people use this for their daily bread. They cannot live without fornication and adultery. In the same vein, the number of innocent, unborn babies multiplies and increases.

Children, all these pain My Heart greatly and increase My agony. Do you know that I was naked in the sight of all men so that you shall defeat and overcome the desire of the flesh, which leads to this sin of fornication and adultery? Do you know, My son, that I suffered shame and disgrace for you to stop sin? I lost all My clothes in order that you will stop the sins of the flesh. But you reward Me with immorality.

I come to save you. You are My sons and daughters. I love you. I protect you against your enemy. Why are you doing all these things to Me? For your sake I offered this prayer to My Father:


Holy and Merciful Father. Your only-begotten Son is standing naked in the sight of all men, so that your people will know and fear your holy law. Accept My humble prayer for all Your people who are living under iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame and disgrace of Your only-begotten Son, You will touch their lives for repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, get repentance and be saved. Through My shame make them bold for repentance. Amen.

Children, My adversary uses this sin to claim all men to himself. I call on you to work hard and save your people. Say this prayer and teach it to the whole world. Any sinner, who constantly prays this prayer, will get true repentance. Again, the more you pray it the more many will return back to Me and leave fornication and adultery. Many people are lost due to the sins of the flesh. Work hard to save souls. I am the Agonizing Jesus. I love you.I bless you all”.

Immediately the vision passed.





In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross. There were numerous innocent, unborn babies lying beside the Cross and in the cloud above. They were of different sizes according to their ages. They wept in bitter sorrow to the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Their lamentations were deeply sorrowful and painful.

As the noise of their cries increased, cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then the Holy Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said:

“My children, let your hearts be merciful to Him Who loves you most. Have pity on Him who came to save. Fear the ocean of love of the Creator. Make His way known to the whole world. Be sorrowful with Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

My children, remember My agony during My birth on earth. Because the King of Heaven and Earth was born on earth for your salvation and healing, you men of the world chose to massacre innocent children. My children, their blood disturbed Heaven at that time. But today, the blood of innocent children has filled Heaven. Their number is too great, too great that the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to befall mankind. The number of the daily aborted babies and innocent children is too large to mention. Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My agony. Console Me through your preaching and teaching of these messages. Baptize them with this prayer. Say always:


Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now, look at Your only Son on the Cross who is constantly bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and Water from the Sacred Side of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

May they through the holy death of Jesus Christ gain everlasting life, through His Wounds be healed and through His Precious Blood be freed; there to rejoice with the Saints in Heaven. Amen.

Through this prayer, a large number of innocent, unborn babies will be saved. Pray it daily and make it known to the whole world. Anyone who teaches it will not be lost. The innocent souls in Heaven will not let him become lost. I, with My love and mercy, will protect him from falling into mortal sin.

Console Me Who loves you. I am the Agonizing Jesus. I love you. I bless you”.

Immediately the vision passed.




In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of Our Lord, Jesus Christ hanging alive on the Cross. Blood flowed from His Wounds. Cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then there appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ in the cloud. He said:

My children, remember your Seal. This is a guarantee that you are Mine. Any sheep who loses the Seal will be lost in My sight. The sheep will continue wandering in the “My children wilderness until we meet, and he will be sealed again. Children, many will be lost due to the fact that they lost their Seal. Through yourSeal, you possess the earnest of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit differentiates you from the world. The Holy Spirit of My Seal is not of the world. That is why the world hates you. The Seal makes you sons of God through the Blood of the Spotless Lamb. The Blood breaks the yoke of your captivity and saves you. Pray always. Be on your guard and watch carefully that you will not lose your Seal.

Through your Seal, you have the right to possess the land of your promise. Anyone who is not sealed has no share in the land of happiness and joy. Be worthy of your Seal and save your lives. Your lives must be different from the unconsecrated ones. Make My Will known to the whole world and do it yourself. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ; I seal you with My Wounds and My Precious Blood. Love your cross.

Very soon, very soon, the Chief Shepherd will come. Happy are you, O sheep, whom the Lord knows through the Seal. They will rejoice with Him. I bless you all. I love you all. I leave.”

(Meditation- 12 minutes on Messages).

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)

(The Consolation and Adoration Prayers: Intention: For the hastening of the Reign of Glory on Earth)






In our novena prayer, I saw the Glorious, Crucified Jesus Christ in the cloud. He was surrounded by a large number of Angels of Heaven. Above Him was the Holy Spirit Who shone Divine Light on us. The Saints and the Heavenly Angels adored the Glorious, Agonizing Jesus Christ.

The vision remained for some time and passed. Then, I saw another vision of flame and large smoke in the cloud. On the right side, I saw the Lamb standing on a mantle, slightly above a mountain. There were numerous people who adored the Spotless Lamb with their heads bowed low.

As I was looking, there was lightning. Immediately, I saw Our Lady bearing the dead Body of the Crucified Jesus Christ, beside the Cross of Salvation. The Cherubim were there consoling her. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in deep meditation. Later, He calmly raised His Face and said:

“My children, let My peace be with you today being the last day of this novena of this year. I bless you all. Today, I bathe you with My Precious Blood. Let the light of the Holy Sprit anoint your souls. All of you who zealously adored My Precious Blood in this month have been blessed with sanity of soul and peace of heart. I will pour water on the dry land and let its suffering lessen. On a wild desert, the ocean of life-giving water shall flow. I will make a desert a forest. All who suffered with Me will reign with Me when My glory is revealed. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Be on your guard and pray always. Spend the rest of this year with Me in Gethsemane. Watch with Me that you will not fall into temptation. Console Me and meditate on My agony, for I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Make constant reparation for all the sins committed against My Precious Blood, and have rest with Me.

Children, make your little effort for the spread of this devotion, I will do My work. The gate has been opened and no one has power to close it except the Son. I say to you, be humble.

The end of this year will be fearful. Remain in Me and you will know what to do. I hide all who constantly adore My Precious Blood inside the Wound of My Sacred Side. The evil man will not see you to harm you. I will feed you there till this perilous time is over. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Happy are you all who suffer with Me now. You will rejoice with Me when My glory is revealed.(Silence)

I love you all. Remain blessed.”

Immediately there appeared twelve stars in the cloud. They moved round and vanished. Then, I came back.





In our Reparation Prayer, during the hour of Divine Mercy, in a vision, I found myself in a beautiful green land. There, I saw an Angel of the Lord holding a sword. The Angel led me to a mountain. On the mountain, cloud came down and covered the whole place.

Instantly, there appeared the crucified Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross. He was bleeding from all His Wounds.

In the cloud was a multitude of Angels who came to console the Agonizing Jesus Christ in reparation for the sins of the world.

They offered the Opening Prayer of Reparation to the Agonizing Jesus Christ. One of the Angels asked me to say those prayers with them. They said:


When they finished, there was a brief silence. Then, Our Lord began, with anguish and grief as He hung on the Cross and said:


“Where are you My son? Your Master is looking for you. Come to Me! Come nearer and hear My agonizing appeal.

My son, there was once a man who had many sheep. He looked after them and shepherded them well. Whenever they were thirsty, He led them to a spring of flowing water to satisfy their thirst. He did not allow them to feel hungry. He led them to a beautiful green pasture. They ate and grew fat and strong. The man fortified the pasture land so that no wolf would enter to harm the flock.

One day, the sheep planned a rebellion and forcefully escaped from the camp and entered the forest of wild animals. There, they were captured by the wild animals. They were like slaves without hope. Their body and blood were used for festivals and animal sacrifices to their gods.

Nevertheless, the man did not forget His flock. He sent all His servants and they were killed. Lastly, He sent His Son who eventually won the battle.

The Son of man shepherded the flock day and night in the wilderness. On their way out from the wilderness, they underwent many difficulties, which they could not bear. They complained to the Son of Man, uttered all kinds of cruel words against Him and finally killed Him.

Son, when the Father of the Son of Man hears about the death of His Son, what do you think He will do?” (Silence)

“My son, you and your people are the flock. My Father is the Owner of the flock, who sent many prophets to His people, who are living in this terrifying wilderness. I am the Son whom you persecuted and killed. What have I done to you?

Despite all your sinful acts, My Father is still calling you to return to Him, but you pay no attention to His call.

RETURN! Oh Israel My people! Make reparation for the sins you and the whole world commit against My Father and against My Precious Blood. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ”.

Our Lord kept silent and wept bitterly. The Angels then prayed:

“My God, my God, I believe firmly with all my heart. I hope and sincerely trust in you. Only you I will adore forever. With true repentance and love, I prostrate at your feet, I ask pardon of you for those who do not believe, and do not want to believe; those who do not adore and do not want to adore, and those who crucified you and are crucifying you daily. Dear Jesus I will console you all my life. Amen.”

They recited an Act of CONTRITION.“O my God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you and by the help of your grace I will not sin again”.

They also prayed

Our Father ……… (once) Hail Mary.. (once) Glory be ………… (thrice)

A hymn of three stanzas

After all these prayers, they offered a prayer to the Most Holy Trinity and to the Agonizing Jesus Christ, saying:

“O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I offer You the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. His flesh covered with Wounds and Blood, His agony in the garden, His scourging, His crowning with thorns, His rejection, His condemnation; His crucifixion and death, along with all the sufferings of your Holy Church, the Blood of martyrs, in reparation for my sins and those of the whole world, Amen”.

Agonizing Jesus, I offer You my heart to be united with Your Agonizing Heart as a co-bearer of Your agony. Jesus I wish to be in agony with You so as to hasten Your Glorious Reign of Peace, Amen”.


Jesus Christ continued:

My son, come closer to Me. Hear My anguished appeal. For love of you, I offered My body as a living sacrifice – a bread of life for all men. My Blood is a precious drink – a drink of Heavenly Angels lovingly given to men.

My son, I remain for you in the Sacrament of Love, waiting for you patiently in the tabernacle where I am in prison for you. You rarely approach Me because you do not remember Me Who am in prison for you.

My son, My agony greatly pains Me when I see the coldness, the mindlessness and neglect with which you approach the Holy Trinity, Whose Presence fill the Holy Sanctuary. I am here my son. I am here in fullness. Fear the Presence of your God. Approach Him with respect and awe.

My son, do you know what I suffer, whenever I enter the sanctuary of your heart, through the Holy Communion? Your sins tie Me up and beat Me mercilessly. In your heart, there is no one to console Me. After callously scourging Me you drag Me away and lock up the door of your heart with iniquity. This is what you do to Me with your sinful life.

I am the Bread of Life for all men who receive Me in a state of sanctity. I come to give you life not death. Clean the iniquities of your heart. Open the door of your heart for Me. Make your heart a tabernacle of consolation for Me. Son, may I live in your sanctuary from one Communion to the other. Welcome Me. Welcome Me, My son. All who welcome Me welcome My Father and the Holy Spirit Who live in Me. All who reject Me, reject the Holy Trinity. Son, even if others will reject Me, make your heart a tabernacle of My consolation.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ calling you to RETURN”

Our Lord kept silent and wept bitterly.

The Angels repeated the prayers as usual.

Then, one of the Angels asked me to say the following prayer in my heart as I heard the anguished appeals of Our Lord. The prayer is as follows:

“My Jesus I am in you, I am with you, I am for you, Take me as a living sacrifice, Amen”. This prayer will be said during the moment of silence


Our Lord continued:

My son, I am in your heart, a lonely Gethsemane, where I am watching and no one dares come to watch with Me even one hour. You rather chase the possession of these earthly things even at the risk of perdition, leaving Me alone to suffer.

The enemy is fast approaching. They are gaining grounds so as to win many souls while you are asleep. Son, can’t you wake up and watch with Me even one hour. I am in the sanctuary of your soul, a lonely Gethsemane, waiting for you to come.

Many souls, many souls are going to Hell because of the sins of the flesh. Son, see how you keep on leading many souls to perdition through your fashion. I am the One Whom you publicly expose naked. Son, console Me. Son, have mercy on Me. Never should a man imitate a woman. Never should a woman imitate a man. Be what I made you, son, be what I made you. I say, keep away from these worldly fashions. This is the plan of the enemy to destroy the temple of the Holy Spirit. That is, your body. Live a modest life.

My loving son, because I love you and I want you to show Me love, I am appealing to you to offer Me your whole being. Keep it for Me and for Me alone. May it glorify Me always, may it console Me always. I am not making this appeal to the world, but to you whom I love. Offer it to Me. Offer it for salvation.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ calling you to RETURN.

Our Lord kept silent and wept bitterly. The Angels offered their usual prayers of reparation.


My son, is this how you betray your Master and Saviour? Is it only because of this worldly money, which perishes in this earthly world, that you choose to betray your Master and hand Me over to the cruel men who crucify Me? Son, you are making yourself the Judas of the last age. For how terrible it will be for those who betray the Son of God, who hand Him over to the sinful men, to be crucified. See how they will regretfully pass into eternity and suffer eternally. Even among the Priests of My heart, there are many Judases who choose worldly possessions in exchange of their Master who is in agony.

This pains Me much My son, for they are making My Father’s house a market place. My Father is greatly annoyed. Look and see how you are chasing Me away from My Holy Sanctuary. Son, do you want the presence of your God? Offer Me your life.

I am the One Whom you are betraying only because of these earthly things. Son, since all these things you are labouring for will be destroyed with fire, why are you labouring in vain?

Return to Me My son. Have mercy on He Who came to save. Let My Priests return to Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who loves you, appealing to you to return”.

Our Lord kept silent and wept bitterly. The Angels then said their usual reparation prayers.


“My son when will these torments of My scourging due to your sins and those of the whole world end? Why are you scourging Me and at the same time crowning Me with thorns and thus saying: Let me sin, after I will go to confession.” I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Whom you constantly torture.

Son, did I give you the Sacrament of Penance for you to become a swine of iniquity? This is the Sacrament of Love. It opens up the ocean of Divine Mercy. The Precious Blood and Water, which gushed out to save and cleanse your iniquity, so that you will go and sin no more.

Son, withdraw the Crown of Thorns. Have mercy on Me, scourge Me not again. Love your God, your Creator. Have no other gods of any creatures. Only your God shall you fear and worship. Call not the name of God in vain. Son, remember to keep the day of obligation holy. Prove My Name in this bribery-filled and corrupt world. Have all these things done so as to lessen the pains of My agony. Offer all your disappointments, trials and persecutions in atonement for your sins and those of the whole world.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ pleading with you to RETURN”.

Our Lord kept silent and wept bitterly. The Angels then said their usual prayers.


My son, draw closer to Me and hear My anguished appeal. I am daily looking for someone to console Me and find none. Look at My Agonizing Face. Where are the Veronicas of the last age? Where is she who will wipe My bloody Face and console Me? Is she the one who joins the multitude in saying; Crucify Him! Crucify Him!! They have forgotten that I am their Messiah Who brought them out of Egypt, Who fed them with heavenly manna and shepherded them under My wings in the dry and hot desert.

You have rejected Me and there is no one to help Me. Son, this is how you abandoned your cross and turned away from the way of Calvary, leaving Me alone to suffer. Verily, I say to you My son, there is no other way, which can lead to the land of promise other than the road of the Holy Cross. Carry your cross and follow Me all the days of your life. Help Me to carry all these rejected crosses, which My people have abandoned for Me to carry. Son, live the life of your consecration. Carry your cross and follow Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who am calling you to return”.

Our Lord kept silent and wept bitterly. The Angels then said their usual prayers of reparation.


“My son, look up and see where your sin hangs Me on the Cross. I am bleeding for love of you. I am sweating for the love of you. I am thirsty for love of this needful world. None of you is willing to console Me. Rather, you offer Me vinegar when I am thirsty.

You all stand afar, mock and criticize Me. My son, see how you are speaking falsely against your neighbour. Instead of praying for My holy Church, you stand out criticizing it. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Whom you are criticizing. The Church is My Body Whom you are crucifying.

My son, stand at the foot of My Holy Cross and offer with My Mother, the whole world to Me. I will accept them and offer them to My Father. They will be His sons and daughters and obey His commands.

The wrath of the Eternal Father will be calmed. My Holy Wounds will be healed. Therefore, that My Kingdom will come on earth, son, have yourself crucified for Me and with Me on the Holy Cross of Salvation. This is what I mostly need of you in atonement for your sins and for those of the whole world. Son, I did not appeal for these things to the world, but to you because I love you and want you to show Me love.

I promise to draw all men with you to Myself through you. Accept My anguished appeal, O My loving son. I will offer all your sacrifices as a living sacrifice that will be acceptable to God in reparation for your sins and those of the whole world.

In the end, the whole world will live in Me, with Me and for Me. My Sacred Side will be open to all men as a refuge.

They will draw the living water from the fountain of life that pours out from My Sacred Side. Son, may My Will be done on earth. Let My Will be done in you. Suffer for Me and with Me. Die for me and live in Me.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, I love you, I bless you all”

Our Lord kept silent in a deep meditation. The Angels then recited their usual prayers in addition to seven Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Then, they started their Consolation and Adoration Prayers.

I noticed that all the Angels bowed their heads low when offering the seven Glory be to the Holy Trinity.

As they were praying the Adoration Prayers, the vision of Our Lord passed. Cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then I saw myself standing with an Angel of the Lord who led me down from the mountain.

As we were going down the mountain, I asked him, Sir, ‘how can I remember all these appeals of Our Lord and the prayers?’ I told him that I had forgotten all the songs. What then, shall I do to write them down?

The Angel replied, that the Holy Spirit Whom Our Lord would send to me would help me remember all the anguished appeals. He said that there were many songs which had been made known to our Priest, the bearer of Christ’s agony, for this devotion. We should use them.

The Angel told me to listen. He said:

“Son of man, you had been given the opening prayer of these Reparation Prayer. That is the prayer you are using as reparation prayer. I am also the one who, with my Queen, gave this Consecration Prayer as you saw in the Cross of Grace.* Use it. Look for the devotees to whom I gave this prayer. They are your co-devotees. When you find them, you will be filled with joy.

Son of man, Our Lord Jesus Christ Who is in agony because of the sins of the world gave you this prayer as an act of love for you and all men who will appreciate His love and console Him. Show Him more love by consoling Him all the days of your life”.

As we were still going, a thought came into my mind to know his name. Then, I asked, Sir could you tell me your name? Then the Angel said to me:

“I am the Archangel Michael; the Chief Commander of the Heavenly Hosts who alone has the power, among the Angels of God, to touch the Body and Blood of Christ”.

“Son of man, fear the Presence of your God whose glory fills the Holy Sanctuary. Console the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who loves you. I leave you”.

Immediately, he raised his sword up and vanished.

A soon as the Angel vanished; cloud came down and covered me. The Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus appeared and said:

“My son, record all that you heard and saw. I will give you My Spirit Who will help you to remember them all. Son why are holding the prayers I gave you? Why can’t you make My Will known to all men?

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who loves you”(Silence)

He gazed steadily at me and said:“Peace be with you”

Immediately the vision passed.

* Cross of Grace refers to the Consecration Prayer revealed to Opus Rosa Mystica in GERMANY.





In my meditation prayer, I saw Our Lord coming down from the cloud, holding a chalice. On the mouth of the chalice was a tongue of fire. As He was coming down, Divine rays shone out from the chalice to us whom I saw gathered at the foot of the Cross of Calvary. He came nearer and said:

“My children, receive this; this is My Blood, the Blood of your redemption. Open your heart for My great Seal”.

He left the chalice in the air. I saw the chalice multiplying through the first chalice and moving into the hearts of people gathered at the foot of the Cross.

Immediately, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in great agony. He calmly said:

“My children, the hour that is coming soon is so fearful and terrifying. Who will survive it? That is what motivated Me to come to you and build up the tabernacle of My love. So, when the hour comes, your heart will not be dry. The joy of My Glory will continue flourishing inside all hearts in whom I built My tabernacle of love. I will let the ocean of My Precious Blood flow constantly inside their hearts, even in the greatest hour of dryness that will soon befall mankind.

My children, offer Me your lives as a living sacrifice. Offer Me your hearts. I am ready to make it whiter than snow. I say to you children, surrender to every cross. Accept your persecution in reparation for the sins of the world. Humbly accept your rejection by the world, and also your condemnation, even unto death for My sake. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Through your sufferings, you are purified.

Children, listen now, live far from the world of noise and commotion, put away your eyes from the worldly shows for they may seduce your hearts. Live in complete interior silence and meditation on My Agonizing Life. Pray always.

My children, remain with Me in Gethsemane in the midnight of Thursday dawning into Friday. Offer Me the Chaplet of My Precious Blood. Console Me and adore Me with the prayers I taught you; make reparation for sins and consecrate your lives to My Precious Blood, through the prayers I gave you. Remain in Gethsemane with Me, so that your faith will not fall when the evil man comes.


My children, bring little infants to Me during these hours of the Great Seal; I love them. I will save them.

Listen, My children, we have three great months of Seal, then, comes the hour…

Today is the first hour of My Seal. It will manifest in all hearts eagerly waiting for the Lord.

This Seal continues on all the Fridays of the Month of Seal till the First Friday of the following month and at the same hour.

The Second Month is the month of April till the first Friday of May. And the Third Month of Seal is the great month of July. Remain with Me in deep prayer and meditation during these hours on every Friday of the month. I promise to seal you.

My children, announce this message to all My people in the whole world, so that their hearts will not be troubled when the hour comes.

My children, this devotion is like a garden enclosed. No one can enter, unless permitted by Me. All who are outside cannot see the beautiful vine in My garden. They cannot interpret what kind of crop is grown there. Happy are all to whom the gate was opened when they knocked. They shall eat the fruit of life in My Holy Garden.

Children, rejoice for you have received the kingdom that cannot be shaken. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Open your heart to Me. I love you all. I bless you all”

Immediately, the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head dropped on me. I woke up and came back to myself. Then, the vision passed.

(Meditation- 12 minutes on Messages).

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)

(The Stations of the Cross: Intention: For the Release of souls in Purgatory and for the Conversion of hardened sinners)






Today is the last day of the first month of seal hour. In a vision, I saw a great fire that was burning a bush, but not even a leaf was burnt. The flame multiplied and moved towards the mountain of the Lord.

As the flame was about to reach the mountain, cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then appeared the Holy face of Jesus Christ. He calmly said:

“My children, I welcome you all into My Heart for the Great Seal. In all of you who made their hearts open to Me. I will build My tabernacle of love; today I draw all of you nearer to Me. I seal all of you, I bless you.

Children, struggle hard to enter the year when My peace will flow in its fullness to all humanity. At that time there will be no more war, no fear, no worries, even sorrow. All these difficulties will pass away. My Kingdom will come on earth. I will reign forever. All will adore My Precious Blood. Yes, all will be one. I say to you all: struggle hard, fight, break and enter for the way is too hard”.

My children, relax not, the enemy is not asleep. They are fighting you with great wrath, for they know that they have only a few hours left.

I bless this year for you all, even if your enemies shoot their arrows at you, you will not be hurt. I cover you with the Precious Blood. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will protect you. I say, children, only abide in Me.

I will let the ocean of My Precious Blood flow into your heart, so that the hour of dryness will pass. When the greatest hour of dryness comes, your heart will be full of joy. THE GATE OF MY BLESSING HAS OPENED TO YOU ALL. Even on troubled water, your ship will float smoothly. Many will be in great confusion, but in you My peace will remain forever.

Children, your prayer is not enough for the spreading of this devotion. Pray harder; leave the work for Me. Only pray and be humble. Your simplicity will make it great.

My Priest, this devotion will be spread and you will suffer many disappointments. This is the hour of darkness, when the evil one rules. I promise you no one has power to wedge the truth. Like fire, the truth will burn in the dark and give light to the world. Show Me love, and make My Will known to all men. The quicker you spread My will, the easier the spread of this devotion. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Let no one live like the world during this last hour; live the life of your consecration. Then, My Kingdom will quickly come. I bless you all”.

Immediately the vision passed.





In our prayer, after Holy Mass, I saw in a vision the Agonizing Jesus Christ in Gethsemane, praying. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ bathed with blood, and His Head crowned with thorns. He calmly said:

“My children, I am pleased with all your little efforts towards the salvation of souls. Your littleness consoles Me. Children, I am in Gethsemane for you and all My people in the whole world. I am in Gethsemane always because of the hour that is coming, the dreadful hour, so fearful and terrifying. Children, how many will survive?

For the love I have for you and for all men, I am here in Gethsemane, calling you to come and watch with Me.

Remain in Gethsemane with Me so that you will not give up when the hour comes.

My children, I speak much about Gethsemane but you pay little attention to it. Practise it and make it known to all men, so that you will not fall when the hour comes.

Send this devotion to My Apostles: Crown of Thorns, P. O. Box 49, Lingfield Surrey RH 76 YQ England. They are eagerly waiting for it. They will adore My Precious Blood. I have made them ready to spread this devotion. Do not delay as before. Soon, it will be too late and the evil man will not allow it to spread any more.

Have mercy on Me. Have My Will done on earth. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Receive My blessing”.

Immediately, He blessed us in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Then, the vision passed.





During our meditation prayer, on the first day of the second month of Seal, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross, bleeding.

After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared a Chalice WITH A TONGUE OF FIRE ON ITS MOUTH and at the same time circled with a Crown of Thorns.

The Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said:

“My children, carry your own cross and follow Me. Carry your cross; follow Me; we are going to Calvary.

Children, lift up your cross. I will make it light and give you peace. Come; crucify your sinful nature with Me on the Cross of Calvary. So, the old being will die, and the new being will rise with Me when the glorious hour comes. I promise you My children, that I will raise you into a new life when My Glory is revealed.

For all of you who are seeking Me, I am the One Who hung on the Cross of Calvary, bleeding for your sake. Look at My Head and see the crown you made for Me, the Crown of Thorns for your King and Saviour. Look at My Wounds and the Precious Blood I shed for your sake, and have Mercy on Me. Come to Me and console Me, for I am looking for you. Anyone who finds Me finds life.

Children, today, I am building in your heart, a tabernacle of My agony. Children, inside your hearts, may I find consolation. I, in turn will give you peace. I promise to do it in all hearts eagerly waiting for the Lord.

Children, children, the hour has come for you to surrender to every Cross. They are all yours. For My sake and for the gospel, carry it with Me to Calvary. I will make it light and reward you with everlasting paradise. Children, Calvary is a mountain of salvation. All who carry their crosses to Calvary have Heaven as their heritage with the Angels and Saints.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ; make My Will known to the whole world. I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed. Then appeared again the chalice crowned with thorns, which finally vanished.

(Meditation- 12 minutes on Messages).

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)

(The Anguished Appeals - 1st to 4th Appeal prayers: Intention: For the Pope and for the needs of the Church)






In our meditation prayer during the hour of Seal, I saw, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ crowned with thorns, Precious Blood constantly dropped from the Pierced Side. After a while cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ. He calmly said:

“My children, offer Me your lives as living sacrifices; offer Me your lives; console My Agonizing Heart. My Heart, My Heart is bearing a great agony now, the agony of betrayal and denial. Come near to Me, My children, and be My consolers. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Open your heart to Me. I am waiting for you to open your hearts to Me, yet you pay no attention to My knocking. Children, think of Me and you will find Me, the master key; with it, all the rusting locks that shut hard the doors of your hearts will be made open. I will come in and build tabernacles for the hour of My agony, which will be the tabernacles of My rest. Open your hearts to Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

My children, this is My Seal. I am ready to put My Seal on all who open their hearts to Me. All who welcome Me now I am in agony shall be welcomed by Me and My Mother and all the heavenly Angels when they come to Me in My glory in Heaven.

Children, this Heart, which loves you, is sorrowful unto death. Give Him rest and He will give you peace. Many Hearts, many Hearts after welcoming Me, drive Me out without any cause. What have I done to you My children? Am I not the One Who saves? Why are you torturing Me with the iniquities of your heart? Children, offer Me your lives, your plan and your thoughts, I will lead you to salvation.

Children, open your hearts to Me. I am building My tabernacle of rest in you, so that your heart will not be troubled when the evil man comes in his fullness. May the Precious Blood flowing out from My Sacred Heart, bless you all. Peace be with you.”

Immediately the vision passed. The Sacred Heart remained for some time and vanished.

Then, I came back to myself.





In our meditation prayer during the Hour of Seal, in the cloud appeared two Angels; one was holding a Chalice and the other a sword with two edges. As they were coming down, there was a great trumpet blast, which shook the whole place. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. He calmly said after:(Brief Silence)

“My Children, I need more of your sacrifice. Children, offer the rest of these days with sacrifice of silence, of prayers and of fasting. Leave your abodes often and visit Me in the Chapel, where I wait for you day and night; in the desert and lonely places, where you can think of Me, talk to Me and adore Me. Remember that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Children, offer Me these sacrificial lives of yours, for people who are living in the outside world, those who know nothing about the Seal. Through your sacrifice My Father will look at My Precious Blood and seal them.

My children, I need more of your sacrifice before the last Month of Seal, so that more of My people will be SEALED. I love you all. I want all men to be saved.

I seal you all, who are eagerly waiting for My Seal. Remain in Me and I in you. Children, if you do, you will conquer the world. In your heart the ocean of My Precious Blood will constantly flow. Children, you will not be dry. Only abide in Me and I will abide in you always.

Children, I call you all to enter into the Gethsemane Hour of prayer. I am there praying that your faith will not fail. Come and watch with Me.

My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is flourishing in love for you, her humble children. She will visit you and let you know more about the last month of Seal. She said, “I will hide you all in my Immaculate Heart”

Children, accept her wishes.

I need more of your sacrifice. Sacrifice your lives for Me. You will be rewarded.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all. I seal you all”

Then the vision passed.





In our prayer during the Hour of Seal, I saw a woman coming out of the sun. Her clothes were as bright as the rays of the sun. She held a long sharp sword and was coming down, with great force. I could not withstand the sight. I fell down. When I rose up, I saw the Two Hearts separated with a Chalice. The one on the right hand was crowned with thorns, while the other was pierced with seven swords. On the top of the Chalice was a tongue of fire.

As I was looking, Our Lady appeared and said:

“My children, this is the Seal which Heaven builds in hearts of men. Remain in the Father and the Father will remain in you; you will not lack anything. I, the Mother of Sorrows, have come to co-operate with you and share with you a message of love.

My sorrow is great. I turn to you all, my loving children, with tears and plead with you to join me in the war against my adversary. The evil one knows that he has a little time left.

So, with great wrath, he fights against you and the holy Church of my Son.

As Heaven makes every effort to seal her children, so the enemy also seals his own children with the mark of 666, the number of the Beast.

My sorrow is great, join me in the battle against the wicked Dragon, all who are sealed with the Blood of the Lamb. Fight with me against the heresies that destroy the root of the Church. Fear not their great number. Through the Blood of the Spotless Lamb, the faith of the true Church, of the true doctrine, and of holiness, will soon be restored. This is the Reign of the Most Precious Blood, which you all are waiting for.

Gather all who are sealed and form a great army against my adversary.

The last Month of Seal is so great that all men need to be sealed. All who are not sealed will not enter the Land of Glory that is coming.

On that month, Father will send the Angels of Seal. They will give you the mark of salvation. This shall be the seal with the Blood of the Spotless Lamb. When the evil one comes, he will pass all who are sealed and kill those that do not receive the Seal.

My children, may all the sons and daughters of Jacob be sealed. I plead with you all, only make this known. I will do my work.

FEAR NOT to spread these messages. Soon much of them will come to pass.

May the flame of my Heart protect all of you my loving children everywhere in the whole world.

I am the Mother of God and your Mother. I hide you all in my Heart. FEAR NOT AGAIN. I will fight for you all.

Remain blessed”

Immediately the vision passed.

(Meditation- 12 minutes on Messages).

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)

(Anguished Appeals – 5th to 7th Appeal Prayers and the Crown of Thorns Prayer: Intention: For the Atonement of the sins committed against the Precious Blood)






During our novena prayer, I saw a vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross. At the side of the Cross stood Our Lady looking sorrowfully at her Son on the Cross. As I was looking, cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus in agony. He gazed steadily at me and said:

“My children, I welcome you all in this month. I call all men to My Precious Blood. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Come nearer to Me. Hear My Agonizing Appeal. Come! Come!! Come back to Me. The Chief Shepherd is calling. The land you have settled on and are enjoying is a strange land, the land of wolves and wild predators. Come back, let us follow the desert way to the Land of Promise, the land full of milk and honey; the evergreen pasture land. Hear Me calling you to return. O! My flock return and save your lives.

My children, as the day is passing, My agony is multiplying. My agony is multiplying because of the sins of the world, and how many will suffer destruction, and perish. Children, suffer with Me now; carry your cross and the rejected crosses with Me. Follow the narrow gate, the desert way to the Land of Glory. Adore My Precious Blood. Very soon, I promise you that the Kingdom of My Father will reign on earth. At that time all men will know the Divine Will and follow it.

Children, remain faithful till the end. I am with you. I will visit you during these novenas and teach you more about My Agonizing Life and the coming of My Father’s Kingdom on earth. After this month, stand firm to make My Will known to all men. Barnabas, I am near to you till death, if only you are in Me and I in you. I am nearer to teach you about My Agonizing Life. I love you all. I bless you all”

Immediately, the vision passed.





In our prayer during the Hour of Seal, I saw in a vision the cloud open and Our Lady stood at the entrance gate of Heaven carrying a sword. At her command, all the heavenly Angels obeyed. They all carried a chalice, which had a tongue of fire on the tip.

They moved with great force to all parts of the world. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then, the first vision passed.

In the cloud appeared the Sacred Head of Jesus Christ crowned with thorns. His Holy Face appeared boldly; the Face appeared agonizing and was bathed with blood. He kept silent for a short time and said:

“My children, I welcome you all again in this last Month of Seal. Peace be with you all. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, I love you all. Be ready to have your Seal.

I come to inform you all more about the Seal and the coming of My Father’s Kingdom on earth. As the blood of bulls and goats was used for the first seal of Passover in the olden days, so My Precious Blood will be used for the second Seal of this Second Passover. All who are not sealed will not pass into the Glorious Era that is coming, the period of My Father’s Kingdom. The great darkness will swallow them up. All who are sealed have been given the mark of ownership. They shall possess the land of promise and enjoy My Reign of Glory.

Listen, My children, many of you who are sealed will suffer many trials and persecutions, but through the first Seal they will be courageous, through the second Seal they will be bold, and through the third Seal, they will triumph. All who are not sealed have no power to withstand trial or persecution. I say to you, some will be killed, while defending the faith. And only a few will pass the terrible period without harm. They are those who suffer and die with Me now. Children, do not fear, when the hour comes to its full force; know also that My Reign of Glory is near.

Many, I say many, will not understand these things now; but those whom My Father has given the knowledge will understand it. They will take their belongings and run for their lives.

I will teach you much about the Seal during these Hours of Seal. Barnabas, because of your stubbornness, I held you, I seized your source”.

I anxiously said:

“Father, what have I done? (He kept silent for a while and said).

I visited you many times but you did not know Me. I said to you “I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, and still you pay little attention to My agony”.(Silence)

I prayed: “Father, I have sinned; have mercy. I promise to change my attitude. Help me by your grace to know you. Lord make me humble”. (Silence)

“Be sealed with the Precious Blood from My Right Hand. Children, feel the pains of My Right Hand and be healed. I bless you all”.





In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Lamb sitting on a throne and being adored by the heavenly beings. I heard them saying: “Holy, Holy is Your Name, O Spotless Lamb of God. Adoration to You, O Sacrificial Lamb. Reign forever. Amen.

After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared a chalice. On the mouth of the chalice, was a Host giving out rays. Above it appeared also the Holy Face of Jesus Christ bathed with blood. He kept silent at first and finally said:

“My children, peace be with you. Learn from Me how to console so as to be consoled. Forgive one another so as to be forgiven.

Children, what shall it cost you to save your souls? What shall you then choose in exchange for eternity? Who shall take away the crown of victory from you? Children, say Yes always to the Divine Will. Carry your crosses and follow Me. Struggle harder so as to be among those who will venerate My Adorable Face in Heaven.

Children, I called you so as to hasten the Reign of My Glory on earth. Pray hard and teach men all that I have given you. Very soon, very soon, My Glorious Reign will come. At that time all will adore My Precious Blood. Men will love one another. All men will acknowledge the meaning of My agonizing life. They will adore Me. My Holy Wounds shall be healed, and My Sacred Heart will be consoled. This is the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

Children, offer your lives to Me. Spread this devotion and hasten My kingdom on earth. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all. I want all men to be saved. Console Me.

Pray that you will understand all the messages that I will give to you from now. I have only little time with you.

Children, when the hour comes, you will understand what I mean.

Pray and never give up. I bless you all. So, I leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed.

(Meditation- 12 minutes on Messages).

(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)

(The Chaplet of Renewal/Litany of the Holy Spirit: Intention: For our personal needs)

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Save us and the whole world

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