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Precious Blood Apostolate
Precious Blood Apostolate

Gethsemane Hour TV

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Finally, following the appeal of 20th July 1998 and many others, Our Lord Jesus Christ invites all to observe every Thursday night (11 pm) into Friday (3 am) as the Gethsemane Hour of Prayer, to pray and to watch. This is in line with His earnest appeals on the first Holy Thursday when He said to His Apostles: ''Simon are you asleep? Can't you stay awake and watch with me even for an hour?.... Keep watch, and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Mark 14: 37 - 38). The devotees observe this call every week for the sanctification of their souls, for their needs and the needs of the church and those of the world at large.


Apostolate Of the Most Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ(Latin Rites)USA
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