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Updated: May 19, 2022



TIME: 12.00 NOON



As I was praying during this hour of Seal, cloud came down and covered me. I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the cross. Precious Blood flowed out from all the Wounds of His Sacred Body. Our Lord kept silent for a while and finally said: “My children, I called you my chosen. I have chosen you among the chosen. I want you to show me more love. I called all men to follow me to Gethsemane Hour of Prayer. Among them, I have chosen you to come closer to me, to watch, and pray with me. My chosen, why can’t you watch with me even one hour? Sleep would not allow you. Wake up, my lovers. What do you think that the other disciples will do? They are in sound sleep. Who then will console your Agonizing Master, if not you?

My chosen, how I wish that you understand the hour and turn to me. Your coldness,

mindlessness and neglect pain me much, more than other agonies I suffer. My chosen,

remember that I love and chose you from the chosen ones. Look at the Face of the One

Who loves you most. See what your sins have done to Him. For your sake, He is wounded, scourged, crowned with thorns and slapped in the Face. He carried a heavy cross, and was dragged mercilessly to a land called Golgotha. He was stripped of His clothes, stood naked in the sight of many people. He was laid to be crucified on the cross. All men neglected me and cruelly criticized me. I finally hung three hours on the cross and died. My children, even if others will reject me, will you also neglect me?


I want you to show me more love. Wake up and help wake up the rest of the chosen. Let all men pray and watch always, so that their faith will not fail. I am the One who loves you most, the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

My Son, why are you delaying the project I gave you? What have you done on that?

Why can’t you carry out the project before the hour?

Listen, I will be more pleased if you can finish this project before the month of July and

distribute it as follows:

The first crucifix to be made will be sent along with the messages and the chaplet to my

beloved Pope John Paul II. He will bless it and propagate it before the hour.

Then, the second group of crosses will be sent to all the Bishops of this country of yours

with the messages and the chaplet.

All my Apostles will then have their own. Finally, you will spread it all over the world. This

cross will renew the knowledge of my suffering in the hearts of all men. Carry out this order as I gave it to you. I will bless all who offer their time, strength, and money for this call. I will hear their appeal.

Children, I will call you for another Reparation Programme at the end of this project, and

bless the crucifix for you through my Priest.

You are my chosen; I want you to show me more love.

I bless you all.



DATE: 5TH FEB. 1997

TIME: 10.30 PM



During our final novena prayers with Mass, Our Lord appeared to me with His Crown of

Thorns. He showed me His Five Wounds and said:

“My children, honour these Wounds. Adore the Precious Blood, which comes out from

them. Have mercy on me, in my Agony

My children listen. I say, listen. Some of you displease the Holy Trinity when you are

praying. You invite the Holy Trinity and turn away your spirit from the Holy God, leaving only the clay for the Living God. My children, turn away from this attitude. Show respect to the One above all creation, the Creator Himself.

My children, you displease me much in this attitude. Pray only when you are willing

to pray. Never I say, never pray when you are not willing to pray. Rather, you make

me sad. The Father will not answer your prayer if you displease Him with absent-

mindedness. My children, I need your prayers always, so, respect me. My son, tell my children to ask for anything for seven minutes, I will answer.


Tell them to ask any question for three minutes. I will answer them.


I say, you must ask reasonable questions.

(A long silence)

At this point I was allowed to come back to myself and later I went back into trance.

“My son, listen, I need your sacrifice. Through it I will work out salvation. I heard your

prayers. I will work for salvation. But I say to you, you will share with me in my sufferings.

The higher the suffering, the easier the journey becomes. The more you pray, the wider this devotion spreads. Therefore I say to you, you will be patient.

In this end of age, my Father poured the Holy Spirit on His people. There also, the

wicked spirit is being poured upon people by the Antichrist.

My son, listen: out of disobedience in this end of age the word Pentecostal was first formed by the spirit of the Antichrist. I say, run away from them.

Listen again; there is the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Catholic Church. All who

belong to this ROCK, who obey and are holy, have the Holy Spirit. Charism also belongs to this ROCK. With these: Obedience, humility, love and holiness, you possess the

fullness of the Holy Spirit.

My children, listen. Warn all the Charismatics who belong to this ROCK. Satan has

entered. Many have been possessed by the spirit of the Antichrist. I say, be careful.

My children, if your question is not answered, wait for me in your personal reparation prayer by 3.00 pm. On the 7 th of this month, I will answer you and give you a way out.

Be happy that the Father accepts your sacrifice. Do the Benediction immediately.”

During the Benediction, I was looking at our Priest raising the Blessed Host in the

monstrance. Our Lord appeared and said, “I bless you in the name of the Father, and of

the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Immediately He disappeared.



DATE: 11TH JAN. 2002





In our prayer during this hour, I had a vision of Our Lady who came with a Rose flower in

her hand. Her Immaculate Heart radiated Divine rays. She came closer and calmly said:

My children, tonight I come to teach you the mysteries of perfect silence, which comes from, true peace. I say to you all again peace from Heaven be with you.


Children, how many of you receive the peace which Heaven gives to you always?


Listen to this lesson and know whether you have the peace. This lesson will be called

“Perfect Silence of the True Peace.”


Children, what is the cause of the restlessness of the worldly man? What then do you think is the cause of fear in a worldly man? You will little understand these questions.

Listen, when man was created; he was put into the peace of God in the Garden of Eden.

Later, man fell from grace and from the peace of God and had himself detached from His Creator. Man lost confidence in God, his Creator and attached himself to the world. This attachment brought fear and restlessness in the world.

Children, anyone who attaches His life to the world will hardly have the true peace. The

person is a man of the world, and a slave of fear, as well as a restless man. Children, a man who is attached to his wealth hardly sleeps if he hears that the thieves are around, his spirit will never be at rest till he sees the safety of his wealth.

Listen again to see how people have less attachment to their God. The worldly man who

sails through the sea hardly relaxes till he lands safely. Think of the restlessness of his

spirit. Children, you can think of other fields of life where men have less confidence in their God. All these lead to restlessness of the soul due to man’s attachment to the world. Children, before I give you my lesson, may I take you with me to see the bondage of my children who are in the Pentecostal churches or devotions. These children of mine, the enemy has succeeded in putting these children of mine under the bondage of fear. See how they always search for demons everywhere. They see demons in all their

acts, in all their ways, and in all their businesses. They see every obstacle in their place

of work as demon, even the cross, which their God lovingly offered them, is regarded as the handwork of the evil spirit. This makes them slaves of fear. They use up their time in calling on evil spirits. They will connect any little sound at night with the force of the evil spirit. Their resting bed even frightens them because they imagine demons hiding behind it. Oh, what bondage my children are living in! How can they get peace and dwell in perfect silence? Children, there is no silence in their gathering.

Listen to my lesson: This Pentecostal world has come to drive the whole world into the

error of faithlessness. They have come to put the world into the bondage of fear.

They have come to put off the holy adoration to God and replace it with noisy

gatherings. My deepest sorrow is that the Holy Church of my Son is being enveloped

in these errors.

Children, you have Guardian Angels but you do not believe in their loving and caring

presence. I mean the Pentecostal churches. This makes them claim to see more of evil

spirits than their Guardian Angels who are sent to defend them. The Presence of your God, which is everywhere, cannot be recognized by them. The war, which the Heavenly Army fights day and night, is what they claim to be doing by shouting. The Evil One can only be chased out from one place to another. This is what the Heavenly Army is doing for you. Only in the Reign of Glory shall the evil spirits be chained for years, before their final destruction at the end of the world. The evil spirits are in the world as the air is in the world, so also the Angels of peace. The evil spirits have no power over the holy ones.

Learn these things and escape from the bondage of fear caused in the world by the

Pentecostals. I have told you that your victory comes from the power of humility and

the fire of purity.


Attached to the world is a restless man. Learn today that your God cares for you. He

sees your movements. His Angels are beside you. You are to know this and to talk to your Guardian Angels. No power of darkness is stronger than your Guardian Angel. He has power to rescue you from all troubles if only you will remain pure and friend of your God. Children, I say, relax; relax your souls. The relaxation of the spirit gives forth the

perfect silence of true peace. I do not mean that you will not pray. I mean you will pray in faith. The battle is not yours. You are not the defender of your lives. Take the simple prayer of the Church against evil spirits; it is enough. Say your normal prayers. Spend more time in adoration, you will find true peace.

Learn this final lesson: The silent soul sees true happiness in the Holy Cross while

the restless soul sees the cross as a curse.

May the power of humility overshadow you to learn these lessons. Remain in the peace

from Heaven.”

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 12.30 am




In my midnight prayer during this hour, Our Lady came to me in a vision holding red and white rose flowers. She calmly said: “My son, I come to express my joy towards your desert training. I saw you during your painful experience. I am glad that you passed the test. I can see the light of love and grace in you. I am happy.

My son, you have learnt that you conquer not by violence or by calling down fire in vain

hope, but by the Power of Humility and the Fire of Purity. In this great battle against my

adversary, you shall conquer through the Power of Humility and the Fire of Purity. Satan

has no power over one who clothes himself with these two armours. Your Heavenly Mother crushed the head of the demon through these virtues: humility and purity.

When the evil one tempted me against my virginity, I conquered not by violence, but by the Power of Humility and by the Fire of Purity. When the evil one tempted me with poverty, he showed me how I was cursed and rejected by God. I conquered not by violence, but the Power of Humility and by the Fire of Purity. At the loss of my dear ones, Joseph and my beloved Jesus, Satan tempted me to despair. I conquered not by human energy, or by violence, or by shouting, but by the Fire of Purity and by the Power of Humility. I am the Woman who crushed the head of Satan.

In this great battle of yours, I call on you and give you this great armour to reveal the

weakness of my adversaries and how to conquer them. Even my Son Jesus, in His

temptation, did not to act in violence. Rather, He conquered through the Power of Humility and the Fire of Purity.

Never will a proud person conquer Satan with his pride. A proud man is a slave of Satan. A slave is not free. A slave of sin is the one possessed by a demon. He cannot conquer his master. My warriors will set themselves free from the slavery of sin and from the bondage of pride. And have themselves clothed with the Power of Humility and the Fire of Purity. In this way you shall crush the head of Satan as well.

Do not join the noisy world in howling against evil spirits. Take the simple prayers of

the Church against evil spirits as my Son has ordered you. Spend more time in adoring

and consoling my Son who is in agony.

The battle is not yours but His. Know and believe that a drop of His Precious Blood has

power over the host of demons. Through my joy, I will obtain grace for you, by sending

some great Saints of Heaven to teach you at their feast days. Learn my lessons to you that you will conquer not by violence or by shouting, but by the Power of Humility and the Fire of Purity.

I am the Woman who crushed the head of Satan. You make me happy. My peace remains with you.”

Immediately the vision passed.



DATE: 24TH JUNE, 2002

TIME: 11:30 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lord hanging alive on the cross,

bleeding. This vision remained for some time, but no word was said. In the end, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Michael the Archangel. As I was watching, St. Anthony said:

“Rejoice, my friend, for you have a Mother who cares for you. She is the Woman who

crushed the head of Satan. She conquered the world and the Ancient Serpent by her

humility and purity.

Friend of the Living God, humility and purity are the two secrets of her victory. O, her

humility, which made her forgive easily. True Forgiveness terrorizes the kingdom of

darkness. O, her humility, which made her lower herself down and live the simplest life.

Holy Simplicity torments the Beast. O, her humility, which made her to become a cross-

bearer. On the cross is victory. O, her humility which made her to be modest and prudent; with modesty and prudence Satan is put to shame. O, what of her purity, which radiates fire that torments Satan? O, her purity, which made her to be kind; kindness gives out the fire of purity. O her purity, which made her to be good; goodness gives out the fire of purity. O, her purity, which made her to be chaste; chastity gives out the fire of purity. O, her purity, which made her to love much; love, gives out the fire of purity.

Little friend of God, learn from her. Imitate her purity and humility. No weapon is greater than these two: humility and purity. She conquered with them; you too will conquer with them. We are giving you these teachings which I call the Theology of True Freedom, because you are living in the days of woe. Darkness has filled the world. Faith is dying out in the land of the earth. False teachings and false miracles are deceiving the children of God. You are in the days of apostasy.

Look at Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ and ours. Imitate her! She is the Light of the world in these days of darkness. She is the hope of True Freedom. I am Anthony of Padua. The little that is given you is how Our Queen wants it. Prepare for the month of July, much will be given to you”.

At this word, St. Michael said, “Thank you, my friend.”

They waved and disappeared in the cloud.



DATE: 25TH JULY 1998

TIME: 8.15 AM



In our novena prayer in the month of July, I saw in a vision, the Lamb standing in the midst

of a large number of people in the cloud. On the body of the Lamb was a label written “By THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, WE ARE SAVED”. I saw also that they were wounded, weak and tired. But surprisingly, they that were wounded were all rejoicing and dancing in front of the Spotless Lamb. As I was looking, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus Christ in His agony. He looked at me steadily and asked: “Barnabas, do you know these people and where they come from?” I replied, “Lord, I don’t know; in your mercy and kindness, tell me”.

Then Our Lord said:

“Run for your live to inherit the greatest joyful kingdom, that is awaiting all who suffer and die with me. Never let your weak faith and flesh make you deny your God. These people are all my people who had gone through this wicked and sinful world. They did not betray or deny the Son of God. They were not ashamed of me and my gospel in this ungodly world. They were mocked and disgraced in public only because they were my followers. But they did not give up. Men told all kinds of lies against their names. They bore it for my sake. Some were killed through terrible persecution and torture. Before they died, they forgave and blessed their persecutors. Through my own Blood I purified them from all their iniquities and saved them. They will rejoice and reign with me forever.

My children, hold firm to your faith. The terrible hour of massacre and persecution is

coming. Who will survive it? Only those who are willing to give up their lives for me

will survive. Anyone who wants to save his own life during that time will lose it. But

anyone who gives up his life for me will gain it. Anyone who is killed while holding

to his faith will not be lost. I will purify him with my Precious Blood and save him

from eternal damnation.

My children, stand firm on the truth you know. The hour will come soon. When the hour

comes, don’t run about, but be on your guard. Don’t fear the death of the flesh, for I will give you everlasting life. Children, I tell you this now, for very soon, the hour will come, so that your heart will not be troubled.

My children, pray only that the hour will be shortened. Remain faithful in your work of

salvation. Continue doing the good things you used to do. Never reduce your effort

towards your work of holiness, rather increase it; these things will help your faith.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is calling you so that you all will not spiritually die.

When you rise again, you must strengthen your brothers. The day that is coming, which will suddenly come like a thief, is fast approaching and will catch up with my people when they are not ready.

My children, spread this message so that my people will be ready to welcome the great

hour. I bless you all”.

Immediately the vision passed.



DATE: 29TH JULY, 2000

TIME: 7.30 PM



In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Holy Sanctuary of God in Heaven. The Blessed Sacrament was exposed there which radiated bright rays and there was the sound of thunder and lightning. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

“I bless those who knelt day and night in prayer to ask God for the renewal of the face of the earth. They shall obtain mercy from me. I bless those who accepted my appeal to men, and offered them to their neighbours; I will hear their own appeal.

I bless those who suffer persecution because of my appeals for the Divine Will; I will console them and reward them greatly. I bless those who offered their wealth, time and energy in propagating my Will to men, I will reward them a hundred fold. I will see to it that their soul will not be lost.

I bless those who are mostly neglected and abandoned in the world because of me and my gospel, I will lift them up. Soon, they shall join the Thrones and Powers of Heaven in my Kingdom.

My Apostles, I am happy with your effort towards the spreading of my messages. I have seen your earthly loss and suffering. I am happy, but I am not satisfied. You owe the world much. This is one of the greatest devotions I have given the world.

Look and see whether there is anywhere else I am closer than I am here. My begging voice is offered to you. My appeal is made known to you. My mysterious prayers were taught to you. The greatest gift is offered to you. Nowhere in the world will you get a gift more precious than what I have offered to you. I told you; “This is for you and for all men, make my will known to the whole world”. But you kept all to yourselves. I say: you owe much to the whole world. See how you appreciate the little ones that came from other parts of the world, but the great ones you have are kept sealed within you.

Children, you owe much to the whole world. I have done much to give you the addresses of my apostles in different parts of the world. You do me great wrong by keeping it sealed with you. You did not make a move because there was no communication. I have forgiven you because your will is your will. No one can deprive you of it.

Even now, there is no reference book with clear editing, which contains all my messages. I am not satisfied. You cannot edit my messages well and give to the world the pure form of my voice. Rather, you succeeded in adding more errors, because you did not know the preciousness of my word. Children, I will not be satisfied until I see a complete compilation of all my messages starting from 1st January, 1997, to the present, without any errors. You shall give to the world all that I have given you. The extraction of parts of the messages needs to be the second stage; but you have taken it to be the first. The Programme for the Reparation can be changed to satisfy my thirst, if you remain adamant.

Children, you owe the whole world a great deal for keeping my messages sealed within you. These words you kept sealed are a training voice. My warriors all over the world are longing to hear my voice. My children all over the world are thirsty. They are thirsty for my words. I appeal to you, my children, to open the tap of my words, the Living Water for all men to drink. Yet, I am happy with your little effort. My blessings remain with you.

I call on all my priests who welcome this devotion to join you in the coming reparation. I am welcoming them all. May all who cannot join fully, participate well in the programme of the 14th and 15th, more especially that of 15th September. I will empower them with a special blessing. They will receive a special power from me to bless my Agonizing Cross, though all priests have the right to bless it.

During the hour of consecration, my clergy and the first apostles will have their consecration first, followed by others; lastly my Priest, the Bearer of my Agony, whom I will use to consecrate the world. The period is one of the greatest moments of the days. Pray that you will be there. Nowhere in the whole world will I lavish such a blessing as I am bestowing on you and will pour on you. Many eyes will remain blind till this great favour has passed. They will continue waiting for mercy, when my mercy is overflowing. I am calling my flock to hear the voice of the Chief Shepherd. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Whom you are crucifying.

I love you all. I bless you all”.

Immediately, the vision passed.



DATE: 30TH JULY, 2000

TIME: 7.30 PM



Today being the eve of the last day of the novena in the month of July, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ bleeding on the cross. Divine rays shone from His Sacred Heart. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place and in the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

My children, accept from me the happiness that lasts forever. I am offering you true happiness. True happiness is the Sweet Cross of Love. All who find it find life, and whoever misses it misses the sweetness of life. There is false happiness and true happiness. False happiness derives its joy from the world. This happiness is temporary. Its bitterness is great. But true happiness derives its joy from goodness; this goodness is the sweet cross. It remains forever.

There is false happiness in pride. In humility, there is true happiness. There is false happiness in pleasure of the flesh. In the mortification of the flesh is true happiness. There is false happiness in vainglory. But there is true happiness in the false accusation against your name. There is true happiness in forgiveness. In hatred, there is false happiness. There is true happiness in truth, in lie, there is a false happiness.

Children, run away from those things that give you temporary happiness and end up in everlasting regret. Embrace my sweet cross which I am offering you. In this cross is the true happiness that lasts forever. This is why I am leading you through the desert way to the land of happiness. Many will criticize you so as to purify you. You shall be abandoned so as to be welcomed. You shall be sorrowful so as to be consoled. You shall be sad so as to receive true happiness. The happiness I am giving to you no one will take it from you. This is the true happiness, the sweet cross I am offering to my lovers.

Then I said:

“Lord we need your true happiness, give it to us always, we are presenting to you this cross made by the first artist.”


Our Lord answered. Bring the rest tomorrow. I will choose the first selected one. I will choose the rest also for my work. I am happy in all your effort. Barnabas, your Parish Priest will be informed in time. The Programme of 15th September will be made known to him. I welcome him as well.

Children, pray that you will come and enjoy this great favour. The enemy is not happy. I want you to pray. All who fail to pray will find it hard to join. Children, pray also for those who cannot pray. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calls you to happiness. I love you all. I bless you all”.

Immediately, the vision passed.



DATE: 31ST JULY, 2000

TIME: 7.30 PM



Today being the last day of the novena in the month of July 2000, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ that emanated from the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar. He calmly said:

“My children, I have opened for you a gate which no one can close. This is the gate of blessing and mercy; the blessing and mercy which cannot cease flowing. Be certain that you do not turn away from it.

I am blessing my children all over the world who have gathered under the protection of my Precious Blood. Today, I renew their Seal and build in their souls the Living Sanctuary of my love. I have given them the Seal with my Blood of Redemption. This is the Seal of the Second Passover. Be certain that you do not lose this Great Seal of Salvation.

I am pouring on all my children who did the novenas of this great month the fullness of my Spirit. May your faith increase to overcome the Evil One. I promise to be with you during the Hour of Great Tribulation. I will fill you with courage and determination during your hour of trials and persecution. If in the end, you are among the chosen martyrs, I will obtain for you the Grace of Holy Death. I will be near to welcome your soul in my Kingdom. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ whom you are consoling.

I have opened for you a gate, which no one can close. I have opened a gate to let my devotion flow. Indeed, it is flowing and no one can stop it from flowing. This is the fruit of your mortification and prayers. I am establishing the Reign of my Precious Blood in the hearts of my people. Many souls are coming back to me. You are healing my wounds. I am being consoled.

Children, I am establishing in the hearts of my Church the Reign of my Precious Blood. This devotion you are afraid of has been accepted in different parts of the world though you are delaying the spread of it. Very soon, you will see with your own eyes its growth, how those who rejected you will embrace it. I will make all hearts thirst for my will, which I am giving to you. People will come from different parts of the world to hear my appeal. I will heal their wounded hearts and set them free.

Children, rejoice for I have opened for you a gate, which no one can close. I bless all my people all over the world who gathered under the protection of my Precious Blood, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. You all shall be protected.”

Then, I presented the crosses to Our Lord, He calmly said: “I bless the artists, their handworks, and their helpers, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

I appreciate your handwork. The wood of the second cross of the second artist will be changed to have the writing in the pattern I have shown to you. The image will remain untouched; though the Blood of the hands and feet will stain the wood. So, I have chosen it to be sent to my Pope. Children, I appreciate the wounds of my scourging in the work of the first artist more than the others. The rest of the crosses will show the horrible wounds of my scourging and the bleeding like that of the first artist. I want the wounds to be moulded well.

On the day when an artist will achieve the correct pattern for the horrible wounds of my scouring, I will be consoled. I choose the cross of the first artist to be mounted on Mount Carmel, Olo. The first cross of the second artist will be made a bleeding cross. The rays of the Sacred Heart should be made brighter. I have chosen it to be fixed at the point where you first heard my voice. Barnabas, you shall build an Altar of Reparation at that point. In the end, my Priest should consecrate it to me.

Children, be certain that you do not modify this cross to an extent where you remove or minimize its features, the Wounds and the Bleeding.

I welcome you all into my peace as you come for the reparation. Have the messages edited and compiled. Make effort to have enough crosses. Pray that you all will come. Make all my apostles in all the dioceses of this country hear and come.

I will be consoled. I love you. I bless you all.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 7.30 PM



In our adoration prayer, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging and bleeding, on the cross. Within a short time cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Christ, Who calmly said:

MY children, I come to express a painful agony, which your mindlessness and lack of seriousness cause me. The horrible moment is fast approaching. The darkness is fast overshadowing the world. The Beast is already capturing the great cities of the world. All agents of the Beast are busy in their work to meet the hour. But my children slumber as their enemy gains ground.

Children, wake up and get everything ready before the reparation days come. Let the messages be compiled as I have told you. Do this so that you will not regret during the days of the evil man. Let my apostles help in editing my messages so that you will meet up with the time. I will hold back some of the warnings and admonitions I had intended to give you during the reparation so that you will use the hour to edit the messages; if you fail to respond to this appeal, I will do that so as to help you. Remember my children, that I have called you for reparation, not for editing the messages.

Children, pray and work hard so that you will not regret the lost days when you enter the hour. The greatest preparation you will make for the reparation is to get everything ready before the hour. The enemy will fight you to make you not to carry out my will but through your total submission to my will, I will give you victory.

Pray greatly that you all will come for the reparation. Satan has received permission to test all of you. The plan of the enemy is to hinder you from receiving the blessing from Heaven.

Even if the days fall in the hour of great confusion, you are called to come. Even if the days fall in the hour of forsaking, you are called to come. Even if it is in your sorrowful days, I call you all to come. Children, pray that you will come. Get everything ready before the days come. The hour is already at hand. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who called you all. My chosen hear me now. I love you all.

I bless you all”

Immediately the vision passed,




TIME: 2.00 PM



Today being the commencement of our five-day reparation prayer, I saw a vision of the Holy Sanctuary descending from the cloud. There was a flash of lightning and a sound of thunder. The sound shook the whole cloud. On the altar was the Blessed Sacrament, which radiated divine rays:

As I was looking, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Sorrowful Mother with her heart pierced with a sword and the Agonizing Son (Jesus Christ) with His heart surrounded with thorns. Both hearts brought forth divine rays. Our Lord calmly said:

“My warriors and my apostles, I welcome you all into my peace. I welcome you all into my ocean of grace. Come and draw the graces as much as you can. Fill yourselves with the graces. I say, fill your stomach and your whole being with the graces. This will not suffice. Have your bags and whatever you can carry and fill them with the graces. Only grace will lead you through the battlefield and bring you home safely”.

Our Lady of Sorrows looked pitifully at us and said:

“My children, you are God’s warriors of the end time.

Know now and gather the graces which my Son opens for you all, His warriors. The enemy of the Holy Cross is there at the gate of your camp. Children, they take time to store the blood of thieves and liars with the approval of men. Take time to store graces which Heaven opens for you now”.

Our Lord continued:

“My warriors, see what the brutal men of the enemy sacrificed to get their evil power, I mean the brutal men who are at work in your nation. If your sacrifice is not up to one-third of theirs, you will not withstand the hour. Soon, you will understand what I mean in fullness”.

Our lady said:

“My children, be at alert. Be watchful always. An extra offering you make after your strength has gone attracts double grace. The brutal men of the enemy offer their god, Lucifer, extra mortification in order to possess the so-called power.

Listen, my children, this state, Enugu, will be the last state to be captured by the brutal agents of the beast in this nation, Nigeria. But if on the other hand, they capture this state sooner than the others know that their action against my children will be worse and that they have a long way to go”.

Our Lord concluded:

“My warriors, you are welcome to my Ocean of Grace. Never let anyone deprive you of the grace you are called to receive. The enemy has received permission to test all of you. I will allow him to do so, so that those who withstand the test will gain double grace. I am with you. My mother and the saints are here with you also. Remain in peace from Heaven. I bless you all”.

Immediately, the whole vision passed.







During our reparation prayer, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the cross, bleeding. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“My children, I feel greater pain than ever when I look at you, my lovers, the Israelites of the New Age, answering my call of love with coldness, mindlessness and neglect. I receive from you the same measure of disappointment I received from the Israelites of old. Children, you are the greatest agony I am suffering.

When will you come to know the truth and run for your lives? See how I am near you making my will known to you. See how I opened the gate of blessing to flow upon you. I have given to you what the whole world was longing to have. Yet, only very few of you understand. The few who understand hardly move, the very few who move follow their own will. Who, then, will I send?

Listen, my children, I have told you this before, I am repeating it with tears, that you owe the whole world a great deal. Your delay kept my Holy Pope in long torture and agony. What a big regret if he passes the hour without receiving the Agonizing cross of his consolation and my gift of love. Children, he is eagerly awaiting the gift of my promise which you are delaying. My apostles, all over the world, people are thirsty for my words which you have kept sealed to yourselves”.

Children, see how merciless you are. You want to hear my anguished cry always, but you pay less attention to consoling me. Be it known to you, my children that the Eternal Father will judge you with all these anguished lamentations you hear from His Agonizing Son. Pray to hear fewer anguished lamentations so as to have less judgment. Children, you shall do this through your own way of life. Hear my appeals and obey them. Then, make my will known to the whole world. I will be consoled. The pains of my agony will be lessened.

Children, my joy is not complete due to the messages that I have given not being well compiled with clear editing. I intended to take back the Programme of 15th September, but my Mother pleaded with me with tears. I then changed it so that you will feel with me the agony of your disappointment. That was why I allowed the land of Mount Carmel to be tampered with. The land is yours but you must claim it with prayers in a spiritual warfare. You will offer your prayers tomorrow in atonement for your sins of neglect towards my project. If your prayers and mortification of tomorrow please me, I will draw up the Programme of 15th September tomorrow.

Today, I have commissioned my son, Lawrence–Maria Ezeuko, to help my Priest, the Bearer of my Agony, in the editing of the messages. In the past, I punished a whole community for the sins of a person but in the time to come, which starts from now, I will hold you responsible alone for your sins.

Children, pray and sacrifice much so as to meet the hour. The precious minutes not well utilized are much. If you fail to pray much and sacrifice much, you will regret the lost precious minutes. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ whom you have adamantly kept in great agony.

Children, I draw great consolation from the Altar of Reparation. I looked at the face of my sorrowful Mother smiling over the beautiful flowers you used. She admired them with love. She touched them with joy. Her joy poured some water of consolation on my thirsty soul. Many of my wounds were healed. I bless you all”.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 2.00 PM



During our prayers of adoration, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face, which emanated from the Blessed Sacrament, which was exposed on the altar. He kept silent for some time and finally said:

My children, I have told you this before, I am now repeating it as a final warning. I say to you, great is the battle which I am leading you into. I have called you before to come and join my warriors; now, I am choosing my warriors among you and among my faithful lovers around the world. Children, the number I found as soldiers is very few, even among you, my apostles, whom I called. Where, then, will I go to look for my warriors? I say to you, great is the battle to which I am leading my warriors.

I am leading my warriors to fight the Red Dragon, the Beast and his agents. I am leading my warriors to fight against the cosmic powers of this Dark Age so as to give light to the world. I am leading my warriors to fight the rulers and powers of darkness in these ungodly days of yours.

“I am leading my warriors to fight the Communists and their agents in my Holy Church. Children, I am leading my warriors to fight against the Modernist powers and their heresies. I am leading them to the war-front to give them victory. I am leading them to usher in the New Era of Peace. I firmly promise to give them victory”.

My warriors will have one sign through which they will conquer. The sign is the Cross of Perfection, which I have given to you. Through this sign, I say, you will conquer.

Children, how many will be chosen as my warriors? I have seen that my warriors will be very few. I have a mysterious favour and Sanctifying Grace for the selected warriors all over the world. Through it, I will empower all my warriors. This is one of the great favours I have for my warriors. But not all will receive this grace. Listen, the Divine Presence will pass over my warriors through the Blessed Sacrament which will be exposed on the altar by 3.00 am tomorrow morning, 3.00 pm the same day, and 3.00 am the next morning. During this hour, you are to prostrate on the ground for 10 minutes.

Listen to the order in order to obtain the graces. Starting from 3.00 am; there will be no one to moderate the Programme till the whole hours have passed. All should study the Programme now and know what to do during each hour. No one should wake anyone up to observe this watch. During the hour, anyone who rises up before the time (10 minutes) or sleeps during the hours will gain no grace. You should not discuss anything apart from the Will of God.

Children, after you have read the message once, you will not read it again till the hours have passed. The Heavenly Sanctuary will be opened during this hour and will let the Sanctifying Grace of love flow to my warriors. Then, their eyes will open to understand the time. This favour is for my warriors all over the world. Follow my order so as to be chosen. Children, I am choosing my warriors for the great battle.

I love you all; so, I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed.







During our reparation prayers, I saw in a vision, a Mighty Temple that was descending from the cloud. It was surrounded by numerous angels, too many to be counted. I heard them saying: “Blessed is the Land upon which this Temple will rest. And blessed are those who will be called to worship in it”. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“My children, rejoice because you have a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. I am offering you a new gift of love. Many nations have expected this precious gift of love, and found it not. But I am giving it to you who did not expect it. Happy are all whose eyes will open to see this hidden favour which I am lavishing on you, my poor children.

My children, I hid my divine power and miracle from my lovers so as to pour them on those who acknowledge my Presence. I am near you more than you know. I am performing great miracles which are hidden from the blind eyes of the carnal man. Only very few understand. My children, many will expect to see these days again and find them not. I am revealing my plan in a common and simple way, so that the wise man will be confused. My way is childish in the eyes of the wise. In a childlike manner, I will pour on my people the necessary graces so that the wise men will neglect them and my humble and neglected children will gather them and fill their bags for the days the need will arise.

Children, I want you to know that this gathering is greater than any gathering or conference ever had in the past century. No other conference in the world will be greater than this before the hour comes. My children this call is a great call. Many eyes will remain blind till the hour of this favour passes. Then, you will wake up to look for these past days, which you will not find. I am calling you all to gather the graces.

Children, the Land of Mount Carmel has been given to you. You are to claim it. As I gave the Israelites of old the Land of Canaan, so I give you the land of Mt. Carmel, Olo. As they claimed it with physical warfare, so you will claim the Land of Mount Carmel, Olo, with spiritual warfare. I promised to destroy many nations because of the old Israelites, so I promise you the same. As I kept my promise to them, in the same way, I will keep my promise to you. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Children, have the land at all cost. That is not all; I am giving you the whole sloppy land East of St. Joseph’s Parish, Olo, up to the first small flowing stream, Iyiefi, which is usually dry in the dry season. Go and claim it at all cost. I have a Hidden Treasure in the Land upon which this Holy Temple will descend. There you shall find the Rock of my Agony, which I am going to bless for you.

On this Rock shall the Image of my Agony in the Garden rest. It will be a precious stone. People will come from different nations to visit the Land. But if, on the other hand, you cannot claim the Land, I will rise in the mean time to do my work, which is hidden for me alone. Children, to help you possess the land, that is, the camp about which I had spoken to you earlier, I am still sending you to Olo on the 15th of this month.

Your programme is this: You shall move as I had told you by 9am with the group prayers. You will stop them at the boundary of the town, near the river, Kalawa. From there, the groups will move as I had told you. But you shall not carry anything. You shall move with your prayers to the Parish Chapel of the town, Olo. There represents the Land of Horeb, where you shall make the dedication to me.

The arrival at the Chapel will be followed by hymns of adoration and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Then, your prayers of Consolation, Adoration and Reparation will follow. Then the Votive Mass of the Precious Blood and the Consecration will follow. Children, remember to read the message referring to the seven followers of mine before the Consecration. After Mass, you shall return with your hymns of consolation. Children, only those who have participated in this reparation, I mean, my apostles only, will have the consecration done. When you have fulfilled this programme, I will open your eyes and your hearts, you will be filled with joy. Then you will come to know my plan for you.

Happy are those who are called to this great privilege. They are blessed. Barnabas, I will show you the Temple tonight. I will lead you inside the Temple so that you may study it. I will tell you the name of the Temple. My plan moves in a childish manner in the eyes of the carnal man. My children who have spiritual eyes will understand and gather much grace. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you. I bless you all”.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 3 .00 AM



During this hour, I saw the Sanctuary of God in Heaven open. A blazing fire emanated from the Holy Tabernacle which passed seven times over the people I saw lying prostrate in the Holy Sanctuary.

In the end, the vision passed.




TIME: 2 .00 PM



During our reparation prayer, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the cross. Within a short time cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“Let all my warriors draw power from a life of meditation. In this are stored the hidden powers. Children, there is a hidden treasure of graces in the life of meditation. Only very few of you have found this treasure of graces in the past years. They gain much from it in this world of commotion of yours.

I am calling on all my warriors to draw power from this treasure of meditation. Learn to visit a desert or a lonely place where you will have your mind at rest. Meditate on the greatness of your God. Meditate on the power of His creation. Meditate on His love and mercy towards humanity. Children, you are called to meditate on the mystical sending of the Son of God to redeem the world. You are to meditate on the humility of the Son, His agony, suffering and death. You are called to meditate on His resurrection Power.

Children, during your meditation, your hope will be rested on my Glorious Return, which I promised. It pains me much that my children hardly contemplate well in their meditation. I have a great teaching for my people on the vocal and the inner voices. I speak always in the hearts of my people, but only very few hear my voice. Children, I hardly get those who can keep me in their hearts for three hours. But, on the other hand, the children of darkness keep their gods in their hearts year after year. Children, there is a hidden power in meditation. Look and you will find it.

Children, the grace which you draw from the treasure of meditation can be retained through your silent life. Have your heart filled with the living words of true hope. Listen, my children, a heart that receives double swords of perfection keeps me inside his temple. In that soul, I find rest. The double swords are meditation and silence. When such a person hears false accusation against his name, he will adopt it in his heart and meditate over it in silence. Upon him I pour my power. Such a man is fit to be my warrior.

Children, I am calling my warriors to draw power from the treasure of meditation. May all my warriors retain their power through this life of silence. I am putting my words in you, which you must speak through the meditation of your soul. Children, I am preparing you to meet the evil warriors. Only very few understand my call to be my warriors.

Children, you are preparing to enter the Final Battle, which has reached its climax. What do you understand when I say final battle? Your understanding is very shallow towards this call. Children, the battle will be so great that a mighty warrior of mine will be killed. Not only that, many temples will be destroyed. The righteous ones will suffer greatly. There will be terror everywhere. During that hour, no one will be trusting. Light will seem to be darkness, and darkness will seem to be light. This is why I call on all my warriors to draw power from the treasure of meditation, and have in their souls, through this call for holiness, the Great Seal.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who appeals for a dwelling in your soul. I love you all. I bless you all”.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 3 .00 PM



During this hour, I saw again in a vision, the Sanctuary of God in the cloud opened. There was a flash of lightning and a sound of thunder. The dew of God’s Presence was falling. This was followed by a moving cloud, which passed seven times over those whom I saw lying prostrate in the Sanctuary. There number was too many to be counted.

In the end, the vision passed.







During this hour of our reparation programme, I saw a vision of the Holy Temple of God descending from the cloud. Instantly, I was lifted up in the spirit. There, I saw my very self on guard with an Angel of the Lord at the entrance to the Holy Temple. I noticed that the Temple has one major entrance and two other smaller entrances by the sides. The doors of the temple were kept shut. In the front of the Temple, where we were standing, there was a circular garden with Twelve Pillars at equal intervals. In the middle of the garden, was the image of Judas Iscariot kissing Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. This was what I saw at the front side of the Temple.

The Angel offered me a key as he said: “Son of man, have this key; open the Temple”.

I received the key from him and opened the temple. Instantly, I saw a dazzling light of God’s Presence illuminating the Holy Sanctuary. And the whole Temple was filled with a cloud of smoke. This sight was so terrifying that I fell down at the entrance of the holy temple. When I woke up, everywhere was clear.

The Angel led me to the Holy Sanctuary; there was no separation between the altar and the Tabernacle of God. The Tabernacle resembled the Covenant Box of the Israelites of old. On the altar was the Blessed Sacrament which was exposed for perpetual worship. On the left side of the Sanctuary was the Image of the Agonizing Jesus Christ kneeling on a rock in an agonizing mood. This resembles Our Lord’s Agony in the Garden. To the right side of the Holy Sanctuary was a very huge Agonizing Cross and Our Lady’s image kneeling sorrowfully at the foot of the cross.

Then, the Angel led me again to view the rest of the inside of the Holy Temple. I noticed that the rest of the inside was divided into twelve parts like the gardens, starting from the garden of Simon to the garden of Matthias. Each garden was surrounded with flowers of different types. The three entrances were well maintained. This made the temple to be in four portions.

In summary, the inner view of the temple resembled a garden of flowers. The view of the Temple was so terrifying that all my attention was directed to the dazzling light of our God’s Presence on the altar.

In the end, the Angel led me out. During this time, I was moved to ask him his name. When I asked him, he replied softly with a smiling face. “I am Archangel Uriel. Son of man, blessed are those who are called to worship in this Holy Garden of Love. This is a Heavenly Garden of Prayer lovingly offered to humanity. So, I leave you”.

He touched my head and vanished instantly.

I was alone when cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“My children, receive from me this Heavenly Garden of Prayer. It is a Garden of Renewal. I name this Temple, the New Garden of Gethsemane. At this point, I am sowing the seed of the Triumph and Renewal of my Church, and my Glorious Reign on earth. From this Garden, the seed of holiness will spread and disperse all over the world for the renewal of the face of the earth. I am offering it to you; I am offering it to all my people.

Children, if you accept this precious gift from me, I will reveal the Garden well to you and show you all the hidden blessings. But if you reject it, I will draw back my gift and give it to those who will embrace it. The Agonizing Cross was first offered to my apostles in another part of the world but they rejected it. I withdrew it and offered it to you. After the blessing and the exaltation of the Holy Cross of tomorrow, your eyes will open to see the graces you received. So, I am offering you this Garden of Love and Renewal. This is your Camp; the Camp of my Warriors. As I appeal to you, so I appeal to my children all over the world. The work is for you and for my children all over the world. I have prepared them for the work, when you call, they will answer”.

Barnabas, be certain that not a single hymn in the hymns I am inspiring through my Priest gets missing from now. Group the hymns, as I have told you with the help of my first apostles of this devotion. The hymns are the New Psalter of the New Age. These hymns are more precious in my sight than the old Psalter of David in the Bible. The Psalter of David was referring to the old things and was based on the Old Law. But this New Psalter is referring to the coming of my Glorious Reign of Peace and based on the New Law of Forgiveness and Love. Barnabas, I will hold you responsible for the neglect of this work. In the same way, I will hold my Priest responsible for any duty neglected.

Children, pray that none of the graces, which Heaven has for you, passes you. Pray to receive all of them.

Children, do the Exaltation of the Holy cross well. If you receive the grace, which I will pour on you during these few days, I will come and share my work among you. You need grace to accept this duty. Pray that your eyes will see the programme of 14th and 15th of this month. Pray that you will enter the gate. Pray that you will conquer. Many live in the flesh. Many lose graces rather than obtaining more. Many did not follow; so they received less grace. Remember that the measure you give will be the measure you receive. Let not the work of Martha hinder you in receiving the full measure of grace reserved for these two days. Anyone who comes for the first time tomorrow will not join the rest of the programme.

Children, your obedience to my words obtains for you multiple graces. The ocean of my Divine Grace is over-flowing. Only very few of you dare to draw from it. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I bless all in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Peace be with you.”

Instantly, the vision passed.




TIME: 3 .00 AM



During this hour the Sanctuary of God in Heaven opened. Then I saw what looked like brimstone falling from there. At the same time, there was lightning and a sound of thunder. At this time, a cloud of smoke filled the whole temple. I saw an Angel of the Lord anointing some of the people who prostrated there in the Holy Sanctuary.

In the end, the vision passed. Agonizing Jesus appeared and calmly said:

“My children, see how weak many of you are. Many were dozing when my Angel carried out the work of anointing of my warriors. Some were not here in prostration when my dazzling Presence passed, at the dot of the hour. Some took as a simple thing this work of transformation and anointing of my warriors. Children, those people are not chosen.

Pray that you will receive all the graces stored for you in this Holy Call. I will give you as much as you requested, and keep sealed the graces you neglected.

So, I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 2 .00 PM



During this hour and on this day of our reparation programme, I saw a vision of the Glorious Reign in the cloud full of the Heavenly Angels. The Angels sang adoration and triumphant hymns to Our Glorious Jesus in the cloud. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud Our Lord Jesus appeared, carrying the Agonizing Cross and finally said:

“My children, today, a few hours ago, the Glorious Reign of Peace was born to the world. Happy are all who are called to celebrate this Great Feast, the Birthday of the Glorious Reign and my Kingdom on Earth. How lucky are you to see this day. What a great joy to hear that in this land of yours, you are the first to celebrate this Great Feast, the Birthday of my Glorious Reign.

Today, has brought to fulfillment all the prophecies of this time; that in the fullness of time, there shall come the Glorious Reign of Peace and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of my Mother. Today, your own eyes have seen the day. Happy are those whose eyes open to see this great privilege.

Children, look at my Agonizing Cross through which you shall conquer. Soon it will be a victorious cross.

Children, you are called to celebrate this Birthday year after year. When you enter the Era of Peace, the survivors will ask you: What does this Great Feast mean? You will answer them, it is a feast of the Birthday of this Era of Peace you are living through, when the Agonizing Jesus Christ conquered the power of iniquity, and led His people through the narrow and rough way of the sinful world into this Land of Peace.

Children, I call on all men to celebrate this Great Feast. You are to celebrate it with the Feast of Our Lady, the Mother of Sorrows. In the days to come, you will see with your own eyes the manifestation of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of my Sorrowful Mother, which you are celebrating today.

Children, it is this Birthday of my Glorious Reign that gives forth the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. As you are celebrating the birth of my Glorious Reign, you are as well celebrating the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of my Mother.

Children, I call on all men to celebrate this great feast. Gather the whole House of Israel to celebrate this Great Feast. I say, gather the whole world to celebrate this Great Feast. Children, this Great Feast remains forever. On this Great Feast, let my people consecrate themselves to my Precious Blood. They shall be those who have heard my Anguished Appeals and promised with sincere hearts to be my consolers all their lives.

Children, be certain that you follow the order I give you as you celebrate this Great Feast in the years to come.

I will remember any Priest who gathers my people to celebrate this Great Feast, when he meets the Red Dragon. I will remember anyone who will lead my people to celebrate this Great Feast whenever he calls on me. I will remember all who celebrate this Great Feast when they approach the Red Sea of their lives.

Children, I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who called you to celebrate the Birthday of my Glorious Reign.

At the hour of 11.00 pm today, I will share my work among you. Children, as the artists study my wounds they will have to come closer and closer to my will and I will be consoled.

Receive my blessings.” He pressed the cross upon us and prayed:

“May the joy of the Birthday of my Glorious Reign fill your hearts. I pour on you the fullness of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

My peace remains with you always”.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 11 .00 PM



During this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Face of Jesus Christ that emanated from the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar. He calmly said:

“My children, how I wish that my humble Pope, John Paul II, receives this Triumphant Cross and the well-edited messages of this Holy Devotion very soon before the hour passes. Children may he receive this Triumphant Cross which marks the Birthday of my Glorious Reign on Earth. May he enjoy with you the joy of the Birthday of my Glorious Reign and the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my Mother, and your Mother. I am appealing to all my Apostles to see that this work is done. I am leaving you to make your possible effort so that my joy will multiply through you. Children, do the little you can to send this cross to my humble Pope. I am near to bless you and your efforts. I am near to pour on you multiple graces, for your sanctification and holiness.

I am appealing to all my apostles and my warriors to see that my messages reach the ends of the world.

My apostles, I appeal to you to see that this devotion reaches my poor children in the local towns and states of your nation and of the nations of the world. I am preparing the hearts of my little children to welcome my appeal of true love, and of holiness.

My children, I appeal to you to meet the thirsty children of mine with the Living Water I offered to you. Encourage the despairing souls with all the words of hope heard from me. Gather for me my little consolers and make my will known to them. These little consolers of mine are eagerly waiting for you to come. They are looking to see you. Go and teach them my will. My apostles, I appeal to you to spread this devotion all over the world.

You shall have a common box and a general address for the worldwide evangelization and spreading of this devotion. This box shall be a focus for the rest of your branches. Today, I am handing the key of the information box to the Women Apostles of Enugu and their members to see that all the necessary information reach the designated place at the right time. I will hold them responsible for not communicating my messages well with the outside world. They shall work hand in hand with the rest of my apostles under the direction of my Priest, the Bearer of my Agony.

My children, I am appealing to you to send the cross and well compiled messages of mine to all the bishops of this nation of yours. Barnabas, I am sending you, with your brothers Josephat and Benjamin, to your bishop. I, not you, will explain this devotion to him. I am using you as an instrument.

I am sending you again, after you have met your bishop, with your priest and your two brothers Lawrence Ezeuko and Fidel Odum to my humble Bishop, Ayo-Maria Atoyebi. I will explain the devotion to him, through you. Children, inform him in time before you go. I will allow all that I call apostles to choose from the rest of the bishops. I am near to use you as my chosen instruments. I am calling my servants Fidel Odum and Patrick Oke, to see that this devotion reaches my bishops of your nation. See that all the bishops of your nation get these messages of mine before the hour passes.

Today, I am offering to all the little Religious Sisters, who have participated in this Holy Call, a little rose flower.” He brought out white and red roses and said: “Receive these from me and spread them all over the world. Be my apostles of renewal. I appeal to you, with deep love, to lead my poor children to Gethsemane.

Children, with the help of my apostles all over the world, I hand over the management of the projects of the Garden of Gethsemane and of the Land of Mount Carmel to my sons Josephat and Benjamin. When you have captured the Land, and are willing to carry out my project, I will show you in fullness the plans and the gift of Heaven to you.

Barnabas, be certain that you write out the inspirations of the Seal and send it as I have told you.

This joyful night, I have written the names of my Priests present in this Holy Chapel of Reparation in my Heart with my Precious Blood. I am filling them with my Spirit to fight the Communists and the heresies of this evil generation. I will empower them all the more tomorrow. I am offering them my Agonizing Cross, which they will take immediately after their Consecration tomorrow.

Through this sign, I will help them. Through this sign they will conquer, I will give them a special grace to bless this Triumphant Cross of the New Era.

Children, I am sending you all over the world. I appeal to you, make my will known to all men.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who called you.

I love you all. I bless you all.”

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 9.00 PM



Today being the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, I saw a vision of Our Lady wearing a brown mantle with blue veil around her neck. She approached me and then said:

“My children, I am a Sorrowful Mother because of you. I am in great sorrow because of you, my loving children, not because of the worldly children of mine. I am in great sorrow because of your unfaithfulness to my Son. Children, you are the apple of my eyes, you are the children of my Heart. In the same way, you are the cause of my great sorrow.

The woman of great Babylon is challenging me against your holiness. Children, the Mother of All Prostitutes is boasting of her advantage over your holiness. Why can’t you give up her iniquitous gifts and accept my Heavenly gifts?

Children, I appeal to you to imitate the heavenly beauty by accepting my gift of modesty so as to offer me a drop of consolation.

You are called to celebrate the Birthday of the Glorious Reign and the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Do good to accept the Heavenly appeal, so as to have fewer years before the Glorious Reign comes.

Children, you make me happy in this call of love. I draw consolation from your little offer of love. How you accepted my appeal of mortification pleases me much. What will I do for you? I answered, “Mother, bless the Crown of Thorns for us.”

Our Lady replied: “I will accept your prayer. I will plead with my Son to bless the Crowns for you by 12 midnight. He will come with His Apostles, so my Priest will join the Apostles and my Son in the blessing of the Crown of Thorns on the dot of 12 midnight then this message shall be read before the hour. My children will have it as my Special Gift of Love.

Children, may you stand at the sight of the Eternal Father always with this Crown of Thorns. We shall help poor souls through this.

Children, you have got the appeal of my Son to you; how he shared His work among you. I, the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, am near to motivate my humble apostles to work more than the appointed ones. I will do this so as to obtain many graces for them. I am using the most neglected ones as my instruments.

Children, as you have been appealed to, I in turn appeal to you to also appeal to my children all over the world to help carry out the project. You should never have any launching or public donation to raise money for this project. I say, only appeal. Let my children offer secretly; your Father who sees in secret will then reward you with full grace. I promise to be at the Heavenly Court of Grace, to see that your grace is fully given to you. You should never put in blood-stained money in this project.

My Son has nothing to do with the money of the thieves and killers. He wants you to carry out the project with the sweat of your work. Children, do this so as to be allowed to carry out this glorious project. If your hands were stained with blood, you would not have been called to do this great project. But smile your hands are pure and you are called, never stain them with blood so as to retain this call. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who called you.

I pray that your faith will not fail. Remain in peace from Heaven

So I leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 11 .00 AM



Today being the last day of our Reparation Pilgrimage, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the cross, bleeding. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus, who calmly said:

“My children, at this hour, I am commissioning you to evangelize my messages around the world. Go and make disciples of all nations.

Listen, I have many more apostles who are not here with you. I empower them with you to carry out my work. Welcome them with love when they come to you.

I have empowered my Priests that consecrated themselves to my Precious Blood. Henceforth, they shall be known as “the beloved Priests of my Heart - the beloved Priests of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus Christ.” I am calling on my Priests to consecrate themselves to my Precious Blood. I am gathering for myself beloved Priests of my Heart. They shall be many in number, but not too many. They shall look little and neglected, but I will make them brave and courageous. Through them, I will hasten the hour of my Glorious Reign, which has been born in the world. Today, I am opening the minds and eyes of the Priests of my Heart to see the true way to hasten my Reign, which is the way of true obedience, and adherence to the truth they know.

Children, I am happy with all your efforts in this great call of holiness. What then will I do for you again?” I answered, “Whatever you do will please us”.

Our Lord answered: “I grant you your wish. I will bless these flowers for you. All who touch them or kissed them will obtain the grace of true love. Share them among yourselves. Send them to the rest of my disciples for a temporary use. This will obtain true conversion to many for my children.

Listen to my last instruction: Do not restrict anyone from spreading my messages to the world. But no one is allowed to spread error. Give the pure form of my messages to the world; I will be satisfied. The enemy will make an effort to put misunderstanding among you in future, but my Mother will not allow him to succeed. I am with you all; my peace will remain with you always. I am with you always. My final blessing will be by 12 noon. So I bless you.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 12 .00 NOON



During this hour, I saw the Holy Sanctuary of God in Heaven opened. There, I saw a blazing fire burning on the altar. There stood the Son of the Most High God, Jesus Christ, and above Him was the Holy Spirit that shone forth His rays to the world. I heard a loud voice in the cloud, which shook the whole place at that time and said: “I bless you my children, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.

Immediately, I saw a large number of Angels and Saints departing from our midst as they sang a song of joy, thus: “my eyes have seen the Birth of the Glorious Reign. Hosanna in the Highest. Blessed are those called to enjoy the Birthday of the Glorious Reign on Earth”.

In the end, they waved their hands and vanished in the cloud, then, the whole thing passed.




TIME: 3.30 AM



It was exactly ten minutes to this hour when I felt a touch and heard a tiny voice, which called me, Barnabas; I woke up and entered the Chapel. Immediately, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive, bleeding. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“My son, darkness has overshadowed the world. Wake up and pray that my Father will give you light through the Holy Spirit. The powers of darkness are manifesting their power in full. They know that they have little time, so they work harder against your souls.

Son, the enemy operates through the dark world to fight against the light. Their effort is to put off the light of love in the hearts of my children. Truly, they are succeeding in their plans. Many, I say, a large number of my people are wandering in darkness. Their mind and spirit are directed by the powers of darkness. They hardly understand the hour. They hardly see; how then will they hear and understand the word of life?

Son, they listen and listen but cannot hear. They think and think but cannot understand. They look and look but cannot see. This is because darkness has overshadowed the world. That is why evil multiplies as the darkness grows darker.

Son, as the light of my people diminishes the world darkens all the more. The more the darkness increases, the more evil multiplies. Son, my agony increases. Pray and spread this devotion as I have told you. Through the power of my Precious Blood, I will throw light on the dark souls. This light will radiate to give light in the world. Though, as the day passes, my son, the darkness will grow to its darkest point. But through your response to my appeal, my light will manifest from that point and give birth to the new day, which has been won through you.


Then, I asked; “my Lord and my Saviour, I was told to ask why is it that you show me much of your agony, what then of Your Glorious Resurrection Power?”


After a while, the Agonizing Jesus Christ replied: “my son, what glory and joy will I derive from the LARGE NUMBER of my people who are getting lost every second and minute of the day? Son, the number is so large. They are going to HELL simply because they do not know me. They are my people whom I bought with my Blood. They are precious to me. What a big loss to lose a single soul; but see that I am making a big loss every second and minute of the day. Indeed, I am making a great loss.

Son, my Heart is in pain; I am in great agony. I am in great agony because of the lukewarmness of my people. Their faithlessness kept me in great agony for over a thousand years now. I am in great agony because of my HOLY CHURCH, against which the ENEMY is fighting greatly, while my people are in slumber. See, my Church trains and rolls out more worldly and carnal men than spiritual men. The number of Saints and Martyrs is decreasing at a fast rate while the number of sinners and MODERNISTS is increasing.

Son, I recall with tears the terrible illness of the TRADITION of my Church, which is fast being replaced with the Modernism of your days. I am in great agony because of the unceasing flow of blood, which spreads all over your LAND. I am in great agony because of the HOUR that is coming when all the idolaters, those who profane the days of obligation, the thieves and liars, the fornicators, and the scandal mongers will suffer the great wrath of the Eternal Father.

Son, my agony is greatest because of the mindlessness and neglect by my lovers (the chosen and the warriors) over my appeal of love. Their ingratitude to me pains me much. My glory is manifested in you through your response to my appeal of HOLINESS. I say when the world sees your light; they will glorify your Father in Heaven. This is the glorious joy I require from my people.

This glorious joy is manifested from the Royal Way of the CROSS. Son, in this Royal Way of the Cross is the TRUE HAPPINESS. Through the cross, I manifested my Resurrection Power. This is why I am leading you through the desert way to the New Land of Happiness.

My son, any joy that is manifested outside the cross of Perfection is not true joy. Any power that is manifested outside the Glorious Cross of Holiness is not from me. Happy are those who believe without seeing any MIRACLE. I will open their eyes to the greatest miracles. SON, NO MIRACLE IS GREATER THAN THIS: TO LEAD A WANDERING SOUL BACK TO HIS SAVIOUR AND GOD. So, I am performing it through this holy devotion. Look and you will see.

I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you to the TRUTH.

So, I bless you”.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 3:00 PM



In my devotional prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging and bleeding on the cross. Within a short time cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“My son, I kept silent after you met with your Bishop. I did so to let the waves and disturbance of your soul pass. Now, I can see the silence of your soul. There is calmness among my apostles. They look as if the hour of standstill has come but I say to you, the hour has not yet come. Wake up! Act quickly to teach my will before the hour comes. Do this all day. Do this all night. I say, do not relent until the enemy succeeds in wedging it. If in the end the enemy succeeds in wedging it, your hearts will be at rest because my joy will multiply in you. Then, you will know also that the manifestation of the Glorious Reign, which has been born in your midst, is at hand.

My son, you must obey your bishop as I have told you. Tell them (the apostles) all that the bishop has told you to do, and allow them to do their will, which will be justified by me alone. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd. My son, you are not told to stop or not to say your prayers; no one will tell you that. You are not told yet to stop preaching and teaching my will to men. But you are told to tell my apostles to stop printing these messages of mine. And you will obey.

I have told you, my children, that this is the critical moment of this devotion. Let all my warriors enter the field of evangelization to call all the lost sheep back to me. Train up more consolers and let them be consecrated to my Most Precious Blood. Work hard, work without rest because you do not know when it will all happen. I have many little doves, my poor consolers, and the loving flowers of my Heart around the world. Who will bring them together in one spirit? Who will offer them the living water of life? Who? I say, who will offer them the cup of my love? My warriors, go, I am sending you. Multiply the Gethsemane watch in every parish, in families and groups, and among partners. Teach them to observe the Hour of Seal.

Barnabas, let the inspiration I gave you in the desert be compiled with clear editing. Now that you have missed the first order, so, I will change my plan for it.

My children, do not owe the world anything. All who owe must pay back. Now, I will allow my warriors to have the cross of their consecration. Children do not be troubled over anything; I am near to help you all. Yield yourselves entirely to my Will: I will do my work which is mine alone.

I bless you and all my apostles, the apostles of the end time, all over the world, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Peace be with you.”

Immediately the vision passed.




TIME: 3:00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive, bleeding on the cross. He calmly said:

“My son, I am happy for the work of evangelization by my Apostles in these days of darkness. I can see the light shining in the darkness. The light is the truth you are proclaiming. Though the way of the truth is hidden, the lovers of the truth find it. But those of the world, I mean the children of darkness, know neither the truth nor see the light that is shining towards them. They continue to walk in darkness and persecute those who belong to the light.

I can see the suffering and persecution of my people. Their martyrdom drops the water of consolation on the dryness of my thirsty Heart that is so agonizing. Blessed are those who stand for the truth in these ungodly and wicked days. They shall see my light in the hour of darkness.


Barnabas, spend the last three days of this year in mortification of your spirit and flesh, I will bless the new year for you and my people with my grace; and advice you on how to carry my will to men.

I am calling on my children to live by grace. I am with you always. I bless you.”

Immediately the vision passed.


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